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I called it earlier this evening.. thank you very much


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I was thinking that too, but I think Pettine is a better choice. I'm all for the hard nosed DC, which pettine would bring... besides if Mack or Thomas liked the guy they might be willing to follow. Stranger things have happened i.e. tonight's breaking news

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5 minutes ago, coltsfan77 said:

He will probably hire his brother if Manusky is fired. Think he got let go in SD! Just a thought.

Nepotism is literally the last thing Pagano should be doing. Not to mention that their defense has been pretty garb for a while now.

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25 minutes ago, CanuckColtsFan said:

Cleaveland didn't have a very good D this year. Is Pettine any good? 


He wasn't the coordinator.  I don't recall the Dallas D being all that great when Wade Phillips was the head coach.  But whenever he's the coordinator it's usually always a good unit.


When Pettine was a D coordinator he had the number 1 ranked D in the league.  I think it's worth a shot certainly over Manusky.

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Here we go....  again.


Manusky is fine.    He's had almost no talent to work with.    He's been doing it with smoke and mirrors,  glue and duct tape.


Where is the talent?       Where are the difference makers?


We're not giving up points because of Manusky.     We're giving up points because we can't get to the quarterback and we can't cover receivers and we can't tackler runners.      And that's because we don't have a very talented defense.


Manusky is NOT the problem.    Never has been.


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Pettine and Pagano were both on the Ravens together in 2008 I believe. Maybe even previous to that but I could be wrong.  Heck of a coaching staff they had.


New York Jets

Pettine, as Rex Ryan's "right-hand man", reportedly received a three-year deal to lead the Jets defense. Pettine has been credited with contributing strongly to the Jets number one defense in the NFL in 2009. His tenure with the Jets ended after the 2012 season, with the expiration of his contract.[5

Pettine was also the Bills defensive coordinator in 2013. That team had 43 Sacks


Veteran Ravens defenders raved about the kind of coach Pettine was in Baltimore. 

“Phenomenal coach,” outside linebacker Terrell Suggsicon-article-link.gif said. “He’s your type of coach. He likes you being yourself, from what I remember. I don’t think anything has changed, especially with how inspired they are playing right now.”


They had Pagano, Mike Nolan, John Harbaugh, Mike Pettine, Mike Singletary, Rex Ryan, Mike Smith.


See this is what I mean.  I would like to assemble stuff like this around Pagano instead of some of these guys we have now.  Upgrade the coaching staff as much as you can to bring together a strong collective of experienced NFL coaches.  Not everybody can be Bellichick, but a good group can overcome some of the experience Pagano lacks against the best of the best.



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