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Brees getting tons of hate


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Here's my thoughts:


Brees is getting lots of hate that I don't agree with. I understand most will say Kaep kneed for civil rights and I agree with that but he also kneed during the anthem all those years that sent a wrong message.


So many people are tearing Brees to shreds but this country was built on freedom of speech and he has just as much right to speak as those telling him currently to shut up!


I fully support the BLM movement but also know the world is in a bad place and there needs to be some change. 


Everybody needs to come together now more than ever. 

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I hate to say it but I understand both sides. Each one is coming from a different angle and attaches different levels of importance to different things. The medium is bigger than the message with Brees, the message is bigger than the medium for African Americans. There in lies the gap that needs to be bridged. 


Brees did get caught with his pride/stubbornness due to his earlier comments thus having to double down on what he said earlier. He is consistent, I will give him that. However, the circumstances warranted a deeper dive into the message than the medium, IMO, and he didn't pause to think about that and the impact his statement would have during this emotionally charged time. I will leave it at that. If he had at least said he would understand why some would kneel, it would have meant he acknowledges what is happening.


Still a heck of a player.


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17 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

So many people are tearing Brees to shreds but this country was built on freedom of speech and he has just as much right to speak as those telling him currently to shut up!

You mean like Kaep's freedom of speech to protest, peacefully, I might add?

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Is this the stuff we talk about now.  None of this stuff is a real mystery.  Most of its about politics at its root.  People on both sides claim to be offended when they really aren't, they're a lot thicker skinned than what they pretend to be. 


People do this kind of stuff in public because they want to make political statements but don't want to go so far as to actually make political statements.

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15 minutes ago, w87r said:

You mean like Kaep's freedom of speech to protest, peacefully, I might add?

I don't disagree with Keep. I disagree with the platform he had kneeling during the anthem. There's ways to go about it and that wasn't it. 


Most of all he sent a strong message about civil rights and could have done it any other way but I don't like him doing it during our anthem.


I respect his freedom to do so though. 

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22 minutes ago, w87r said:

You mean like Kaep's freedom of speech to protest, peacefully, I might add?

Just to make the point, which you probably know. 


The concept of freedom of speech only applies to the government's inability to prevent someone from showing or displaying or speaking dissent (but not to physically block the path of someone, for example, should the government want that path open...or closed).  The government can't punish a person for dissent, like they can in China, Russia, or back in Old England. 


Every other entity in the country can limit speech of any kind, including any employer, more or less.


Kaep has never ever been denied his "freedom of speech" as the term means.  He's only been silenced by a big powerful collection of teams and owners when in their facilities (if/when they ever show the balls to do so).  That's their right too.


Basically, anybody has the right to tell anybody else to shut up. Its just the government who can't tell anybody to shut up. 

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21 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Not a smart move by anyone who is a leader of people

He has done so much for the city of New Orleans. It's sickening to me how much hate he is getting even from his own teammates.


They asked Brees how he felt about more players kneeling and he said he hopes nobody should during anthem.


Nothing in there says he has anything against African Americans.


I respect everyone's opinion but don't agree with the crucifixion of Brees right now.


These riots going on now are not the way to do things. 


We as a group can and should do better. 



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8 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

He has done so much for the city of New Orleans. It's sickening to me how much hate he is getting even from his own teammates.


They asked Brees how he felt about more players kneeling and he said he hopes nobody should during anthem.


Nothing in there says he has anything against African Americans.


I respect everyone's opinion but don't agree with the crucifixion of Brees right now.


These riots going on now are not the way to do things. 


We as a group can and should do better. 



Doesn’t matter 

  As a leader your opinions take a back burner

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1 minute ago, PrincetonTiger said:

I said back burner not muzzle    
     Before a leader talks he needs to clear it with others or change the topic

No matter the backlash a leader shouldn't shade away from speaking up. That's why they call them leaders.  If every QB or team captain based their opinions on what others thought they wouldn't be leaders. 


I respect kaep btw just don't agree with the method of kneeling during anthem.

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1 minute ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

Brees said nothing wrong. He loves his country. Somehow that has become a crime.

He's getting hate for absolutely no reason.


Waahhh I disagree so I'm gonna tell him to shut up.


That's basically everyone in America right now and that's the sad truth. 

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Just now, LockeDown said:

It’s absolutely bizarre attacking Brees. One of the real good dudes in the NFL.  I guarantee you he’s not a racist. 

He's one of the few players in the NFL that I have the utmost respect for and his stance on this topic doesn't change that. 

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1 minute ago, HectorRoberts said:

Drew Brees just became my favorite quarterback...

I admire him speaking his mind.

He does so and everyone hates him. 

Just now, The Fish said:

 If they can turn Drew Brees in to a flaming racist...



What he said has nothing to do with racism but that's the issue most will convert it that way

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3 minutes ago, danlhart87 said:

I admire him speaking his mind.

He does so and everyone hates him. 

What he said has nothing to do with racism but that's the issue most will convert it that way

I totally agree. Just because he doesn’t feel the need to disrespect the flag and our veterans hes going to be pegged as a racist... I’m sorry but kneeling during the anthem will fix nothing, we need a solution not more division...

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3 minutes ago, HectorRoberts said:

I totally agree. Just because he doesn’t feel the need to disrespect the flag and our veterans hes going to be pegged as a racist... I’m sorry but kneeling during the anthem will fix nothing, we need a solution not more division...

There's a fine line and it's often crossed.


People need to understand that some people are bad that doesn't mean all are bad


These riots are sickening to me.

What is burning down buildings going to do?


Sadly people support the riots. What kind of message is that sending to the youth of America?


That if you dislike something tear public property apart and burn it all down?

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“People should not be throwing Drew Brees under the bus, and they definitely need to pump the brakes on labeling him a racist,” Horn said. “I know Drew Brees. Drew has done a lot to help black families and the black community in New Orleans. If Drew Brees didn’t love black families and low-income families he wouldn’t have helped the way he has over the years. People that are criticizing him like LeBron James and other celebrities don’t know him. They need to check his resume. I love my race. And I love New Orleans to death. But I know Drew Brees. And Drew is a good person. And until you have walked beside him and gotten to know him, his wife and family, you definitely have to give him a pass on this one and allow Drew a chance to think about what he said and come back and make this right. And I know he will.”


Joe Horn on Drew Brees 


peter griffin applause GIF by Family Guy

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Colin K was never disrespecting the flag. It was to bring awareness to the issue that we have been dealing with for a long time. In this time we tend to look symptoms of a problem instead of the root of the problem.

Nobody cared to or look at why he was kneeling. Get to the root of the problem so we can all stand together. As the leader of men I expected more from Drew

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