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Just Wow

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Just like when DJ Howard Stern first hit the broadcast airways, both his idols & his detractors couldn't wait to hear what he said next. I agree 100% QuizBoy. Getting noticed on a large scale is all that really matters.

I don't really agree with this. I think sports journalist make a better career by trying to be right and informative. Skip Bayless is lucky he's where he's at, he's got his bosses tricked. ESPN wouldn't lose any fans if they let him go.
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Just like when DJ Howard Stern first hit the broadcast airways, both his idols & his detractors couldn't wait to hear what he said next. I agree 100% QuizBoy. Getting noticed on a large scale is all that really matters.

Yeah but Howard Stern is entertaining and just a radio personality, he's controversial in the way he entertains.

These sports journalist hacks think they can be entertaining by being controversial, which is a huge difference to me.

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I'm no fan of Brad Wells, but to be fair, part of that statement comes from points he tried making in another of his articles-




For example-


Tweet from Kent Somers @kentsomers
Chuck Pagano on if Andrew Luck ran read-option: "..phone would probably ring on the sideline...telling me what time my flight was leaving."
11:27 AM - 19 Mar 2013
Hamiton talking to Colts.com's Jeffery Gorman this past weekend, during the team's rookie minicamp-
"There's nothing we can't do. We can incorporate some pistol concepts, which is kind of a trend, an 'en vogue' thing in the league right now. Everybody's talking about the QB option, the QB read game, the QB pistol, the pistol components that we can run. But, we'll be smart. We'll be judicious in how much we expose Andrew to taking additional hits."

And he does end his rant with-


"Maybe the trouble-making blogger in me is just seeing something that really isn't there. I don't know."


"Or, maybe Pep Hamilton should shaddup about implementing the pistol, read-option considering both his bosses have publicly stated they aren't fans of it and have no intention of allowing it."


Personally, the bold/italicized part sums it quite nicely.


Yeah I don't know how I'm supposed to piece together multiple posts and tweets in order to be fair to Brad Wells. Especially when I know point blank that he wrote...(For us at Stampede Blue) "Pagano's comments (regarding the new offense) read that he just isn't on the same page with the new system coordinator Pep Hamilton is installing."





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Yeah I don't know how I'm supposed to piece together multiple posts and tweets in order to be fair to Brad Wells. Especially when I know point blank that he wrote...(For us at Stampede Blue) "Pagano's comments (regarding the new offense) read that he just isn't on the same page with the new system coordinator Pep Hamilton is installing."






No worries, I wasn't expecting you to do so.  It's just that I saw the other (and I respect others for not reading that drivel either!) and thought I'd share.  Wells must think we all read every article and can piece his fragmented thoughts together.


On another subject, now I read from another respected CFF member here that reports Wells attributes Hamilton's quotes mentioned to those uttered earlier this year. Yet Wells mentions it was over rookie minicamp. Would be nice to have a link on that but


1. Wells article doesn't deserve the work  

2. Even if Wells was right and that was mentioned again at RMC, it doesn't elevate his cred enough to make his opinion substantial at this stage of the game.  


He summed himself up best, and I repeat it here-


"Maybe the trouble-making blogger in me is just seeing something that really isn't there."



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He's doing it for attention which threads like this give him.  If we all just ignore it every time he says something silly sooner or later he'll go away. 


Brad Wells is nothing more than a fan who throws out wild ideas based with very little fact to back them up and a lot of speculating on his part and often going from point A to point Z with nothing to back it up.

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I'd also like to note, partly out of a sense of obligation, that "pistol formation" and "read option" are not the same thing. You can use the pistol formation without your quarterback running with the football or getting hit. You can also run read option without the quarterback running the football or getting hit.

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Hamiton talking to Colts.com's Jeffery Gorman this past weekend, during the team's rookie minicamp-
"There's nothing we can't do. We can incorporate some pistol concepts, which is kind of a trend, an 'en vogue' thing in the league right now. Everybody's talking about the QB option, the QB read game, the QB pistol, the pistol components that we can run. But, we'll be smart. We'll be judicious in how much we expose Andrew to taking additional hits."



As I pointed out earlier, the problem is that it wasn't "this past weekend" and therefore Hamilton did not contradict Pagano after Pagano made his statements. The premise of that whole article is false.

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As I pointed out earlier, the problem is that it wasn't "this past weekend" and therefore Hamilton did not contradict Pagano after Pagano made his statements. The premise of that whole article is false.




There's a video there, do you know when that interview was? Is that the one you're saying was back in February? It sounds different to me.

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There's a video there, do you know when that interview was? Is that the one you're saying was back in February? It sounds different to me.


The article was written for Colts.com over the weekend but the embedded video is from February, about a week or less following Hamilton's first press conference. Brad Wells quotes of Hamilton are transcription from that old video (with respect to the article).

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The article was written for Colts.com over the weekend but the embedded video is from February, about a week or less following Hamilton's first press conference. Brad Wells quotes of Hamilton are transcription from that old video (with respect to the article).


Ah. Was confused. Your point stands.

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As I pointed out earlier, the problem is that it wasn't "this past weekend" and therefore Hamilton did not contradict Pagano after Pagano made his statements. The premise of that whole article is false.

Yes, it was indeed your post I remember that totally dispelled Wells claims.  I wasn't going to spend time and effort to verfy that; I trusted your report enough (even without links or tangible evidence) to let it further lay waste to the ramblings of Wells. We'll see how things go from here. :)

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Nothing to see here.  Pags gave Arians full trust with the offense and he's doing the same thing with Pep.  I'm pretty sure Pags knows what's going on, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted the guy.  But I'm also pretty sure Pags doesn't know the ins and outs of his system.  Like many have said, Pags is defensive-minded.  It's like asking a mechanic to recite Faraday's Law.  The mechanic will probably know it deals with physics but won't be able to speak about it in detail.


Seems like this dude is just picking for a story during a dull moment in the NFL off-season.

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From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense



I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. The sheer incompetence required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question. Also though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).



I just read this. ..     AND WOW...    how insignificant could this article and the writer be?


Nobody knows how this team will evolve come Sept whatever...     and I guarantee Chuck doesn't owe Brad Wells any explanation whatsoever.



Who cares... ???


QB is there....   OL upgraded....      .. ummmm  hey BRAD, the Colts will be "pretty good" ...   :thmup:

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I don't really agree with this. I think sports journalist make a better career by trying to be right and informative. Skip Bayless is lucky he's where he's at, he's got his bosses tricked. ESPN wouldn't lose any fans if they let him go.


I still think Skip's antics are apart of his contract.

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Nothing to see here.  Pags gave Arians full trust with the offense and he's doing the same thing with Pep.  I'm pretty sure Pags knows what's going on, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted the guy.  But I'm also pretty sure Pags doesn't know the ins and outs of his system.  Like many have said, Pags is defensive-minded.  It's like asking a mechanic to recite Faraday's Law.  The mechanic will probably know it deals with physics but won't be able to speak about it in detail.


Seems like this dude is just picking for a story during a dull moment in the NFL off-season.

Is Faraday's Law akin to the Tuck Rule or something else? That said, there is definitely a magnetism about what you post. Well done again.

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Now Kyle over at Colts Authority has stepped into the fray...


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/may/pep-hamilton-s-quotes-misreported-cause-unnecessary-angst.html



The quotes that Wells refers to come from a video embedded in an article on Colts.com. That article was written  last Saturday, but the video was NOT from mini camp. The video, part of the Colts' Up Close Online video series, was originally posted on Colts.com on February 19th, nearly three months ago. So, any consternation about Hamilton and Pagano's disconnect is completely unnecessary, as it doesn't exist, at least, not in the way Wells reported it.


And giving credit where credit is due, RomanianColtsFan was the first to point this out.



That's right, but there is no conflict at all, at least not in recent statements. Wells just took statements from shortly after Pep's first press conference and placed them in recent time.
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"We Chuckleheads".....


That's where I should've stopped reading. 

Well said Lollygager. What time does Brad's mother pick him up from work & does he pout like a baby if she didn't bring a treat along for him too?  haha


Mr. Wells has no decorum or even the appearance of professionalism about him at all. It's almost as if he takes pride in his own incompetence & childish demeanor "Chuckleheads" really? How old are you sir 6?  :facepalm:

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Now Kyle over at Colts Authority has stepped into the fray...


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/may/pep-hamilton-s-quotes-misreported-cause-unnecessary-angst.html




And giving credit where credit is due, RomanianColtsFan was the first to point this out.


My gut feeling was something along these lines was forthcoming. Wells ramblings didn't pass the smell test.  RCF's quick rebuke did. Now the supporting evidence has begun to arrive. 

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What is the predicition regarding when we'll get the first "article" from Wells that goes somewhat like this...


"The 2nd Year Head Coach's battle with leukemia has been inspiring however, we can no longer let this serve as an excuse for not taking him to task on decisions that would get other Head Coaches fired. Coach Pagano's fight has been an amazing one but we cannot look at him as untouchable, he like everyone else...especially Grigson...must be held accountable."

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Brad Wells is an example of why anyone with a blog shouldn't be labeled and treated as journalists even if they say they are one.


Excellent point. Wells' go-to defense is that he is just holding everyone accountable for their words, actions, etc. As if he is a journalist. But he himself doesn't expect to be held accountable to the high standards journalists ought to be held to. He can speculate, throw garbage at the wall, etc., and expects people to just give him a pass because he's a blogger.


You have to pick a lane. Either you want to be taken seriously, and you're going to perform as such, or you don't really care and you're just running a blog. You can't just straddle the fence.

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Excellent point. Wells' go-to defense is that he is just holding everyone accountable for their words, actions, etc. As if he is a journalist. But he himself doesn't expect to be held accountable to the high standards journalists ought to be held to. He can speculate, throw garbage at the wall, etc., and expects people to just give him a pass because he's a blogger.


You have to pick a lane. Either you want to be taken seriously, and you're going to perform as such, or you don't really care and you're just running a blog. You can't just straddle the fence.

Exactly and I would add to that, real journalists not only expect to be held to the same high standards as they should be they hold themselves accountable to that.  That's why you see them double and in some cases triple check sources before they put it out there.  Again, I am talking real journalists like guys who write for the Star, not some guy on the internet who starts a blog and decides based on that they are now a NFL Journalist.

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Exactly and I would add to that, real journalists not only expect to be held to the same high standards as they should be they hold themselves accountable to that.  That's why you see them double and in some cases triple check sources before they put it out there.  Again, I am talking real journalists like guys who write for the Star, not some guy on the internet who starts a blog and decides based on that they are now a NFL Journalist.


Yup, credentialed or not, Wells can't be taken seriously.


Even guys like Phil B. or Kravitz, who also have blogs on the IndyStar website, make a distinction between fact and opinion. They don't try to pass their opinion off as fact, at least not often. 

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By the way, in fairness, Wells has walked back his incorrect assertion, after being blasted by Colts Authority. A lot of "we" in the post, and then gets in a parting shot at Kyle at the end. Very immature, as you would expect from Wells. But he at least acknowledged that he was wrong.



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Yup, credentialed or not, Wells can't be taken seriously.


Even guys like Phil B. or Kravitz, who also have blogs on the IndyStar website, make a distinction between fact and opinion. They don't try to pass their opinion off as fact, at least not often. 

Right and when they do they make it clear it's their opinion.  Guys like Phil B. and Kravitz you get into a bit of a gray area because they are being paid to offer their opinions about the Colts.  With that said both men went to school to learn how to be journalists and they have been hired by a company who has a reputation for distributing legit journalism and it has that reputation because they hold their journalist to the those high standards.


Brad Wells may or may not have a journalism degree (I honestly don't know) but he seems to be in charge of holding himself accountable and I am sorry that doesn't make him a legit journalist in my eyes.  He's just a guy on the internet with a blog.  Anyone can do that.  However, at least in my opinion, it takes a bit more than that to be a legit journalist.    

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By the way, in fairness, Wells has walked back his incorrect assertion, after being blasted by Colts Authority. A lot of "we" in the post, and then gets in a parting shot at Kyle at the end. Very immature, as you would expect from Wells. But he at least acknowledged that he was wrong.




As I stated on another thread....his mea kulpa is snide and amateurish. Brad Wells has become our version of Mike Florio; started off great...then devolved into an attention "street slang for prostitute".

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Pep has already been served notice about the Pistol from Mister Pagano.  That was done early March.  If it does happen,(more than once). I will kiss Wells's bare butt... on the 50 yard line... of LOS... at halftime.... of the Colts game.... of his choice......(Ticket price TBD)

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Pep has already been served notice about the Pistol from Mister Pagano. That was done early March. If it does happen,(more than once). I will kiss Wells's bare butt... on the 50 yard line... of LOS... at halftime.... of the Colts game.... of his choice......(Ticket price TBD)

What did Pagano say about the pistol?

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What did Pagano say about the pistol?

He said if the pistol was run he was sure he would get a phone call on the side line immediately from Grigs or Jim or both telling him what flight to get out of town.....that's paraphrasing pretty close to his exact quote... 

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He said if the pistol was run he was sure he would get a phone call on the side line immediately from Grigs or Jim or both telling him what flight to get out of town.....that's paraphrasing pretty close to his exact quote...

I remember that quote, I think you're confusing the pistol and the read option though. They're not synonymous. I hope we run the pistol a lot next year. There are a lot of options you can use in that formation.

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Pep has already been served notice about the Pistol from Mister Pagano.  That was done early March.  If it does happen,(more than once). I will kiss Wells's bare butt... on the 50 yard line... of LOS... at halftime.... of the Colts game.... of his choice......(Ticket price TBD)



He said if the pistol was run he was sure he would get a phone call on the side line immediately from Grigs or Jim or both telling him what flight to get out of town.....that's paraphrasing pretty close to his exact quote... 



I remember that quote, I think you're confusing the pistol and the read option though. They're not synonymous. I hope we run the pistol a lot next year. There are a lot of options you can use in that formation.



We're not running the pistol, the read option, the shoot & scoot, the poop & float, the sit & spin etc, etc.

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