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Now We Need A Great Oc


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For me the hiring might mean they have some confidence in retaining Peyton Manning for at least one more year, since they have not yet fired the OC and they are hiring a previous DC as HC to focus on the defense. I don't know, these are crazy days and anything can happen.

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For me the hiring might mean they have some confidence in retaining Peyton Manning for at least one more year, since they have not yet fired the OC and they are hiring a previous DC as HC to focus on the defense. I don't know, these are crazy days and anything can happen.

I agree. The need for a great OC depends more on Peyton Manning's health. If he's unhealthy, retain him as an offensive consultant and hire a good OC. If he's healthy, start him and name an OC who won't get in his way (someone who excels in offensive lines, hopefully).

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They wont get a new OC as long as Manning is around.

I know you think this is harsh, but thats why Manning needs to go. He is only delaying our rebuilding which is inevitable. We will not win a Superbowl with 40 plus million dollars invested in our QB position.

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I know you think this is harsh, but thats why Manning needs to go. He is only delaying our rebuilding which is inevitable. We will not win a Superbowl with 40 plus million dollars invested in our QB position.


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It's no more than a $25 million cap hit.

Exactly. People don't realize that while it'll be $51 million (or something) of hard cash, the cap hit won't be near that. A $25 million cap hit for Manning alone would be understandable; if $25 million gets us Manning AND Luck, then I see no problem.

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The name I will throw out will be Hue Jackson. Look at what he did with Carson Palmer in Cincy and then look at what he did with Oakland recently. He is a great offensive mind.

Will he let Manning and the offense do their thing? I like him as a coach, simply for the fact that I heard his postgame with the media following the end of the season and he was very straightforward with his attitude about the team/year.

Edit: Plus, supposedly he has ties to Pagano somehow.

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Why do we need to get rid of Manning? Don't we have our best opportunity to win if we keep Manning and trade the #1 pick for additional picks, draft a QB later in the draft and develop him. If heathy, Manning can play three more years. The guy made us who we are, he built our new stadium, he's the reason we got the SuperBowl here. Manning masks all our problems and gives us the best opportunity to win. Sure Luck is good but Manning is the Best and he still has fuel in the tank.

If you draft Luck, your not going to win for 2-3 years. Manning only won 3 games his rookie year and he had a better supporting cast than Luck will inherit. I say trade the #1 to say St. Louis, watch them struggle next year and get there #1 pick overall next year and go get USC's QB. You trade Luck away, get additional picks in the draft, possible a player or two and there #1 next year. Build a defense and add couple weapons on offense thats your best opportunity moving forward. You can't let the best ever QB in NFL history just walk away without getting anything for him in return, that just can't happen or we'll have three trades in NFL history listed in the top 10 worst trades ever.

For everyone that thinks Manning just gets released prior to March 8th, and the Colts get nothing for him are just crazy. With that said, you can't have both and Luck is not going to want to sit behind Manning he is going to want to start from day 1 but you can't have 51 million locked up on the QB position. Suicide and it doesn't help us win now or rebuild.

Do a deal, get Richardson and Blakemon and were set. A good offensive can get us to the SB just look at New England. Defensive pieces can be found, we have the HC to find them now.

Stop the Manning gone talk, he deserves more from us, the fans, than just to be written off.

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And another thing, fire Clyde and bring in a new OC. The guy sucks as an OC and we need a change anyway. Peyton Manning can learn any system in a month. Teams couldn't read what we are doing every stinken play because we have done the same scheme for too long, need to mix it up. I say get the Greenbay OC and lets go win a SB.

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Exactly. People don't realize that while it'll be $51 million (or something) of hard cash, the cap hit won't be near that. A $25 million cap hit for Manning alone would be understandable; if $25 million gets us Manning AND Luck, then I see no problem.

Not even $51 million hard cash. Cam Newton made $4 million this year. So unless Luck bypasses the new rookie contract rule analysts are almost $20 million off.

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Exactly. People don't realize that while it'll be $51 million (or something) of hard cash, the cap hit won't be near that. A $25 million cap hit for Manning alone would be understandable; if $25 million gets us Manning AND Luck, then I see no problem.

A few weeks ago, most everybody was saying the same thing. Threads like these are proof that no one around here thinks for themselves. Whatever the media tells them, they eat and spit back out on Colts.com.

And another thing, fire Clyde and bring in a new OC. The guy sucks as an OC and we need a change anyway. Peyton Manning can learn any system in a month. Teams couldn't read what we are doing every stinken play because we have done the same scheme for too long, need to mix it up. I say get the Greenbay OC and lets go win a SB.

How do you know he sucks as an OC? You do realize he knows Peyton, right? He's also the one guy who hasn't been fired. Despite every team knowing what we are doing every stinken play, we haven't finished below 5th in scoring offense with Peyton in...forever.

Also, why would the Green Bay OC leave Green Bay to come here? I mean seriously? He's not going to take any job somewhere else unless it's a promotion. Besides, they have a pretty good thing going in Green Bay right now. It's not as easy as just going to get someone.

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pretty sure that's not true...........

Peyton's cap hit is $17 million next year. Cam Newton was a $4 million cap hit to the Panthers. Why would Luck make more money than him? They are both #1 picks. Not to mention Cam won the National Championship twice and the Heisman. Luck did what, lose the Heisman twice?

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Why do we need to get rid of Manning? Don't we have our best opportunity to win if we keep Manning and trade the #1 pick for additional picks, draft a QB later in the draft and develop him. If heathy, Manning can play three more years. The guy made us who we are, he built our new stadium, he's the reason we got the SuperBowl here. Manning masks all our problems and gives us the best opportunity to win. Sure Luck is good but Manning is the Best and he still has fuel in the tank.

If you draft Luck, your not going to win for 2-3 years. Manning only won 3 games his rookie year and he had a better supporting cast than Luck will inherit. I say trade the #1 to say St. Louis, watch them struggle next year and get there #1 pick overall next year and go get USC's QB. You trade Luck away, get additional picks in the draft, possible a player or two and there #1 next year. Build a defense and add couple weapons on offense thats your best opportunity moving forward. You can't let the best ever QB in NFL history just walk away without getting anything for him in return, that just can't happen or we'll have three trades in NFL history listed in the top 10 worst trades ever.

For everyone that thinks Manning just gets released prior to March 8th, and the Colts get nothing for him are just crazy. With that said, you can't have both and Luck is not going to want to sit behind Manning he is going to want to start from day 1 but you can't have 51 million locked up on the QB position. Suicide and it doesn't help us win now or rebuild.

Do a deal, get Richardson and Blakemon and were set. A good offensive can get us to the SB just look at New England. Defensive pieces can be found, we have the HC to find them now.

Stop the Manning gone talk, he deserves more from us, the fans, than just to be written off.

It's because people are like that. The first sign that things are not going there way they want to jump ship. What will really be hilarious is if Manning gets traded and then wins another ring or two and everyone will be like..."hmm those were Manning's best years....wish we hadn't abandoned him...blah blah blah..." If that happens you heard me say it first and it will be what those so called fans (yes I said it and its true) deserve.

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A few weeks ago, most everybody was saying the same thing. Threads like these are proof that no one around here thinks for themselves. Whatever the media tells them, they eat and spit back out on Colts.com.

How do you know he sucks as an OC? You do realize he knows Peyton, right? He's also the one guy who hasn't been fired. Despite every team knowing what we are doing every stinken play, we haven't finished below 5th in scoring offense with Peyton in...forever.

Also, why would the Green Bay OC leave Green Bay to come here? I mean seriously? He's not going to take any job somewhere else unless it's a promotion. Besides, they have a pretty good thing going in Green Bay right now. It's not as easy as just going to get someone.

How do I know he sucks as an OC? I watched every game this year and seen his lack of knowledge and play calling kill us game after game. The guy was a puppet. Watch some game film and see how Manning reacts to his play calling. Its a joke. The guy was given the job because we ran TM out of town and he was just there to be Polian's puppet. 14 years in one system is too long, watch film, see how other teams play us, they know our plays better than we do. Break trends and bring someone else in to install a new vision. It's not the system as much as it's Manning but CC is horrible and that was evident after this year.

As for the GB OC coming that was just a stab at the dark, I know that's not happening that was silly, I know. I'll give ya that one. but CC is horible but with Manning, he looks like a hero but with a new QB, your kidding me. Break trends, take a new vision, start freash and add new ideals. Teams will not be able to prepare as well to new trends.

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Peyton's cap hit is $17 million next year. Cam Newton was a $4 million cap hit to the Panthers. Why would Luck make more money than him? They are both #1 picks. Not to mention Cam won the National Championship twice and the Heisman. Luck did what, lose the Heisman twice?

lol...what does winning a championship and winning the heisman have to do with the cap? and luck did lose the most overrated award in sports, just like peyton.

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lol...what does winning a championship and winning the heisman have to do with the cap? and luck did lose the most overrated award in sports, just like peyton.

Well seeing he has a better college resume he would get the bigger check. Isn't that how life works? Guy with more accomplishments and qualifications get the bigger job and paycheck. So I was pointing out Andrew Luck, the assumed #1 pick, has no reason to get a bigger contract then last years #1 pick, Cam Newton.

Yeah but at least 18 million or so of that is Peyton's cap hit. You know what we could do with 18 million dollars? Go get not 1 but 2 impact Free Agents to balance this team.

We are taking a cap hit next year either way from Peyton. We aren't getting away scotch free. I am not the most knowledgeable about contracts so I can be wrong. Either way this teams doesn't need a revamp like many were persuaded by the media. We have a few holes to fill. A SS, CB, DT, and OG. That is about it. We may not even need that. The personnel we have could be phenomenal in a new defensive scheme.

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This is what our cap will look similar to with Luck next year.

Manning $17,000,000.00 (if he's on roster)
Luck $4,204,725.00 (based on a 5% increase of Newton's deal)
Collins $1,250,000.00(dead cap space)
Painter $22,750.00 (dead cap space if he's released), higher if he's on the roster.
Rookie QB 3 league minimum $390,000.00
Total $22,867,475.00
Salary Cap $121,200,000.00 based on a 1% cap increase.
% onQB 18.9%

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This is what our cap will look similar to with Luck next year.

Manning $17,000,000.00 (if he's on roster)
Luck $4,204,725.00 (based on a 5% increase of Newton's deal)
Collins $1,250,000.00(dead cap space)
Painter $22,750.00 (dead cap space if he's released), higher if he's on the roster.
Rookie QB 3 league minimum $390,000.00
Total $22,867,475.00
Salary Cap $121,200,000.00 based on a 1% cap increase.
% onQB 18.9%

does luck's first year bonus count towards the cap?

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Well seeing he has a better college resume he would get the bigger check. Isn't that how life works? Guy with more accomplishments and qualifications get the bigger job and paycheck. So I was pointing out Andrew Luck, the assumed #1 pick, has no reason to get a bigger contract then last years #1 pick, Cam Newton.

We are taking a cap hit next year either way from Peyton. We aren't getting away scotch free. I am not the most knowledgeable about contracts so I can be wrong. Either way this teams doesn't need a revamp like many were persuaded by the media. We have a few holes to fill. A SS, CB, DT, and OG. That is about it. We may not even need that. The personnel we have could be phenomenal in a new defensive scheme.

no it doesn't work like that

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Well seeing he has a better college resume he would get the bigger check. Isn't that how life works? Guy with more accomplishments and qualifications get the bigger job and paycheck. So I was pointing out Andrew Luck, the assumed #1 pick, has no reason to get a bigger contract then last years #1 pick, Cam Newton.

We are taking a cap hit next year either way from Peyton. We aren't getting away scotch free. I am not the most knowledgeable about contracts so I can be wrong. Either way this teams doesn't need a revamp like many were persuaded by the media. We have a few holes to fill. A SS, CB, DT, and OG. That is about it. We may not even need that. The personnel we have could be phenomenal in a new defensive scheme.

I posted this link in another thread but it works here because it has what the top pick is supposed to get next year because draft picks are pretty much slotted now.


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This is what our cap will look similar to with Luck next year.

Manning $17,000,000.00 (if he's on roster)
Luck $4,204,725.00 (based on a 5% increase of Newton's deal)
Collins $1,250,000.00(dead cap space)
Painter $22,750.00 (dead cap space if he's released), higher if he's on the roster.
Rookie QB 3 league minimum $390,000.00
Total $22,867,475.00
Salary Cap $121,200,000.00 based on a 1% cap increase.
% onQB 18.9%

See I knew It was $21ish.

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So thrilled with Pagano as hc!!! :rock: Now on to some UNFINISHED business with Clyde still on as oc. One of the last NEXT man up frauds who INHERITED Tom Moore's system, Peyton and the playbook. While Peyton was playing, it was hard to gauge Clyde's OWN abilities or lack of. When the GOAT went down Clyde was exposed BIG time. The playcalling was AWFUL (run up the middle 1st down, repeat same on 2nd, JAILBREAK on 3rd) and the offense couldn't generate ANYTHING! Stat wise it ranked near the bottom or dead last in most categories. The backup qbs looked terrible with Dan being the exception toward the end. Some say KEEP Clyde because Peyton is comfortable with him and wouldn't have to learn a new offense but that's the nfl. Peyton became spoiled by having Tom all those years and IF the Colts cut ties with the GOAT he would HAVE to learn a new system anyway. So like Caldwell who brought nothing to the table on his own Clyde needs to be upgraded also. Amazing how ONE man could CARRY so many on his back.

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I posted this link in another thread but it works here because it has what the top pick is supposed to get next year because draft picks are pretty much slotted now.


I don't understand, why is the number 1 slotted at $15 million for 2012? He is almost making as much as Brady and Manning. Unless those analysts read it wrong, and he'll make $15 million total contract. That would make more sense.

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does luck's first year bonus count towards the cap?

I don't understand, why is the number 1 slotted at $15 million for 2012? He is almost making as much as Brady and Manning. Unless those analysts read it wrong, and he'll make $15 million total contract. That would make more sense.

The $15 mill is a guesstimate of his signing bonus based on how much Newton got.

Newton actually got a $14.52 million dollar bonus, and total contract of $22.03 million over four years. Lucks would obviously reflect some modest increase over that - firejimcaldwell says 5%, but I have no idea if that is accurate or just a guess.

Of course all bonuses count toward the cap, but they are prorated over the life of the contract.

IE: Newton got $14.52 up front. His cap hit last year was therefore $3.63 million (14.52 divided by four) plus his regular salary (which is obviously fairly modest - with only $7.51 million left to be paid over the four years. Poor guy. :rolleyes: )

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This is what our cap will look similar to with Luck next year.

Manning $17,000,000.00 (if he's on roster)
Luck $4,204,725.00 (based on a 5% increase of Newton's deal)
Collins $1,250,000.00(dead cap space)
Painter $22,750.00 (dead cap space if he's released), higher if he's on the roster.
Rookie QB 3 league minimum $390,000.00
Total $22,867,475.00
Salary Cap $121,200,000.00 based on a 1% cap increase.
% onQB 18.9%

I very much appreciate the self-control demonstrated in your use of the phrase "higher if he's on the roster" regarding Painter, without the addition of any sarcasm or commentary. That must have been difficult for you. :P

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