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Jack Mewhort has a knee injury...Update: out 2-4 weeks


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15 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:

. Society actually wins here. 


Eh, If the guy was verbally abusing an innocent woman, or someone who was physically or mentally handicapped....if he was saying crap that could leave a traumatic lasting impression then yeah i would agree that society won.


This was just trash talk to the fan of a rival team. If you're not adult enough to take that without resorting to violence then keep yourself away from places where that could happen....like sports bars and venues. Watch from the privacy of your home. Like I said, society shouldn't have to suffer for his deficiency.

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23 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he 

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Basically he walked out, and cussed me out and left and they just banned me until the beginning of next year and him for life. We both agreed not to get the cops involved, so none were called. When you are friends with management, sometimes it's beneficial.


The moral of the story here is don't judge a book by it's cover. Us competitive card game players know how to throw down.

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1 minute ago, Jason_S said:


Eh, If the guy was verbally abusing an innocent woman, or someone who was physically or mentally handicapped....if he was saying crap that could leave a traumatic lasting impression then yeah i would agree that society won.


This was just trash talk to the fan of a rival team. If you're not adult enough to take that without resorting to violence then keep yourself away from places where that could happen....like sports bars and venues. Watch from the privacy of your home. Like I said, society shouldn't have to suffer for his deficiency.

Actually it was an eagle fan bragging they knocked mewhort out for the year, that's over the line.

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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

Basically he walked out, and cussed me out and left and they just banned me until the beginning of next year and him for life. We both agreed not to get the cops involved, so none were called. When you are friends with management, sometimes it's beneficial.


I understand.  So long as the man you grappled with ultimately decided not to press charges, then I think you fared the best you could in that situation.


Just be careful man.  I've seen otherwise good people go to jail for a little barroom brawl like that.  And from what I've heard, jail is not fun. 

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18 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Just got kicked out of Dave and Busters for beating the crap out of a guy who made fun  of me and Mewhorts injury. Apparently the guy heard about it from a notification on his cell phone and saw I was wearing my Luck jersey and starting laughing at me. Well, I can't heal Mewhort, but I sure knocked out some of his teeth and gave him a concussion. Completely worth it. Ready to abandon the season.


Of all the things that have happened, this thing happened the most.

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1 minute ago, zibby43 said:


I understand.  So long as the man you grappled with ultimately decided not to press charges, then I think you fared the best you could in that situation.


Just be careful man.  I've seen otherwise good people go to jail for a little barroom brawl like that.  And from what I've heard, jail is not fun. 

Yeah, i feel bad about it for sure. It can happen from time to time. That was a situation I couldn't control my temper. Have to learn too.

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10 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


Eh, If the guy was verbally abusing an innocent woman, or someone who was physically or mentally handicapped....if he was saying crap that could leave a traumatic lasting impression then yeah i would agree that society won.


This was just trash talk to the fan of a rival team. If you're not adult enough to take that without resorting to violence then keep yourself away from places where that could happen....like sports bars and venues. Watch from the privacy of your home. Like I said, society shouldn't have to suffer for his deficiency.


Well I am not sure what world you live in. It sounds nice, but in the real world (especially in public bars) people get beat up for doing dumb stuff. It happens every day, and most of it never makes it into a court room. 


I am not sure what you believe society suffered here. People at the bar got to watch a fight, for free. Most of them pay cover charges on special nights for a chance to see a good fight. On top of that, a bully was beaten up and had his pride taken away. Maybe he won't be such a bully now. Society wins.


Remember; this was a bar. If a person is looking to get into a fight at a bar then someone will almost always oblige him. 

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16 hours ago, needanoline63 said:

Season is over before it began. We lose our best linemen on what is already a crappy offensive line. This is bullcrap man

Let me get this right we got rid of the other strength and conditioning coach because the injury situation sucked now with the new one the team is decimated with them this is bullcrap.

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8 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Well I am not sure what world you live in. It sounds nice, but in the real world (especially in public bars) people get beat up for doing dumb stuff. It happens every day, and most of it never makes it into a court room. 


I am not sure what you believe society suffered here. People at the bar got to watch a fight, for free. Most of them pay cover charges on special nights for a chance to see a good fight. On top of that, a bully was beaten up and had his pride taken away. Maybe he won't be such a bully now. Society wins.


Remember; this was a bar. If a person is looking to get into a fight at a bar then someone will almost always oblige him. 

Everyone wins

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12 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Well I am not sure what world you live in. It sounds nice, but in the real world (especially in public bars) people get beat up for doing dumb stuff. It happens every day, and most of it never makes it into a court room. 


I am not sure what you believe society suffered here. People at the bar got to watch a fight, for free. Most of them pay cover charges on special nights for a chance to see a good fight. On top of that, a bully was beaten up and had his pride taken away. Maybe he won't be such a bully now. Society wins.


Remember; this was a bar. If a person is looking to get into a fight at a bar then someone will almost always oblige him. 

Have you ever been to Dave and Busters?  You can get drinks there,   But it's a family establishment

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Just now, jvan1973 said:

Have you ever been to Dave and Busters?  You can get drinks there,   But it's a family establishment


Yes. I have been to a few. 


How old do you have to be to sit at the bar?


Hopefully old enough to know better than to mess with a bipolar person.

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9 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Your story continues to change.   You may want to just stop while you're behind

I said in the first page that a guy made fun of me and Mewhort's injury. Completely consistent with what you quoted. Just because I didn't mention he wasn't an eagle fan doesn't mean I changed my story. 

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I said in the first page that a guy made fun of me and Mewhort's injury. Completely consistent with what you quoted. Just because I didn't mention he wasn't an eagle fan doesn't mean I changed my story. 

You said he was laughing about the mewhort injury.  That's sports smack talk.   If you can't handle that you shouldn't go out in public wearing sports gear.  You will get your clock cleaned in most sports bars

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Just now, jvan1973 said:

You said he was laughing about the mewhort injury.  That's sports smack talk.   If you can't handle that you shouldn't go out in public wearing sports gear.  You will get your clock cleaned in most sports bars

Well, if the rule applies to me, it applies to him. Turns out, I wasn't the one who got my clock cleaned. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Works both ways. I learned a lesson not to overreact, but I've never been in a situation like that before besides school. 

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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, if the rule applies to me, it applies to him. Turns out, I wasn't the one who got my clock cleaned. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Works both ways. I learned a lesson not to overreact, but I've never been in a situation like that before besides school. 

Go into a sports bar in Boston wearing colts gear and get back to me on the results.   You need thicker skin.   

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8 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

You said he was laughing about the mewhort injury.  That's sports smack talk.   If you can't handle that you shouldn't go out in public wearing sports gear.  You will get your clock cleaned in most sports bars


I don't get why this is even being discussed. I'm not into the whole internet tough guy thing. It's stupid, immature behavior and unrelated to anything Colts. 


I mean this as respectfully as it can be. Not trying to berate the poster/forum member who seems to be bragging on here about supposedly getting into a fight. 

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Go into a sports bar in Boston wearing colts gear and get back to me on the results.   You need thicker skin.   

LOL, I bet. That's a suicide mission. I've definitely been sheltered a lot of my life, but that's because i'm straight edge and never did anything illegal. Like I said, I was in the wrong here, but it's over and done with. No need to talk about it anymore. Lets enjoy the season.

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6 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

You said he was laughing about the mewhort injury.  That's sports smack talk.   If you can't handle that you shouldn't go out in public wearing sports gear.  You will get your clock cleaned in most sports bars


3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Go into a sports bar in Boston wearing colts gear and get back to me on the results.   You need thicker skin.   


I am seeing some inconsistencies here. So you are saying it is normal and acceptable for Jared to take a beating, but unacceptable for him to commence with the beating?

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2 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:



I am seeing some inconsistencies here. So you are saying it is normal and acceptable for Jared to take a beating, but unacceptable for him to commence with the beating?

Not at all.   I'm saying you can't get your panties in a bunch if someone makes fun of the team you root for.   

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11 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Not at all.   I'm saying you can't get your panties in a bunch if someone makes fun of the team you root for.   


Yeah I get that. I even agree. BUT a person should also know better than to go messing with a bipolar person. It is not like bipolarism is something a person can easily hide from everyone. It is pretty easy to pick up on.


Let's say you and I are sitting in a bar and I am sporting my Luck jersey, and you have on a Brady jersey. If I make a comment directly at you about the Patriots cheating, and you turn to look at me with some bipolar eyes, then I will quickly understand the situation. I will do as any other sane person should do, and measure the outcomes. Do I keep poking this bear or do I just let it be?




A bully will keep poking. A smart person will just let that dude roll up on out of his life.

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Just now, BlueShoe said:


Yeah I get that. I even agree. BUT a person should also know better than to go messing with a bipolar person. It is not like bipolarism is something a person can easily hide form everyone. It is pretty easy to pick up on.


Let's say you and I are sitting in a bar and I am sporting my Luck jersey, and you have on a Brady jersey. If I make a comment directly at you about the Patriots cheating, and you turn to look at me with some bipolar eyes, then I will quickly understand the situation. I will do as any other sane person should do, and measure the outcomes. Do I keep poking this bear or do I just let it be?




A bully will keep poking. A smart person will just let that dude roll up on out of his life.

I don't think you understand what being bi polar is.    There is no bi polar eyes.   A person that is bi polar has crazy mood swings

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3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

I've made it 43 years.   I think I'll be fine.  Most people that are bi polar are happy and depressed.   Very few have rage fits


When they are in that rage, it's very noticeable. I sure and the hell wouldn't keep messing with them.


Maybe you just have less to lose than me.

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22 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

LOL, I bet. That's a suicide mission. I've definitely been sheltered a lot of my life, but that's because i'm straight edge and never did anything illegal. Like I said, I was in the wrong here, but it's over and done with. No need to talk about it anymore. Lets enjoy the season.

But I the thought you abandoned the season already? 

2 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


If you can't see bipolar in people eyes then God help you. 

One of my best friends has Bipolar and there's no such thing as seeing it in his eyes... that's ridiculous. Especially if they're on medication, which I'd assume Jared is. It's kind of insane to think that this other guy should've recognized he was dealing with someone with a condition like bipolar. And btw, I'm not getting on his case about this. The guy was talking smack and got whacked. Although  I do question why you'd do it in a place like Dave and Buster's lol 

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4 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

One of my best friends has Bipolar and there's no such thing as seeing it in his eyes... that's ridiculous. 


Is your friend Jvan? You two seemed to always be joined at the hip. Can't have a conversation with one without the other showing up to defend each other.


If you cannot see rage in a persons eyes then do not worry about saving in a 401k. You will never see it anyway.

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29 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah I get that. I even agree. BUT a person should also know better than to go messing with a bipolar person. It is not like bipolarism is something a person can easily hide from everyone. 


Jesus, you can look at a person and know they're bipolar and not just an * drunk with impulse control problems? Get outta here with that nonsense. Lol. There is no magical way to look at someone and know they've been medically diagnosed as being bipolar.

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:


Well I am not sure what world you live in. It sounds nice, but in the real world (especially in public bars) people get beat up for doing dumb stuff. It happens every day, and most of it never makes it into a court room. 


Just because that's what happens in the real world doesn't mean that it should. And newsflash, it wouldn't happen in the real world if more people learned just a little bit of self control.


I will absolutely give Jared credit for at least being self aware and for being cognizant of the fact that he does have to learn to control himself better. 

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Anybody who gave somebody a concussion and knocked some teeth out wouldn't be humble bragging about it on a football forum that night, they would be spending the night in jail. It never happened, but if it did, it wasn't a little scuffle between two drunk guys, it was an assault over somebody laughing at another's football team.


Most people I know that like sports talk smack to others, friend or not. I think Jared should avoid going outside.

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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Yeah, i feel bad about it for sure. It can happen from time to time. That was a situation I couldn't control my temper. Have to learn too.


I mentioned in another post, but wanted to reply directly to this to say this was your best post in the thread and I hope it was sincere. Being self aware is a huge first step.  I do wish you the best in dealing with and trying to overcome your condition.  

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1 minute ago, Jason_S said:


I mentioned in another post, but wanted to reply directly to this to say this was your best post in the thread and I hope it was sincere. Being self aware is a huge first step.  I do wish you the best in dealing with and trying to overcome your condition.  

I appreciate it. It took Mewhort being ok to realize how bad I looked, and I have to take responsibility for my actions. I panicked in a real world situation and acted out in anger. This wasn't meant to brag about hitting someone, it was meant as a vent of frustration when Mewhort was out for the year. I apologize that it started this much conversation.

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1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:


Is your friend Jvan? You two seemed to always be joined at the hip. Can't have a conversation with one without the other showing up to defend each other.


If you cannot see rage in a persons eyes then do not worry about saving in a 401k. You will never see it anyway.

Anyone who's observant would easily notice that Jvan and I are often at opposite sides of an argument. 


Sure you can see rage in someone's eyes, but rage and bipolar aren't some synonymous terms. 

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