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Colts workout former USC DT/DE Armoind Armstead [Merge]


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He's only 22, he played for Toronto to prove he was healthy enough to play again after a heart attack caused by painkillers supplied to him by USC. Eagles and Patriots also had him visit.

Does Grigs see another Freeman? Would you like the move to sign him? I know I would.

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The Pats stay in attack mode on offense and keep a lot of pressure on opposing defenses but the key is that o-line. Brady has time to survey the field and do whatever he chooses. Hope Bruce is with the Colts next year but if not the oc must be aggressive. Was on the Broncos website and many were complaining about Peyton and the short passes against the Ravens. Fans wanted to know what happened to the downfield plays from the regular season. I believe that's the very reason Peyton hasn't had the success in the post season. He has played under too many passive coaches with that scared mentality of take what the defense gives you instead of attacking them and imposing your will. Clyde represents that conservative playcalling that will only hold Luck back from his full potential. The elite qbs of the league try to score every time they have the ball.

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The reason Peyton led teams have not gotten it done in the playoffs is simply because he has been average in the playoffs, everyone wants to heap all the praise on Manning when he wins with his team and then when he loses its oh it wasnt his fault because his team let him down when the reality is as great as he is in the regular season he is barely average in the playoffs

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From Adam Schefter:

Schefter called Armstead "the equivalent of a high draft pick". At 6'5, 300 pounds, Armstead has the potential to make a big impact as a defensive end in a 3-4 alignment.

The Pats and Eagles are also interested.

Can't help but smile at the last line. Grigs sees things where Bill seemed to not.

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Patriots will move on him if the EKG results and the heart-scan are satisfactory. Pats might need an Mri as well. I don't think the Colts need an Mri.


What? :)  No, we don't need no stinkin' MRIs.


Here, he has an excellent shot at immediate playing time.   I hope they used Freeman as an example and sold him on that fact.  I bet he signs here. 

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To be clear....


While the ESPN story from Adam Shefter claims that whoever signs Armstead is getting the equivalent of an additional early round draft pick, I can't begin to tell you how much I disagree with this evaluation.


The story says in three season at USC he started 17 games (1.5 seasons) and recorded 59 tackles.    That's it.   Doesn't even mention sacks.


That's not the production of an early round draft pick.


If we sign him -- and if Grigs wants him then so do I -- he's still a project.   A talented project to be sure.   He was either a high 4 or 5 star recruit.   Very talented.   But he's still a diamond in the rough.   Needs lots of polishing.    Maybe he pans out.    And then again,  maybe not so much.


Don't get too caught up in him.   If we get him,  great.    And if not,  on to the next possibility.   Grigson has earned that kind of trust from Colts fans...

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To be clear....


While the ESPN story from Adam Shefter claims that whoever signs Armstead is getting the equivalent of an additional early round draft pick, I can't begin to tell you how much I disagree with this evaluation.


The story says in three season at USC he started 17 games (1.5 seasons) and recorded 59 tackles.    That's it.   Doesn't even mention sacks.


That's not the production of an early round draft pick.


As it says, he only played 1.5 seasons.  Actually, his stat line shows he only played one season.  So those are his numbers for 10-16 games(he had 3 sacks).   That's a lot of tackles for D-lineman.  In addition, I would assume Schefter is relaying what he's heard from personnel people based on that season and his CFL play.  So, had he played his senior year, it's certainly conceivable he would have been a high draft pick. 

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I think armstead will sign with the team that gives him the best shot at starting(i reckon that's us).

Well, there's also that matter of who gives him the best contract. He'll rotate no matter where he goes. But you're correct, his best opportunity is with us.

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The Colts talked 3-4 but seemed to always line up 4-3.  Freeney is not a 3-4 DE.  Unfortunately the 3-4 is just not where he excels.  If he plays next year, it won't be in Indy, IMO.  Wonder if Chapman will be ready next season?  He's a real 3-4 DT if he is healthy.  Grigson did a tremendous job finding players like Freeman, Allen, Hilton, Avery, Karim, Redding, Vaughn.  Given the entire off season to look around at FA's and plan the draft, he will fill a lot of holes on the O line and defense.  Sure looking forward to next season.

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The Colts talked 3-4 but seemed to always line up 4-3.  Freeney is not a 3-4 DE.  Unfortunately the 3-4 is just not where he excels.  If he plays next year, it won't be in Indy, IMO.  Wonder if Chapman will be ready next season?  He's a real 3-4 DT if he is healthy.  Grigson did a tremendous job finding players like Freeman, Allen, Hilton, Avery, Karim, Redding, Vaughn.  Given the entire off season to look around at FA's and plan the draft, he will fill a lot of holes on the O line and defense.  Sure looking forward to next season.



I don't think you were seeing things right. Very rarely did the Colts line up in a 4-3 this yr.. In fact, I don't remember any times right off the top of my head. Just because Freeney lined up on the line of scrimmage does not mean they were in a 4-3 alignment.

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I don't think you were seeing things right. Very rarely did the Colts line up in a 4-3 this yr.. In fact, I don't remember any times right off the top of my head. Just because Freeney lined up on the line of scrimmage does not mean they were in a 4-3 alignment.



You are correct. A little like Balt usues Suggs ?

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I read an ESPN article that stated he has had visits with the Patriots, Colts, Eagles and possibly a few more teams this week. Then he will choose which team he would like to sign with.

If this is the case, and teams offer him fairly similar contracts, he will choose the Patriots. He'll play alongside Wilfork and have a shot every year to play in the Superbowl.

Yes, the Colts are up and comers, once again, but the Patiots have pretty much renamed the Superbowl into the PatriotBowl.

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As it says, he only played 1.5 seasons.  Actually, his stat line shows he only played one season.  So those are his numbers for 10-16 games(he had 3 sacks).   That's a lot of tackles for D-lineman.  In addition, I would assume Schefter is relaying what he's heard from personnel people based on that season and his CFL play.  So, had he played his senior year, it's certainly conceivable he would have been a high draft pick. 



Agree 12 and it would appear that if Grigson likes him enough , we should be able to out do the Pats for him. They do have 18 mill in casp room but have Talib , Welker and Vollmer hitting the free agent market. Plus they for the 1st year in a long time do not hace a bevy of early round draft picks . So the Colts offer...


1) Good up and coming team

2) Players seem to love the organization... so good feedback from other players .

3) Plenty of money to give a little better contract than most teams. 

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As it says, he only played 1.5 seasons.  Actually, his stat line shows he only played one season.  So those are his numbers for 10-16 games(he had 3 sacks).   That's a lot of tackles for D-lineman.  In addition, I would assume Schefter is relaying what he's heard from personnel people based on that season and his CFL play.  So, had he played his senior year, it's certainly conceivable he would have been a high draft pick. 


Living in Southern California as I do, I can assure you that no one with USC thinks Armstead was all that while at USC.    He may have had legitimate reasons why he didn't pan out,   but he was just not much of a force for the Trojans defense while he was at USC.


He underachieved relative to his reputation.    No one thought he lived up to his potential.    Again, he may have had legitimate reasons,  I'm only trying to say whoever signs this guy is not getting the equivalent of a high draft pick.    Still very raw.

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CFL is becoming a "Hot Spot" for Grigson I see

Hey Grigson!!! Grab Rambo from the Calgary Stampede!!!!!


Just to clear something up, the team is the Calgary Stampeders and Rambo doesn't play for the Stamps anymore. If you're looking for a dominant CFL receiver Jamel Richardson on the Als got some NFL tryout offers a few season ago I believe.

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Living in Southern California as I do, I can assure you that no one with USC thinks Armstead was all that while at USC.    He may have had legitimate reasons why he didn't pan out,   but he was just not much of a force for the Trojans defense while he was at USC.


He underachieved relative to his reputation.    No one thought he lived up to his potential.    Again, he may have had legitimate reasons,  I'm only trying to say whoever signs this guy is not getting the equivalent of a high draft pick.    Still very raw.

Good to know. But, I was just thinking - can't you say the same thing about any USC player?

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Good to know. But, I was just thinking - can't you say the same thing about any USC player?

There is a whole lotta truth to this post Smonroe.  The expectations going to USC as we all know are extremely high in terms of 'Talent.'  Perceived talent vs. True...gifted talent.....Maybe this guy was a little of both???  I love your post :thmup:


My thoughts are...IF we sign him.....he will be just like Jake Killeen and Robert Mathis.....ANYBODY who comes into this organization is given the chance to make the team....even if it is a Special teams 'specialist.'  


If it were me, I would take a little less money to play for the Colts.  I would go out and run through a brick wall for Coach Pagano!!!  Pagano has created a family atmosphere where we are not afraid to have fun.  It is not 'fun' sometimes to play for Coach Belichick as we have seen in numerous interviews with players and coaches.


 The Colts proved WE could win with less than superior talent in many positions....just wait until the talent and the FAMILY grows....Can we say  :lombardi:  :lombardi:  :lombardi: Go  :helmet:  :throwback:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :lombardi:  :lombardi: !!!!!

Edited by BrentMc11
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Good to know. But, I was just thinking - can't you say the same thing about any USC player?


Well...    I don't think so....


I think you can say it about lots of USC players...


But not Kalil...   the big OT went 4th to the Vikings.    Not Woods.   The only thing holding him back is lots of leg injuries.   He's a talent.   And clearly,   not with Lee,  who projects to be a top-5 overall pick next year.    So, there are USC players who do live up to the hype.


Barkley got over-hyped.   That can happen in a town like L.A. where the Trojans are seen as the NFL's 33rd franchise....

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