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Guys I Don't Expect To Return After This Year


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I'm just going to give you a list and a couple of reasons why these players won't return after this season. Here's the list:

Donald Brown -- Delone Carter has token his spot, and on the one play he goes in he screws up. He's in the last year of his contract, and don't expect the Colts to pay him.

Anthony Gonzalez -- Although Reggie Wayne is getting old, there is the NFL draft and free agency. Anthony has been injured the last couple of years, and right now he's only used as a depth player... i.e a backup that doesn't play.

Ernie Sims -- He's been injured and Kavell Conner has done a great job replacing him. We only signed him to a one year deal, and we won't resign him to back up.

Ryan Diem -- He's getting old, and just getting him to take a paycut was hard enough. He's useless and I expect Ijalana to take over at RG.

Jamaal Anderson -- Only signed him to a one year deal, and they to get Jerry Hughes to get some playing time. I expect to see him leave.

People think Gary Brackett and Melvin Bullit will leave. Gary Brackett signed a 5 year deal last year, so I expect him to ride that contract out and then retire or get released. Melvin Bullit is a competant starter, and we have much bigger issues than SS right now.


Edited by Andy246
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I'm just going to give you a list and a couple of reasons why these players won't return after this season. Here's the list:

Donald Brown -- Delone Carter has token his spot, and on the one play he goes in he screws up. He's in the last year of his contract, and don't expect the Colts to pay him.

Anthony Gonzalez -- Although Reggie Wayne is getting old, there is the NFL draft and free agency. Anthony has been injured the last couple of years, and right now he's only used as a depth player... i.e a backup that doesn't play.

Ernie Sims -- He's been injured and Kavell Conner has done a great job replacing him. We only signed him to a one year deal, and we won't resign him to back up.

Ryan Diem -- He's getting old, and just getting him to take a paycut was hard enough. He's useless and I expect Ijalana to take over at RG.

Jamaal Anderson -- Only signed him to a one year deal, and they to get Jerry Hughes to get some playing time. I expect to see him leave.

People think Gary Brackett and Melvin Bullit will leave. Gary Brackett signed a 5 year deal last year, so I expect him to ride that contract out and then retire or get released. Melvin Bullit is a competant starter, and we have much bigger issues than SS right now.


You get hung up on contract lengths. They are basically meaningless and really only an accounting mechanism. The only thing that truly matters is guaranteed money. I say that because Brackett is gone. Injured this year. Not making impact plays. Emergence of Angerer and he is old.

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I think we keep either Mathis or Hughes. I'm not going to begin to speculate which one because, despite what many people think, Hughes hasn't really been given a true chance to show what he can do. Plus this also depends on how much money Mathis demands. I like Mathis a lot and his run support has improved, but I wouldn't be terribly upset to let him go and pick up a more balanced DE, or move Foster permanently to DE. Hughes would definitely be a cheaper option but can he be as effective a pass rusher? Unfortunately, we may not find out unless either Mathis or Freeney get hurt or we get to a point where we're eliminated from the playoffs. Once we are mathematically eliminated, I would like to see some of the younger guys like Hughes, Rucker, Thomas, Johnson, Lefeged and Caldwell get a lot more playing time so we can see what we truly have in them. This will help us know where our biggest needs are come draft day.

If Reggie expects too much money I think he'll be gone. Yes he has been a great WR for us he's on the wrong side of 30 to expect a huge payday at WR.

I would like to see Bracket gone and I think he will be. I've never been a fan of his and at best he's a nickel LB, imo. I'd rather give the spot to a younger LB who is better at run support and can learn to be effective in coverage. I'd also like to see the tampa 2 gone.

Lacey is probably gone as well...yes he is good in run support but if he can't be better in coverage then he's not much good to us. As for Bullitt, I think we need to really see what we have in Rucker, Thomas, Johnson, Lefeged and Caldwell first. At the very least, Bullitt is good for depth as a backup but we do need a better starter.

Brown is all but gone.

I think Jamal Anderson will get re-signed but not as sure about Brayton. Foster could be gone if we re-sign both Anderson and Brayton and draft DT. If we don't re-sign Brayton then we could keep Foster for depth at DE.

Collins won't be back unless his contract is renegotiated but even then I'm not sure I see the point. Painter's future could rest on how he plays now that the reigns are seemingly his. However I wouldn't discount the fact that Manning, Wayne and others have solidly been behind him.

Gonzo....if he stays healthy all year and produces then it could save him, but I'd still be wary simply for the number of times he's been IR'd before this year. Remember, even Bob Sanders had one year where he was healthy but then went right back to IR the next year.

Edited by Jason
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I'm just going to give you a list and a couple of reasons why these players won't return after this season. Here's the list:

Jamaal Anderson -- Only signed him to a one year deal, and they to get Jerry Hughes to get some playing time. I expect to see him leave.

People think Gary Brackett and Melvin Bullit will leave. Gary Brackett signed a 5 year deal last year, so I expect him to ride that contract out and then retire or get released. Melvin Bullit is a competant starter, and we have much bigger issues than SS right now.


Whether Hughes gets more playing time and what he can prove have nothing to do with Jamaal Anderson. If Hughes steps up and can become a player then it would affect Mathis, not Anderson.

And like jskinnz said, contract length has nothing to do with whether a player comes back or not. They can still be released or traded. Even that aside, I am kind of expecting Brackett to announce retirement before the start of the next season. I don't think he is starter quality for any other team and if he were going to accept a backup role then he'd just stay here.

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Whether Hughes gets more playing time and what he can prove have nothing to do with Jamaal Anderson. If Hughes steps up and can become a player then it would affect Mathis, not Anderson.

Exactly they do different things. One is a pass rusher and the other is a run stopper.

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Exactly they do different things. One is a pass rusher and the other is a run stopper.

Yep...the only way Hughes could affect Anderson is if he put on weight becoming better in run support while losing nothing as a pass rusher which is....less than likely. lol

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I think will probably be gone:

Collins - an unfortunate waste of money.

Orlovsky - if Peyton is healthy, he won't be needed. If Peyton isn't healthy, someone will be drafted.

Brackett - love him, but getting up there in years, and I'd rather see Angerer start. If he wants to back-up for less money, terrific.

Bullitt - always impressed by his ability to hold the fort in Sander's absence, but I have a feeling he will be outplayed next August by someone cheaper.

Brown - The die seems to be caste, unless there is an injury. I suppose he could return as the #3 back if the price was low enough.

Foster - my guess is that Matthews proves his mettle this year, taking his spot - particularly if his foot slows him down at all. Alternatively they may draft to fill this spot.

Brayton - a lot older than Anderson. Maybe they draft to fill this spot, or Foster moves over, but I can't see them making him a priority.

Diem - I think he still has value, but I suspect that Saturday will stay another year because of PM. When the new tackles and Pollack assert themselves, Diem will just be an expensive backup.

I'm think will stay:

Gonzalez - fully expect him to to step up and prove himself, and be a key contributor for years to come.

Simms - wasn't he signed to be a backup in the first place? Why not do it again if he performs. He's pretty young too.

Anderson - same as Simms - and he's filling a role that Freeney, Mathis, and Hughes can't (and filling it well).

Hughes - making small strides. Maybe by next year he's that "third rusher' we wanted.

Wayne - Irsay as much as gave his word. If Peyton is healthy I think Wayne returns for the balance of PMs career.

Mathis - same as Wayne. Even if Hughes improves, they always wanted a third rusher in the first place.

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J. Anderson - just wont resign him back

G. Brackett - Old, Injured and Angerer playing lights out

T. Brayton - just wont resign him back

D. Brown - :cuss: Donald... ''enuff reason there''

K. Collins - going to the old folks home

R. Diem - old

P. Garcon - only way he comes back is a 1 year deal.. He drop too many passes

A. Gonzales - Bob Sanders of the offense

J. Lacey - he's a nickle corner but since we have no CB's he's starting and getting exposed

E. Sims - depends how he play after this injury

Edited by TeamAddaiOrGoDie
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Here is a name that hasn't come up that the Colts are going to have to make some kinda call on because he's a free agent.

Jeff Saturday.

Clearly Saturday is not the player he once was but he is the leader of our line and takes some of the heat off of Peyton by calling out blocking asignments for the line. By my counts we are one starter short on the o-line which opens the door for either Saturday or Diem to be brought back for another year while we groom a rookie to either be a center or guard for the future if we don't want to throw them in right away which is clearly an option as well. With that said we could do a lot worse than Jeff Saturday as our fifth o-lineman.

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Here is a name that hasn't come up that the Colts are going to have to make some kinda call on because he's a free agent.

Jeff Saturday.

Clearly Saturday is not the player he once was but he is the leader of our line and takes some of the heat off of Peyton by calling out blocking asignments for the line. By my counts we are one starter short on the o-line which opens the door for either Saturday or Diem to be brought back for another year while we groom a rookie to either be a center or guard for the future if we don't want to throw them in right away which is clearly an option as well. With that said we could do a lot worse than Jeff Saturday as our fifth o-lineman.

I was posting a similar thought a minute ago. I think that Saturday is going to want at least one more run with Peyton. It also looks like Pollack is finally establishing himself. In my mind that leaves Diem as the odd man out. I can't imagine them investing a roster spot in him as a back-up. That spot would be much better invested - as you said - in another prospect to step in when Saturday steps down.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but Saturday and Manning are so important to each other. I can't imagine them wanting "it" to end like this.

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J. Anderson - just wont resign him back

G. Brackett - Old, Injured and Angerer playing lights out

T. Brayton - just wont resign him back

D. Brown - :cuss: Donald... ''enuff reason there''

K. Collins - going to the old folks home

R. Diem - old

P. Garcon - only way he comes back is a 1 year deal.. He drop too many passes

A. Gonzales - Bob Sanders of the offense

J. Lacey - he's a nickle corner but since we have no CB's he's starting and getting exposed

E. Sims - depends how he play after this injury

I disagree with Garcon, Lacey, and what you said about Gonzalez, but I agree that Gonzalez himself is leaving...

Garcon is our starting WR right now, and with Gonzalez gone and Wayne gone in a couple of years, we can't afford to get rid of him. We're going to be short on WRs

Lacey is not that great, but he provides great depth. Like Garcon, we can't afford to cut Lacey because we'll be short on CBs

I agree that Gonzo is going to leave, but he isn't like Bob Sanders. When healthy Bob was fantastic, when healthy Gonzo was mediocre at best. Gonzo has also played in more games than Bob. Gonzo is healthy right now, but the Colts just aren't playing him.

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I disagree with Garcon, Lacey, and what you said about Gonzalez, but I agree that Gonzalez himself is leaving...

Garcon is our starting WR right now, and with Gonzalez gone and Wayne gone in a couple of years, we can't afford to get rid of him. We're going to be short on WRs

Lacey is not that great, but he provides great depth. Like Garcon, we can't afford to cut Lacey because we'll be short on CBs

I agree that Gonzo is going to leave, but he isn't like Bob Sanders. When healthy Bob was fantastic, when healthy Gonzo was mediocre at best. Gonzo has also played in more games than Bob. Gonzo is healthy right now, but the Colts just aren't playing him.

Andy go back and watch some of the things Gonzo did when healthy. He showed all the signs in the world of being the next great Colts WR to the point the Colts felt good about cutting Marvin Harrison largely because of his play. With that said after two years of knee injuries who knows what kinda toll that had on him and if he'll ever be that player again. I would like to the Colts give him some more snaps right now because before the injuries Gonzo was a play maker and with Collie struggling I think they should give Gonzo some of his snaps. If Gonzo struggles then you go back to Collie but right now we people who can be play makers and maybe Gonzo can be that guy because he's been that guy in the past. Like I said though it could very well be after two knee injuries he's not that player anymore.

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Andy go back and watch some of the things Gonzo did when healthy. He showed all the signs in the world of being the next great Colts WR to the point the Colts felt good about cutting Marvin Harrison largely because of his play. With that said after two years of knee injuries who knows what kinda toll that had on him and if he'll ever be that player again. I would like to the Colts give him some more snaps right now because before the injuries Gonzo was a play maker and with Collie struggling I think they should give Gonzo some of his snaps. If Gonzo struggles then you go back to Collie but right now we people who can be play makers and maybe Gonzo can be that guy because he's been that guy in the past. Like I said though it could very well be after two knee injuries he's not that player anymore.

Gonzo has been a healty scratch the last two games. That has to mean something - even playing behind Blair White.

2011 is his last year on the Colts roster.

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I thought u were saying u were done being a fan by next year.

Thats what I thought When I first seen this thread(before opening it)...I thought ANDY NNNNOOOOO!!!!

But Anywho.

Andy, Are you saying the colts will resign Mathias and Wayne, I have seen where some other fans think/suggest we only sign one or the other. If I would choose, I personally say give them both a manageable deal and see if the progress anymore, or possibly use them to help younger guys!...Whats your though on that subject?

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Ernie Sims is definitely gonna be back, wait till he starts playing and you will see why... that was a freak accident for sims or else he would be playing... Wheeler is not a consistent LB and Sims is the best coverage LB the colts have...

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Ernie Sims is definitely gonna be back, wait till he starts playing and you will see why... that was a freak accident for sims or else he would be playing... Wheeler is not a consistent LB and Sims is the best coverage LB the colts have...

That would be Gary Brackett, he's a better coverage LB than Sims. He is knows as one of the best coverage LBs in the league.

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yeah i was like what?... You topic title just seemed that way at first glance.

Thus the importance of the coma!

Guys, I don't expect to return next year. VS Guys I don't expect to return next year.

Frank Zappa said " the crux of the biscuit is the apostraphe" in the case it is the coma.

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I fully expect Simms and Anderson to be re-signed. Both are low-risk, high-reward type players. I don't recall Simms being particularly injury prone in the past.

Diem, I think, has a shot at coming back. My guess is that we'll use a mid-round draft pick on an OG next year (btw, Matt Kalil??? Not a chance). We keep Ryan on the cheap on the cheap until that player is ready.

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Thus the importance of the coma!

Guys, I don't expect to return next year. VS Guys I don't expect to return next year.

Frank Zappa said " the crux of the biscuit is the apostraphe" in the case it is the coma.

I had no idea why people were confused about this topic until reading your post. Thank you.

Of course your first line had me momentarily even more confused, so I'll add to your point my talking about:

"The importance of the letter M!

Thus the importance of the coma! VS Thus the importance of the comma! haha

:morning: I feel like I just woke from a coma. Time for a cup of tea.

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I had no idea why people were confused about this topic until reading your post. Thank you.

Of course your first line had me momentarily even more confused, so I'll add to your point my talking about:

"The importance of the letter M!

Thus the importance of the coma! VS Thus the importance of the comma! haha

:morning: I feel like I just woke from a coma. Time for a cup of tea.

LOL...put me in the exact same boat...I had no idea why people were confused about the thread title and then even more confused about someone being in a coma but then I put it together. :D lol

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I had no idea why people were confused about this topic until reading your post. Thank you.

Of course your first line had me momentarily even more confused, so I'll add to your point my talking about:

"The importance of the letter M!

Thus the importance of the coma! VS Thus the importance of the comma! haha

:morning: I feel like I just woke from a coma. Time for a cup of tea.

Oops! I even looked at coma and thought "I spelled that wrong didn't I" I guess I'm the one in the coma ( or am I in a coma I don't know)

Speaking of comas, how about the Colts in the second half? OMG!

Edited by wordofmouth
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We can add Johnson to this list he is making Lacey's play look good.

The secondary needs some major work during the off-season.

But you can't expect much from a backup cornerback with little playing experience. I think he has a chance, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left

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But you can't expect much from a backup cornerback with little playing experience. I think he has a chance, but I wouldn't be surprised if he left

I didn't say I expected much I said he's just flat out not good which he isn't. Honestly Lacey is our second best corner and that's not a good thing.

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There are too many holes to fill using the draft only. If this is all about peytons remaining years, say 4, Then they need free agency help like right now. If the future is whats important, then you draft Luck if available. New CBR rules make him affordable to ride the bench for 3 years and be a rodgers situation. Bring in a new DC and switch to a 3-4. Draft OL once again. Of course, if everyone can't stay healthy, then all I have written is a waste of time anyway. Next year will ride on coaching changes, if there is none, then I will save 300 bucks direct TV.

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I would like to see as much attention given to the coaching staff as the players. Larry Coyer hasn't proven himself imo. He refuses to make adjustments during the game and we hve blown leads the previous 2 weeks and a it is in part because the opposing offense figures out the defense by halftime and exploits its weaknesses in the second half. Christiansen is looking better but the offensive coordinator position becomes rather irrelevant with a healthy Peyton Manning. Special teams is yet again ineffective. I think the strength and conditioning coach needs to b looked at also. 2 years straight of the whole team being destroyed with injuries. Finally, Caldwell. Imo he shows himself to be a subpar head coach and I don't believe he got the job without Dungys recomendation. I would also very much like to see the tampa 2 defense gone after this season (or now...?)

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I think Bullitt will be back next year. We have Far FAR to many holes to fix and that ss spot is a little ok for now and can be fixed later.

Bullitt's recurring shoulder injuries mean he is unlikely to endure a full season of tackling bigger heavier RBs. He is not a game-changing player even when fully healthy, and he certainly doesn't intimidate anyone. The Colt's defense is in desperate need of a big, powerful, scary bruiser at SS. So far David Caldwell and Joe Lefeged have not stepped up into that role. If the team does not draft a top SS prospect next April, I hope they target a proven veteran in free agency. The player I covet most for the Colts is Laron Landry from the Redskins. He's a bigger, stronger, meaner version of Bobzilla without the perpetual injuries. In a Sports Illustrated survey, NFL players rate him the 9th meanest player in the league at any position, and they should know.

prove it. Only problem is the Redskins drafted him 6th overall in 2007, and his rookie contract averaged $8M+ per year. Even if the Colts cut Bullitt, would they have enough cap space to afford such a high-priced terminator?
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Andy go back and watch some of the things Gonzo did when healthy. He showed all the signs in the world of being the next great Colts WR to the point the Colts felt good about cutting Marvin Harrison largely because of his play. With that said after two years of knee injuries who knows what kinda toll that had on him and if he'll ever be that player again. I would like to the Colts give him some more snaps right now because before the injuries Gonzo was a play maker and with Collie struggling I think they should give Gonzo some of his snaps. If Gonzo struggles then you go back to Collie but right now we people who can be play makers and maybe Gonzo can be that guy because he's been that guy in the past. Like I said though it could very well be after two knee injuries he's not that player anymore.

Come on! In 2008, he started as a R. He had only 650 yards, the amount of Austin Collie last year, but Collie only played in 9 games. So if Gonzo was the next best thing, I guess Collie is the next Jerry Rice.... He's barely playing right now, and if they believed in him and think that he could be the next big thing, they would put him on the field. Let me ask you this? Do you think he's staying? Gonzo was never the next big thing, some fans thought this after the draft, but we saw his play, and it wasn't that expected.

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Come on! In 2008, he started as a R. He had only 650 yards, the amount of Austin Collie last year, but Collie only played in 9 games. So if Gonzo was the next best thing, I guess Collie is the next Jerry Rice.... He's barely playing right now, and if they believed in him and think that he could be the next big thing, they would put him on the field. Let me ask you this? Do you think he's staying? Gonzo was never the next big thing, some fans thought this after the draft, but we saw his play, and it wasn't that expected.

Only 650? That's pretty good for a rookie. Through his first two seasons, Gonzalez totaled more than 1200 yards receiving, 90 catches, 7 touchdowns, and averaged better than 13 yards a catch.


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