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Jerry Hughes For Matt Leinart


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Furthermore, what logic, outside of the Madden rating system, would consider this a fair trade?

Have you even tried to read the rest of the thread? Particularly the first posts on the first page, where the entire thinking of this was laid out? Or did you just log on and read the last few posts? If you can't consider where the logic came from, then you obviously didn't read the entire thread.

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Take it from a Colts fan in Arizona, Leinart is NOT the answer. I get to hear all the training camp chatter each year and for the last 3 years it has been how Matt Leinart has gotten beat out by guys the likes of Derek Anderson and Max Hall. Leinart is a horrible decision-maker and he struggles mightily to make throws over 20 yards. Now if we had drafted Skelton last year I think we would be set. That kid looks like a slimmer version of Joe Flacco...only he is more maneuverable in the pocket. Man I wish we had drafted him last year! The other great backup today is that Matt Flynn kid at Green Bay who looks like he will be a free agent next year.

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First Jerry Hughes didn't play a 3-4 in college, he played in a 4-3. Second So what if Manning misses a couple of regular season games. The most he'll probably miss is 3. We have 10 games in a row before our bye week. If we can win 4 or 5 of those games we're in the playoffs. Do any of you have faith in our team? I honestly think we can win with Curtis as our starting qb as long as Manning is on the sidelines helping. Third Jerry Hughes is going to be a great player for us so I'd like to keep him on our roster. Last, what are you guys afriad of losing for? Say we go 0-4?. The forth game is when Manning returns, but we lose because he isn't to sharp. Then we make a come back and win the last 12 of our games. Have to play on the road in the playoffs to make that last game at home? That'll make a before story for us to show how badly this team battled. People every year think we're done, we have to small of a defense, etc...

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Someone else mentioned the idea before I got a chance to, but I say call up Denver and offer up a swap of last year's first round draft pics. Jerry Hughes for Tim Tebow. Tebow is 3rd on Denver's depth chart right now, and I could easily see them jump at an opportunity to get rid of Tebow and get some value in return. Denver's biggest weakness is their defensive front 7, and they need pass rushers. They have clearly demonstated a lack of patience with Tebow's development. I think he's shown a lot of promise though. He's not nearly as ineffective as the critics make him out to be. Under the training of Manning, Tebow could really turn into a great NFL QB. He's a seriously hard worker, he's very intelligent, he's a leader, he's tough, and he's a gamer. Just like Manning. I could see him being to Peyton Manning and the Colts what Steve Young was to the 49ers. Just like most people don't even know Steve Young played for the Buccaneers early in his career, nobody will remember that Tebow ever played with the Broncos. Tebow's not polished yet, but I believe if we needed him to start in place of Manning for a game or two, he'd keep us competitive and give us a shot to win. I surely can't say that for Painter or Orlovski. And Tebow has a huge upside, and that definitely can't be said for Paintlovski.

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This is the catch, Houston just switched to the 3-4 and I don't see how Hughes fits in? I'd be all for it. Of all the trade ____ for ____ threads, this one actually makes some sense and doesn't insult the fans intelligence. Lienart would be comforting behind Manning, but I think Houston would rather watch us fail rather than help us out, which is exactly what they'd be doing.

Exactly. Even if he did play in a 3-4 in college, which someone corrected that he didn't, he still is too small to play DE in a 3-4 in the NFL. Now if he'd played in a 3-4 in college as an OLB then that would be a different story. The only way the Texans could get any value out of him is if they felt they could convert him to a 3-4 OLB like they did with Mario Williams.

See I think a 3-4 would work better for Hughes, if I recall he was a 3-4 pass rusher in college so he would just give the Texans more depth at the poistion. I think that is part of why Hughes is struggling here he is still trying to adjust from a 3-4 pass rushing linebacker more or less to a 4-3 pass rushing end.

See above.

Although I agree with this thread and said it made sense earlier. I will say I think we could get leinart cheaper if the Texans would trade him. Then use Hughes later for another trade down the road. Sorry i just dont like this Hughes dude. We need to trade him while we can still get something for him. I dont like how the Colts hold on to players to long until they have no trade value and then end up just releasing them for nothing in return. Its a waste of draft picks and money IMHO.

AS others have pointed out, there's no way we get any value for him at this point. Yes he was a first round pick but he hasn't done anything yet in the NFL to warrant another team giving up anything of value for him. I don't blame Hughes for this because he just hasn't gotten much of a chance to do anything yet so I still think he could be of value down the road.

I don't think the Colts will trade for another QB. I'm going on the assumption that if Manning were to miss time at all it would be probably one game. You don't trade for a QB to start in, hopefully, one game.

I agree, unless they want to trade to have a better quality backup, which I don't think would be a bad idea as long as they didn't give up too much to get that new backup.

If he starts the regular season on the PUP he will be ineligble for the first 6 games.

If he's day to day as they're saying then I see no way that he starts the season on the PUP list. Unless he aggravates the injury further before week 1 then I don't see this being even a remote possibility.

Someone else mentioned the idea before I got a chance to, but I say call up Denver and offer up a swap of last year's first round draft pics. Jerry Hughes for Tim Tebow. Tebow is 3rd on Denver's depth chart right now, and I could easily see them jump at an opportunity to get rid of Tebow and get some value in return. Denver's biggest weakness is their defensive front 7, and they need pass rushers. They have clearly demonstated a lack of patience with Tebow's development. I think he's shown a lot of promise though. He's not nearly as ineffective as the critics make him out to be. Under the training of Manning, Tebow could really turn into a great NFL QB. He's a seriously hard worker, he's very intelligent, he's a leader, he's tough, and he's a gamer. Just like Manning. I could see him being to Peyton Manning and the Colts what Steve Young was to the 49ers. Just like most people don't even know Steve Young played for the Buccaneers early in his career, nobody will remember that Tebow ever played with the Broncos. Tebow's not polished yet, but I believe if we needed him to start in place of Manning for a game or two, he'd keep us competitive and give us a shot to win. I surely can't say that for Painter or Orlovski. And Tebow has a huge upside, and that definitely can't be said for Paintlovski.

This is, imo, a better idea and more plausible than the trade to Houston idea. If Denver is weak on the DL then they may be happy to take a chance on a guy like Hughes who simply hasn't had a chance to demonstrate what he is actually capable of....just like Tebow hasn't had a chance to show what he's capable of. Swapping first round picks of guys who have unlimited upside, or unlimited downside, is a fair trade imo.

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We don't need him to be the answer - we just need him to be better than Painter! Over Painter, anyone is the answer!

Not if we have to give up Hughes to do it. Painter sucks and we need to start to plan for Manning's replacement but let's not replace a sucky player with another sucky player!

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Okay, we definitely need some veteran help in our QB position. Matt Leinart has never fulfilled his potential, but he definitely has the arm for our pass-happy attack. He worked with a similar offense with the Cardinals. He also has the personal connection with Peyton, having filmed a commercial with him, Eli and Archie. I think that if Leinart came in, he could step in IF needed this season, and then go to school under Peyton and possibly be groomed to be the "heir apparent".

Now, the only catch is that Leinart is signed to a division rival. They won't give him up for peanuts. But Houston still needs help at DE. Currently with some of our FA pickups, we are actually a bit heavy at that position. I can see us giving up one of our "projects"...Jerry Hughes. He still has a lot of upside in an area Houston needs, and yet I'm not sure if he will ever truly develop his full potential here. So why not trade him now while he still has a lot of "upside" to get someone we could also use...at this point, desperately.


With all due respect Tuba, this idea has less than zero chance of happening. I think there are glaring red flags on both sides.

1) Why would Houston want to help the Colts when they are a division rival and play week 1? No from Houston side.

2) Hughes is not a 3-4 DE. He does not have the size to play that position in that scheme. No from Houston side.

3) Leinart's arm strength is not what you claim it to be. No from Indy side.

4) Can we really say with any certainty that Leinart is any better than what the Colts currently have? No from Indy side.

5) I think it is a major stretch to say that Manning & Leinart have a relationship due to a commercial shoot. How that relates to football is lost on me.

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Nope. Peyton will be back. Even if he misses two games, those are the only two games Leinart could contribute the entire season, whereas Hughes has the ability to contribute in 16 games. Sorry, It's way too close to the season opener to bring in a pocket-passing QB that doesn't understand the offense. At least Painter knows the playbook.

All else fails, let's just put in Joe Addai at QB. He already has more passing TDs than Painter. :number1:

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First Jerry Hughes didn't play a 3-4 in college, he played in a 4-3. Second So what if Manning misses a couple of regular season games. The most he'll probably miss is 3. We have 10 games in a row before our bye week. If we can win 4 or 5 of those games we're in the playoffs. Do any of you have faith in our team? I honestly think we can win with Curtis as our starting qb as long as Manning is on the sidelines helping. Third Jerry Hughes is going to be a great player for us so I'd like to keep him on our roster. Last, what are you guys afriad of losing for? Say we go 0-4?. The forth game is when Manning returns, but we lose because he isn't to sharp. Then we make a come back and win the last 12 of our games. Have to play on the road in the playoffs to make that last game at home? That'll make a before story for us to show how badly this team battled. People every year think we're done, we have to small of a defense, etc...

wow ur i take it ur a glass half full kind of guy? Nice, but if we go 0-4 hang it up. we are not the same team that went 14-0 a few years ago. This team is getting older at the spots that have in the past been solid for us. Peyton, Wayne, Clark, Saturday, Diem, Vin., Freeney,Mathis our big stars are getting older man. We have to win early and stay competitive the whole season. IMHO of course.

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Have you even tried to read the rest of the thread? Particularly the first posts on the first page, where the entire thinking of this was laid out? Or did you just log on and read the last few posts? If you can't consider where the logic came from, then you obviously didn't read the entire thread.

If you've ever read anything I've posted, then you know I consider everything carefully before posting. Since you only took a bullet from my post, I'm going to safely assume that it is you who avoids paying attention to detail.

I also easily dismantled the failed logic of the poorly written original post, and thus I stand by my statements. We would be getting absolutely robbed if we gave up Hughes for Leinart. Only the Texans, and journalistic enemies of the Colts would benefit.

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Okay, we definitely need some veteran help in our QB position. Matt Leinart has never fulfilled his potential, but he definitely has the arm for our pass-happy attack. He worked with a similar offense with the Cardinals. He also has the personal connection with Peyton, having filmed a commercial with him, Eli and Archie. I think that if Leinart came in, he could step in IF needed this season, and then go to school under Peyton and possibly be groomed to be the "heir apparent".

Now, the only catch is that Leinart is signed to a division rival. They won't give him up for peanuts. But Houston still needs help at DE. Currently with some of our FA pickups, we are actually a bit heavy at that position. I can see us giving up one of our "projects"...Jerry Hughes. He still has a lot of upside in an area Houston needs, and yet I'm not sure if he will ever truly develop his full potential here. So why not trade him now while he still has a lot of "upside" to get someone we could also use...at this point, desperately.


I think this is a terrible idea, furthermore it makes little difference if the Cardinals offense was similar to the Colts if he couldn't even beat out Derek Anderson for the job plus I'm not sure Leinart has any "personal" connection with the Mannings because of some cheesy commercial (about as much a personal connection as Manning has with the Williams sisters or Donald Trump).

Not to mention, do you really want a guy who is content to be a backup when he had a chance to reunite with his college coach who made him a superstar and where his only main competition is Charlie Whitehurst and Tavaris Jackson? To me that shows a clear lack of desire or ambition to be a QB in the NFL.

But most importantly - WHAT has Leinart shown in the NFL that would even make you think he would be worth such a trade (giving up on a 1st round pick in only his 2nd year)? First of all the guy has HORRIBLE arm strength and his intermediate / downfield accuracy is terrible! Not to mention he's a left-handed QB, which would give the Colts O-line yet another factor to have to adjust for.

I don't see ANY potential or upside in him - I see a guy content to hold a clip-board and soak up the glamour of being in the NFL and living that life style, even if it's as a backup. I think this is a terrible idea.

Plus there's the obvious question of WHY would the Texans even want Hughes? They need a space-eating 3-4 DE - trying him there or trying to convert him to OLB would make zero sense whatsoever.

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I think that we would be no better if Leinart were the backup. Painter has not been an option for me since the Jets game in 09 where he showed what he is capable of. I would be much more comfortable to see a Kerry Collins, a Chad Pennington (this looks crazy even to me) or even (seriously) Brett Farve. I can not see Farve coming back to be a back up but the point I am trying to make is that I think we need a qb who was some experience being successful in the NFL. Sorgi was much better than Painter will ever be in my opinion. I would take Orlovsky any day if it comes down to us choosing from whats on the roster today. That being said I am also assuming that 18 will be taking snaps when we get to Houston in a few weeks. I think one of these qbs would be great to have in case Peyton gets hit and has to come out for the rest of a series from pain or some issue.

Hoping for a great season!

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Didn't you post a thread about too many BACK-UP QUARTERBACK threads,and now you just created such a thread?lol!I can't help but laugh~.Papa don't preach,i'm keepin' my baby!Papa don't preach i'm keepin' my baby!I've made up my miiiinnnndddd,i'm gonna keep my baba!lol!I think you should merge this in with the quinn,culpepper,pryor(and otto graham j/k) and favre threads,just to be fair.lol!Did we check to see if such a thread already existed?I think not!lol!

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Except they already have Williams and Barwin starting and a 2nd round pick in Reed that they are high on.

All true, but Phillips' will sub in pass rushers on passing downs, and he'll use different packages as well. They'll actually use four different outside linebackers during the course of game. We'll use four different ends, but on passing downs we're going to use Freeney and Mathis as much as possible. We talked about using Hughes as a joker, but never did. And I haven't seen it in the preseason, either. The Texans are going to have to sub frequently for stamina and coaching, at least early this season. And there's always injuries.

I'm not advocating moving Hughes, that's for sure. Especially not to the Texans, since I think he fits their defense better than he fits our at this time. But if any team would be interesting in Hughes at this point, it would be a hybrid 3-4 defense like what Wade Phillips is trying to install in Houston. So while it's far-fetched that we'd trade Hughes, especially to the Texans, that's the kind of target destination we'd need to get rid of him.

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Hughes played in a 4-3 at TCU. One of the reasons he fell to the Colts at 31 is because he did not project well to a 3-4 OLB, he's too stiff from the core down. I can tell that all the people that are bashing Hughes on this thread have not watched him in this preseason, they look at the stat sheets and assume he's not doing well but he has been playing very well this preseason. He's getting off the ball quickly, following his route to the QB, displaying good field awareness and showing the make plays on the other side of the field. The few times teams have tried passes with 6 or 7 step drops he's pressured the QB and has been close to 3 sacks.

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