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"sources" Manning Is Not Progressing/more Than Likely Retire (Merge)


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I never listen to La Canfora. Did anyone else see him in his fruity faux hawk the other day? The guy is a joke to me.

True, but he's also constantly connected with technology, has inside sources everywhere (locker room walls might as well have his ears), and he does literally nothing but breathe, eat, and sleep football. If you go on his Twitter, he is constantly and I do mean c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y Twitting. The guy probably gets 5 hours of sleep, max.


The guy is a machine, and while I hate how he seems to have an animosity towards the Colts, I can say he knows his stuff well. There's a reason why NFL.com loves him so much.

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I think the closest that LaCantfora ever came to a football field in high school was playing the flute in the marching band. Why people put faith in what he says is beyond me. He guesses. Sometimes, you guess correctly, sometimes, not.

He doesn't know.

Like the other guy said is extremely On his football info game. Very good

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I think the closest that LaCantfora ever came to a football field in high school was playing the flute in the marching band. Why people put faith in what he says is beyond me. He guesses. Sometimes, you guess correctly, sometimes, not.

He doesn't know.

What does playing high school football have to do with the ability to find sources, ask questions, and talk/write about it? I'm not sure that Red Smith or Arthur Daley played high school football either.

LaCanfora can be a bit annoying, but I don't think I've noticed the "Colts bias" that many claim to see. He, like all of these commentators, make informed guesses based on pieces of information they've gathered. While I'm not a fan of the guy, I'll take him over someone like Kravitz any day of the week.

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I think the closest that LaCantfora ever came to a football field in high school was playing the flute in the marching band. Why people put faith in what he says is beyond me. He guesses. Sometimes, you guess correctly, sometimes, not.

He doesn't know.

What does playing football in the past have anything to do with his job? He has a lot of sources, is he always right? No, of course not, but he's right an awful lot. If he really talked to the other candidates in the GM search then im betting its pretty reliable information. I know people will choose not to believe this is going to happen till it actually does, but it don't mean La Confora is making stuff up.

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What does playing high school football have to do with the ability to find sources, ask questions, and talk/write about it? I'm not sure that Red Smith or Arthur Daley played high school football either.

LaCanfora can be a bit annoying, but I don't think I've noticed the "Colts bias" that many claim to see. He, like all of these commentators, make informed guesses based on pieces of information they've gathered. While I'm not a fan of the guy, I'll take him over someone like Kravitz any day of the week.

Mac you had the same question as me. Quit stealing my thoughts! :D

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What happens if they do that and Luck tears an ACL or something?

That would stink and we would probably draft RG3 at that point but frankly that isn't going to impact Peyton's health which is what I think is driving this. I think if they do this it means the Colts are saying there is no way they think Peyton Manning is going to be healthy by the start of the season. They aren't picking Andrew Luck or RG3 for that matter over Peyton Manning. They are picking one of them because of the questions about Manning's health and they don't think they can take the risk of being stuck in the contract if he can't play again.

Like I've been saying it's not Andrew Luck's or RGIII's fault that the Colts/Manning divorce looks to be happening. He's the light at the end of the tunnel. Think about how much trouble we would be in right now if Manning wasn't going to be healthy and we had to release him and Andrew Luck or RGIII wasn't in this draft?

I know you weren't trying to say all that so don't take that as all being directed at you.

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If Manning goes to another team, it would be interesting if he and Wayne make themselves a package deal.

and Tamme and Garcon and Saturday... they could all go to the same team, theyre all free agents lol would be easy to root for whatever team that was, too, along side rooting for the Colts

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Mac you had the same question as me. Quit stealing my thoughts! :D

shakedown as much as accused me of the same thing the other day. I have to figure out how to use these "powers" for financial gain. :P

Just happy to agree with you about something. That hasn't been happening much recently.

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It appears that my comments on LaCantfora hurt some feelings. Not my intention. Lighten up. I'm sorry, I didn't know you played the flute. It's a fine instrument.

Now, as far as his talent is concerned, he is getting information from various sources, as we all do to a lesser level and making speculations.

I said that he is right some of the time and wrong some of the time.

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Just checked Twitter and Jake Queary had a tweet earlier today that he has talked to someone close to Irsay and that Irsay doesn't think Peyton should ever play again. I know I saw someone earlier this week say maybe Irsay's goal is to talk Peyton into retirement. It could very well be.

I also heard an interview with a doctor today who was once an NFL player on the radio. He made a big point to say he doesn't work on necks and hadn't seen any of Peyton's MRIs but based on what he knows if he was Peyton's doctor he would tell Peyton to retire. He then said he doesn't think the football player in Peyton Manning is going to let him do that. He also said if he was a GM of a team and if Peyton could throw the deep ball he would sign Peyton to his team. He said that's the concern is that once someone gets nerve damange there is no way of knowing when or how much of if that nerve will heal. He also stated that the fussion surgery Manning had probably puts him more at risk for another injury later in his career because it changes the natural movement of the spin. Still he said the biggest issue is the nerve and unless it heals between now and March 8th I don't think there is much of a chance Peyton will be kept as much as I hate seeing that.

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Just checked Twitter and Jake Queary had a tweet earlier today that he has talked to someone close to Irsay and that Irsay doesn't think Peyton should ever play again. I know I saw someone earlier this week say maybe Irsay's goal is to talk Peyton into retirement. It could very well be.

I also heard an interview with a doctor today who was once an NFL player on the radio. He made a big point to say he doesn't work on necks and hadn't seen any of Peyton's MRIs but based on what he knows if he was Peyton's doctor he would tell Peyton to retire. He then said he doesn't think the football player in Peyton Manning is going to let him do that. He also said if he was a GM of a team and if Peyton could throw the deep ball he would sign Peyton to his team. He said that's the concern is that once someone gets nerve damange there is no way of knowing when or how much of if that nerve will heal. He also stated that the fussion surgery Manning had probably puts him more at risk for another injury later in his career because it changes the natural movement of the spin. Still he said the biggest issue is the nerve and unless it heals between now and March 8th I don't think there is much of a chance Peyton will be kept as much as I hate seeing that.

I posted a few days back that Jackie McMullin said on ESPN that she had sources that told her that the Colts team Doctors have informed Irsay that Manning should not play again and that he's not going to completely recover. I have no idea how reliable her sources are, but this seems to be somewhat consistant information.

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I posted a few days back that Jackie McMullin said on ESPN that she had sources that told her that the Colts team Doctors have informed Irsay that Manning should not play again and that he's not going to completely recover. I have no idea how reliable her sources are, but this seems to be somewhat consistant information.

That would explain a lot. Irsay has said all along he would keep Manning if healthy. I think Irsay is coming to grips with Peyton just isn't going to be healthy. In which case as hard as it is to stomach and it is for me, the best thing to do for the franchise is move on from Peyton Manning. I hate hate hate hate hate saying that and I want to be wrong so bad and wake up and find out Peyton Manning will be staying a Colt. However, I just don't think we can take the risk with the future of the franchise on a hope that Peyton Manning will be healthy.

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No one does but I wont lie as a selfish Colts fan I would rather have that than Peyton Manning playing some place else next year.

I kind of feel the same way as a Manning fan...maybe because I don't want his career to end in drama like Favre's did. I don't want a Peyton watch with some reporter camped out in his front yard. But, I feel like Manning won't retire until he's convinced that the nerve isn't going to regenerate. So, unfortunately I think that means the Colts will have to release him and he'll retire a few months down the road if the nerve isn't back.

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I kind of feel the same way as a Manning fan...maybe because I don't want his career to end in drama like Favre's did. I don't want a Peyton watch with some reporter camped out in his front yard. But, I feel like Manning won't retire until he's convinced that the nerve isn't going to regenerate. So, unfortunately I think that means the Colts will have to release him and he'll retire a few months down the road if the nerve isn't back.

You know we could see him go some place else next year and find out right before the season starts that the nerve isn't going to come back and have him retire then.

I think that's the driving fear for the Colts. They just can't risk locking themselves into the contract and having him retire because he can't play. On top of that it puts Luck at risk. Don't get me wrong I am not saying that from a stand point of oh man I want Luck more than I want Peyton Manning. In fact I would gladly risk getting Luck if it ment Peyton Manning was coming back. What I mean is that if we have to lose Peyton Manning Andrew Luck is the lone bright spot about it. He's supposed to be the next great one and if we lock ourselves into the contract with Peyton Luck might say I don't want to come here and could imange how really bad it would be for the Colts if it turns out you are locked into Manning's contract he has to retire and Luck has told you trade me I don't want to be there with Manning and the Colts come out of this with nothing?

I just don't see how you can risk that unless you know for a fact Peyton is 100% healthy and I don't think that is going to turn out to be the case. If you do find out Manning is going to be healthy I still say you keep him and then go to the draft. It will be a lot easier to stomach him telling you to trade me if you know you have a healthy Peyton Manning moving forward.

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Just checked Twitter and Jake Queary had a tweet earlier today that he has talked to someone close to Irsay and that Irsay doesn't think Peyton should ever play again. I know I saw someone earlier this week say maybe Irsay's goal is to talk Peyton into retirement. It could very well be.

That jives with Irsays comments recently that hinted about concern for Peyton's health - and would make the totality of his actions this offseason both more understandable and more admirable.

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That jives with Irsays comments recently that hinted about concern for Peyton's health - and would make the totality of his actions this offseason both more understandable and more admirable.

I agree with this as Irsay has been adament(sp?) about PM returning IF healthy.

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I kind of feel the same way as a Manning fan...maybe because I don't want his career to end in drama like Favre's did. I don't want a Peyton watch with some reporter camped out in his front yard. But, I feel like Manning won't retire until he's convinced that the nerve isn't going to regenerate. So, unfortunately I think that means the Colts will have to release him and he'll retire a few months down the road if the nerve isn't back.

Well if that happens I hope Irsay would bring him back and let him retire a COLT. That in my opinion would be the best way to handle the situation. JMO of course but that's what I would like to see happen if he has to retire. That would give Peyton the respect he so deserves.

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That jives with Irsays comments recently that hinted about concern for Peyton's health - and would make the totality of his actions this offseason both more understandable and more admirable.

You know the more I think about this I go back to something Howie Long said months ago. I love him so much I think he's has more brains than all of the Sunday morning desk guys combined.

Anyways he said the better player you are the harder it is to accept your career has been ended by injury. He said it takes time to accept that the doctors can't put you back together again and that he thinks once Peyton comes to grips with that he will retire.

That could be what's going to play out here. I just hope if that's the case that Peyton listens to all those around him telling him to retire if it is truly in his best interest which I'll admit I don't know.

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Why would his opinion be less qualified than any other doctor just because he's on this message board? Just asking.

because he's on a message board and can tell you he's the * king of england if he wants to...doesnt make it so...

he very well could be a doctor, but claiming it on a message board doesnt make it a fact

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It appears that my comments on LaCantfora hurt some feelings. Not my intention. Lighten up. I'm sorry, I didn't know you played the flute. It's a fine instrument.

Now, as far as his talent is concerned, he is getting information from various sources, as we all do to a lesser level and making speculations.

I said that he is right some of the time and wrong some of the time.

Talking to me? I didn't see anyone quoted.

Actually the only instrument that I have even a passing familiarity with is the piano, and they aren't very common in marching bands. No, you didn't "hurt my feelings", although I did consider your suggestion that "only real men can be sportswriters" to be funny in an extremely off-putting way. If that was your intention, than consider me to be laughing with you. On the other hand your above "apology" appears to be intentionally offensive. I'm starting to wonder exactly whose feelings it was that were hurt. If so, "Lighten up. I'm sorry."

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because he's on a message board and can tell you he's the * king of england if he wants to...doesnt make it so...

he very well could be a doctor, but claiming it on a message board doesnt make it a fact

MAC(who had the same surgery as Manning) has talked to him extensively and he is a doctor. It is a fact.

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There has been talk of people hoping Peyton just retires. But, I still wonder if the competitor in him will allow this to happen.......

And yes I have believed for a while that Peyton is no longer going to play for the Colts.

I think it's going to be really hard for Peyton accept and I fully expect him to sign with another team and try to play but if the nerve doesn't come back it's going to be hard. He would be like Chad Pennington. Not much of an arm and having to beat you with his brain. Now with that said Peyton might be able to do that very well.

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Colts play the Jets next year. What if Peyton goes to the Jets like Favre did in 2008? Then this also would be strange since it all came after the Giants won a SB in a suprise playoff run.........

What if Peyton goes to the Jets and then beats the crap out of the Colts like the Vikings did vs. Green Bay in 2009?

Oh the thoughts in my head!!!!!!!! Make them stop.

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