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Ballard to be on 1070 with DAKICH @ 1pm EST/ Right Now (Merge)


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3 hours ago, TheMarine said:

Mother of god


Speaking as someone who's listened to a LOT of political and talk radio, easily one of the worst interviews Ive ever heard.

Agreed 1000% however I do think Ballard handled it well. I would have hung up

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2 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

interesting, dakich talked really tough on Colts in the few times i listened oct/nov. , I mean lighting them up big time, if he held up to the pressure of having ballard on, he would have been firing shots at Colts org. right and left (not necessarily at ballard but at the whole shootin' match)....i'm more interested now than ever to hear this.


The part about the text message that supposedly came from Luck is interesting too. It is what Dakich was using as a source that Luck would not play this season and this was being done for ticket sales and he was stating that for weeks before anyone else started to pick up on it. He also offered to tell Ballard off air who the person was to help provide credibility. It is someone very close to Luck i know that because DD has stated it's as close as you can get besides family. Ballard responded that Luck only texts one and 2 word responses so it couldn't have been him. You could tell DD wasn't buying it.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Great interview.  It sounded like two guys having a good time jousting with one another in a direct, manly way.  I was a little disappointed in Ballard for getting caught in misstatements or flat out lies.


Ballard is probably lying about VD and Wilson and their injuries.


Everybody on this forum knew VD was struggling with a groin issue, but Ballard pretends he thought he was healthy. 


Then, even though Wilson was listed as a healthy scratch, he says that was not really true since he always had the knee issue.


You and I must have listened to two different interviews because:


1) Ballard did not get "caught in a lie".

2) He said that Davis did not complain about the groin after he was cleared to play.

3) He said that Wilson was a healthy scratch in the Jags game, but has had a lingering knee problem since the Az game.

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22 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


He definitely did not go soft on Ballard. Called him out on a couple inconsistencies. Called him out for saying nobody ever set a timeline on Luck, when in fact Jim Irsay did, twice. I loved the interview myself.

Let me ask you a question. Lets say Isay was wrong and said he thought Luck was going to play this season. If you want to call it a lie that's OK. Now what? You gonna whine and moan the rest of the season and on into the off season?

We all know Irsay is eccentric so what he said can be taken with a grain of salt.

You talk like you have a hatred so how far you gonna take this? Enough to quit being a Colts fan?

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4 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


The part about the text message that supposedly came from Luck is interesting too. It is what Dakich was using as a source that Luck would not play this season and this was being done for ticket sales and he was stating that for weeks before anyone else started to pick up on it. He also offered to tell Ballard off air who the person was to help provide credibility. It is someone very close to Luck i know that because DD has stated it's as close as you can get besides family. Ballard responded that Luck only texts one and 2 word responses so it couldn't have been him. You could tell DD wasn't buying it.

Yeah I found that a wierd interchange. Ballard also said that Luck, Irsay and Ballard meet privately a lot and that never once has Luck said he wasn't happy. All I know is I can't wait until next September  

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IMO Dakich isn't qualified to talk Pro Football. I bet he couldn't name who won the 1970 seasons SB or 1968 seasons SB or who the QB was on the SB winning Raiders team in the 1980 Season. I would make him look foolish when it comes to Football knowledge and I am a nobody not on the radio. Guy needs to stick to College Basketball. He was talking loud and obnoxious to a respected GM over stuff he knows nothing about. Spreading stuff like Luck isn't happy for ratings is a pile of horse dung.

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1 hour ago, threeflight said:

I can't decide whether Ballard sounds like an 80 year old man on the phone or Bill Clinton.


As for the interview, I was ok with it.  Yes DD is a loudmouth, but I don't think he is a guy that people hate because of it.  At least I don't.  I respect him for asking some real questions.   Ballard was a real pro in how he handled it as well.  But I do think he lied about some things.  And that is not good.  So much better to be upfront and honest then to lie and create mistrust. 


I wish DD had asked him about the Colts medical staff and the plethora of injuries the Colts have suffered the past 10 years compared to other teams, and why so many injuries end up in so much drama.


I was really struck by what he said about S Morris.  For him or anyone to say that Tolzein looked better than Morris is either an outright lie....or incompetence.


With Luck, who really knows what is going in.  I tend to think Luck is getting fed up with everything, and I believe what was said about that text.  


Bottom line is the Colts need to bring in either one of 2 types of coach.  A proven builder like a Harbaugh, or a young innovative offensive minded coach to hopefully help Luck achieve what he should career wise.  If they go with another Pagano type?  If I was luck I would get the heck out of Indy.


Pretty much exactly how i felt about it. DD did go at him pretty good but Ballard handled it well for the most part. But like you, i thought he was being less then truthful on a couple things, and that is when DD kinda interrupted him and probably came across as a jerk to some.

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1 hour ago, DaColts85 said:

Man this interview is hard to listen too.  Dakich is such a huge **.  He is right no matter what and for the most part he is completely disrespectful.  Does not deserve any interview again to be honest.

Ballard should have done the "sssssss" "my connection is bad" and hung up on the jerk. But then Dakich wouldnt notice becaus he would still be talking.

if i was Ballard, i wouldnt do another of his "shows" , ever.

there are ways to ask important questions without being a self-serving, arrogant,disrepectful donkey butt.

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2 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

Ballard should have done the "sssssss" "my connection is bad" and hung up on the jerk. But then Dakich wouldnt notice becaus he would still be talking.

if i was Ballard, i wouldnt do another of his "shows" , ever.

there are ways to ask important questions without being a self-serving, arrogant,disrepectful donkey butt.

I would've ended the interview within the first 5 minutes and told him where to go.

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19 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


The part about the text message that supposedly came from Luck is interesting too. It is what Dakich was using as a source that Luck would not play this season and this was being done for ticket sales and he was stating that for weeks before anyone else started to pick up on it. He also offered to tell Ballard off air who the person was to help provide credibility. It is someone very close to Luck i know that because DD has stated it's as close as you can get besides family. Ballard responded that Luck only texts one and 2 word responses so it couldn't have been him. You could tell DD wasn't buying it.

Totally agree.


In addition to the VD Wilson injury answers, I thought Ballard answered that question poorly.  He tried to say the TEXT was fabricated by stating "if you knew Andrew Luck" and talked about the flip phone.


Well, Ballard has known Luck for all of 9 months.  And the flip phone story has been known by everybody for 6 years.  To try to insinuate that DDs source was lying by using those reasons was pretty lame.


He should have just said that Luck is happy and leave it at that, instead of criticizing the text itself.  He now makes the Colts look much less credible about the friction thing.

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16 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


Pretty much exactly how i felt about it. DD did go at him pretty good but Ballard handled it well for the most part. But like you, i thought he was being less then truthful on a couple things, and that is when DD kinda interrupted him and probably came across as a jerk to some.

Exactly.  Both men were doing their jobs and DD got a bit argumentative when Ballard was spreading the Bull extra thick.

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15 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Let me ask you a question. Lets say Isay was wrong and said he thought Luck was going to play this season. If you want to call it a lie that's OK. Now what? You gonna whine and moan the rest of the season and on into the off season?

We all know Irsay is eccentric so what he said can be taken with a grain of salt.

You talk like you have a hatred so how far you gonna take this? Enough to quit being a Colts fan?


No. I'm going to continue to post here so you can quote me and whine to me. That sound good?

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Just now, DougDew said:

Exactly.  Both men were doing their jobs and DD got a bit argumentative when Ballard was spreading the Bull extra thick.

"spreading the Bull extra thick", man you are hilarious. Are you Dakich's brother? Dakich is a complete hack that yells and screams, he even treats most of his callers like garbage. Makes fun of a lot of them too. Guy is very rude to a lot of callers. I guess if that is what you love then more power to you. I guess if you think Grigson was a great GM like Dakich then I don't know what else to tell you.

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6 minutes ago, DougDew said:


Totally agree.


In addition to the VD Wilson injury answers, I thought Ballard answered that question poorly.  He tried to say the TEXT was fabricated by stating "if you knew Andrew Luck" and talked about the flip phone.


Well, Ballard has known Luck for all of 9 months.  And the flip phone story has been known by everybody for 6 years.  To try to insinuate that DDs source was lying by using those reasons was pretty lame.


He should have just said that Luck is happy and leave it at that, instead of criticizing the text itself.  He now makes the Colts look much less credible about the friction thing.


I've often wondered if the guy who got the text was Hasselback. Works at ESPN with Dan, and if you remember Matt came out and said Luck was not close way back when everyone else was saying he was getting ready to return.I always wondered where he was getting that from.  I wondered about Mcafee too as him and DD are friends, but i'm not sure how much he and Luck communicate. I would assume he would still talk with Hasselback quite a bit though.

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19 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

"spreading the Bull extra thick", man you are hilarious. Are you Dakich's brother? Dakich is a complete hack that yells and screams, he even treats most of his callers like garbage. Makes fun of a lot of them too. Guy is very rude to a lot of callers. I guess if that is what you love then more power to you. I guess if you think Grigson was a great GM like Dakich then I don't know what else to tell you.

What I like most about Grigson and Dakich are their personalities. 


Grigson treated the media (pot stirrers)...and Dakich treats mouthy fans (know-it-alls)....like they should be treated.


Yes. CB was BSing his way through much of that interview.  He simply said the same thing as what the Colts have been saying through various channels.

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Just now, DougDew said:

What I like most about Grigson and Dakich are their personalities. 


Grigson treated the media (pot stirrers)...and Dakich treats mouthy fans (know-it-alls)....like they should be treated.

I don't listen to his show as much as I used too but I remember he would just treat callers like garbage even when they were making valid points about things. Anyone that disagreed with him, he would just bash and call them names.

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9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't listen to his show as much as I used too but I remember he would just treat callers like garbage even when they were making valid points about things. Anyone that disagreed with him, he would just bash and call them names.

I agree to a point.  I think he takes the position of an ex player and ex coach so he feels like he's top dog in the room when it comes to knowing how things in sports teams work.  I also think he knows when he's being a jerk and kind of plays it up.  He did that in the interview too.  After he was getting in Ballards face a bit, he said he was going to stop being a pushy jerk and then asked the same question in a calmer serious tone.

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3 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I agree to a point.  I think he takes the position of an ex player and ex coach so he feels like he's top dog in the room when it comes to knowing how things in sports teams work.  I also think he knows when he's being a jerk and kind of plays it up.  He did that in the interview too.  After he was getting in Ballards face a bit, he said he was going to stop being a pushy jerk and then asked the same question in a calmer serious tone.

Either way I am glad Ballard went on his show and JMV's. We needed someone in the organization to clarify things about Luck and other Issues. Irsay isn't that guy.

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15 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Either way I am glad Ballard went on his show and JMV's. We needed someone in the organization to clarify things about Luck and other Issues. Irsay isn't that guy.

Yeah, but he just said the same things the Colts were already saying.  He didn't throw VD under the bus even though it seems like there's more to his release than what he said.  And we don't know about Luck's happiness.  But that's not his fault, only Luck can really answer that, by proving it eventually.


This is soap opera stuff anyway, so addressing this kind of stuff isn't really what a GMs job is, IMO

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4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Yeah, but he just said the same things the Colts were already saying.  He didn't throw VD under the bus even though it seems like there's more to his release than what he said.  And we don't know about Luck's happiness.  But that's not his fault, only Luck can really answer that, by proving it eventually.


This is soap opera stuff anyway, so addressing this kind of stuff isn't really what a GMs job is, IMO

This stuff is going to go on for a whole year. I wish Luck would just speak now about things so we know 100% without uncertainty he is happy. I think he is ok with being here and we are paying him well, so only time will tell.

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just listened , now i see what a few of you said about dakich holding ballards feet to the fire on a few questions.  i was glad to hear ballard expecting wins, sounds like no settling for losses....which is perfect.  pagano officially out (IMO) as we already knew but that just confirmed even more, i just don't see why you would keep a lame duck, get rid of him and let some other person have a chance and then we don't have to listen to the lame pagano post game excuses anymore.  would have liked to have heard that take.  i wonder if Pagano would still be here if we dropped that houston game?  i'm thinking that would have been the "straw" for ballard.

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29 minutes ago, MTC said:

I listened to the whole interview and it was awkward and sometimes embarrassing on a journalist standpoint. 


I thought Chris Ballard handled himself well throughout with a lot of composure. 


It would have been hard for many to be as composed as CB was... gives me even more confidence in him.


DD was out of line.  Not his questioning so much, but his brutal, aggressive untactful delivery.

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22 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

This stuff is going to go on for a whole year. I wish Luck would just speak now about things so we know 100% without uncertainty he is happy. I think he is ok with being here and we are paying him well, so only time will tell.

Even if Luck said it, people will still accuse him of just saying it for professional reasons, not because he actually is happy.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

IMO Dakich isn't qualified to talk Pro Football. I bet he couldn't name who won the 1970 seasons SB or 1968 seasons SB or who the QB was on the SB winning Raiders team in the 1980 Season. I would make him look foolish when it comes to Football knowledge and I am a nobody not on the radio. Guy needs to stick to College Basketball. He was talking loud and obnoxious to a respected GM over stuff he knows nothing about. Spreading stuff like Luck isn't happy for ratings is a pile of horse dung.

When Dakich is interviewing someone, it's totally irrelevant if he knows who won the 1970 superbowl. Really?


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7 minutes ago, Blueblood23 said:

When Dakich is interviewing someone, it's totally irrelevant if he knows who won the 1970 superbowl. Really?


Wasn't my point, I just don't think he knows what he is talking about half the time when it comes to Football. Also if you are professional on the radio you should know your history so actually I raised a good point. If I am having a convo with someone and they don't know the game, how can I respect that?

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4 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

I have a feeling it was an organization decision.  Dakich mentioned Pete Ward had called him a couple of weeks ago to discuss what he was saying about the Colts.  So I am guessing between JMV begging someone from the Colts to come on and Dakich ripping them to shrewd every chance he got the Colts decided to have someone go on and get their own message out.  The logic choices were Irsay, Ballard, or Pagano.  No one really wants to hear from Pagano right now, Irsay is not a good interview to start with and doesn’t have a lot of crediability with the fans that are upset right now.  That leaves Ballard.  Frankly he’s probably the right person to handle this but I doubt he just decided on his own I am doing this.  I would bet at least him and Irsay talked about it, probably more likly the PR team played some role in this too.


Still glad he’s doing it.  If nothing else it shows the Colts aren’t completely deaf about this.


This is why JMV thinks Peyton Manning would be a good president.  Someone that people can trust to put out a message or information that is accurate and meaningful.


JMV had a great interview.  Dakich?, not-so-much.  It was conducted to make himself look good (as usual) and when it was over he could say to us.... "see... I told you I am a BA... I am the only one willing to challenge them"  when it was already accomplished yesterday by JMV in a much more tactful, respectful manor.  


I am okay with it I guess, but I feel all it did was show how much of a Richard Dan Dakich is.


The answers were predictable and what were you (us) expecting really?  Chris to break down and say... oh hell you got me.. here is what is really going on..................

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9 minutes ago, BR-549 said:

This is why JMV thinks Peyton Manning would be a good president.  Someone that people can trust to put out a message or information that is accurate and meaningful.


JMV had a great interview.  Dakich?, not-so-much.  It was conducted to make himself look good (as usual) and when it was over he could say to us.... "see... I told you I am a BA... I am the only one willing to challenge them"  when it was already accomplished yesterday by JMV in a much more tactful, respectful manor.  


I am okay with it I guess, but I feel all it did was show how much of a Richard Dan Dakich is.


The answers were predictable and what were you (us) expecting really?  Chris to break down and say... oh hell you got me.. here is what is really going on..................

I am all for Peyton coming in as a team President.  Still I think for the time being Ballard can fill that roll when it comes to talking to the public.  He’s the only one of the three with any good will right now.


i am no Dakich fan trust me.  I agree with your points of view of him.


I agree Ballard said what you would expect him to say and that’s what I expected him to say so no issue there.  

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

I am all for Peyton coming in as a team President.  Still I think for the time being Ballard can fill that roll when it comes to talking to the public.  He’s the only one of the three with any good will right now.


i am no Dakich fan trust me.  I agree with your points of view of him.


I agree Ballard said what you would expect him to say and that’s what I expected him to say so no issue there.  

Me too as far as Ballard.  I have high hopes for him and his handling of Vonte today was exactly what I would expect from someone trying to set a standard.

Peyton in due time like you say.... I was only trying to throw in what JMV was saying would help in these type of situations.  I don't care if he comes or not to be honest.


Whatever it takes to get back to winning... that is what I want.

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The poster DD and the radio host DD seem to be having the same narratives, hmm...I wonder who is a fan of who to go to extreme lengths to offer rebuttal to every forum user's opinion on Dakich. Someone feels so strongly compelled, it cannot be anything but personal to me. Oh well, I have spoken my piece, the winner in all of this is Ballard!!

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4 hours ago, DougDew said:

In every thread?


Its like people have to stay within an echo chamber to validate their opinions and if they don't  read what they need to read every few days, they write it themselves.


So the lack of team performance and team leadership is the fault of the roster.  Which means Dungy and Manning get no credit for it in the past, it was all Polian.

Dungy and Manning had the talent around them.

I can ask you the same thing as far as every thread.

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2 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

Ballard should have done the "sssssss" "my connection is bad" and hung up on the jerk. But then Dakich wouldnt notice becaus he would still be talking.

if i was Ballard, i wouldnt do another of his "shows" , ever.

there are ways to ask important questions without being a self-serving, arrogant,disrepectful donkey butt.

Thats right.  I don't think CB could possibly even fabricate enough reasoning to take time away from something important and give it to that dork..... DD completely disrespected the guy.  Its not like it was the equipment trainer.


I wonder how Larry Byrd would have handled that interview.

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