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Over/under Addai Rushes For 900 Yards, 7 Touchdowns


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I don't think he will get 900 yards. The Colts like to run a back by committee and as of now, we have Addai, Brown and Carter (The ABC's of the running game haha). I don't think any of those guys will get near 1000 yards, but combined, I can see them getting 1100+. I say Addai will get around 700 yards. As for the TDs, if you include reception TDs, I say over. If you go strictly with rushing TDs, I saw under.

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Guest BlueShoe

I don't really care how many yards Addai gets as long as collectively we rush for at least 2,000 yards which I think we are capable of doing. I could see it falling where Addai has 900, Brown has 700, and Carter adds another 400.

125 yards rushing a game collectively would be great to see.

From a fantasy football point of view, I think Addai will still be a good play most weeks.

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Over on both. 1000 yards rushing 8 TD's.

This, of course, is only if the O-line can create lanes for him. If the O-line looks like it did Vs The Pack on a game to game basis he'll have a very good season.

Also it's important for the receiving corps to stay healthy as it opens up the playbook a bit more. The loss of one Mr. Clark/Wayne/Collie or any combination will greatly hinder our entire O. (Or god forbid Peyton)

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I don't really care how many yards Addai gets as long as collectively we rush for at least 2,000 yards which I think we are capable of doing. I could see it falling where Addai has 900, Brown has 700, and Carter adds another 400.

125 yards rushing a game collectively would be great to see.

From a fantasy football point of view, I think Addai will still be a good play most weeks.

I can see addai getting close to a thousand if he stays healthy. He looks fresh and is running like the Addai of '06.

It would be nice, but I just dont know how brown gets 700... I mean unless he turns into a running back when the regular season starts. Based on what Ive seen in the preseason Id rather have Spann and Evans playing over him. But Id love for him to get the 700 as long as he gets it with about 175 carries. I hope this is his breakout year, but if not I hope hes gone next season.

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