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Solving the blitz problem...


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Luck needs better recognition also. The best QBs are able to come to the line and read the D and put Offense in the best position. It sounds like he has control at the line to change the play. Just year 4 so there is time to improve on that part of his game.

Also he has to hit on his passes during the blitz. Early in the game we had a screen called, buffalo brought the house and Gore had a lot of green to run but Luck made a poor throw and we had to punt

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The answer to that is simple:


Pep Hamilton.


This is his third year, and he's still making the same ponderous mistakes he was on his first day on the job.


Luck is just as much to blame if not more. Every time Pep called for a run play but Luck saw an 8-man front, he changed the play immediately, and it played right into Buffalo's hands.

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Luck is just as much to blame if not more. Every time Pep called for a run play but Luck saw an 8-man front, he changed the play immediately, and it played right into Buffalo's hands.


Same general concept:



To me, the coordinator at any point in the game should be able to tell the QB that the game is getting away from him and we're not going to audible out of every run play four series in a row.

Blame Luck for not being sharp, but blame Pep for not reeling Luck in at some during that 16-3 streak of paases vs runs.



It's a shame to think that it's ok for a coach to not be, you know, a coach. 

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And how do we know that Pep didn't tell Luck to stop checking out of run plays? You just assume that he didn't, but I'd have to think that it came up at least once.


You're only strengthening my argument. If that's what was going on, why was nothing done about it?


Pep is a coach. Luck is a player. Pep has the authority and ultimately when push comes to shove, Luck has to take Pep's orders. If Pep finally gave Luck the ultimatum "Run the plays as I call them" and Luck continued to defy him, who is that on for allowing it to continue?


The inmates don't run the asylum. 

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I disliked the fact that the commentators brought up the fact that Luck was the best QB statistically against the blitz last year. What we saw Sunday was far from it. Combination of having an off day, a less than stellar field and no time to throw will do that I suppose

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This sort of blitzing that the Bills do makes any team playing them have fits. Last season the Bills pretty much stopped Aaron Rogers and that was without Rex Ryan as head coach. I have a feeling this Bills team is going to make a lot of teams and quarterbacks look bad at times this season. I also predict that if the Colts do get a run into the playoffs they will be playing the Bills again. John Waylon brought up a good point. Maybe a scat back out of the backfield would help take the pressure off. We can all sit back and watch games and say if that were me I would do this and that, but the reality is it don't work that easy in the NFL. Being a GM and or a head coach in the NFL is a tough job. That is why there is only a handful available and then the pickings are slim. I know there are a lot who are unhappy with some of the things they see but it's not all gloom and doom. The Colts are on the right track and are still building. We can point a finger at one or more but it take a collective bunch of people to make a championship team. The Colts are still a team in the works of rebuilding and that includes players and coaches. I am sure Irsay knows this and that is why a lot of open doors remain open. When you get down on the Colts try to see the future as bright and not like a few other teams in the NFL who never seem to have a clue. The Colts lose a tough game to a very good team at home and now heads must roll? It is way too early in the season to know what this teams is going to do and talking making changes is premature.

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How well can Varga catch?


With as hard as he runs, he could be a good weapon if his hands are decent. 


Yeah like Luckisawesome said. He caught one pass Sunday for a good chunk of yardage, but as far as if he can do it on a regular basis I don't know. All I know is what I've seen of him in preseason and Sunday.

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The answer to that is simple:

Pep Hamilton.

This is his third year, and he's still making the same ponderous mistakes he was on his first day on the job.

And this is why I was so upset. Our lack of adjustments and making teams pay for blitzing. Good teams do it to us all the time. Our coaching staff is jv.

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Varga is a player.

You can tell he plays with lots of confidence. I liked how he was kind of dancing in the end zone on returns. That tells me he just oozes with confidence. He's a damn good football player.

I'd love for us to get him some good red zone touches. He will find a way in the end zone.

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You can tell he plays with lots of confidence. I liked how he was kind of dancing in the end zone on returns. That tells me he just oozes with confidence. He's a damn good football player.

I'd love for us to get him some good red zone touches. He will find a way in the end zone.


The dancing kind of ticked me off when we were down three TDs, but yeah, generally speaking, having some personality is a positive in my book.

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I know it's not good to run against 8 man boxes..but Gore was THE BEST running back in the league last year against 8 man boxes. So stop checking to passes and let Gore do his thing, Luck...he'll find the holes


There were very few 8 man boxes. Luck was checking against even 7 man boxes, even with heavy offensive personnel on the field. I have lots of issues with how that whole play calling thing was handled on Sunday...

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