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I don't know why Durant doesn't get recognition for best player.. if nobody could guard the 7 foot Dirk because of his shot. Durant is dirk with quickness and handles.. but people really hoisted Kawhi quickly.. Durant really has been dominate since what 2010?

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1 minute ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I don't know why Durant doesn't get recognition for best player.. if nobody could guard the 7 foot Dirk because of his shot. Durant is dirk with quickness and handles.. but people really hoisted Kawhi quickly.. Durant really has been dominate since what 2010?

The reason is: when OKC had GSW beat last year..Durant crumbled.


That's not happening this time

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3 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I don't know why Durant doesn't get recognition for best player.. if nobody could guard the 7 foot Dirk because of his shot. Durant is dirk with quickness and handles.. but people really hoisted Kawhi quickly.. Durant really has been dominate since what 2010?

Not popular nor was Dirk. Imagine if Durant teams up with Wade and Bosh and Allen. Durant would already have a Ring. Durant with the dagger! Nice sweet 3!

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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

He isn't alone, he has Irving and Love and a decent bench but this will be the excuse if LeBron loses the series that he didn't have enough help. Paul George would kill for LeBron's help and the Pacers going 34,000,000 over the cap.

Its going to be rough for the Cavs if they get swept..

The owner is paying penalties for being $34 big ones over the cap...

...how can he spend more?


LBJ might want Carmelo..but I dont know if Melo is as good as Love...

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Just now, oldunclemark said:

The reason is: when OKC had GSW beat last year..Durant crumbled.


That's not happening this time

yeah but really.. him crumbling doesn't make him any worse? did Kawhi crumble last year? Or was is Russ that crumbled? When Durant was upcoming he willed team USA to 2010 Gold at FIBA that's when it settled for me. He's very good.

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Just now, Chrisaaron1023 said:

yeah but really.. him crumbling doesn't make him any worse? did Kawhi crumble last year? Or was is Russ that crumbled? When Durant was upcoming he willed team USA to 2010 Gold at FIBA that's when it settled for me. He's very good.

Kawhi didn't..

    OKC had GSW.....abd let it slop away....

He's trying to erase that stink and he looks determined..


Wonder what Russ Westbrook is thinking

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Just now, Luck is Good said:

Warriors were still gonna win that in 5. I can't stand it when people try to discredit them because of injuries to other teams. They're just better than everyone else. It's that simple

Spurs could have won that series if they got the first game..

They are more solid defensively than the Cavs

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

This was an outstanding Game 1 by the Warriors but don't get carried away folks, still a long series.

I think you're too paranoid because of last year. The only reason Cavs won last year was because of the NBA. They won't be bailed out this time. This series is done. Sweep City coming. And with that, I bid you all a good night

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6 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

lol not getting carried away.. but really, I don't think this is a long series. cavs will get game 3 that's all lol

It's me being old and grumpy, staying focused because I seen what happened last season. You give LeBron an inch he will take a mile, then his guys start hitting 3's and goofy things start to happen. I will feel a lot better if the Warriors can go up 2-0 again.

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Cavs will probably win Game 2 IMO. LeBron is a Top 10 player of all-time and best player today so he wont go out easy. I still think it goes 7. I have huge respect for LeBron and know how dangerous he is. I also know how great Kyrie is and know what Love is capable of. Warriors are loaded but the Cavs aren't chopped liver. After what LeBron pulled last season, he has my respect. Winning Game 7 at Golden St vs Curry/Thompson/Green is very impressive. LeBron's legacy is strong regardless of what happens in these Finals really.

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I can always phone who I think the greatest team of all-time is, that is the 1987 Lakers. This Warriors team with Durant added wouldn't beat Magic, Kareem, and Worthy + Cooper and Scott who could shoot 3's. AC Green would cancel out Draymond Green. What do I know though my rankings suck and don't matter in some peoples eyes LOL. Hell I say Jordan is the GOAT and Magic is 2nd and I am known as a LeBron hater lmao. I am just a grumpy old man that probably looks younger than half the people that Post that are in their 30's and was watching sports when those same people were pooping in their diapers.

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I actually caught a lot of flack for last years Finals prediction, once LeBron won I heard it from several people. I have a couple of friends that live by me that love LeBron and my younger sister even loves LeBron LOL, so I am just staying focused as of now and taking 1 game at a time as a fan. 1 down, 3 to go. I think once LeBron loses the hype will stop with the GOAT talk, if it doesn't people are in denial at that point because Jordan is 6-0, Magic 5-4, Kobe 5-2. LeBron would be 3-5. Tonight my phone has been silent, I wonder why? Goodnight Colts Nation, hitting the hay.

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8 hours ago, Luck is Good said:

I do that but it doesn't let me go choose a photo from a single file

Hi, either your file is too large or you have reached the limit on how many photos you can upload


1.) Maximum profile photo storage size is 200kb.  If your picture is bigger than that, you should compress it.



2.) You may have reached the overall limit for attachments.  You can delete old attachments to make room. Click the down arrow beside your profile name on the upper right and choose My Attachments.  Or click this




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57 minutes ago, Nadine said:

Hi, either your file is too large or you have reached the limit on how many photos you can upload


1.) Maximum profile photo storage size is 200kb.  If your picture is bigger than that, you should compress it.



2.) You may have reached the overall limit for attachments.  You can delete old attachments to make room. Click the down arrow beside your profile name on the upper right and choose My Attachments.  Or click this




I'm just clueless when it comes to technology. It's not the attachments since I have none. It must be something to do with the photo size

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Just now, Luck is Good said:

I'm just clueless when it comes to technology. It's not the attachments since I have none. It must be something to do with the photo size

There are online sites you can use.

Can you upload it as an attachment in this thread? If so, I can set it as your profile pic

Just click reply, then click the 'choose files' link at the bottom of the response box.

If that works, I'll grab it and fix it for you

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:

There are online sites you can use.

Can you upload it as an attachment in this thread? If so, I can set it as your profile pic

Just click reply, then click the 'choose files' link at the bottom of the response box.

If that works, I'll grab it and fix it for you

I'll try that later

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11 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

This was an outstanding Game 1 by the Warriors but don't get carried away folks, still a long series.


11 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

Its over..and ABC is crying...

....They're think about running reruns of 'Imaginary Mary' instead of Game 4.

I hope they're all 20 point blowouts.  The NBA gets what it deserves for letting the greatest regular season team of all time sign the 2nd best player in the NBA.  Why they didn't block that I'll never know.


This Finals series is unwatchable.

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What has cracked me up all day reading comments on other Sites about the Finals is, how the Warriors are ruining Basketball lmao. So it's OK for LeBron lovers that he has gone to the Finals 7 years in a row and no other teams have a chance to win the East due to him and his loaded teams? But it's not OK for the Warriors to be in the Finals 3 years in a row? That is just so stupid I am done even reading this crap at this point. LeBron goes to Heat to form power team and goes to 4 straight Finals with his buddies Wade and Bosh, then leaves, goes back to Cleveland to join Kyrie who is great because he's entering his prime to make 3 more Finals in a row but it's the Warriors ruining the league? OMG, LeBron lovers are the worse. You cant even have a normal conversation with people that love LeBron because if you say anything at all negative toward him those people are ready to pull a Jason Voorhees on you lmao. The whole time the Cavs were rolling the East all I heard was how LeBron was either the 2nd Best player of all-time, a few even said GOAT, now it's he doesn't have enough help and it's not fair because the Warriors have Durant. I mean I have been laughing my rear off all day reading this crap. The same people called Durant weak, a choker, and said LeBron owns him so playing Durant is no bigge. After last night all of the sudden they say it's not fair that Durant is on the Warriors = BOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Man if the Warriors win Game 2, people that love LeBron may quit watching Basketball since the Warriors are so loaded LOL. Cavs are the one's that are 34,000,000 over the Cap, not the Warriors by the way. Had Durant went to Cleveland I am sure LeBron lovers  would not have 1 single problem with that?? Also I keep hearing all the Warriors do is shoot 3's and play no Defense, that is completely false. The Warriors won by 22 points last night and only made 12 3's, they also are a terrific Defensive team. Green, Thompson, McGee, and Durant all are solid defenders. Green may win DPOY.

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

What has cracked me up all day reading comments on other Sites about the Finals is, how the Warriors are ruining Basketball lmao. So it's OK for LeBron lovers that he has gone to the Finals 7 years in a row and no other teams have a chance to win the East due to him and his loaded teams? But it's not OK for the Warriors to be in the Finals 3 years in a row? That is just so stupid I am done even reading this crap at this point. LeBron goes to Heat to form power team and goes to 4 straight Finals with his buddies Wade and Bosh, then leaves, goes back to Cleveland to join Kyrie who is great because he's entering his prime to make 3 more Finals in a row but it's the Warriors ruining the league? OMG, LeBron lovers are the worse. You cant even have a normal conversation with people that love LeBron because if you say anything at all negative toward him those people are ready to pull a Jason Voorhees on you lmao. The whole time the Cavs were rolling the East all I heard was how LeBron was either the 2nd Best player of all-time a few even said GOAT, now it's he doesn't have enough help and it's not fair because the Warriors have Durant. I mean I have been laughing my rear off all day reading this crap. The same people called Durant weak, a choker, and said LeBron owns him so playing Durant is no bigge. After last night all of the sudden they say it's not fair that Durant is on the Warriors. Man if the Warriors win Game 2, people that love LeBron may quit watching Basketball since the Warriors are so loaded LOL, Cavs are the one's that are 34,000,000 over the Cap, not the Warriors by the way. Had Durant went to Cleveland I am sure LeBron lovers  would not have 1 single problem with that?? Also I keep hearing all the Warriors do is shoot 3's and play no Defense, that is completely false. The Warriors won by 22 points last night and only made 12 3's, they also are a terrific Defensive team, Green, Thompson, McGee, and Durant all are solid defenders. Green may win DPOY.


It's probably just going to go back and forth each year, too.  Warriors win this year, so the Cavs load up in the off-season with an acquisition like Paul George, then they win next year, so the Warriors load up again the following off-season...


But this has kinda been going on forever.  This is a sport where one FA can change a franchise, and a superstar player like Jordan, Kobe, LeBron, or Curry attracts multiple FAs every off-season.


As they say:  The rich get richer... nothin the rest of us can do but watch.



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8 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


It's probably just going to go back and forth each year, too.  Warriors win this year, so the Cavs load up in the off-season with an acquisition like Paul George, then they win next year, so the Warriors load up again the following off-season...


But this has kinda been going on forever.  This is a sport where one FA can change a franchise, and a superstar player like Jordan, Kobe, LeBron, or Curry attracts multiple FAs every off-season.


As they say:  The rich get richer... nothin the rest of us can do but watch.



Paul George wont go to Cleveland I would bet my house on it. He will either go to the Lakers/maybe the Celtics if we trade him or he will stay in Indy but I get what you are saying. Regarding LeBron lovers, you cant reason with them. If you say he is only maybe the 7th best player of all-time, they will give you the evil eye lmao. If you say he being in the Finals 7 years in a row sucks for the league, they will say - what's u talkin about Willis? It's the Warriors that are by making 3 straight Finals. Man I have read so much funny crap today that it will last a lifetime and the series is far from over.

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Paul George wont go to Cleveland I would bet my house on it. He will either go to the Lakers/maybe the Celtics if we trade him or he will stay in Indy but I get what you are saying. Regarding LeBron lovers, you cant reason with them. If you say he is only maybe the 7th best player of all-time, they will give you the evil eye lmao. If you say he being in the Finals 7 years in a row sucks for the league, they will say - what's u talkin about Willis? It's the Warriors that are by making 3 straight Finals. Man I have read so much funny crap today that it will last a lifetime and the series is far from over.


If Cleveland loses these finals (especially if they get swept), I could see LeBron talking the Cavs into finding a way to get George.  They would have to shuffle a few players/financials around, but LeBron gets what LeBron wants in Cleveland.   :grumpy2:


But it's up to George.  If he wants to get out of the mid-west and live/play in sunny L.A., he will.


Either way, it stinks for the Pacers, and I assume this one-upsmanship will continue between the Warriors and Cavs until LeBron retires.  :bored:

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13 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


If Cleveland loses these finals (especially if they get swept), I could see LeBron talking the Cavs into finding a way to get George.  They would have to shuffle a few players/financials around, but LeBron gets what LeBron wants in Cleveland.   :grumpy2:


But it's up to George.  If he wants to get out of the mid-west and live/play in sunny L.A., he will.


Either way, it stinks for the Pacers, and I assume this one-upsmanship will continue between the Warriors and Cavs until LeBron retires.  :bored:

It could I guess, then can I say the Cavs are ruining the league lmao LeBron started all this garbage back in 2010 by going to Miami. No LeBron fan has any right jumping Durant's rear end for going to Golden St when their precious God went to Miami and then he left there to go back to Cleveland because he knew Wade was getting old and Kyrie was just getting great. People would have you believe he just retuned to Cleveland because that is home and he owed those people that. Trust me, if the Cavs didn't have Kyrie and young promising Roster he would've stayed in sunny Florida.

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