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The Almost Perfect Season


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We could've went down as the greatest team ever but Bill Polian pulled the plugged on 16-0. I was so sick after that Jets game that I wanted to quit watching football. We only lost the SB because Freeney didn't play in the 2nd half and what's his name couldn't recover on onsides kick. It should not of come down to Peyton trying for a comeback.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We could've went down as the greatest team ever but Bill Polian pulled the plugged on 16-0. 

Here is a quote from a thread talking about this. I concur..



"The Colts lost in the Super Bowl so it was really a moot point. What happened in December had absolutely no bearing on what happened in February. They earned the 1 seed, the bye, played well in the Playoffs, and went on to the Super Bowl… what did the Regular Season have to do with the Super Bowl? I’m not buying anyone’s reasoning that if they would have won in December after having the Bye locked up then they somehow would have played better 5-6 weeks later, that makes no sense."



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05 Colts, or 09 Colts? Which season ended up hurting worse? 


05 they were 14-2, had well balanced team, but ended up losing to a young wildcard Pittsburgh team.


09 they punted on a perfect season and proceeded to lose a SB in which it looked like they had control in the first half.

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1 minute ago, NorthernBlue said:

05 Colts, or 09 Colts? Which season ended up hurting worse? 


05 they were 14-2, had well balanced team, but ended up losing to a young wildcard Pittsburgh team.


09 they punted on a perfect season and proceeded to lose a SB in which it looked like they had control in the first half.


At least we were competitive in our final game of each of those seasons against PIT and NO.


The '04 loss to the Pats in NE is by far the worst in my memory bank.


Peyton had one of the best seasons a QB has ever had in '04, we steamrolled DEN in the Wild Card game scoring 49 points, then get held (operative word for the Pats DBs) to 3 points in the snow in NE...  :tvsmash:

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Us losing the Super Bowl was karma.  The football gods punished us for turning our backs on immortality/perfect season.  The entire sequence of events just wreaked of cowardice, hypocrisy, & Polian.  If you’re gonna throw away perfection, you don’t do it in a home game for which your fans braved a near blizzard to attend.  


You do it the week prior on the road, short week, vs the Jags with nearly everybody injured (Freeney & Mathis and others).  Home field was sown up.  But no we go life and death with them in a shootout then come home the next week and pull the starters.  


Then we look like hypocrites when we put our starters out there to get records in the middle of a blizzard the meaningless last week of the season.  But here’s how karma gets you.  Us letting the Jets beat us helped them get in the playoffs. And they knock off some teams and give us an easy AFC championship game to the SB.  But the football gods didn’t forget.  Freeney gets injured towards the end of the game after the game was all but sealed and done.  That injury would keep him out of the 2nd half of the SB and we lose to the Saints...  Karma.  


Sure some will say that I’d rather go to the Bowl and lose than not go.  But if I had to lose, I’d have rather lost going for perfection than to lose the Super Bowl.  At least I lost going all out for what every team in every competitive sports start their season trying to do...  Win.  Every time you take the field or court or ice.  Win every game or match. 


As you can tell, I’ve never forgiven Polian for this.  Sometimes I wonder if the football gods have forgiven us for it...  

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2 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

05 Colts, or 09 Colts? Which season ended up hurting worse? 


05 they were 14-2, had well balanced team, but ended up losing to a young wildcard Pittsburgh team.


09 they punted on a perfect season and proceeded to lose a SB in which it looked like they had control in the first half.

I remember both vividly. They both hurt real bad.  In ‘05 I had 4 young Steelers fans sitting directly behind me.  2 guys and girls. And I promise you to this day I have never heard anybody scream that loud my entire life.  Blood curdling screams the entire game.  After sitting through all of that and us playing terrible to Bettis about to drive in the nail in our coffin to the fumble to Harper getting tackled to Vanderjagt shanking that field goal.  The emotional swings were so dramatic.  Then having to cram out the dome which felt like it took 45 minutes to leave. Ugh.  Both very traumatic losses in 05 & 09.  ‘05 was setup for what should have been an easy super bowl with Denver and the Seahawks in Detroit. Ouch. 

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18 hours ago, Four2itus said:

Here is a quote from a thread talking about this. I concur..



"The Colts lost in the Super Bowl so it was really a moot point. What happened in December had absolutely no bearing on what happened in February. They earned the 1 seed, the bye, played well in the Playoffs, and went on to the Super Bowl… what did the Regular Season have to do with the Super Bowl? I’m not buying anyone’s reasoning that if they would have won in December after having the Bye locked up then they somehow would have played better 5-6 weeks later, that makes no sense."



I do not necessarily agree with that quote. Our mindset may have been different had we entered that SB at 18-0. Having a chance at 19-0, we may have played a better game with history on the line. Nobody will really never know. I think not trying for 16-0 was terrible and nothing will change my mind on that. 

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`05 I was sitting in the funeral home for my Grandmas prayers services. Knew they were losing but my cousin was getting updates somehow and told me they were lining up for a field goal. Never forget him disgustingly whispering "he shanked it" with vein popping out his forehead..was a double bad day 

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39 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:

 We had 4-5 starters that were in bad shape that had no business playing.
 Polian made the decision the trainers and doctors would agree with.
  He gave us our best chance to win the SB. It really is that Simple. For some. 

I watched every game that season and Peyton Manning was 100% healthy when he was pulled from the Jets game. Reggie Wayne was 100% healthy as well. We go undefeated if Peyton isn't pulled and plays all game at Bills. That is simple to me to know and for most people to know. When you are 14-0 and have a chance at something that is rarely done you do not pull your starters. Yet against the Jets we are up big in the AFC Title Game and Caldwell and Polian keep Freeney in and he injures his ankle late in a sure win. Nah, you and other people can sugarcoat it all you want, not going for 16-0 was an absolutely bone headed move and possibly the worst choice in Colts history. That is my opinion and something I am still not over. You do not give games away on purpose when at 14-0 and that is what we did. If we were 13-2 and rested everyone in the last game with HFA locked up, that makes sense but not at 14-0.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

 Having a chance at 19-0, we may have played a better game with history on the line. 

So your saying that these...professionals....did not play better in the SB, because they lost a game earlier? The SB?


I am not a coach, but my guess is that those players gave everything they had to win that SB, and their performance had nothing to do with a game played over a month prior. Nothing would change my mind on that. 

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58 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

So your saying that these...professionals....did not play better in the SB, because they lost a game earlier? The SB?


I am not a coach, but my guess is that those players gave everything they had to win that SB, and their performance had nothing to do with a game played over a month prior. Nothing would change my mind on that. 

Not trying for 16-0 was ridiculous once at 14-0 if you do not agree then we will have to just disagree. The very next day on the local radio shows and on the Bill Polian show he was being ripped by 100's of callers. They had to stop taking calls on the Polian show it got so bad. Yes, their mindset would've been different if they were 18-0. Anybody's would be. I am not saying they did not give 100% in that SB but if 18-0 I think they play different going for perfection. That is my opinion but we will never know because we had a GM that quit on a perfect season. 

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20 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

Hated that they rested the starters. I think that it really bothered the players, and quitting on your edge and just have a gut wrenching feeling in your stomach. Imagine being Peyton Manning. The whole team lost momentum from that decision. 


So let me get this straight. They lost their edge after the Jets game, got it back for two games in the playoffs, and then lost it in the Super Bowl (I guess the 2nd half of the super bowl to be specific) because of the decision in the Jets game?  That dog don’t hunt. 


Look - you can be upset about tanking the perfect and also realize the super bowl loss has nothing to do with it. There does not have to be correlation. 

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16 minutes ago, jskinnz said:


So let me get this straight. They lost their edge after the Jets game, got it back for two games in the playoffs, and then lost it in the Super Bowl (I guess the 2nd half of the super bowl to be specific) because of the decision in the Jets game?  That dog don’t hunt. 


Look - you can be upset about tanking the perfect and also realize the super bowl loss has nothing to do with it. There does not have to be correlation. 

I don't think he is saying that nor am I with my posts. I can't speak for him but IMO if a team is 18-0 and going for history instead of 16-2 their mindset is different going into a game. Who knows how that game would've turned out had we been 18-0 is all I am saying. Why some people can't understand that is puzzling to me. The 2 AFC teams we played in the playoffs were actually pretty easy opponents that season. We didn't play the Pats or the Steelers. We owned the Ravens back then and Manning had a huge edge on Sanchez.

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41 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't think he is saying that nor am I with my posts. I can't speak for him but IMO if a team is 18-0 and going for history instead of 16-2 their mindset is different going into a game. Who knows how that game would've turned out had we been 18-0 is all I am saying. Why some people can't understand that is puzzling to me. The 2 AFC teams we played in the playoffs were actually pretty easy opponents that season. We didn't play the Pats or the Steelers. We owned the Ravens back then and Manning had a huge edge on Sanchez.


You are probably right. 


Baskett tecovers the the kick if they were 18-0. Garçon catches the 3rd down pass. Likely Manning does not play catch with Porter too. 


BtW in a post in this thread you said that you still aren’t over it. Dear god man - love your life, read a book, go to a movie. Harboring anything over that 10 years is kind of wasted energy

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2 hours ago, jskinnz said:


So let me get this straight. They lost their edge after the Jets game, got it back for two games in the playoffs, and then lost it in the Super Bowl (I guess the 2nd half of the super bowl to be specific) because of the decision in the Jets game?  That dog don’t hunt. 


Look - you can be upset about tanking the perfect and also realize the super bowl loss has nothing to do with it. There does not have to be correlation. 


The colts played the ravens who the Colts ALWAYS play well, and the Jets have never been great. If you go Into the superbowl at 18-0 you have a lot of momentum going for you. I will be upset by it. And the SB loss. 

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I always thought.. why even start the game with our starters? If HFA was wrapped up the week before. Why did our starters dress on that cold December day? They NEEDED 30 mins of rest and not 60?.. oh wait they played the majority of the 3rd qt lol idk :dunno:



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10 hours ago, jskinnz said:


You are probably right. 


Baskett tecovers the the kick if they were 18-0. Garçon catches the 3rd down pass. Likely Manning does not play catch with Porter too. 


BtW in a post in this thread you said that you still aren’t over it. Dear god man - love your life, read a book, go to a movie. Harboring anything over that 10 years is kind of wasted energy

To your last part I hear ya. I try not to let sports bother me as much now days. It is not healthy to do so. The Colts just had a chance to make history and do something that is rare and gave up on it. I just think about it when the convo comes up. There are several people in here that aren't over SB 3 and those people are much older than me. That happened 50 years ago. When someone is a passionate fan of something that is just how it is. Try telling a Buffalo Bills fan to get over losing SB 25 because of a missed FG, that will never happen. 

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10 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I always thought.. why even start the game with our starters? If HFA was wrapped up the week before. Why did our starters dress on that cold December day? They NEEDED 30 mins of rest and not 60?.. oh wait they played the majority of the 3rd qt lol idk :dunno:



I know we pulled everyone out in a sure win vs the Jets in the 3rd which would've put us 15-0. Then we play everyone in a snowstorm in Buffalo in the 1st qtr. Makes a lot of sense lmao 

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4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I know we pulled everyone out in a sure win vs the Jets in the 3rd which would've put us 15-0. Then we play everyone in a snowstorm in Buffalo in the 1st qtr. Makes a lot of sense lmao 


If it's any consolation Frank Reich wont rest starters. 

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3 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


If it's any consolation Frank Reich wont rest starters. 

I am for resting starters if we are like 12-2 and have everything clinched. No reason to risk injuries but if we are 14-0 I would go for the undefeated season. I agree I think Reich and Ballard both would go for it. I am not sure we will ever have that chance again though. Teams starting 14-0 almost never happen. Dolphins in 1972 went 14-0, Pats in 2007 went 16-0, Colts were at 14-0 in 2009. That is the only 3 teams in the SB era to accomplish 14-0 or better. 

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12 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:


The colts played the ravens who the Colts ALWAYS play well, and the Jets have never been great. If you go Into the superbowl at 18-0 you have a lot of momentum going for you. I will be upset by it. And the SB loss. 


Wouldn't the Colts have had momentum gong for them since, you know - they were the only team left in the AFC still playing in February?  


As long as we are playing make believe, couldn't you just as reasonably argue that they would have felt extra pressure of going for history and not played as well because of it?

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3 hours ago, jskinnz said:


Wouldn't the Colts have had momentum gong for them since, you know - they were the only team left in the AFC still playing in February?  


As long as we are playing make believe, couldn't you just as reasonably argue that they would have felt extra pressure of going for history and not played as well because of it?

One could make that argument but it is highly doubtful that we would feel the pressure of going 19-0. We had a veteran team with maybe the best QB of all-time. We were beating everyone all season.


Can we all agree on 1 thing that not going for 16-0 was ridiculous. I thought after the Jets game this city was going have a melt down the way people were acting on the radio and at work. Just very disappointing IMO and I will leave with that comment.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

One could make that argument but it is highly doubtful that we would feel the pressure of going 19-0. We had a veteran team with maybe the best QB of all-time. We were beating everyone all season.


Can we all agree on 1 thing that not going for 16-0 was ridiculous. I thought after the Jets game this city was going have a melt down the way people were acting on the radio and at work. Just very disappointing IMO and I will leave with that comment.


Agree.  Never said it wasn't.  Polian had what happened to Cornelius Bennett in mind in 99 but I think the chance at history trumped the risk.


All my point has been was that there was no causation to the decision to tank the Jets game and the loss in the Super Bowl.  The larger factor in that game was the Colts missed chances and the Saints were pretty good.  

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9 hours ago, jskinnz said:


Wouldn't the Colts have had momentum gong for them since, you know - they were the only team left in the AFC still playing in February?  


As long as we are playing make believe, couldn't you just as reasonably argue that they would have felt extra pressure of going for history and not played as well because of it?



Anything could have happened. Certain plays wouldnt be called. Maybe freeney doesn't injure his ankle on a play because that play is now different. In the end it doesn't matter. Just butt hurt that they didnt go for it all aggressively. Just kind of faded into the SB loss. 

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21 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

One could make that argument but it is highly doubtful that we would feel the pressure of going 19-0. We had a veteran team with maybe the best QB of all-time. We were beating everyone all season.


Can we all agree on 1 thing that not going for 16-0 was ridiculous. I thought after the Jets game this city was going have a melt down the way people were acting on the radio and at work. Just very disappointing IMO and I will leave with that comment.


No, we cannot.  I wasn't exactly happy when the starters were pulled, but I also wasn't surprised.  No I don't think it was ridiculous at all.  

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I think it was a mistake not going for 16-0.  But that's not what costs them the SB. If I have to point to one thing, it's Caldwell coaching scared at the end of the 1st half.  You have a lead, time on the clock, and maybe the best offense in football, and you try to run out the clock?  


If the Colts go down & score on that drive, even a field goal, they likely go to halftime up 13-3, with momentum.  Instead, it became obvious that one coach was playing to win, and one was just trying not to lose.  

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On 7/13/2019 at 10:14 AM, 1959Colts said:

One of the dumbest football decisions ever.


On 7/13/2019 at 10:14 AM, 1959Colts said:

One of the dumbest football decisions ever.

I totally agree. And for the GM to order the coach to do this was a complete slap in the face to the coach. Caldwell should have told Polian to go * himself and instead gone for the win. Something like: “The field decisions are mine to make. Back the hell off.”

Nobody can tell me that this didn’t take some of that team’s mojo away. They had an incredible run and came back time and again against all odds. They were unbeatable with unreal confidence. It was magical. What a heartbreaking and horrible decision. Bill Polian’s worst moment as the Colts GM. 

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