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When's Hooker's surgery?


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Players who tore ACL & MCL and recovered to have (or continue) their successful careers include:
Tom Brady (2008)
Adrian Peterson (2011)
Rob Gronkowski (2014)

Jamal Crawford tore his ACL in his 2nd NBA season...


"After surgery, you start rehab and start to see some progressions.  You get a little more confident as it goes along.  And then the last stage is the mental part: 'Can I still do that move? Can I still do that cut?'  The actual leg you injure ends up being stronger than the leg that's not injured.  But you don't believe that at first.  You're scared.  You doubt."


See also:


Excellent description of what's involved in ACL repair and outlook.

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There has been too many players to list, who have recovered from those tears. Modern medicine... that list should be in the 100´s, depending on how you gauge success.


Don't look too far either. Gore had a severe knee injury in college and has been durable since. Willis Mcgahee...etc.

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1 hour ago, csmopar said:

I'll be honest, I struggled with the mental aspect on my ACL tear and at times, still do

I understand completely. I have broken my right ankle 3 times and have sprung it too many times to count. This started when I was about 14 years old and has been a problem most of my life since then. It's been a few years since I have had an ankle problem now but I am so used to babying it it's become an automatic reflex now. Mentally it never goes away.

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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

I understand completely. I have broken my right ankle 3 times and have sprung it too many times to count. This started when I was about 14 years old and has been a problem most of my life since then. It's been a few years since I have had an ankle problem now but I am so used to babying it it's become an automatic reflex now. Mentally it never goes away.

i was doing good with it until i hyperextended it again 4 years later and then tore the patellar tendon 6 weeks after that in the same knee.  Dang Army crap

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2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

i was doing good with it until i hyperextended it again 4 years later and then tore the patellar tendon 6 weeks after that in the same knee.  Dang Army crap

I was pretty lucky while I was in the Army. The only problem I had I bruised both heel plates when jumping off the towers at Ft. Benning and had to recycle 2 weeks. You know that sucked! :D

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1 hour ago, csmopar said:

I'll be honest, I struggled with the mental aspect on my ACL tear and at times, still do


Luck isn’t any different.  Nor is any athlete.  Just one more reason I want him out on the field as soon as he been determined capable by both the medical staff and the coaching staff.  I want Luck to play and develop a positive attitude for over the winter off season rather than full of uncertainty going into 2018 season preparations.

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1 minute ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Luck isn’t any different.  Nor is any athlete.  Just one more reason I want him out on the field as soon as he been determined capable by both the medical staff and the coaching staff.  I want Luck to play and develop a positive attitude for over the winter off season rather than full of uncertainty going into 2018 season preparations.

Fully agree. Like I said in the other thread, just cause the W/L maybe meaningless for those games, theres a lot riding on those games

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4 hours ago, IinD said:

Without going all doom and gloom, his surgery is far from guaranteed. Testing 2 of your 3/4 main ligaments is never good, even with today's medicine.


I'll consider him lost until we see him again.


I don't think it's bad enough to consider him "lost".  However it does put a damper on future expectations.  I'm sure he'll come back and play.  But will he have the same speed and ability?  At the very least next season he's likely not going to be nearly as effective and we will likely have to wait til at least 2019 to see him at full strength and speed again.  Henry Anderson was the same way.


It's an overstatement I think to say he's lost.  But it's an understatement to look at this as "He's all better in 2018."  



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8 hours ago, Ne-Ca-Higher said:

"After surgery, you start rehab and start to see some progressions.  You get a little more confident as it goes along.  And then the last stage is the mental part: 'Can I still do that move? Can I still do that cut?'  The actual leg you injure ends up being stronger than the leg that's not injured.  But you don't believe that at first.  You're scared.  You doubt."


Whoa, really!? The leg that's injured ends up being stronger!? Well jeez, someone hurry and break Hooker's other leg!

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5 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


I don't think it's bad enough to consider him "lost".  However it does put a damper on future expectations.  I'm sure he'll come back and play.  But will he have the same speed and ability?  At the very least next season he's likely not going to be nearly as effective and we will likely have to wait til at least 2019 to see him at full strength and speed again.  Henry Anderson was the same way.


It's an overstatement I think to say he's lost.  But it's an understatement to look at this as "He's all better in 2018."  



We're kind of on the same page. 


I'm annoyed because he was one of the few bright spots this season. Now he's done, won't hear much till camp, then he'll probably take some time to get back.


It's like getting a new toy then being told you have to wait a year to enjoy it.


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11 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Luck isn’t any different.  Nor is any athlete.  Just one more reason I want him out on the field as soon as he been determined capable by both the medical staff and the coaching staff.  I want Luck to play and develop a positive attitude for over the winter off season rather than full of uncertainty going into 2018 season preparations.


Thats why someone invented pre-season...    you can accomplish those same things.


I'd rather not risk Luck's 2018 season in full or in part by playing in meaningless games.  


This will make December very interesting around here...    to see what happens.


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6 hours ago, ReMeDy said:

Whoa, really!? The leg that's injured ends up being stronger!? Well jeez, someone hurry and break Hooker's other leg!


That happens because surgeons reconstruct the ligament by grafting part of the patellar tendon, which is stronger to some degree than the ACL. I read about this in a book written by a New York Knicks doctor, who wrote simply stitching parts of a ligament together usually produces bad results.

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14 hours ago, Ne-Ca-Higher said:

"After surgery, you start rehab and start to see some progressions.  You get a little more confident as it goes along.  And then the last stage is the mental part: 'Can I still do that move? Can I still do that cut?'  The actual leg you injure ends up being stronger than the leg that's not injured.  But you don't believe that at first.  You're scared.  You doubt."


I need to re-reply to this, because it still blows my mind a bit. Someone explain to me: Why is it when I injure my lower back, it's more susceptible to injury? Why then isn't the same true for legs?

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20 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:


I need to re-reply to this, because it still blows my mind a bit. Someone explain to me: Why is it when I injure my lower back, it's more susceptible to injury? Why then isn't the same true for legs?

Depends on the injury...hamstrings are different stories than a more structural based injury. Plus anything in the back or neck area is always more complex than an injury to a limb.

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16 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

Our field claims another victim!


It was the Jaguars WR blocking at an odd angle by the sideline to free up his other team mate (WR) for a few extra yards that he thought would be accomplished, that caused the injury at high speed. It was not like he had bad footing and his knee buckled.

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6 minutes ago, chad72 said:


It was the Jaguars WR blocking at an odd angle by the sideline to free up his other team mate (WR) for a few extra yards that he thought would be accomplished, that caused the injury at high speed. It was not like he had bad footing and his knee buckled.

I thought I saw his cleat holding the turf, guess not.

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On 10/27/2017 at 10:25 AM, chad72 said:

It was the Jaguars WR blocking at an odd angle by the sideline to free up his other teammate (WR) for a few extra yards that he thought would be accomplished, that caused the injury at high speed. It was not like he had bad footing and his knee buckled.


Are you saying it was a dirty hit that should have been flagged?

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2 hours ago, Xander said:



If it hasn't happened already, then I suspect it will soon.


Since there were two ligaments injured there may be some serious swelling in the knee.    The surgeon may be waiting for the swelling to go down.   This happens in some surgeries.



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