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I refuse to believe in the RG3 hype...


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Here are my reasons why:

1. Isn't the Saints defense ranked one of the worst last year? I know its a new year but that won't change much. Ravens, Bears,Texans...those are real defenses.

2. Have we really seen the impact Sean Peyton brings to the team? Maybe coaching has a lot to do with this team. Maybe Sean Payton is a great playcaller.

I just want him to go against a tough defense. Can't wait til he faces the giants. I doubt his little trick plays will work. Not an RG3 hater but those are just some of my reasons.

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First thing, I don't see what this has to do with "player A."

Second thing, I don't know what hype we're talking about. Griffin had a great game, by any standards. There's no reason to downplay two touchdowns, 320 yards passing, 19/26 passing, and 42 yards rushing, regardless of the opponent or the quarterback. That's a great game for a seasoned veteran quarterback. Hype is something that's unwarranted, often not real. Griffin did everything he was supposed to do, helped his team score 40 points and get a win against a playoff caliber team, and did this all on the road. Let's give credit where credit is due.

He also had a lot of help. Colts fans witnessed the potential of the Redskins' defense this preseason. And their running back was able to move the chains and score touchdowns. The kicker was 4/4. They didn't fumble the ball away. He didn't necessarily lift them up on his shoulders and will them to victory, but he had a very good game. Add in the fact that he's a rookie, on the road, in his first game ever, and I just don't see room for criticism.

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I think people are lookIng to much into one game with everything in general. Colts are going to have a tough year. Luck will have his struggles and I'm sure RGiii will also. His team is much better so he will have a better time and probably be better until the Colts can build a solid OL and team in general. I'm honestly more worried about Luck possibly getting injured for the Colts than anything because he was fighting for his life against the Bears D, spending much of the day on the ground and forcing passes. It's going to be a rough time for the Colts until they can get somewhat established.

I however still thought Luck did play good pending the conditions. 309 yards, 1 TD 3 INT technically being thrown to the wolves.

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Who cares what RG3 does. We picked our man Luck because he fit this team and the direction we want to go in. Quit dwelling on which ones gonna be bettter. I could care less if he's the next best thing to sliced bread. The media is going to hype him up so much more over Luck the same way they love Brady over Manning. One guy doesn't win Super Bowls as we painfully found out with Manning. If he outperforms Luck this year then so be it. He has a more talented team then us currently and probably will for a couple of years. One thing that he's doing that we thankfully don't have to worry to much about is RG3 is putting himself in Micheal Vick situations and will eventually get hurt. He's a ticking time bomb if he doesn't learn to quit putting himself in situations that could lead to a very bad outcome. I'm sure Tuck and Ware are licking their chops at the chance to welcome him to the NFL. Anyways, Luck is our QB and I'm certain will help us win some championships no matter how he fares agaisnt other league QB's.

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Who cares what RG3 does. We picked our man Luck because he fit this team and the direction we want to go in. Quit dwelling on which ones gonna be bettter. I could care less if he's the next best thing to sliced bread. The media is going to hype him up so much more over Luck the same way they love Brady over Manning. One guy doesn't win Super Bowls as we painfully found out with Manning. If he outperforms Luck this year then so be it. He has a more talented team then us currently and probably will for a couple of years. One thing that he's doing that we thankfully don't have to worry to much about is RG3 is putting himself in Micheal Vick situations and will eventually get hurt. He's a ticking time bomb if he doesn't learn to quit putting himself in situations that could lead to a very bad outcome. I'm sure Tuck and Ware are licking their chops at the chance to welcome him to the NFL. Anyways, Luck is our QB and I'm certain will help us win some championships no matter how he fares agaisnt other league QB's.

I think people are lookIng to much into one game with everything in general. Colts are going to have a tough year. Luck will have his struggles and I'm sure RGiii will also. His team is much better so he will have a better time and probably be better until the Colts can build a solid OL and team in general. I'm honestly more worried about Luck possibly getting injured for the Colts than anything because he was fighting for his life against the Bears D, spending much of the day on the ground and forcing passes. It's going to be a rough time for the Colts until they can get somewhat established.

I however still thought Luck did play good pending the conditions. 309 yards, 1 TD 3 INT technically being thrown to the wolves.

Umm this is about RGIII not Luck...Why it is in the NFL general section...

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Here are my reasons why:

1. Isn't the Saints defense ranked one of the worst last year? I know its a new year but that won't change much. Ravens, Bears,Texans...those are real defenses.

2. Have we really seen the impact Sean Peyton brings to the team? Maybe coaching has a lot to do with this team. Maybe Sean Payton is a great playcaller.

I just want him to go against a tough defense. Can't wait til he faces the giants. I doubt his little trick plays will work. Not an RG3 hater but those are just some of my reasons.

I offer you these counter-points:

1. It's extremely tough to put up a 140 passer rating against anyone in the NFL, even the most atrocious of defenses. As a matter of fact, the worst pass defense in NFL history (the 2008 Lions, who allowed a 110.8 passer rating to opponents on the season) didn't even allow a rating that high and their dreadful run included games against Ryan, Schaub, Rodgers (twice), Peyton, and Brees.

2. The Redskins beat the Giants twice last season with Rex Grossman and weren't particularly bothered by the pass-rush. Trent Williams is one of few LTs in the league I trust to physically match up with any defender that gets thrown at him. He'll make mistakes every now and then but he's a true freak of nature who, even at 325 pounds, can actually match the quickness of the likes of JPP and Ware.

3. Believe me when I say that all that cute option and multiple consecutive screen pass stuff isn't going to be the entirety of our offense. The only reason you saw so much of it on Sunday is that the Saints gave it to us. The play action game will be in full force all season and it will be extremely effective all season so long as we can run the ball.

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Robert had a great game. I feel the game plan was fantastic. I saw Redskins spread the Saints with 5 bubble screens in a row. Those type of runs (yes, i consider them runs in this new era of passing) gains the QB confidence and will open up the field for between the tackle runs and seam / post routes. And it did and they worked it. Give credit where it is due. RGIII hit the plays as they were called.

Now, can they continue to be offensively creative and effective as teams size them up and game plan for them during the year? We'll see but so far so good in Redskin land. Good for them.

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People, people.

It's ok that RG3 had a good game. This talk is a result of people saying that we should have taken Griffin over Luck and that's the problem. The Colts still made the best choice out of the two. Comparing the Colts to the Redskins and the Chicago D and the Saints D is not solving or proving anything.

Personally, I called it earlier in another post where I said RG3 would have a big game because D's don't know how to defend him yet. Cam Newton started off with two 400 + yard games. Then coaches started watching tape and learned how to take away his game. After Week 2, he had one more 300 yard game for the rest of the season. The rest are a mixture of mid 200 yard/high 100 yard games.

When teams start running Cover 3 and players have their assignments for strong side/weak side bootleg defense...that will be bad news for RG3. It's sort of his bread and butter right now.

If the underlying message is just jealousy because Luck hasn't had a miraculous game...get over it. He'll be fine and he will be great eventually, but we have a long way to go until we have the personnel to allow him to be great.

And don't let the Texans fans get under your skin. They are still waiting on their QB to have a good game too! ;)

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People, people.

It's ok that RG3 had a good game. This talk is a result of people saying that we should have taken Griffin over Luck and that's the problem. The Colts still made the best choice out of the two. Comparing the Colts to the Redskins and the Chicago D and the Saints D is not solving or proving anything.

Personally, I called it earlier in another post where I said RG3 would have a big game because D's don't know how to defend him yet. Cam Newton started off with two 400 + yard games. Then coaches started watching tape and learned how to take away his game. After Week 2, he had one more 300 yard game for the rest of the season. The rest are a mixture of mid 200 yard/high 100 yard games.

When teams start running Cover 3 and players have their assignments for strong side/weak side bootleg defense...that will be bad news for RG3. It's sort of his bread and butter right now.

If the underlying message is just jealousy because Luck hasn't had a miraculous game...get over it. He'll be fine and he will be great eventually, but we have a long way to go until we have the personnel to allow him to be great.

And don't let the Texans fans get under your skin. They are still waiting on their QB to have a good game too! ;)

20/31 for 266 yards, a TD and a win? I'll take it. :number1:

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First thing, I don't see what this has to do with "player A."

Second thing, I don't know what hype we're talking about. Griffin had a great game, by any standards. There's no reason to downplay two touchdowns, 320 yards passing, 19/26 passing, and 42 yards rushing, regardless of the opponent or the quarterback. That's a great game for a seasoned veteran quarterback. Hype is something that's unwarranted, often not real. Griffin did everything he was supposed to do, helped his team score 40 points and get a win against a playoff caliber team, and did this all on the road. Let's give credit where credit is due.

He also had a lot of help. Colts fans witnessed the potential of the Redskins' defense this preseason. And their running back was able to move the chains and score touchdowns. The kicker was 4/4. They didn't fumble the ball away. He didn't necessarily lift them up on his shoulders and will them to victory, but he had a very good game. Add in the fact that he's a rookie, on the road, in his first game ever, and I just don't see room for criticism.

John Madden: "Robert Griffin III is a Tim Tebow that can pass"


I agree 100% Superman. RG3 won his 1st game in a hostile environment on the road in the New Orleans "Thunder Dome" where Drew Brees and Co. almost never lose. That fact alone makes any reasonable observer stand up, take notice, and pay attention. Spags their new DC knows how to apply pressure and RG3 performed beautifully by scrambling, using bootlegs, and always keeping he eyes downfield watching his TE's/WR's and not the oncoming pass rushers. True RG3 has veteran pieces around him, but that still doesn't diminish what he achieved on Sunday. RG3 will make the Skins Playoff contenders next year easily IMO.

RG3 is Tim Tebow with an arm huh...Is this a backhanded complement or what? haha Actually, RG3 can also anticipate throwing lanes and dissect defensive weaknesses...2 vital QB skills I have never seen Tebow pull off consistently over an extended timeframe.

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John Madden: "Robert Griffin III is a Tim Tebow that can pass"



For the RGIII Fan Club


No it's not ouch at all. The headline is all wrong when you read his quote. He says he freezes a defense like Tebow he's never seen a qb be able to freeze a defense not knowing if they are gonna run or throw. Yes he says he can throw better than Tebow but that was obvious. Also did you read the quote in the article where it says that last week he was the best player in all of football. RG3 and Luck are gonna be great but i think RG3 is gonna be revolutionary to the QB position. I think you guys made the safe pick over the higher ceiling pick. I know its one game but he showed poise like a 10 year vet it was impressive. And I hate how everyone after the skins win says the Saints defense sucks but before the game the skins had no chance and the Saints defense was gonna confuse the rookie. Did you see the play where he avoided the sack threw across the field to fred Davis thats a special throw that only special QB's can make. Give the kid credit. I know in alot of Colts fans minds Luck has to out shine Griffin. Why can't Luck just be Luck. Heres the video of the throw i was talking about its 55 seconds in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BVE7hhSLWU
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No it's not ouch at all.

Actually it is ouch.. In reference to Tebow, which was the intent of the comment. Some around here(not you), feel they are exceptionally well at gauging a persons intent. This is just an example of where they would have been wrong. (Again, I'm not talking about you.)

You do make a lot of valid points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I offer you these counter-points:

1. It's extremely tough to put up a 140 passer rating against anyone in the NFL, even the most atrocious of defenses. As a matter of fact, the worst pass defense in NFL history (the 2008 Lions, who allowed a 110.8 passer rating to opponents on the season) didn't even allow a rating that high and their dreadful run included games against Ryan, Schaub, Rodgers (twice), Peyton, and Brees.

2. The Redskins beat the Giants twice last season with Rex Grossman and weren't particularly bothered by the pass-rush. Trent Williams is one of few LTs in the league I trust to physically match up with any defender that gets thrown at him. He'll make mistakes every now and then but he's a true freak of nature who, even at 325 pounds, can actually match the quickness of the likes of JPP and Ware.

3. Believe me when I say that all that cute option and multiple consecutive screen pass stuff isn't going to be the entirety of our offense. The only reason you saw so much of it on Sunday is that the Saints gave it to us. The play action game will be in full force all season and it will be extremely effective all season so long as we can run the ball.

1. Its not about how much he put up against the Saints but also about how much we realized that they depend on Sean Payton. Saints is to Payton as us Colts was to Peyton.

2. The Giants arent very known for outstanding regular season performances. We realized they play better under pressure. Wether it is to make the playoffs to winning the Super Bowl. Rex Grossman isnt horrible. He just does either average one game or horrendous the next game.

3. It is easy for anyone to win their first game since the other team hasnt seen any tapes to study the team. Redskins are not very well known for putting together trick plays like those. Eventually it gets old and defenses learn to pick them up easily. Perfect example: Cam Newton against the Giants this past Thursday. I always knew Cam Newton was overhyped and the Giants shut them down in their own home. His trick plays and runs didnt work at all against that tough defense. Same as the Patriots who like to pull off their little trick plays with everyone except the Giants. The only team that does it well is the Baltimore Ravens.

Overall I like RG3. I lived in Maryland most of my life until I came to SoCal. lol. I just hate their fans (not you though) lol. They talk so much trash about other teams while their team has been horrible since the late 90's. Now they finally have a quarterback and they have every reason to brag for the rest of his career. lol. They talk so much trash about the Baltimore Ravens. I would personally rather be a Ravens fan (if i wasnt a Colts fan) but im not because they are purple....lol

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