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Things I don't want to hear about anymore:

1. We weren't properly prepared for Manning's loss. Sure it's easy to say in hindsight, but the man NEVER MISSED A GAME dating back to high school! You all would have laughed if I came on here (well, the old forum) last March and told you all Manning was going to miss 2011. Even with the May surgery and into training camp things were looking ok, just delayed a bit. Hindsight is 20/20. By the time the team realized Manning was in trouble it was too late to get a better backup. But until then what gave anyone any indication that Peyton wouldn't be ready?? He was CLEARED to practice in the late preseason! No one could have foreshadowed the 2nd surgery!

2. Whining about the organization. This terrible organization gave us a team that has reached the playoffs every year except 2001 since BILL CLINTON was in office?? Yeah, they don't know anything...Polian sucks, Caldwell is just a puppet. Polian doesn't call plays, game plan for opponents, etc. The coaches do that. I saw a team last Sunday night that had a great game plan for the most part and held strong against a team that was supposed to roll over us. Collins was the main reason we lost that game, b/c he couldn't convert on 3rd down and we had to kick FGs.

3. Suck for Luck. YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME! Luck hasn't taken a snap in the NFL, and while he looks like a can't miss, who knows?? People 2nd guessed Polian for picking Manning over Leaf! I remember an SI article just before week 3 of 1998...Leaf had won his first two games with the Chargers, while Manning and the Colts were 0-2. The article was knee jerking it and saying the Colts might have picked the wrong QB...right before Leaf went out and puked the rest of the season and played his way right out of the NFL. There are no guarantees with Luck. If we suck while trying, so be it. Take him, but don't tank the season to do so (as Pro Football Talk is insinuating with Painter possibly starting this week). These are professionals. They gave the Steelers all they could handle and nearly came away with a W.

4. Wanting Cowher, Gruden, or Fisher....There's a reason they aren't coaching. Cowher is the only exception, wanted to spend time with family. Gruden ruined Tampa; Fisher was a middling coach that did just enough every couple of seasons to keep his job...The Colts have proven they don't need a fire-breathing monster to win. 10-6 last year with 19 on IR at seasons' end should tell you that much.

5. Blaming 0-3 on anyone but Manning being out. This team is built around Manning, with good reason. He's the GOAT, and this season proves that. If he were healthy we'd be at worst 2-1 right now with blowout wins against the Browns and the Steelers! Houston 50/50, they look pretty good this year. "We should be more like the Pats" you all say...Well, last I checked they haven't won a playoff game since 2007 and a SB since 2004.

SO JUST STOP ALREADY!! Enjoy the season, its gonna be rough but we'll get some Ws, some young guys are getting thrown into the fire and getting great experience for next year, and we'll probably finally have a top 10 draft pick for once. The top 10 in the drafts are historically more solid locks than drafting at the bottom of the 1st round (yes I know there are exceptions)

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I dont think you will stop seeing those things on any message board. If you are getting that bent out of shape about it, maybe its time for a little vacation from the forum? Just a suggestion. I do understand your frustration, but a thread like this will draw the hate out of the woodwork man.

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Last time I checked, this is an open forum to discuss all things Colts, and yes, believe it or not some of those things aren't always going to be rainbows and sunshine. People are free to discuss issues with the team whether you like those things or not. so my advice to you would be, if you really don't want to see these things, stop visiting the forum or at least stop reading the negative posts.

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I understand frustration....especially after so much success and a fan base that was built mostly from that success. I am one of the ones that remembers lord help our colts....ron meyer...1-15...etc. i just don't need to see 500 threads about how terrible this organization is. Stop beating a dead horse already.

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Things I don't want to hear about anymore:

1. We weren't properly prepared for Manning's loss. Sure it's easy to say in hindsight, but the man NEVER MISSED A GAME dating back to high school! You all would have laughed if I came on here (well, the old forum) last March and told you all Manning was going to miss 2011. Even with the May surgery and into training camp things were looking ok, just delayed a bit. Hindsight is 20/20. By the time the team realized Manning was in trouble it was too late to get a better backup. But until then what gave anyone any indication that Peyton wouldn't be ready?? He was CLEARED to practice in the late preseason! No one could have foreshadowed the 2nd surgery!

2. Whining about the organization. This terrible organization gave us a team that has reached the playoffs every year except 2001 since BILL CLINTON was in office?? Yeah, they don't know anything...Polian sucks, Caldwell is just a puppet. Polian doesn't call plays, game plan for opponents, etc. The coaches do that. I saw a team last Sunday night that had a great game plan for the most part and held strong against a team that was supposed to roll over us. Collins was the main reason we lost that game, b/c he couldn't convert on 3rd down and we had to kick FGs.

3. Suck for Luck. YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME! Luck hasn't taken a snap in the NFL, and while he looks like a can't miss, who knows?? People 2nd guessed Polian for picking Manning over Leaf! I remember an SI article just before week 3 of 1998...Leaf had won his first two games with the Chargers, while Manning and the Colts were 0-2. The article was knee jerking it and saying the Colts might have picked the wrong QB...right before Leaf went out and puked the rest of the season and played his way right out of the NFL. There are no guarantees with Luck. If we suck while trying, so be it. Take him, but don't tank the season to do so (as Pro Football Talk is insinuating with Painter possibly starting this week). These are professionals. They gave the Steelers all they could handle and nearly came away with a W.

4. Wanting Cowher, Gruden, or Fisher....There's a reason they aren't coaching. Cowher is the only exception, wanted to spend time with family. Gruden ruined Tampa; Fisher was a middling coach that did just enough every couple of seasons to keep his job...The Colts have proven they don't need a fire-breathing monster to win. 10-6 last year with 19 on IR at seasons' end should tell you that much.

5. Blaming 0-3 on anyone but Manning being out. This team is built around Manning, with good reason. He's the GOAT, and this season proves that. If he were healthy we'd be at worst 2-1 right now with blowout wins against the Browns and the Steelers! Houston 50/50, they look pretty good this year. "We should be more like the Pats" you all say...Well, last I checked they haven't won a playoff game since 2007 and a SB since 2004.

SO JUST STOP ALREADY!! Enjoy the season, its gonna be rough but we'll get some Ws, some young guys are getting thrown into the fire and getting great experience for next year, and we'll probably finally have a top 10 draft pick for once. The top 10 in the drafts are historically more solid locks than drafting at the bottom of the 1st round (yes I know there are exceptions)

Quoted for truth!

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Last time I checked, this is an open forum to discuss all things Colts, and yes, believe it or not some of those things aren't always going to be rainbows and sunshine. People are free to discuss issues with the team whether you like those things or not. so my advice to you would be, if you really don't want to see these things, stop visiting the forum or at least stop reading the negative posts.

and he's just as free to point out he's tired of hearing about it as you are to post about it.

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I understand frustration....especially after so much success and a fan base that was built mostly from that success. I am one of the ones that remembers lord help our colts....ron meyer...1-15...etc. i just don't need to see 500 threads about how terrible this organization is. Stop beating a dead horse already.

I have been around since the team first rolled into town on the mayflower, so I have seen all the bad seasons too, but that don't mean that people can't air their current frustrations with things. Sometimes a forum is a person's only outlet to get out their feelings. I certainly do not agree with every complaint some people have, but there are problems that people shouldn't just bury their heads in the sand and pretend that they don't exist.

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Funny though, how a vast majority of posts/threads supporting things the Colts do regardless of compelling argument/points tend to get the most support here. Conversely, alternate viewpoints or offerings more often get less support. This organization has it's share of flaws. Period. You have to be an honest Colts fan to look at these things. Folks from outside our fanbase can see a lot more clearly than some here - fact. So as others have said, anyone not liking a topic for _______ (fill in the blank reason) can pass it over. The would-be day the board rallies to a point where questioning and reasoned alternate approach topics are discouraged to a point of lesser prominence is the day we become irrelevant.

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Of course he is, but im not telling him not to. I simply pointed out if he didn't want to see it, don't look at it.

Which you can just as easily do with this thread rather than telling him/her what the forum is for. I am guessing he/she probably knows that and wanted to post this anyway because he/she is sick of reading that stuff because they think a lot of is wrong. You also told them to stop visiting the forum if they didn't want to see that. Maybe the better idea would have been to do what you were telling them to do if you don't want to see this.

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Unless of course you have a perfect season going. Then you tank the game in front of the home fans.

yeah, b/c 16-0 was never done before then, oh wait, it was...and we would've won the SB that year, darn it! Oh wait...WE LOST. Leave 18-1 for the Pats.

(I do agree that the way it was handled was very poor though)

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Which you can just as easily do with this thread rather than telling him/her what the forum is for. I am guessing he/she probably knows that and wanted to post this anyway because he/she is sick of reading that stuff because they think a lot of is wrong. You also told them to stop visiting the forum if they didn't want to see that. Maybe the better idea would have been to do what you were telling them to do if you don't want to see this.

No sir! I said "My advice" there is a huge difference. I never said for him/her to not air his/her frustrations, which is exactly what he/she did. There is a big difference in what I posted and what he/she posted. I shouldn't even have to be defending this. I posted it in very nice and unconfrontational way.

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No sir! I said "My advice" there is a huge difference. I never said for him/her to not air his/her frustrations, which is exactly what he/she did. There is a big difference in what I posted and what he/she posted. I shouldn't even have to be defending this. I posted it in very nice and unconfrontational way.

Well my advice to you is practice what you preach. If you don't like what this poster posted then don't read it just like you told them to do. Not advise them to not post in the forum if they don't like what is being posted.

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Well my advice to you is practice what you preach. If you don't like what this poster posted then don't read it just like you told them to do. Not advise them to not post in the forum if they don't like what is being posted.

Whatever dude! You're just trying to be confrontational and im just not gonna play your silly game.

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Hey I'm a big boy...I just posted my thoughts as I am free to do. I am just tired of multiple posts running the same tired issues into the ground. I know things aren't all sunshine and rainbows right now, but enough is enough sometimes

I agree with you. Some of the things said on a daily/every thread basis are getting old, but I just skip over them. I wasn't in anyway trying to be a "insert explitive" to you.

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Funny though, how a vast majority of posts/threads supporting things the Colts do regardless of compelling argument/points tend to get the most support here. Conversely, alternate viewpoints or offerings more often get less support. This organization has it's share of flaws. Period. You have to be an honest Colts fan to look at these things. Folks from outside our fanbase can see a lot more clearly than some here - fact. So as others have said, anyone not liking a topic for _______ (fill in the blank reason) can pass it over. The would-be day the board rallies to a point where questioning and reasoned alternate approach topics are discouraged to a point of lesser prominence is the day we become irrelevant.

Well said. Without alternative viewpoints this would be little more than a written pep rally - which is pretty dull. I'm delighted anytime I learn something new, and always happy to engage in reasoned debate.

In agreeing with the original poster, however, I was thinking of the constant influx of unreasoned and hate filed posts. Its often upsetting to read them, and tiring trying to beat back the tide. For example I would be happy to discuss the merits of Hughes and Brown individually and the Colts draft history in total, same for Caldwell's coaching ability and right down the line. What I can't tolerate, however, are the extremist "Hughes ____, Brown ______, Caldwell ___________, and it's all Polians fault." It's all emotion, not reason, and they leave little room for debate - rational or otherwise.

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Well said. Without alternative viewpoints this would be little more than a written pep rally - which is pretty dull. I'm delighted anytime I learn something new, and always happy to engage in reasoned debate.

In agreeing with the original poster, however, I was thinking of the constant influx of unreasoned and hate filed posts. Its often upsetting to read them, and tiring trying to beat back the tide. For example I would be happy to discuss the merits of Hughes and Brown individually and the Colts draft history in total, same for Caldwell's coaching ability and right down the line. What I can't tolerate, however, are the extremist "Hughes ____, Brown ______, Caldwell ___________, and it's all Polians fault." It's all emotion, not reason, and they leave little room for debate - rational or otherwise.

I hate when people do that and leave out the fact Polian has also found Collie, Garcon, McAfee, Powers, Conner, Angerer, and Moala in recent drafts. A lot of those people tend to only look at the bad that Polian has done and call the people who even dare to say Polian has done some good in recent drafts just total homers while they are being realist.

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Whatever dude! You're just trying to be confrontational and im just not gonna play your silly game.

So you make a post to someone and pretty much tell them, err "advise them" to not post here anymore or just ingore it when don't agree with what is being said. Then when someone else tell you to just do what you are telling someone else to do they are being confrontational. I am doing to you exactly what you did to someone else so if I am being confrontational what does that make you? Just as confrontational. I am sorry but I am sick and tired of people telling others, and yes advising them is the samething as telling them it's just useing another word for it, to not post here when they don't agree with them. If that wasn't what you were trying to do then I apolgize to you.

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I dont think you will stop seeing those things on any message board. If you are getting that bent out of shape about it, maybe its time for a little vacation from the forum? Just a suggestion. I do understand your frustration, but a thread like this will draw the hate out of the woodwork man.

So why don't we ask the negative ninnies to take a vacation instead of the guy who gets it?

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So why don't we ask the negative ninnies to take a vacation instead of the guy who gets it?

What are you talking about? Your just as bad as they are. They post based on emotion. You post on the basis of being a know it all. Obviously you DON'T get it.

There are three basic types of posters IMO: Emotional, I know more than you, and fight starters.

either way we are ALL welcome here.. to post as we wish on what we wish. Don't agree, don't reply or whatever you wanna do. Point is, so what!

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What are you talking about? Your just as bad as they are. They post based on emotion. You post on the basis of being a know it all. Obviously you DON'T get it.

There are three basic types of posters IMO: Emotional, I know more than you, and fight starters.

either way we are ALL welcome here.. to post as we wish on what we wish. Don't agree, don't reply or whatever you wanna do. Point is, so what!

very true! iam emotion. some post like they are an nfl insider, we are all colts fans or we would not be on here, no matter what we say. that being said, fire jimmy is my favorite
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Last time I checked, this is an open forum to discuss all things Colts, and yes, believe it or not some of those things aren't always going to be rainbows and sunshine. People are free to discuss issues with the team whether you like those things or not. so my advice to you would be, if you really don't want to see these things, stop visiting the forum or at least stop reading the negative posts.

i agree it just not for flag wavers

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I can get on board with everything the OP said, except for a change of coaching staff. How can you not think that Fisher and Cowher (notice the exclusion of Gruden) wouldn't be a step up from what we have? Those are coaches that really make the players and other coaches tow the line. Personally, I would love to see that in Indy. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but I don't see why you would object to people wanting one if those guys.

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I can get on board with everything the OP said, except fir a change of coaching staff. How can you not think that Fisher and Cowher (notice the exclusion of Gruden) wouldn't be a step up from what we have? Those are coaches that really make the players and other coaches tow the line. Personally, I would love to see that in Indy. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but I don't see why you would object to people wanting one if those guys.

I really don't think the Colts have issues with players and coaches towing the line.

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I agree with the OP.

I understand there are plenty of drama queens on this earth, and everyone has an opinion, but I just get really annoyed with the redundancy of it all. People want to complain about the same things over, and over, and over again, from different angles.

The 'realists' (/..\) will never convince the 'homers' and visa versa.

Don't get me wrong though, as often as I get annoyed, I also feel the need to interject. So, I don't ignore.

One question though: Do we have any say on what words make the 'censored' list?

If so, my vote goes for the word 'Gerrard' :)

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I really don't think the Colts have issues with players and coaches towing the line.

Really? It seems to me like there have been more than a few seasons of poor kick coverage and gap discipline by the defense, although I concede that the defense is holding the running lanes better this season. Those kinds of mental lapses are not going to fly with Fisher and Cowher.

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I agree with the OP.

I understand there are plenty of drama queens on this earth, and everyone has an opinion, but I just get really annoyed with the redundancy of it all. People want to complain about the same things over, and over, and over again, from different angles.

The 'realists' (/..\) will never convince the 'homers' and visa versa.

Don't get me wrong though, as often as I get annoyed, I also feel the need to interject. So, I don't ignore.

+1 from me for this post although I did cut the Garrard part as I'm not decided on that.

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Really? It seems to me like there have been more than a few seasons of poor kick coverage and gap discipline by the defense, although I concede that the defense is holding the running lanes better this season. Those kinds of mental lapses are not going to fly with Fisher and Cowher.

Okay I see where you are going with it now, To me that's different than what I thought you were getting at. When you say toe the line I am thinking off the field issues and issues in the lockerroom. I would agree the biggest issues with special teams is the gap discipline but I put that on the special teams coaches.

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Here's the topic TL;DR:

"If I don't agree with your opinion it shouldn't be stated, ignoring your constitutional right, and if you DO post it it makes you less of a fan than me and it makes your man-parts much tinier than mine!"


Fans are fans are fans are fans. We support the same cause and there is no reason to call someone out over how they chose to support the team.

If you don't like a topic, or the subject of a post ignore it. Now, obviously, for some, that is going beyond the simple limitations set by your brain, but trust me, the world will be a much happier place for you if you learn how to do it.

People who make threads like this should be banned, quite frankly. It's only done to instigate a posting war.

"I don't like your opinion, but I can't avoid reading it, and now I'm going to rage post and tell you you're less of a fan for having an opinion different than mine."


In actuality you need the Butthurt Report Form. Fill it out and send it to the Internet Headquarters in care of the "General Whining/Rage Post/Butthurt" department. It generally takes them 5-7 business days to get to your claim.

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If you don't like a topic, or the subject of a post ignore it. Now, obviously, for some, that is going beyond the simple limitations set by your brain, but trust me, the world will be a much happier place for you if you learn how to do it.

Which government & / or religious groups are you speaking of here?

Our inability to ignore what we don't like is what's made this a great country.

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Which government & / or religious groups are you speaking of here?

Our inability to ignore what we don't like is what's made this a great country.

And which do you speak for wishing those whose opinion differs from yours to cease expressing them?

You people agreeing with this topic sure do slide down a slippery slope of double standards to do so...

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