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Patriots of 2013/2014...


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This is going to be a long season for the Patriots.

The offense looks out of sync, and I am not sure it will get any better before the ATL game in 2 weeks.

Dobson and Thompkins dropped way too many passes today for my liking.

Edelman and Amendola are the only 2 competitive receives we have on the roster excluding Gronk...


Patriots should re-sign Lloyd asap since Amendola is going to be about for 2-6 weeks. The current receiving core is not going to get it done vs teams like ATL, NO, CIN in the first half of the season...


The last few years it was out defense that was our weak spot, but this year, the tables have turned, the defense looks like it's going to be top 10.

I think it was a big mistake letting Welker walk, I think that guy had another 2-3 years left in him, plus the fact he is a durable player speaks volumes here.


I also think it was a mistake letting Woodhead go, that guy was really good with draw runs.


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Ya got some talent at the wr corp, its just young and inexperiences, Dobson is a talented wr, If I was the Pats GM I would be looking to get rid of 1 of my 5 running backs and signing Laurent Robinson.....I say Robinson because from what I am reading on Roto World, The Patriots reached out to him and he told them he is not physically or mentally ready to play football again (The Pats were 1 of 6 teams to reach out to him) http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/449/brandon-lloyd

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The last few years it was out defense that was our weak spot, but this year, the tables have turned, the defense looks like it's going to be top 10.




I don't know, see this confuses me at times. How do we know how good they are really yet? The Patriots are starting out with the sisters of the poor of football in the Bills/Jets/Bucs. Who are their QBs? Exactly......


If they can get a handle on Manning/Brees/Ryan etc. then we can talk. They were THIS close to losing either game....both opponents had ROOKIE QBs.



I think it was a big mistake letting Welker walk,



Absolutely. In the offseason I didn't think much of it but now it looks glaringly obvious it was a HUGE mistake. You not only let him go you let him go to Brady's BIGGEST rival.....

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Some thoughts on last night:


Stat of the night - Rob Nincovich has led the league in fumble recoveries since 2009. This stat blew me away. He may be one of the most underrated players not just in the league but on the Pats. Guy is always making big play after big play. Just has a knack for being around the ball at the right time.


Last night felt like 2006 all over again. Brady fuming. Announcers after the game talking about his body language. But this is where it differs big time. These young guys on the outside can get separation down the field. I am not sure I have seen Brady throw that many deeps ball in a long time. Both had close drops that would have been TDs. If they can continue to improve then the deep game will finally be back.


Endleman - what a gritty, big time game that Pats desperately needed him to have. Great game in the punt game as well.


Ridley - did anyone else notice he was carrying the ball high ala Tiki Barber? Seemed to work as his ball security was excellent.


Can't remember the last time the Pats won a game scoring only 13 points.


This team will need to ride its defense for while until the other guys come back and it looks like they can. But we'll know more when they play the Falcons, Bengals, etc ...


Jets - I thought Smith looked decent against a tough D in poor conditions. Lots of composure out there. His picks were terrible but he never panicked and made some nice throws too. Still, major work in progress for the rest of the season.


Jets D - they were not as good as I thought they would be. Brady had guys open all night but often they were in the wrong place. Ryan looked really mad after the game. I think he misses Sanchez. :)


Bill - he has seemed really happy if I can use that word for him during his press conferences. I think he prefers defensive battles as he is a coach that likes to see his team compete for 60 minutes. Still though, I think he needs to sign a vet. WR this week.

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their 2-0 bro. they'll be fine. may not win the SB but they'll go at least 10-6 

We get hung up in how victories are supposed to look..


As someone who doesn't want NE to win the AFC...that was a very big victory for them...2-0 and 2-0 in the division


They have key injured offensive players coming back and their rookies will gain experience by November..


It doenst matter how they played

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This is going to be a long season for the Patriots.

The offense looks out of sync, and I am not sure it will get any better before the ATL game in 2 weeks.

Dobson and Thompkins dropped way too many passes today for my liking.

Edelman and Amendola are the only 2 competitive receives we have on the roster excluding Gronk...


Patriots should re-sign Lloyd asap since Amendola is going to be about for 2-6 weeks. The current receiving core is not going to get it done vs teams like ATL, NO, CIN in the first half of the season...


The last few years it was out defense that was our weak spot, but this year, the tables have turned, the defense looks like it's going to be top 10.

I think it was a big mistake letting Welker walk, I think that guy had another 2-3 years left in him, plus the fact he is a durable player speaks volumes here.


I also think it was a mistake letting Woodhead go, that guy was really good with draw runs.

Dont panic..iost 2 games..They're 2-0 in the division..


They'll make the playoffs easily

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the pats have room to improve and hopefully they will do so . . . hopefully the first few games are just early game jitters for the rookies . . . also when Gronk and Amendola come back that will be a be help . . . we'll have to just wait and see . . . and if this is the weakest portion of the season, it is nice, and the pats are fortunate, to get out with two divisional wins . . . a big plus if they get stronger and need the extra divisional wins to help secure the division title . . .

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I bet Brady is still annoyed for the fact that he cut his salary to retain some of their key players such as Welker this last off season so this way he would have had a real shot at the SB again, lets face it, time is ticking for Brady.


The Denver camp is doing all the right moves this year to win the SB, just like last year because they know they have Mr. Manning at helm, and him alone always gives the team the shot to win it all.



I was sick to my stomach when I heard Wes went the Broncos, hell I could have lived if he went to any other teams other than the Broncos. It would be interesting to see Wes vs The Pats later on this season, he might torch our defense.


I am not sold on either of our receives Thomk & Dobson yet, we will see if they grow later on in the season, they haven't showed me any glimpse of greatness yet.


Players like AJ Green & Julio Jones make our rookie receives look like a high school varsity team.


With the negative stuff out of the way, thank god we had Julian last night, lets hope the guy can stay healthy throughout the season.

Honestly I think we should stop having him return punts if we are going to use him that much on offense. Let Leon Washington do that.


I hope they bring Lloyd back this season, we truly need him to get us those short yards, he always made spectacular catches while in NE near the sidelines. I think the rookies could learn a lot from him, especially Thomkins because he needs to have better control.

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Just 2 things... The Welker thing happened before the Hernandez incident. I'm sure if it was flip-flopped, Welker would be a Patriot right now. Also, the Pats already reached out to Lloyd and he declined.




I think once Gronk and Amendola come back. The offense will be fine. There's just a lot of pressure on the rookies right now. Ochocinco was never able to pick up the offense so I imagine it's pretty difficult for the young guys. 

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No need to panic, but this edition of the Pats is painfully void of talent on O.      NFL teams win with TALENT, and NE is walking a fine line right now.      They faced EJ Manuel and Geno Smith and barely beat both.


I don't give a dang what anyone says Brady has had some very talented WR's catching balls for him through the years.    Right now he is counting on 2 of the most injury prone players in the NFL to carry them.   (Danny Amalswaysinjured, and Gronk)


IF DA and Gronk can stay in the game NE should be fine.   But, if they can't ...   this will be a long year in Patriot land.

Sarcasm he's acting like they are horrible when they are undefeated no need to panic if your 2-0

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Don't look at me. I picked Miami to win in a close one thanks to our O-line/blocking. Lo and behold Brown our RB blows it at the end.


Miami has a good (not great) D and mediocre O. They're above average/borderline good. If the Pats don't get Gronk/Amendiola healthy at the same time Miami might very well beat the Pats for the division.


The Bills and Jets, meanwhile, DO suck horribly. The Bills are slightly better than the Jets, but that's not a compliment.


We, the Colts, are above average thanks mostly to our QB and Wayne. Without them, we would be a below average/poor team. We are mostly held back by a terrible O-line. The defense  has brief spells where it plays well, but is unreliable and generally poor.




.....It would be nice if we didn't have to rely on a few select players to carry the team for once.

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Buffalo's QB is EJ Manuel. 27-39 296 yds 1 td today vs the Panthers.

Manuel last week vs Patriots 18-27 150 yds 2 tds.


Squeaked past the Panthers, who have a decent D.

Lost to the Pats, who have a poor secondary.


Not sold. Even if Manuel is half decent, Buffalo is going nowhere, fast. 8-8 at best. I'd love to see Buffalo prove me wrong but they, moreso than the Jets, are masters of finding ways to lose. That's quite a feat.

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Squeaked past the Panthers, who have a decent D.

Lost to the Pats, who have a poor secondary.


Not sold. Even if Manuel is half decent, Buffalo is going nowhere, fast. 8-8 at best. I'd love to see Buffalo prove me wrong but they, moreso than the Jets, are masters of finding ways to lose. That's quite a feat.

It's only two games, but so far the Pats secondary have played quite well. Talib and Dennard have really stabilized this unit.

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It's only two games, but so far the Pats secondary have played quite well. Talib and Dennard have really stabilized this unit.


If the Pats' secondary steps up against ATL in week 4 I'll be sold. Manuel, Geno and Josh Freeman don't exactly make for a stellar resume. Manuel "might" be decent, but the jury is still out on that one.

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Hopefully the Patriots can recover from this 2-0 start. I'm more worried about the Colts right now. They squeaked by the Raiders easily the worst team in the AFC if not for division rival Jacksonville and now they lose to an AFC East team? I'm beginning to the last year was a fluke.

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Yeah, we can cover the deep ball finally. :)  that is big as it allows our front 7 to be more aggressive and rush the passer.



Your next game Vs Bucs, good chance Busc Good Free Safety Dashon Goldson may be suspended, 2 illegal hits in 2 games, will be discussed by NFl / Goddell on fine & or suspension, has 15 total bad hits last few years, think thats highest # 

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Your next game Vs Bucs, good chance Busc Good Free Safety Dashon Goldson may be suspended, 2 illegal hits in 2 games, will be discussed by NFl / Goddell on fine & or suspension, has 15 total bad hits last few years, think thats highest # 

Oh that would be sweet if he does not play. Bucs seem to have a lot of internal turmoil these days. Don't like their coach and they don't like their QB. Not sure what is going on down there but it makes more sense now that every time the camera is on Talib or Blount they are smiling.

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Nice thread, glad to see your concern for the Patriots. So, what do you think about that AFC Easy division?


AFC East is still a good division.

The Bills defense looks great, same thing can be said about the Jets Defense.

Miami has always been suspect, but they are playing great on both ends of the ball so far, if they are healthy we may have 2 teams from the AFC East going to the playoffs this year.

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  • 2 months later...

AFC East is still a good division.

The Bills defense looks great, same thing can be said about the Jets Defense.

Miami has always been suspect, but they are playing great on both ends of the ball so far, if they are healthy we may have 2 teams from the AFC East going to the playoffs this year.


Right 2 rookie QBs and 1 sophmore, sure, good division.

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Man you just cant but help running to any thread and getting a word in on the Pats.


Its better than our division. Our is 10-26, that division is 15-21.....

Its a thread which discusses about AFC East and i commented to it, its not like i am running into a Colts thread and talk Pats.

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