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Question of the Day - 01/26 + Pro Bowl Bonus


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I don't know. He was special to us, but I'd have to see what other centers made it and how he compares. When I think of centers I think of Mike Webster, and Jeff obviously wasn't on "that" level. Of course few are.


I usually only watch the pro bowls when Peyton in quarterbacking. Now with Luck there as well, 2/3rds of the AFC snaps will be of interest to me, so I may be watching for awhile.



And No, Pro Bowl is terrible now.


2.  Yes, until they start playing flag football.....it will then be immediately turned off...I would rather watch re-runs of Golden Girls than sissy football!

Hey, the Golden Girls was a great show!


There is a lot of pressure for the teams to play harder. Peyton in particular "laid down the gauntlet". I wouldn't assume that it will be as lame as last year. These guys seem to love it that "all the cool kids" get to vacation together each year, and they realize that if they stink up the joint it may not happen again. Could be interesting.



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Do you think former Colts C Jeff Saturday is a "Hall of Famer" ??







Will YOU watch the Pro Bowl on Sunday evening ??


Jeff Saturday in the Ring of Honor - Most certainly .. HOF'er  no


However Chloe Butler  Lingerie League All Star 2012 from the Western Conference should just for her touch down celebrations alone .   :dance:  Much better than T Gonzalez or Ocho Stinko bar far Imo  ..


I usually don't watch much of the Pro Bowl , With # 12 & 18 there along with Reggie I'll watch a lil more just to see if  Peyton  gets a chance to throw a couple to a former target ..

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No sure what a C has to do to become a HOFer

Well said Joker! How many centers are in Canton anyway? I suspect not that many. FJC or Gavin probably knows the answer to that question. I love Jeff Saturday, but HOF numbers? Hmmm...I don't know.


Nope. If I do take a peek at it, it's only with about 5 minutes left in the 4th Qtr. 

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I agree 100% MAC. It was a great show  :thmup:  The promiscuous one, the conscientious one, & the intellectually challenged one. Kind of like the Marx Brothers comedy routine, but with females doing slap stick instead of their male counterparts. 

Don't forget "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"   (and Zeppo - although he actually wasn't funny). :)

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