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Peyton Never Had A Back Up Qb-Why?

King Colt

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Explain why the Colts ownership believes #18 is supreman. From Sorgi to Painter we have no backup QB. What if we go to the playoffs and Manning goes down. What is the plan then? I watched New England this first week of practice football and their back up QB annihilated San Deigo. I thought I was watching Brady until I snapped to the jersey numbers. With his neck now in question the Colts deserve to win nothing if they don't believe in depth. I had a neck injury a while back and rest assured it is never right, one litte jerk and your are back in therapy.

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Oh it is too early in the day for this....

Explain why the Colts ownership believes #18 is supreman.

Because he is.


We don't need some awesome backup. Without a top 10 QB in our system we're screwed if Peyton has to miss time, and since it's pretty much impossible to carry two top 10 QB's on your roster, there is simply no need.

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No!!! We must get Tom Brady ASAP to backup Peyton Manning... It would be the best QB tandem in the league behind the Vick and Vince Young tandem!  +  = handicapped alien..

hahahaha. This cracked me up!!! I can't wait to see the wind come out of the Ron Mexico aka Vick bandwagon again this season once defenses play him that he either runs or throws a long ball and cant read a blitz. Bye..Bye... They will be wishing Kevin Kolb was still there.

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Explain why the Colts ownership believes #18 is supreman. From Sorgi to Painter we have no backup QB. What if we go to the playoffs and Manning goes down. What is the plan then? I watched New England this first week of practice football and their back up QB annihilated San Deigo. I thought I was watching Brady until I snapped to the jersey numbers. With his neck now in question the Colts deserve to win nothing if they don't believe in depth. I had a neck injury a while back and rest assured it is never right, one litte jerk and your are back in therapy.

No one thinks he's supreman, but we all think he's superman. BTW, Sorgi and Painter are backup QBs.

( I can't believe I'm actually responding...)

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I can't believe I'm going to say this. I miss Sorgi as our backup. :Cry:

Painter and Orvlosky make him look like a probowler.

Could do a lot worse. And we have.

Nothing wrong with Sorgi. This was discussed in another thread, but the guy is only 30yo and is just a very short time removed from a system he knows like the back of his hand. He proved capable in his limited time under center here. Check the stats. Who knows, maybe he'd turn out to be another Chris Chandler, who played for 10 years before he entered his most productive time in the league with Atlanta - five years worth of solid starts.

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I don't know. Mayber they thought that since he has started 208 consecutive regular season games and has only missed 1 play due to injury that maybe he's pretty durable?

However, if he does go down then it is basically game over anyway. We saw what the Colt #1s were like without Manning on Saturday and it was not pretty at all. I doubt if there have been many players in league history who have completely carried a team like Manning does. No sub will call the plays and cover up for weakness like Manning can.

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I don't know. Mayber they thought that since he has started 208 consecutive regular season games and has only missed 1 play due to injury that maybe he's pretty durable?

However, if he does go down then it is basically game over anyway. We saw what the Colt #1s were like without Manning on Saturday and it was not pretty at all. I doubt if there have been many players in league history who have completely carried a team like Manning does. No sub will call the plays and cover up for weakness like Manning can.

Saturday's game was meaningless as it relates to fist team performance as a unit.

All we're looking for here though is some semblence of function with a QB not named Manning under center. Sorgi could, in fact, come in execute with some degree of success. He spent seven years here. If there's another QB more capable of filling in for a would-be injured Manning in our system I'd like to hear his name.

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Saturday's game was meaningless as it relates to fist team performance as a unit.

All we're looking for here though is some semblence of function with a QB not named Manning under center. Sorgi could, in fact, come in execute with some degree of success. He spent seven years here. If there's another QB more capable of filling in for a would-be injured Manning in our system I'd like to hear his name.

The Colts had a running game then and a good left tackle. There is nothing vaguely resembling a running game now and the run defense looks as horrible as ever. Sorgi would have real trouble dealing with that because the opponent knows that they can run the clock on him and that he would not be as effective in the 2 minute drill as Manning especially if he is being blind sided.

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Explain why the Colts ownership believes #18 is supreman. From Sorgi to Painter we have no backup QB. What if we go to the playoffs and Manning goes down. What is the plan then? I watched New England this first week of practice football and their back up QB annihilated San Deigo. I thought I was watching Brady until I snapped to the jersey numbers. With his neck now in question the Colts deserve to win nothing if they don't believe in depth. I had a neck injury a while back and rest assured it is never right, one litte jerk and your are back in therapy.

Just to clarify, New England didn't play San Diego, they played Jacksonville.

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Serious answer to the question:

For years they did. They brought in guys like Kely Holcomb, Mark Rypien, and Brock Huard. The Colts quickly learned these guys never played and got paid money that could be used to pay other players we were losing as free agents. So the Colts figured it was better to use money on guys who played than on a back up QB who didn't play and frankly if he did probably wouldn't make much of a difference in the end result (remember thre is a reason Peyton pretty much won two MVPs because of how important he is to our team, he's the one guy who next man up doesn't apply too.) Also I think the Colts would disagree about Sorgi, till he got hurt he was pretty much your classic back up QB in the NFL, and I mean back up not boarder line NFL starters, like some teams have as their 2nd QB.

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Let's not confuse what the Colts use a backup QB for. The guys hold a clipboard for a reason. Being able to be another pair of eyes on the sideline is the backup QBs #1 job, and their ability to see what Peyton might not is key. Jim Sorgi was always the first guy Peyton went to on the sideline, and I think it speaks a lot to his football knowledge. He was never an elite backup, but he never had to be. Peyton has sung his praises several times, and I have no doubt he was exactly what the Colts wanted. Perhaps this is why they keep Painter as well, though I don't know either way about that.

I think the Colts are looking for a game manager who has great knowledge of the game. Even if they find the perfect guy, you'll likely still not like it.

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Let's not confuse what the Colts use a backup QB for. The guys hold a clipboard for a reason. Being able to be another pair of eyes on the sideline is the backup QBs #1 job, and their ability to see what Peyton might not is key. Jim Sorgi was always the first guy Peyton went to on the sideline, and I think it speaks a lot to his football knowledge. He was never an elite backup, but he never had to be. Peyton has sung his praises several times, and I have no doubt he was exactly what the Colts wanted. Perhaps this is why they keep Painter as well, though I don't know either way about that.

I think the Colts are looking for a game manager who has great knowledge of the game. Even if they find the perfect guy, you'll likely still not like it.

Terrific proposal. Now, if we can just get Painter to understand that throwing the ball to the other team is bad, we have our guy!

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I think the Colts are looking for a game manager who has great knowledge of the game. Even if they find the perfect guy, you'll likely still not like it.

haha Very true.

We're not going to find another Peyton and he has set the standards very high for any back-up.

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The Colts had a running game then and a good left tackle. There is nothing vaguely resembling a running game now and the run defense looks as horrible as ever. Sorgi would have real trouble dealing with that because the opponent knows that they can run the clock on him and that he would not be as effective in the 2 minute drill as Manning especially if he is being blind sided.

You miss the point....while several posters above here ^ express an understanding.

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You miss the point....while several posters above here ^ express an understanding.

Scratchin' my head here too?

We aren't lookin for a QB comparable to Manning.

We need a guy that doesn't turn the ball over and can make simple reads, go through progressions without getting eaten by pass rushers.

Some people think the term "game manager" is faulty, but it has real game application.

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Some of you guys don't know what a backup QB's job is. It is someone who can go in and get the job done, he will definitely not do as well as Peyton but can throw the ball when necessary. None of you know whether or not if any of our backups have been improving. Maybe Painter has been getting better each day and is really impressing the coaches. He only played 2 series you can't really judge him after watching him play just 2 series. He is young and needs some time to learn and get better. Sorgi got the job done he just couldn't stay healthy so the Colts couldn't rely on him to backup Peyton.

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Let's not go overboard here. Painter actually hasn't played that badly. This preseason so far, he slightly overthrew his very first pass that was intercepted... big frickin' deal. Heck, even Peyton Manning has done that. It's called pre-game jitters. What's more important, is that he settled himself down afterwards and really started moving the ball. And that's really what you want to see out of a backup QB. He was even within earshot of getting a TD, except Gonzalez got jammed at the line. And that fadeout route in the endzone is a tough pass to make for any QB, let alone a backup.

Last year? He sat out the entire season and suddenly got thrown against arguably the best defense in the league. He didn't look so good.... but then again, I don't remember Peyton looking so good after he missed the preseason due to injury a few years ago... of course, we got to the Superbowl that year, but still.

My point? Let's temper our expectations a bit. Granted, Painter isn't the best QB right now, but he's far from horrible. And realistically, we're just not going to invest in a stud backup QB. It's just not going to happen.

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Johnny Unitas/Earl Morrel, Joe Montana/Steve Young "That's what I'm talkin' about". You gueyzzz are missing one point with your "who needs a GOOD backup" attitude....the Colts can afford one!! Let's hope "Blind Boy" Painter isn't forced to take the snaps in the playoffs againt the Pats or Steelers. If he does you will ALL get my point.

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Painter actually hasn't played that badly.

Um, what?

Painter has yet to play good. At any time in his career.

I was one of his biggest supporters upon his drafting. I was a longtime Purdue and Joe Tiller fan, and I thought Painter had a lot of the same qualities the Tiller bred into Brees. But even I can't defend him at this point... He's completed far less than 50% of his passes, and his TD:INT ratio is atrocious. Even Jim Sorgi, as poorly mediocre as he was, was a much better option than Painter...

It'd be one thing if Painter did good in the pre-season, because then that whole "Well, he came in against the leagues top defense, and then in the middle of a blizzard" argument would have some merit. Sure, indeed he did. And he sucked.

Now what about all those other times that he's sucked?

There is literally no defense for someone who completes well below 50% of his passes and has over twice as many picks as scores...

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Johnny Unitas/Earl Morrel, Joe Montana/Steve Young "That's what I'm talkin' about". You gueyzzz are missing one point with your "who needs a GOOD backup" attitude....the Colts can afford one!! Let's hope "Blind Boy" Painter isn't forced to take the snaps in the playoffs againt the Pats or Steelers. If he does you will ALL get my point.

Yeah different times my friend, much different times. Since Motana and Young I am not sure another team has had a Hall of Famer backing up a Hall of Famer other than the Packers with Favre and Rodgers and that was a different situation that ended ugly at the end of Favre's career with the Pack.

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Scratchin' my head here too?

We aren't lookin for a QB comparable to Manning.

We need a guy that doesn't turn the ball over and can make simple reads, go through progressions without getting eaten by pass rushers.

Some people think the term "game manager" is faulty, but it has real game application.

No, no...this ^ is right.

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You don't do a very good job. I've been eating your food in the middle of the night for a week now... lolololol

So...the case of the missing lasagna has been solved!

And you would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.

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"Tom Brady was a backup"! Point of all this rambling is whether or not the back up EVER plays he has to .............."PLAY WELL"!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course. And we don't have anyone on the team that would play well enough to keep us competitive. When Sorgi was a Colt I believed we'd be okay for a stretch with under center if it ever came to that.

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