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Supporting your team doesn't mean...


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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.  :D




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I wouldn't him and you must be in love with him lol cuz every other one of your posts is about him and alway in caps lock lmao  JP

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Nice Strawman.  


Of course, you completely mischaracterize the criticism of those who complain about Grigson.


No one is saying you have to like or approve of the signings.    You don't like them,  fine.    Don't like them.


But when the complaints start getting personal as they have been then I think the comments are out of bounds.


When posters start saying Grigson is not that smart, that he's now getting like Polian,  that he's now thinking he smarter than everyone else,  that he's signing guys for depth...   and on and on,  then I think it becomes nonsense.


There are actually posters here who think they know better than Grigson.    I don't have to name names.   People know who they are.


It's not about having a difference of opinion.   It's about how you voice that opinion.


It's one thing to disagree.    It's another thing to be *ic.   There's been way too much of the latter, IMO.


Some here will disagree.....    so be it...

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I never paid attention to Walden when watching Green Bay, but guys that I do know that have watched him haven't been very positive.

Well I guess it is a good thing that the average fan really has no idea of what they are looking at.
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Well, we could be the Browns. 


The sad thing is that is what a lot of people want.  If we had made the same signings as the Browns many would have thought we just hit the lottery.  When in reality the Browns are not a blueprint to success.

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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D

You start off with a fairly reasoned, thoughtful post and then...

go completely off the tracks with your last statement. Just might be a good idea to let these free agents go through an OTA, maybe a preseason game or two before calling it it a disaster.

Might also want to wait until free agency is over with too.

Just a thought.

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Only really one signing that I hate, I can't believe Grigs would try to convince us Walden is a good replacement for a HoFer. And now Mathis is going up against team's LTs.

The rest are fine.

Let me ask you - is Mathis a good replacement for a future HoF?
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Well didn't you answer your own question? Mathis moving to Freeney rush role and Walden taking Mathis' former job?

I'm aware. That's a dumb excuse, they're still 34 OLBers. And Walden isn't a good replacement for Mathis either (but he isn't his replacement).
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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 14, 2013 - rude and unnecessary
Hidden by shecolt, March 14, 2013 - rude and unnecessary

I'm aware. That's a dumb excuse, they're still 34 OLBers. And Walden isn't a good replacement for Mathis either (but he isn't his replacement).

There is nothing that I contribute to this board that can be classified as dumb. Nothing.

I have seen enough from you to know that you cannot make a similar claim.

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I agree with most of what the OP says. I've been reading threads all day and it seems like any time someone expresses disagreement with one of our signings they're met with a bunch of "LOL ya right where are you a GM again" or "I'm gonna trust the executive of the year over some know nothing poster" type of responses. We all like the Colts on here but that doesn't mean we have to agree with every move Grigson makes.

I don't hate what we've done in free agency so far, but I don't love it either. We have enough money to get some real impact players an we haven't really done that yet IMO. Not overspending is nice but some people have this ridiculous aversion to signing anybody we've heard of before. I know our FO is top notch but its not every player is a diamond in the rough, it's more likely that they're on there 3rd or 4th team because other teams didn't think they were all that great.

And I keep seeing people say if we sign players like Avril, Kruger, Goldoson or whoever, then we'd be like the Redskins or Browns. Those teams lacked something we have; a franchise QB. When we have someone like Andrew Luck I'd like to surround him with as much talent as possible

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 14, 2013 - response to removed post
Hidden by shecolt, March 14, 2013 - response to removed post

There is nothing that I contribute to this board that can be classified as dumb. Nothing.

I have seen enough from you to know that you cannot make a similar claim.


You're delusional!

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People can only absorb so much hate. As I have waxed eloquent on many times, what used to be fans talking up their own team, and for some, that included putting down other teams, has become fans hating on their own team regularly as if that is the new way to be a fan. Not saying it is right or wrong.....saying it is different. Enough to ruin the experience for those who can only absorb so much hate.


At some point in the future, I and others like me who still fight to keep the "in team" hate at bay, will leave these community boards and they will be more and more filled with the new generation of fans who like following sports by complaining much more than they ever show love for their team. Such is life and how things change over time.


As far as the OP, I guess I don't get it. Maybe I am too old. Implying that supporting means a forum filled with fans disgusted, disappointed, and angry with the decisions made by those who guide our team.....well, it seems dysfunctional at the very least. In reality, I'm glad I don't get it. I would never want to "get" that kind of support.

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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


I agree with most everything .



Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


But not with this .  I'll wait to judge Ryan Grigsons moves in FA till next off season . Some folks take there selves & there opinions to seriously all I can say is thanks for the laughs . Thank goodness Ryan Grigson is the GM & not the wanna be sports guru's who can't even build a dog house let alone a monster .

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Even though I maybe haven't agreed with a player or the money they were given... I still want them to hopefully be the best to play their position on Sundays. Just because I disagree doesn't mean I hate a player or whatever.


Whoever is wearing a horseshoe I hope for complete success week in and week out. Differing opinions are what allows these boards to stay up and running IMO. It's good to discuss your thoughts with other fans without being ridiculed.

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Even if I don't love all the signings (don't mind the players, just think we may have overspent given their production or lack thereof), I would absolutely agree we can't really judge them for a couple of years.

Being a fan doesn't require you to agree with every roster move. I will continue to be critical I I don't like a move, even though I understand I'm not always right.

But when it comes down to it, I'm gonna be behind this team %100 when the season starts. Maybe I don't want Erik Walden to be our big fa aquisition, but I'll be damned if I'm not rooting for him to be a pro bowl player when the season starts.

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