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8 Minute Irsay Interview From Thursday? (Merge)


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Don't get your panties in a bunch over it. Some people just have to knock someone to make themselves feel better. People were knocking Manning before he was drafted (much of the Leaf hype was veiled anti-Manning sentiment). Some people just don't like those people that are considered the top of their field.

There are two things I do with those type of people; ignore them or have fun with them. But don't ask for an explanation for their behavior because you will never get one.

That has nothing to do with this scenario. This is animosity towards a player who has not been drafted based on a current QB. People weren't knocking Manning because Harbaugh was going to be cut.

Also if you read my earlier posts I did not ask for any explanation of his behavior. I asked what his opinion on Luck possibly replacing an unhealthy Manning was. That is all. My reply was to him responding he was OK with Luck replacing a healthy Manning. I just wanted to know why there was so much hate for a player that doesn't really have much of a choice but to come to Indy barring a trade or being passed up.

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Luck Fanbois,

<----------The Stanford Forums are that way.

Some of us Colts fans are also Peyton Manning AND Andrew Luck fans. Stop assuming that everyone who likes PM hates AL and wants his kneecaps.

This thread is about Irsay and Manning. Can we please stay on topic?

That said, thanks for the link.

I'm guessing you didn't read anything in the thread because in an article Irsay talks about a 2012 HEALTHY Manning being a better option than a 2012 Luck. So yeah, Luck is relevant here.

There are no Luck fanboys. How many people here are Stanford Cardinal or Luck fans first and Colts fans 2nd?

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Come on Man it's not really to point of compairing mr Pete Rose fan is it.... If it is I'll calm down now, no way do I want that comparison

Okay, you are not too far gone, just borderline. This is making us all a little goofy and yes I think we get were you are coming from and were your loyalties lie, which is your opinion. I just get the feeling people are trying to put this all on JI which in my opinion is unfair, but hey I have never been accused of being the voice of reason. I will bet you a six pack that when the Colts are leading the south come next November you will be cheering them on no matter who is under whoever is playing center.
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Okay, you are not too far gone, just borderline. This is making us all a little goofy and yes I think we get were you are coming from and were your loyalties lie, which is your opinion. I just get the feeling people are trying to put this all on JI which in my opinion is unfair, but hey I have never been accused of being the voice of reason. I will bet you a six pack that when the Colts are leading the south come next November you will be cheering them on no matter who is under whoever is playing center.

I will agree with you with only exclusion if Manning is Playing for team X that's not a Colt... If Manning is retired or Playing for Colts then yes I will be cheering correct.

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That has nothing to do with this scenario. This is animosity towards a player who has not been drafted based on a current QB. People weren't knocking Manning because Harbaugh was going to be cut.

There was. I remember having conversations with people in my office that said things like Manning is over-rated he will be a bust in the NFL, etc. Mainly because they were huge Harbaugh fans.
Also if you read my earlier posts I did not ask for any explanation of his behavior. I asked what his opinion on Luck possibly replacing an unhealthy Manning was. That is all. My reply was to him responding he was OK with Luck replacing a healthy Manning. I just wanted to know why there was so much hate for a player that doesn't really have much of a choice but to come to Indy barring a trade or being passed up.

I guess it's semantics but I took your wanting to know as wanting an explanation.

And, BTW, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying that the people who hate Luck because of what it may mean for Manning will not provide an explanation or let you know why they act the way they act.

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There was. I remember having conversations with people in my office that said things like Manning is over-rated he will be a bust in the NFL, etc. Mainly because they were huge Harbaugh fans.

I guess it's semantics but I took your wanting to know as wanting an explanation.

And, BTW, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying that the people who hate Luck because of what it may mean for Manning will not provide an explanation or let you know why they act the way they act.

It's called being mad that the gun, and not the shooter... Come on I admitted it already... Luck is the symbol of why Manning may be pushed out the door a little quicker then IF there wasn't the option of Luck... Just saying IF Luck wasn't in the picture, maybe Irsay would be a little more patient with Manning rehab... Maybe would keep in mind he's only had 5 months of rehab (some of that was just walking only).... But still has 5 more months, and where could he be with that much rehab

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What does that have to do with anything? He is saying that once Luck arrives and Manning leaves, the Colts will suck for years and the franchise will end up moving to another city. What exactly does going 2-14 have to do with that? Dear god.

Maintain low tones before you spout off a 'dear god' to me.

Reading comprehending is the key to understanding posts. Go back and read it again. He said and i quote 'people think its the end of the world when one player leaves' well, Manning wasnt playing last year correct. And the colts went 2-14 correct. So in fact the colts world of being afc superior did end last year. I fail to see where you dont understand that. One player being gone.. ie: Manning did in fact end the domination of the afc south. Any questions?

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Maintain low tones before you spout off a 'dear god' to me.

Reading comprehending is the key to understanding posts. Go back and read it again. He said and i quote 'people think its the end of the world when one player leaves' well, Manning wasnt playing last year correct. And the colts went 2-14 correct. So in fact the colts world of being afc superior did end last year. I fail to see where you dont understand that. One player being gone.. ie: Manning did in fact end the domination of the afc south. Any questions?

I'd rather wear a pair of Tom Brady pyjamas than pose you a question.

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I really have a problem with people hating on Luck because they feel he is pushing Manning out the door. First of all we need to draft a QB with the #1 pick because at this point its obvious what happens post Manning, we don't have an adequet replacement. The only think pushing manning out the door is his health and quite possibly Irsay's definition of it.

That said I have a problem with folks bringing Andrew Luck into every thread when we haven't even drafted him yet. This is what is causing folks to hate on him IMO. Stop ramming him down peoples throats and they will come around.

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I really have a problem with people hating on Luck because they feel he is pushing Manning out the door. First of all we need to draft a QB with the #1 pick because at this point its obvious what happens post Manning, we don't have an adequet replacement. The only think pushing manning out the door is his health and quite possibly Irsay's definition of it.

That said I have a problem with folks bringing Andrew Luck into every thread when we haven't even drafted him yet. This is what is causing folks to hate on him IMO. Stop ramming him down peoples throats and they will come around.

I said it before and even asked a Mod if I could do it... I bet you could start a thread titled *Oranges* and would bet a 6 pack as well Luck would find his way in that thread

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I really have a problem with people hating on Luck because they feel he is pushing Manning out the door. First of all we need to draft a QB with the #1 pick because at this point its obvious what happens post Manning, we don't have an adequet replacement. The only think pushing manning out the door is his health and quite possibly Irsay's definition of it.

That said I have a problem with folks bringing Andrew Luck into every thread when we haven't even drafted him yet. This is what is causing folks to hate on him IMO. Stop ramming him down peoples throats and they will come around.

If you really think people are getting vexed because he's not a Colt yet, then I'd have to disagree. It's the hero that is Manning being 'superceded' that is getting their dander up.....

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It's called being mad that the gun, and not the shooter... Come on I admitted it already... Luck is the symbol of why Manning may be pushed out the door a little quicker then IF there wasn't the option of Luck... Just saying IF Luck wasn't in the picture, maybe Irsay would be a little more patient with Manning rehab... Maybe would keep in mind he's only had 5 months of rehab (some of that was just walking only).... But still has 5 more months, and where could he be with that much rehab

You're not the only one. And my comments were directed at Luck12 not you.

But to go along with your analogy, right now you're not mad at the gun that shot Bambi's mother rather than the shooter... you're mad at the guy who bought a shotgun and said, "I'm going deer hunting," because you're afraid he may shoot Bambi's mother. Because so far nothing has happened. Luck has not pushed Manning out the door; Irsay has given no indication that he is not going to be patient with Manning and his injury. I guarantee that nothing discussed on this forum is going to change the outcome come March 8, 2012. So why not wait until then to get mad, glad, sad, happy, ecstatic, elated, down, blue, purple, red... whatever?

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I really have a problem with people hating on Luck because they feel he is pushing Manning out the door. First of all we need to draft a QB with the #1 pick because at this point its obvious what happens post Manning, we don't have an adequet replacement. The only think pushing manning out the door is his health and quite possibly Irsay's definition of it.

That said I have a problem with folks bringing Andrew Luck into every thread when we haven't even drafted him yet. This is what is causing folks to hate on him IMO. Stop ramming him down peoples throats and they will come around.

So wait, this is a thread with an article in it where Irsay talks about a 2012 healthy Manning being a better option than a 2012 Luck and we aren't allowed to talk about Luck? lol

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There was. I remember having conversations with people in my office that said things like Manning is over-rated he will be a bust in the NFL, etc. Mainly because they were huge Harbaugh fans.

I guess it's semantics but I took your wanting to know as wanting an explanation.

And, BTW, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying that the people who hate Luck because of what it may mean for Manning will not provide an explanation or let you know why they act the way they act.

He and I go back to another thread where he wished Luck would tear an ACL

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Maintain low tones before you spout off a 'dear god' to me.

Reading comprehending is the key to understanding posts. Go back and read it again. He said and i quote 'people think its the end of the world when one player leaves' well, Manning wasnt playing last year correct. And the colts went 2-14 correct. So in fact the colts world of being afc superior did end last year. I fail to see where you dont understand that. One player being gone.. ie: Manning did in fact end the domination of the afc south. Any questions?

What does that have to do with the future of our franchise? If the Colts went 2-14 last year with Manning does that mean every year without Manning they will go 2-14? We have a new coaching staff, new GM, and possibly new quarterback going into next season. What bearing does that 2-14 record have on the outcome of 2012? You're taking his quote out of context. He is basically saying when Manning leaves, Luck who is "over hyped" will fail and the Colts will be run out of town. All because Manning leaves.

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I'm just saying that the people who hate Luck because of what it may mean for Manning will not provide an explanation or let you know why they act the way they act.

You're right. They cannot provide any reason to hate Luck. They cannot rationally link Luck to:

a) Manning's injury

b) Manning's recovery rate in rehab

c) Manning's contract, including that $28MM option bonus payment due March 8

That's why they don't answer, it is because they cannot rationally answer.

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is it possible the colts knew manning would miss the season way in advance and preplanned a bunch of stuff to esell the story to the media, #1 pick, all the other news etc, to pay manning his bonus that way? I think so......

I really don't think they anticipated that the team would suck that badly. Unless, you think it was on purpose to lose so much.

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I really don't think they anticipated that the team would suck that badly. Unless, you think it was on purpose to lose so much.

Maybe they know the future, and are privvvy to certain facts. Im calling hijinks and that other word that calls for foul play.

I bet they get rid of manning and dont draft luck. Theyll bring in kyle ortman and everyone will be happy cuz brady quinn will be his backup and the indiana qb will be on the practice squad. and we'll all blame the new 3-4 defense as to why we strink next season. Even though Joe Addai still has two broken knees and needs to retire.

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Thanks! I looked last night and again this morning. It turned out to be what I figured. The snippet that was aired seemed confusing and I figured he wasn't saying a whole lot.

What I do get from the interview is the following. The arm ain't healed yet. When it is, we'll know it. While the boys are stayin' close talkin' 'bout Tiger and the great weather, ah gotta think at some point in every tweet, text, and call, this thought phrased in some kind of fashion, "How's the arm"? Hows rehabbin' goin'? Still lookin' good? Need anything?

Irsay said "there is no divorce"(whadda ya mean git rid of the GOAT Qb?), "we're too close and always will be"(whether we're playin' football together or not , "but there are issues that must be worked through"(Is Peyton going to be able to play at his previous level? How good is Luck? Need to see combine and pro day. Just what would other teams be willing to part with to get #1 pick? How good is Luck? Sure you're not a 100% yet Peyton? Reggie, Robert, how much you guys wantin'? Found a house yet coach? You're sure the arms going to be ready by training camp? We can't afford 28mil now, wonder if just a dollar amount change constitutes a re-negotiated contract? and here's the projected cap numbers based on signings to date and here's what we can pay you Peyton, which btw how's the arm doin'?)

The issues are many. These are the best men to deal with them and we can rest assured they will do the best for all.

Thanks again for the link! It's pretty obvioius it's going to take some time to work through these issues.

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It's called being mad that the gun, and not the shooter... Come on I admitted it already... Luck is the symbol of why Manning may be pushed out the door a little quicker then IF there wasn't the option of Luck... Just saying IF Luck wasn't in the picture, maybe Irsay would be a little more patient with Manning rehab... Maybe would keep in mind he's only had 5 months of rehab (some of that was just walking only).... But still has 5 more months, and where could he be with that much rehab

Irsay is being patient with Manning's rehab but make no mistake about it, his current contract is not doable do to the risk. That's why they are negotiating a incentive driven contract.

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Irsay is being patient with Manning's rehab but make no mistake about it, his current contract is not doable do to the risk. That's why they are negotiating a incentive driven contract.

..and then they sign Andrew Luck...

and we end up with Pey-Luck...which I guarantee you you will be happy with.

..and the circus will come to town... :cloud9:

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..and then they sign Andrew Luck...

and we end up with Pey-Luck...which I guarantee you you will be happy with.

..and the circus will come to town... :cloud9:

That's exactly what I want, am I sending mixed signals? I see great potential in other paths but make no mistake, Pey-Luck gets my vote.

The circus will come to town, wont it?

My head hurts already, darn. Well here's to hating on the media for years to come, but its worth it.

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You can tell that he hangs around with the players a lot. He used the filler words "you know" and "um" in most of his sentences

I love the guy, but he needs to step out of the spotlight, stop tweeting his every thought, and run this team like a professional.

Edited by 21isSuperman
mod edit: unnecessary and unsubstantiated claim
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You can tell that he hangs around with the players a lot. He used the filler words "you know" and "um" in most of his sentences. I just hope Irsay isn't drinking on the job again, and that it doesn't affect his desicion making process...

I love the guy, but he needs to step out of the spotlight, stop tweeting his every thought, and run this team like a professional.

Oh good night...really?

First of all it was his dad who had the problem with drinking not him. Jim Irsay did have an issue but it was painkillers and he delt with it. If you want to take a shot at Irsay for tweeting okay go for it but do we really need to try for the low blow?

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Oh good night...really?

First of all it was his dad who had the problem with drinking not him. Jim Irsay did have an issue but it was painkillers and he delt with it. If you want to take a shot at Irsay for tweeting okay go for it but do we really need to try for the low blow?

No blows at all. I type the truth. Granted Robert was the alcoholic, but you don't remember those interviews from the 90's where he was slurring up a storm?! Percocet doesn't affect your ability to speak clearly.

Can't find them anywhere, I did find this quote from a recent interview when asked about his 10+ year drinking habit:

“I’ve spilled more than you drank, put it that way.” - Jim Irsay

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No blows at all. I type the truth. Granted Robert was the alcoholic, but you don't remember those interviews from the 90's where he was slurring up a storm?! Percocet doesn't affect your ability to speak clearly.

So because in your opinion he was drinking in the 90's it some how means he is drinking now. Even if you are right about him drinking in the 90's he sure wasn't slurring his words in these interviews so yes it was an attempt at a low blow. If you are going to say something along the lines of "I hope he isn't drinking on the job again." it's not asking you too much to provide some proof and just because Irsay slurred words 15 to 20 years ago is NOT proof he's doing it now. Irsay had demons and he delt with them in a very public way and frankly I think it is a low blow to go after him for it because you don't happen to like what he might be doing with his franchise.

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So because in your opinion he was drinking in the 90's it some how means he is drinking now. Even if you are right about him drinking in the 90's he sure wasn't slurring his words in these interviews so yes it was an attempt at a low blow. If you are going to say something along the lines of "I hope he isn't drinking on the job again." it's not asking you too much to provide some proof and just because Irsay slurred words 15 to 20 years ago is NOT proof he's doing it now. Irsay had demons and he delt with them in a very public way and frankly I think it is a low blow to go after him for it because you don't happen to like what he might be doing with his franchise.

"I hope he isn't drinking on the job again."

How is that insulting or taking a low blow on someone?! Especially since Irsay has publicly admitted he had a problem! Unless you're his PR guy, which I doubt you are as often as you're on here, stop trying to stir things up! I'm entitled to my thoughts and opinions, and I certainly have every right to question the state of mind of someone who I give my hard earned money to (tickets, jerseys, hats, etc.).

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"I hope he isn't drinking on the job again."

How is that insulting or taking a low blow on someone?! Especially since Irsay has publicly admitted he had a problem! Unless you're his PR guy, which I doubt you are as often as you're on here, stop trying to stir things up! I'm entitled to my thoughts and opinions, and I certainly have every right to question the state of mind of someone who I give my hard earned money to (tickets, jerseys, hats, etc.).

because other than your opinion it has never been established that he was drinking on the job. Irsay admitted he had a problem with pain pills not drinking.

I never said you couldn't have an opinion, and I am entitled to mine as well which was that it was a shot and it was uncalled for. If you want to play the your entitled to your opinion card it works both ways. I also have a right to ask you to provide proof to back up your statement. So far you have provided that you feel his words were slured in the 90's. Sorry I don't think that's good enough if you are going to say someone is drinking on the job.

Also I don't have to be his PR guy to not like seeing people taking unfair shots at our owner. Is everyone who rushes to the defense of Peyton Manning here anytime someone says Brady is better than him his PR guy too?

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You're right. They cannot provide any reason to hate Luck. They cannot rationally link Luck to:

a) Manning's injury

b) Manning's recovery rate in rehab

c) Manning's contract, including that $28MM option bonus payment due March 8

That's why they don't answer, it is because they cannot rationally answer.

I'll answer you .


It looks like the video was removed for whatever reason.

I will answer you. I dislike Luck for his play and his negatives. I also dislike what the draft will look like if Luck is taken. I have been told on here that I do not know what I am talking about even though I have told the people who have flamed me where to look. I do see the big picture and the future . I was trained that way. When I gave my opinion on Peyton's health, I was basing it on my work experience. Some of you have flamed me time and time again have no clue who I am and what my knowledge is. I saw the Colts high and I saw the bad years. I have watched 1st overall picks flame out and disappear in a few years and I have seen some do well. Manning has nothing to do with my dilike of Luck, it is Luck himself. To answer the original question, Irsay said nothing and IMO will not until draft day.
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I'll answer you .

I will answer you. I dislike Luck for his play and his negatives. I also dislike what the draft will look like if Luck is taken. I have been told on here that I do not know what I am talking about even though I have told the people who have flamed me where to look. I do see the big picture and the future . I was trained that way. When I gave my opinion on Peyton's health, I was basing it on my work experience. Some of you have flamed me time and time again have no clue who I am and what my knowledge is. I saw the Colts high and I saw the bad years. I have watched 1st overall picks flame out and disappear in a few years and I have seen some do well. Manning has nothing to do with my dilike of Luck, it is Luck himself. To answer the original question, Irsay said nothing and IMO will not until draft day.

OK, I'll bite. What do you believe are Luck's negatives, and what about his play do you dislike?

Irsay has said something that leads many to believe he will pick Luck in the upcoming draft.

"But if he can play, he could do that for us this season and then he'd have the choice of whether to retire, with his number retired, the statue built and the whole thing. If he's healthy, he'd handle 2012 better than Andrew could. But ultimately I have always wanted him to make the decision, with us having pointed out the risk and the stress he's putting his neck under by playing. The biggest aspect is I want him to be comfortable with his decision.''

There are no Andrews on the Colts roster

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bWild...Irsay was at a local event in which he was being honored (and they did about 30 seconds on that honor and 7 minutes on PM)and the local sports reported asked him for a few minutes, which Irsay gave, which is nice and polite. If this whole PM thing was not on the national radar this interview would have been a 7 second sound bite on the trailers after the Pacers news. I dont see him trying to "step into the spotlight"

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