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Please Stop


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Which government & / or religious groups are you speaking of here?

Our inability to ignore what we don't like is what's made this a great country.

And which do you speak for wishing those whose opinion differs from yours to cease expressing them?

You people agreeing with this topic sure do slide down a slippery slope of double standards to do so...

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And which do you speak for wishing those whose opinion differs from yours to cease expressing them?

You people agreeing with this topic sure do slide down a slippery slope of double standards to do so...

I agree with the OPs feelings. I never said people should stop, I just have a problem with the repetition.

I even admitted that I don't ignore them.

I feel strongly both ways, but don't necessarily agree with each.

Anyways, don't look now, but you're turning into one of us.

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Knowing that the topics being discussed draws the ire of the op, why not simply...... not open the thread. Freedom of speech is not an option when one lives in the land of the free. Feel free to avoid the threads that you are sick of seeing. To infringe on anyones freedom of expression is not an option. My freedom has been earned by many fallen Americans and I WILL express that freedom at my choosing, as we all should.

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Well said. Without alternative viewpoints this would be little more than a written pep rally - which is pretty dull. I'm delighted anytime I learn something new, and always happy to engage in reasoned debate.

In agreeing with the original poster, however, I was thinking of the constant influx of unreasoned and hate filed posts. Its often upsetting to read them, and tiring trying to beat back the tide. For example I would be happy to discuss the merits of Hughes and Brown individually and the Colts draft history in total, same for Caldwell's coaching ability and right down the line. What I can't tolerate, however, are the extremist "Hughes ____, Brown ______, Caldwell ___________, and it's all Polians fault." It's all emotion, not reason, and they leave little room for debate - rational or otherwise.


Knowing that the topics being discussed draws the ire of the op, why not simply...... not open the thread. Freedom of speech is not an option when one lives in the land of the free. Feel free to avoid the threads that you are sick of seeing. To infringe on anyones freedom of expression is not an option. My freedom has been earned by many fallen Americans and I WILL express that freedom at my choosing, as we all should.

You're in a private forum, therefore there's a difference here between standing on a street corner burning a flag. Loving this country means you have to be prepared to support that guy's right to burn the flag even though you might hate that he does it. The rules are different in here.

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You're in a private forum, therefore there's a difference here between standing on a street corner burning a flag. Loving this country means you have to be prepared to support that guy's right to burn the flag even though you might hate that he does it. The rules are different in here.

In what way? Please clarify this post.

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In what way? Please clarify this post.

If you love this country you support freedom of speech. Flag burning was used as a more extreme example to illustrate the point (constitutionally protected freedom of speech right), but truth is if anyone doesn't believe in that guy's right to do so then they have a problem with freedom of speech. The best response to a flag burner is to salute your own (that's me, for the record). I was pointing out the difference that while participating in this forum, it's a private enterprise and the rules (practice) in here are different and do not guarantee a person's "right" to say anything they want. A person can either obey the rules here or they're edited and/or banned.....unlike our constitutional guarantees out in the street.

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You're in a private forum, therefore there's a difference here between standing on a street corner burning a flag. Loving this country means you have to be prepared to support that guy's right to burn the flag even though you might hate that he does it. The rules are different in here.

I think you would get arrested for burning a flag on the street corner. Either that or he MIGHT get his butt kicked by randoms. You don't have a right to burn stuff on the street corner so you don't have to respect it lol. If one burns an American flag they're most likely not patriotic anyways thus, you don't have to respect it at all lol. I know military guys who wouldn't be prepared to respect the guys right but would be prepared to give the guy a nice lesson in patriotism if they caught anyone burning an American flag.

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If you love this country you support freedom of speech. Flag burning was used as a more extreme example to illustrate the point (constitutionally protected freedom of speech right), but truth is if anyone doesn't believe in that guy's right to do so then they have a problem with freedom of speech. The best response to a flag burner is to salute your own (that's me, for the record). I was pointing out the difference that while participating in this forum, it's a private enterprise and the rules (practice) in here are different and do not guarantee a person's "right" to say anything they want. A person can either obey the rules here or they're edited and/or banned.....unlike our constitutional guarantees out in the street.

The rules here are not asking that much imo.

Respect others, no personal attacks, and no cursing. (This is a family-friendly site).

I don't see anyone getting banned for an opinon that is stated in an adult manner, without personal shots and with regards to other persons opinions.

Really the guidelines are not asking that much imo.

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Whats the end game of this thread?

Like....when the thread topic was created, where did the poster wish it to go?

Perhaps the OP wished for a circular argument that doesn't stop until a mod makes it stop?

Maybe the point was to enter into a debate about free speech and how it translates to the internet?

Maybe the point was to finally put an end to listening to alternate opinions?

Please add this thread to your list of topics that should "Please Stop".

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Whats the end game of this thread?

Like....when the thread topic was created, where did the poster wish it to go?

Perhaps the OP wished for a circular argument that doesn't stop until a mod makes it stop?

Maybe the point was to enter into a debate about free speech and how it translates to the internet?

Maybe the point was to finally put an end to listening to alternate opinions?

Please add this thread to your list of topics that should "Please Stop".

heehe.. The internet was not around the last time the Colts were "a bad team"... heehhe..

So it's new.. (the losing to all of us in a way) :omg:

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I think you would get arrested for burning a flag on the street corner. Either that or he MIGHT get his butt kicked by randoms. You don't have a right to burn stuff on the street corner so you don't have to respect it lol. If one burns an American flag they're most likely not patriotic anyways thus, you don't have to respect it at all lol. I know military guys who wouldn't be prepared to respect the guys right but would be prepared to give the guy a nice lesson in patriotism if they caught anyone burning an American flag.

The Supreme Court disagrees. Read my other post though, bro....I'm against it (but accept and embrace it).

The rules here are not asking that much imo.

Respect others, no personal attacks, and no cursing. (This is a family-friendly site).

I don't see anyone getting banned for an opinon that is stated in an adult manner, without personal shots and with regards to other persons opinions.

Really the guidelines are not asking that much imo.

Bringing this full circle to on topic forum/football talk - I believe the rules are more or less within reason....I don't have issue with it. However, I've seen some instances where "Colts way" dissenting opinions have been struck down in one way or another which gives it a bit of a cheerleading/pep rally leaning. By definition, that begins to degrade what it is to be a fan (loyalist) vs. a "homer." As for the family environment and adult behavior....yes, those are good things.

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The Supreme Court disagrees. Read my other post though, bro....I'm against it.

I know it's not illegal to burn the flag, but that probably relates to the confines of ones home or property. Burning stuff on a street corner however would be illegal, in my town atleast. I'm sure they could take you in for creating disturbance, being a public nuisance, other charges ect. Can't be burning stuff on street corners. 

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I know it's not illegal to burn the flag, but that probably relates to the confines of ones home or property. Burning stuff on a street corner however would be illegal, in my town atleast. I'm sure they could take you in for creating disturbance, being a public nuisance, other charges ect. Can't be burning stuff on street corners. 

Stay after this, it's worthwhile.

I gotta run....scouting one more area before opening day of muzzleloader deer season on Saturday.....

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"If I don't agree with your opinion it shouldn't be stated, ignoring your constitutional right, and if you DO post it it makes you less of a fan than me and it makes your man-parts much tinier than mine!"


Fans are fans are fans are fans. We support the same cause and there is no reason to call someone out over how they chose to support the team.

If you don't like a topic, or the subject of a post ignore it. Now, obviously, for some, that is going beyond the simple limitations set by your brain, but trust me, the world will be a much happier place for you if you learn how to do it.

People who make threads like this should be banned, quite frankly. It's only done to instigate a posting war.

"I don't like your opinion, but I can't avoid reading it, and now I'm going to rage post and tell you you're less of a fan for having an opinion different than mine."


In actuality you need the Butthurt Report Form. Fill it out and send it to the Internet Headquarters in care of the "General Whining/Rage Post/Butthurt" department. It generally takes them 5-7 business days to get to your claim.

I'll preface this by saying that you're a funny guy, and I honestly have no desire to tick you off - I just can't resist pointing out the delicious irony of your post - just as you apparently couldn't resist writing it.

Your routine reaction upon reading ANY post that you find even remotely "silly" is to make fun of it and then :facepalm:. That's fine with me, it's often amusing to witness.

However, for someone who appears to thrive on making "silly" posters feel about an inch tall, to gallantly stroll into this thread to stand up for the rights of said "silly" posters, while urging others to simply ignore said "silly" posters, while simultaneously advocating free speech AND the banning of the poor guy who started all this - is nothing less than hilarious.

I can only conclude that you are concerned both with running out of material and with discouraging potential competitors in the snarkiness arena. :D

Keep up the good works John Waylon - but sometimes it pays to think before you :facepalm:

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I think you would get arrested for burning a flag on the street corner. Either that or he MIGHT get his butt kicked by randoms. You don't have a right to burn stuff on the street corner so you don't have to respect it lol. If one burns an American flag they're most likely not patriotic anyways thus, you don't have to respect it at all lol. Iknow military guys who wouldn't be prepared to respect the guys right but would be prepared to give the guy a nice lesson in patriotism if they caught anyone burning an American flag.

No, the cops would have no right to arrest you for burning the flag. They would just find some other ordinance that was written in 1890 to get you. Flag burning is protected under the freedom of speech. Most people are only for free speech when people agree with them or say what they want to hear. When someone starts doing something they do not like, like flag burning, they want to crush it or as you put give a nice lesson in patriotism. That is why the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" is perfect for this country.

When it comes to posts like what the OP posted he needs to get over himself. If he does not like what people are saying there is this novel idea of not opening the posts. It is that simple. He will not get annoyed at what people are saying and people can still voice their opinion.

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I think you would get arrested for burning a flag on the street corner. Either that or he MIGHT get his butt kicked by randoms. You don't have a right to burn stuff on the street corner so you don't have to respect it lol. If one burns an American flag they're most likely not patriotic anyways thus, you don't have to respect it at all lol. Iknow military guys who wouldn't be prepared to respect the guys right but would be prepared to give the guy a nice lesson in patriotism if they caught anyone burning an American flag.

No, the cops would have no right to arrest you for burning the flag. They would just find some other ordinance that was written in 1890 to get you. Flag burning is protected under the freedom of speech. Most people are only for free speech when people agree with them or say what they want to hear. When someone starts doing something they do not like, like flag burning, they want to crush it or as you put give a nice lesson in patriotism. That is why the quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" is perfect for this country.

When it comes to posts like what the OP posted he needs to get over himself. If he does not like what people are saying there is this novel idea of not opening the posts. It is that simple. He will not get annoyed at what people are saying and people can still voice their opinion.

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I have handed out so many + 1's my finger hurts we are all Colts fans and deserve to express our opinions even if stated 30 million times, I know it can get tiring at some point but just do what I do

step 1: Look at the post

step 2: If it says Bob Sanders LET THE EXPERTS TALK, :error: SIT BACK AND LAUGH

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As has been stated earlier in this thread, all members have a right to post as long as they do so within forum rules.

If you see a thread/post that you don't agree with, you can either ignore it or respond in a civil manner.

As I see no further purpose to this thread other than members squabbling with one another over what should/shouldn't be posted, this thread is closed.

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