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so i was watching first take, the subject was rg3 vs luck.


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so ive decided that skip bayless is probably the worst......WORST. everybody on the show said that because of the game luck had, it proves that rg3 is by far so much better. it was ONE GAME!!!!!!! does skip always sound this uneducated and biased? i mean wow... i couldnt believe him. it really gets to me for some reason, because people like him make it so hard for luck and our team to get the credit they deserve. i have no idea why it made me so mad.

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so ive decided that skip bayless is probably the worst......WORST. everybody on the show said that because of the game luck had, it proves that rg3 is by far so much better. it was ONE GAME!!!!!!! does skip always sound this uneducated and biased? i mean wow... i couldnt believe him. it really gets to me for some reason, because people like him make it so hard for luck and our team to get the credit they deserve. i have no idea why it made me so mad.


(Problem Solved) People will ALWAYS have something NEGATIVE to say, Ignore it

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That's OK, people still call Cam Newton a better Franchise QB than Andy Dalton even though Dalton took his team to the playoffs last year and could again this year while Cam is pouting and playing like a big bundle of crap. People like shiny flashy things and sometimes aren't rational.

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it just really gets to me, these kind of people could make the difference between luck getting roty, which he clearly deserves by leading a team that had 2 wins last year to making it to the playoffs, not to mention the great stats he is going to finish with, and him not getting it because of uneducated, biased, pompous imbecils like him... i need to calm down

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Well, Skip saw how he did vs. Bears on the road, vs. Jets on the road, vs. Pats on the road and all of those games were ugly, ugly, ugly as you well know. NOW, let me also say that you can't expect a ROOK to take the queen right out of the gate. Let's just say Luck has a LOT to learn as far as how to handle road noise, pressure, progressions, accuracy, stress, & nerves. He is not there yet for sure but why should he be? , he has a bunch of other ROOKS on the team. And I thought there were only 4 ROOKS allowed on the board at one time!!!! ????

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1. Say something silly and grossly overexaggerated.

2. Watch as people go ballistic over the so-called "idiocy".

3. ????????

4. Profit.

I bet Skip Bayless is laughing his butt off at your emotional response on his way to the bank. Clever man.

Exactly, it's Skip Bayless's job to say ridiculous things and get owned by Steven A. Smith everyone. I can't imagine that Bayless actually believes the things he says and if he does I would be very surprised. The man has discredited himself so many times it's not even funny and he has become a complete parody of himself. If anything it's a good thing that he was on the other side of the Andrew Luck arguement. Almost everything Bayless supports is an unpopular opinion, he's the antagonist on the show, he says ridiculous things to get under people's skin and can rarely back it up with any fact. He constantly gets owned by players and anyone with any real knowledge of the sport. Think about these things, he believes Tebow is a good QB and Jerry Jones is good for the Cowboys, if he believes RGIII is the better QB, that's a good thing. It means most sports analysts at ESPN believe Luck is the better QB, while overly emotional people would question his ability because of one game in his rookie season against the New England Patriots at Foxboro, it's very obviously a ridiculous opinion.

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Yeah skip is up there w the worse of them. Even if Luck won a SB 3 years in a row he probably would think even Mark Sanchez is better than Luck.

Skip would act like he never doubted Luck if that were the case.

Well, Cam Newton had an oudstanding rookie season and now struggles. We will see how RG3 is doing in his second year...

Luck is not immune to that phenomenon, himself :)

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Skip Bayless also believes Michael Irvin is a better player than Jerry Rice. I think a lot of what he says is just said to get a response. People talk about him and ESPN and he will likely get more viewers next time so people can see what crazy thing he says next. That results in more money for ESPN. Everyone will always have doubters. I don't think it really matters. What matters is what the coaches think. Personally, I hope Luck and RG3 both have good, long careers.

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It is no different than forum posters here wondering if RG3 would have a 6-3 record if he played the same schedule as Luck. I said "yes" because of the teams we have played so far (though I said at least 5 if not 6, to be accurate :)).

In a "what have you done for me lately", we fans get caught up in the "Luck is better than RG3" or "RG3 is better than Luck" like the flavor of the week or month based on a set of games each has had. Both will have good games, both will have bad games. Both will make rookie mistakes and need to be protected by their O-line and play calling to an extent, IMO.

Rome was not built in a day, neither is Luck's or RG3's QB pedigree going to be, that is all I have to say. I am not going to overreact to one bad performance for Luck just like I said I was not going to do so when RG3 had the 2 game streak vs the Steelers and Panthers, both QBs are still learning and will end up fine QBs for their franchises. :)

We should frankly stop caring even when they are praising Luck knowing Luck will take his lumps enough times, same applies to RG3 as well. With the any given Sunday concept, a Bills team that might be terrible one week can do enough to beat a middle of the road team another week. Like coach Dungy said "it is not who you play, it is when you play them". If the Falcons were to play the Broncos now and the Pats were to play the Cardinals now, results would probably be different.

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Next week if Luck throws 4 TDs and RG throws 4 picks, it will be reversed. That's the media today. They want the reaction so people keep watching. Yell the loudest...yell the longest....just get people to react. So what if you're wrong. Just come back next week and yell about something else.

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Again, DON'T pay attention to anything Skip Clueless says. He is the most biased guy on ESPN. He finds someone he likes, and sticks with him to the end. Thats whats he's done with Tebow, and thats what he's doing with RG3.

You can't argue who is better until at least a few years into their careers anyways. Skip is basically a in the moment opinionater. He never sees the big picture on anything.

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I watched a few minutes of Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless arguing about Tim Tebow the other day and it makes me seriously doubt the longevity of the human species. How these two imbeciles get paid big money to spout biased garbage all day is beyond me. Stephen A Smith playing the race card, and Skip Bayless talking about Tebow like he's the next Joe Montana is horrible on so many levels. The only thing ESPN is good for is the Highlight Express where they have to state facts about actual scores and statistics on daily games, but the rest of the network is just garbage.

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