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Barstool Heartland/Pat McAfee release new Ballard shirt


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Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......

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1 minute ago, Sumo63 said:

Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......

I actually agree. The Colts didnt hold up their end of the bargain in the rivalry.

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Funny, when we beat them 5 out of 6 times, did Colt fans say the rivalry was dead? I didn't. People worry way too much what other people think. People can print shirts, the franchise can hang all the banners they want. It doesn't affect me in any way. 


Proud Colt fan!

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21 minutes ago, Sumo63 said:

Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......


Big deal if they have owned us in recent years! This is entertainment. This is supposed to be fun. Sometimes I think we take this stuff way too seriously. Like Ballard said today at the start of his presser there are things far more important than football. In my opinion we need to have more fun and enjoy all of this. Why be stressed about everything that has happened? I love the Colts and have since the day they moved to Indianapolis, but if they go 0-16 next year my life will still be good and I'll still be a fan. Don't get me wrong, I want the team to win but in the big scheme of things it really isn't that important. Let's have more fun and have more rivalries!

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Remember when, Bellichik had only 1 answer to Peyton's no huddle offense at its best.   Faking an injury and then the player could come back the next play?  The problem is that his underhanded tricks usually work.  He had to literally hold Marvin Harrison because he feared him.  Both acts caused rule changes.  I would say we were more than a worthy opponent during the rivalry. 

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1 minute ago, Mel Kiper's Hair said:


Big deal if they have owned us in recent years! This is entertainment. This is supposed to be fun. Sometimes I think we take this stuff way too seriously. Like Ballard said today at the start of his presser there are things far more important than football. In my opinion we need to have more fun and enjoy all of this. Why be stressed about everything that has happened? I love the Colts and have since the day they moved to Indianapolis, but if they go 0-16 next year my life will still be good and I'll still be a fan. Don't get me wrong, I want the team to win but in the big scheme of things it really isn't that important. Let's have more fun and have more rivalries!

I agree to a degree, but what exactly are you having fun with right now?  The organization we love looks like a clown show in a M.A.S.H unit...Honestly, I'm not losing sleep at night over the Colts but I care enough to want them to actually be competitive before marketing a sassy Tee.  If all I want is breezy entertainment there are far more rewarding venues.  This is a sport, a contest, not the latest Marvel movie. The reason it's enjoyable is because its real:  the competition, the struggle, the pain, and the ability to overcome.  Hell it's entire history is sold to us as grown men meeting on the field in glorious battle.  As hilarious as that may sound in the "grand scheme" of things it is the truth.  To the people getting their knees blown out and racking up concussions like quarters in an office vending machine it's more than simple entertainment.  It deserves to be treated with, at least, a bit of the same gravity as the "real world" pains we all lament.  But I digress....In short, true rivalries are earned, based on mutual respect and competitive play.  They don't exist, for me (and most likely the Pats), because a snarky Tee says so.

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1 hour ago, Sumo63 said:

Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......


If you’re gonna make that shirt, you have to put the win/loss record for the so called rivalry. 

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1 hour ago, ColtsBlitz said:

I think that’s the point of it being ‘back on’... it kinda fell off, now it’s ‘back on’.... right?


I don’t think some people understand the ‘back’ part.  Like it was off, there was no rivalry lately, they did own us.  


But we’re back baby!  Let’s get in on!

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2 minutes ago, Sumo63 said:

I agree to a degree, but what exactly are you having fun with right now?  The organization we love looks like a clown show in a M.A.S.H unit...Honestly, I'm not losing sleep at night over the Colts but I care enough to want them to actually be competitive before marketing a sassy Tee.  If all I want is breezy entertainment there are far more rewarding venues.  This is a sport, a contest, not the latest Marvel movie. The reason it's enjoyable is because its real:  the competition, the struggle, the pain, and the ability to overcome.  Hell it's entire history is sold to us as grown men meeting on the field in glorious battle.  As hilarious as that may sound in the "grand scheme" of things it is the truth.  To the people getting their knees blown out and racking up concussions like quarters in an office vending machine it's more than simple entertainment.  It deserves to be treated with, at least, a bit of the same gravity as the "real world" pains we all lament.  But I digress....In short, true rivalries are earned, based on mutual respect and competitive play.  They don't exist, for me (and most likely the Pats), because a snarky Tee says so.


How am I having fun? Coming to this forum and discussing football is fun. Being able to take a few moments of my day and not have to worry about the responsibilities of work, family, and life is fun. You are right it is a sport, and to me sports is entertainment. It is not battle no matter how many knees are blown out. The people who are getting their knees blown out or are racking up concussions are doing so by THEIR CHOICE. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but no one is forced to play football for a living. The players are paid quite handsomely for the blown knees and concussions. They are paid far more than men and women who actually put their lives on for their work. I don't begrudge players for the money they make anymore than I begrudge Tom Cruise for the money he makes for a movie or the Rolling Stones make every time they go out on tour. In America we place a high value on our entertainers far more than we do our educators. I respect the hard work and effort that it takes to be professional athlete, but let's be honest if we weren't entertained by sports then these men would not be playing football for a living. Sure they love the game and they work very hard at their crafts but at the end of the day they make more for 1 game than the majority of us make in a year. I'm sorry but most athletes don't live in the "real world" with the rest of us.


As for rivalries, again that goes back to making it entertaining. It's fun to think of things in terms of good guys and bad guys. Colts fans see the Patriots and see the "bad guys". It's fun to think of Bill Belichick like he is Emperor Palpatine. It is fun to think that it really is us versus them. In reality, most of the rivalries in sport exist for the fans. I'm not saying that there aren't teams that actually hate each other, but I think for the most part these "rivalries" are more in the fans heads than the players. 


Please don't get me wrong, I want the Colts to win. It is much more entertaining and fun to win than it is to lose. At the end of the day though, the Colts are an escape for me. For a few minutes each day here and a couple of hours each Sunday, I can be a 40 something man wearing a Marvin Harrison jersey enjoying a game. Believe me, I respect what these men are able to do on a football field, but at the end of the day it is still a game, and games are supposed to be entertaining.

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6 minutes ago, Mel Kiper's Hair said:


How am I having fun? Coming to this forum and discussing football is fun. Being able to take a few moments of my day and not have to worry about the responsibilities of work, family, and life is fun. You are right it is a sport, and to me sports is entertainment. It is not battle no matter how many knees are blown out. The people who are getting their knees blown out or are racking up concussions are doing so by THEIR CHOICE. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but no one is forced to play football for a living. The players are paid quite handsomely for the blown knees and concussions. They are paid far more than men and women who actually put their lives on for their work. I don't begrudge players for the money they make anymore than I begrudge Tom Cruise for the money he makes for a movie or the Rolling Stones make every time they go out on tour. In America we place a high value on our entertainers far more than we do our educators. I respect the hard work and effort that it takes to be professional athlete, but let's be honest if we weren't entertained by sports then these men would not be playing football for a living. Sure they love the game and they work very hard at their crafts but at the end of the day they make more for 1 game than the majority of us make in a year. I'm sorry but most athletes don't live in the "real world" with the rest of us.


As for rivalries, again that goes back to making it entertaining. It's fun to think of things in terms of good guys and bad guys. Colts fans see the Patriots and see the "bad guys". It's fun to think of Bill Belichick like he is Emperor Palpatine. It is fun to think that it really is us versus them. In reality, most of the rivalries in sport exist for the fans. I'm not saying that there aren't teams that actually hate each other, but I think for the most part these "rivalries" are more in the fans heads than the players. 


Please don't get me wrong, I want the Colts to win. It is much more entertaining and fun to win than it is to lose. At the end of the day though, the Colts are an escape for me. For a few minutes each day here and a couple of hours each Sunday, I can be a 40 something man wearing a Marvin Harrison jersey enjoying a game. Believe me, I respect what these men are able to do on a football field, but at the end of the day it is still a game, and games are supposed to be entertaining.

Fair enough,  I hope you remain entertained.  I certainly won't try to rob you of that.

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2 hours ago, Sumo63 said:

Just stop, there is no "rivalry".  Pats own us.  Next to them we've been like a little boy playing make-believe in his daddy's suit.  Win.  Hell, put together a coaching staff and field a QB you havent gotten killed, THEN talk rivalry......Sorry fellow fans, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but until we field a competitive squad, this rah rah stuff is embarrassing.......fire away.......

You're right, it hasn't been a rivalry, it's been a slaughterhouse, but after this stunt, it's back ON.  Obviously the proof is in the pudding.  I just have faith that Mr. Ballard will put his money where his mouth is.

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I get the "back on" part but it still seems a tad premature to me.  When we had a healthy Luck and a coaching staff (call Pags what you will) they were kicking our butts.  So with Luck who can't throw a football and no head coach I can't see us thinking about competing with them.  As much as I hate them you can tell the difference between the 2 organizations.  When our QB goes out we finish in the tank, when their QB goes out they still make runs. If I was told today that Luck was "fixed" and ready to start practice I still would be reluctant to say we can compete with them yet..... Hopefully we have a good draft, free agency, and Brady looks as old or older next season as he did trying to catch that pass.  He reminded me of Peyton trying to do something on his feet.

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Since the last time the Colts beat the Pats, the Pats have been to seven conference championships (in a row), four SBs (winning two), and have outscored the Colts something like 794-38. In strictly football terms, there is no rivalry, and hasn't been since 2010 when Manning last played the Patriots as a Colt.


But this "rivalry" isn't just about football. Especially to Chris Ballard. 


He recognized that there was virtually zero relationship between the two organizations, for various reasons, and he spent the better part of a year reaching out to the Patriots, trying to repair relations with them. Then, when it looked like things were normalized and the threat level had been downgraded, they -- and I still believe there was malicious intent in the way things happened, from the top -- ruthlessly dropped a nuke on him.


In Ballard's eyes, they hugged him tight, kissed him on the cheek, and stabbed him in the back. I took his comment to mean '::bleep:: those guys... the gloves are off... if they were on fire I'd use the flame to roast marshmallows... I'll never deal with them again... they will always be our mortal enemies.' 


And when he said that and dropped the mic, he became my favorite person currently on the Colts. 


I won't buy a shirt because I can't take the time to explain this to every person who sees me wearing it, but I support the sentiment 100%.

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