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Signing Of Collins = Bye Bye Painter


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Yes it absolutely would tarnish the streak. The whole point of the ironman streak of consecutive starts is how durable and free from injury Manning has been so far in his career. Having him suit up and play for just one play when he is physically unable to play the entire game WOULD tarnish the streak of consecutive starts. The difference between this and the late season games where playoffs have already been decided is that in those games, Manning could have played the entire game if he had been needed. He was physically able to play in those games, but due to the circumstances the coaches decided he wasn't needed in those games so he sat out.

Imagine for a minute that your boss decided to have a contest to reward the person who goes the longest without having to take a sick day. One of your co-workers is very sick, but trying to win the contest he comes in to work to clock in and then clock out and tries to say that since he was there long enough to clock in and out that his streak should continue. Would you not have a problem with that? Do you think your boss would accept that rationale and allow that person's streak to continue?

Um, what? Unless my calculations are off, there have only been 2 preseason games so far. ;)

But your just guessing that he wouldn't be able to finish the game. Maybe he'll only be at 70% of his ability instead of 100%. He could finish the game but why risk further injury if we have a vet backup. So let him play a few snaps to keep his record going. Plus the only way he can step on the field is if the doctors release him. If he's released then he has the ability to play a whole game. Btw the second part of your post is in no way an example of Mannings situation. He wouldn't just take a snap and leave. He'd still be on the sidelines contributing to the team and could still be able to play since he was released by the doctors if the Colts decided too. Anyways this is all speculation because we all know Manning won't miss a game if he can help it. Just wish our first game wasn't against a division rival!

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Seriously who cares a bout a streak... that will not get you into the HOF, peyton has said he will not play if he doesnt feel he is where he should be. Why would peyton come out just for one snap just to keep a streak going? if anyone thinks that they seriously do not understand manning.

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Seriously who cares a bout a streak... that will not get you into the HOF, peyton has said he will not play if he doesnt feel he is where he should be. Why would peyton come out just for one snap just to keep a streak going? if anyone thinks that they seriously do not understand manning.

Because true Manning fans want him to smoke every record that he can. Especially Favres records! :)

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Come on man. Use commen sense please.

Common sense??? so your saying peyton would come into the game for 1 snap just to keep his streak going... that is common sense? That would just show peyton cares about his record more than his team, and the way he handled his contract this off season only shows that he values his team more than petty things like that.. So you use common sense.

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But your just guessing that he wouldn't be able to finish the game. Maybe he'll only be at 70% of his ability instead of 100%. He could finish the game but why risk further injury if we have a vet backup. So let him play a few snaps to keep his record going. Plus the only way he can step on the field is if the doctors release him. If he's released then he has the ability to play a whole game. Btw the second part of your post is in no way an example of Mannings situation. He wouldn't just take a snap and leave. He'd still be on the sidelines contributing to the team and could still be able to play since he was released by the doctors if the Colts decided too. Anyways this is all speculation because we all know Manning won't miss a game if he can help it. Just wish our first game wasn't against a division rival!

I'm not guessing anything. I was responding to those saying that he should play one snap just to keep the streak alive. I know the example I gave was not the exact same situation as the Manning start streak but it was the closest example I could give to try to make a point. The bottom line is that if Manning were not able to go for the entire game and he only came in for a snap or two just to keep the streak alive, that would be "cheating" and would be ripped apart by the media as well as fans of other teams and some Colts fans as well. It won't happen. If he doesn't "plan" to play the entire game (of a game that matters, not a "clean-up" game at the end of the season) then he won't start and that's the way it should be. If he is unsure and decides to start and play for as long as he can, then that's one thing but he won't make the "start" just to come in for a few snaps and then come out for the rest of the game.

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Common sense??? so your saying peyton would come into the game for 1 snap just to keep his streak going... that is common sense? That would just show peyton cares about his record more than his team, and the way he handled his contract this off season only shows that he values his team more than petty things like that.. So you use common sense.

Huh? I was commenting on your ludicrous statement of breaking Favres interception record. And I never said just one snap.

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Huh? I was commenting on your ludicrous statement of breaking Favres interception record. And I never said just one snap.

Oh well you said farve records, so i included his ints as well... point is if peyton cant play the whole game he wont play at all, hes not only risking his career if he does he'll be risking his lively hood if he's not a hundred percent.

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Well, folks, i am worried now that our titanium tough Manning will not play against the Texans. Now here is a thought.. for Manning to keep his record going, why can't he suit up, go out for a few run plays, then let Collins take over. I see no reason he cannot do this to keep the record going and if he's not 100%, at least we now have Collins.

I dont believe the Colts are going to start Manning for half a game, if he's ready to go he will play if not he wont. My personal opionion is he sits out game 1, to come back completley healthy in game 2. Unlike in 2008 when he rushed back and wasnt himself for about 5 games, and admited he hadnt returned to form until about the 6th game of 2008 after the injury.

Someone, please correct me if I am wrong; but wouldn't Peyton still have to cleared by the doctors? Whether or not he starts for a few plays may not be his decision to make.

Yes he does, im just glad we have a descent insurance policy now

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Did Polian say they were keeping 3 QBs this year? I never heard that. They could be bringing him in because he is much better than Painter, so when they start to wrap up training camp, he will be a more realistic QB for the offense to have and the defense to play against.

I can't find a link about keeping 3 QB's, but I was sure he did say that(could be wrong I guess), but I really don't think Collins would have come out of retirement just to basically practice for a couple of weeks then go back home. Plus, Like I said, I think the Colts would have to be 100% positive that Manning is completely healthy before they let Collins go and I doubt if that happens in the next couple of weeks unless this all part of some elaborate scheme to mess with all the other teams the Colts play this yr. and I highly doubt that.

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Well, folks, i am worried now that our titanium tough Manning will not play against the Texans. Now here is a thought.. for Manning to keep his record going, why can't he suit up, go out for a few run plays, then let Collins take over. I see no reason he cannot do this to keep the record going and if he's not 100%, at least we now have Collins.

That will positively cheapen his streak if he does it. It will be a move viewed, and deservedly so, as self-serving. It would not benefit the team from many standpoints not the least of which is the game-day roster spot it would require.

If Manning plays against Houston it will be with the intent of finishing the game. Not some contrived attempt to maintain a personal streak.

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Seriously who cares a bout a streak... that will not get you into the HOF, peyton has said he will not play if he doesnt feel he is where he should be. Why would peyton come out just for one snap just to keep a streak going? if anyone thinks that they seriously do not understand manning.

Exactly, people need to realize Peyton is human and that no man has started every game for their entire career of 14 plus years. Its ludacris to think Peyton wont miss a game ever. The streak is great, I prefer a healty :superman: Peyton and championship. Not a half a :censored: :cussing: unhealthy Peyton.

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Collins is no young dude either, so a few bad hits can put him down for the season as well. That is why I feel Painter will be the 3rd QB, at worst, on the depth chart and Orlovsky will be the one that is cut. Just my hunch that we go with 3 QBs, because it makes sense.

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I think Painter stays until Manning proves that he is back and ready to start.

Once that happens, they should release Painter and fill the spot with someone that would contribute -- vs a 3rd string QB.

If, God forbid, Manning get's hurt again (or some how Collins) they can call Painter and bring him back. It's not like anyone else is going to pick him if the Colts release him.

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The only thing that's cheap is the shot you just took at my post. And I don't see it as cheap at all. Who's to say the colts can't do a Manning/Collins rotation the first game and mix it up. Confuse the defense. Other teams have done that in the past. What makes the Colts so damm special that they could do that. The one minded thinking on this forum by some posters is rediculous. Get stuck in the same old routine putting all the weight on Manning. Its irritating that some think that if Mannings not 10000+% ready to go he has to sit out. How many times on other teams has the QB always been completely healthy and played?!

Switch it up and give the Colts offense a whole new dimension!

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Some interesting details on the Colts lunch report on 1070 the fan, first of props to Smitto, he's right no Collins this week. Second Collins deal is for two years $4 million dollors. Interesting that's not just a one year deal. Still probably not a death nail to Painter at least for this year. With all the questions around Manning's health they are probably going to have to carry three to at least start the season.

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The only thing that's cheap is the shot you just took at my post. And I don't see it as cheap at all. Who's to say the colts can't do a Manning/Collins rotation the first game and mix it up. Confuse the defense. Other teams have done that in the past. What makes the Colts so damm special that they could do that. The one minded thinking on this forum by some posters is rediculous. Get stuck in the same old routine putting all the weight on Manning. Its irritating that some think that if Mannings not 10000+% ready to go he has to sit out. How many times on other teams has the QB always been completely healthy and played?!

Switch it up and give the Colts offense a whole new dimension!

First off, it is the internet. You should probably grow some thicker skin. I did not attack you personally. I just simply just disagreed with the premise and gave support to the argument.

Secondly, your initial premise was simply to extend his consecutive game streak. Not some throw the defense off base type of scenario. But since you brought that up - there is no scenario in which the Houston defense is not thrilled at the prospect of playing against anyone other than Peyton. And this curveball you think this platoon would throw the defense is shot to heck by the fact that they both have the same skillset - pocket passers who are less than mobile. The teams that use multiple QB's are ones who have QB's with different talent. Such as what the Jets used to do with Smith & Sanchez.

Lastly, you are looking at the world through Colts-colored glasses if you think a hurt Manning only playing a handful of plays to extend his streak would not create a firestorm of controversary among the media. And I would hazard a guess among the team as well.

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I do kinda think it does mean bye-bye Painter. We will release Painter and Collins and draft a QB next year. For sure.

I don't know about that. First of all with all the questions about Manning you can't go into the season with really only Manning and Collins as your QBs because if heaven forbid Manning can't go you now don't have a back up QB for Collins should he get hurt and Collins isn't exactly a young guy eiher. So they almost have to keep Painter, Orvlosky or Hartline and as much as people hate him Painter knows the system better than the other two and frankly Orvlosky and Hartline have shown little to nothing to suggest they are that much better than Painter.

Now on to next year, Collins signed a two years based on reports that have come out yesterday. What is more likely is that the Colts looked down the road and figured two years from now Manning will be in the last three years of his deal and you have now hit that magic window to find that guy who is going to be our next QB and can be the back up till Manning calls it a career. Collins is back up to get us to that point so I don't know if we'll be cutting Collins or drafting a QB next year.

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I don't know about that. First of all with all the questions about Manning you can't go into the season with really only Manning and Collins as your QBs because if heaven forbid Manning can't go you now don't have a back up QB for Collins should he get hurt and Collins isn't exactly a young guy eiher. So they almost have to keep Painter, Orvlosky or Hartline and as much as people hate him Painter knows the system better than the other two and frankly Orvlosky and Hartline have shown little to nothing to suggest they are that much better than Painter.

Now on to next year, Collins signed a two years based on reports that have come out yesterday. What is more likely is that the Colts looked down the road and figured two years from now Manning will be in the last three years of his deal and you have now hit that magic window to find that guy who is going to be our next QB and can be the back up till Manning calls it a career. Collins is back up to get us to that point so I don't know if we'll be cutting Collins or drafting a QB next year.

no kiddn'. Carrying 3 QBs is SOP :)

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I think that the signing of Collins means that Curtis Painter will be cut, along with Orlovsky. Why keep 3 quarterbacks knowing that one of them is terrible QB. Collins is the ideal backup on most teams, and the Colts are one of those teams. He is one of few quarterbacks I would have wanted to have, if we had to sign a QB. I really like him, and i think we'll be seeing Painter leave soon. What do you guys think??

Colts will hang on to Painter until Manning is ready to play again. If not and should Collins go down with injury (highly likely with his inability to detect the blitz and get rid of the ball along with our inefficiencies on the O Line), we will hang onto 3 qb's. Technically, until Manning comes back, Collins is our starter and we have to have at least one backup for him. The question is when Manning comes back, how many qb's do we have on the roster? My guess is we keep Painter and have a total of 3.

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Ya, its the internet and how about a little common courtesy. That's the problem. People say get thicker skin, how about you be nicer and show some respect. We can disagree, but we can also do it in a respectful manner. Off my soap box.

Go back and read my post and tell me where I was disrespectful. I did nothing more than disgree with your post. If disagreeing with your thoughts by using logic and facts to support my argument, then I guess I am guilty of not being respectful.

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Painter is not going anywhere. Polian and Caldwell, in an interview with Kuharsky, stated earlier in the preseason we would carry three QBs this year because of PM's health concerns heading into the season. The discussion was in the context of the extra active player roster spot on game days. He was saying that typically/ideally we would use it for special teams, but because of circumstances we would use it for a third QB. Here is the link: http://espn.go.com/blog/afcsouth/post/_/id/26302/quick-hits-from-polian-and-caldwell

Also, I think everyone is failing to mention Painter's importance to Manning's preparation. While Painter may not be a suitable replacement on the field, he, like Sorgi, plays the role of dissecting film and discussing in-game strategy. There is no way PM could run the offense like he does without the help of Painter (and Sorgi)...I'm assuming they are both good at it because of PM's success and the fact we've kept them both around. He does a lot of film work throughout the week, and takes notes on game day to discuss with PM. He's basically PM's assistant. Like it or not, the value of Painter (and Sorgi) rests there, not in their on field play.

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