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Brady "Sour Grapes"


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Not a chance he would ever say that. He knows if he leaves doubt in people's mind, this will all go away and you can't say they cheated.

haha  I know you didn't mean me personally,  but I can tell you,  I personally  CAN and DO say they cheated.   With every fiber of my being,  I believe that,  and I know that.


Yes, they have people advising them.  Those Pressers yesterday had "I've been advised by my lawyer"  written all over them.

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Thanks for posting that. It WAS a pretty good read.


I just thought it gave a pretty objective view on the whole thing and pretty much sums up how we as Patriots fans are now forced to deal with the whole thing. WE are not the enemy here...hate our team all you want and in most cases it's well deserved...we are well aware of our place in history and what scandals like this do to the overall perception of our team...but we are just fans, no more, no less.

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I just thought it gave a pretty objective view on the whole thing and pretty much sums up how we as Patriots fans are now forced to deal with the whole thing. WE are not the enemy here...hate our team all you want and in most cases it's well deserved...we are well aware of our place in history and what scandals like this do to the overall perception of our team...but we are just fans, no more, no less.

but your fans are using every excuse in the book to stand up for them. colts fans are not complaining about the game since it was a blowout but pats fans sure are trying to come up with every excuse under the sun to defend their team after your messiahs looked in the camera and lied to all of you

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They were all in on it;

The center touches the ball and squeezes it .

The running back squeezes it.

The receivers squeeze it.

Everyone to date that has touched a ball deliberately under inflated knew it at first touch just like the Colt that had the interception.

Belichick claimed he was shocked- isn't Belichick's whole reputation founded on knowing every angle there is to getting an upper hand and being the most detailed coach in the league?

Brady says he could not feel the difference- how many time has he touched a ball andwhen he is running from the defenses he is squeezing the guts out of that ball not to drop it.

Last, everyone that has played and commented on the remarks by Brady and Belichick has said out right they are both lying.

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I just thought it gave a pretty objective view on the whole thing and pretty much sums up how we as Patriots fans are now forced to deal with the whole thing. WE are not the enemy here...hate our team all you want and in most cases it's well deserved...we are well aware of our place in history and what scandals like this do to the overall perception of our team...but we are just fans, no more, no less.


Yeah, there's a lot of potential damage here.

The Pats are wrong, no matter what the truth is, and the fans suffer. The SpyGate issue doesn't help this at all though.

The Colts will be perceived as 'cry babies' to some, no matter what the truth is, and we'll have to deal with that.

The league, well, they've got/caused a lot of their own problems, regardless of what the truth is.


And the timing couldn't be worse for the Pats & the league.

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but your fans are using every excuse in the book to stand up for them. colts fans are not complaining about the game since it was a blowout but pats fans sure are trying to come up with every excuse under the sun to defend their team after your messiahs looked in the camera and lied to all of you


1. Broad brush.

2. If it were the Colts, you can't tell me some of us wouldn't be acting the same.

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but your fans are using every excuse in the book to stand up for them. colts fans are not complaining about the game since it was a blowout but pats fans sure are trying to come up with every excuse under the sun to defend their team after your messiahs looked in the camera and lied to all of you


Yea I have read a lot of good articles and the 1 thing they all have in common are the insane comments about them from all the Pats fans. They all say that everyone is just jealous because all they do is win and so everyone just hates. HELLO do these Pats fans really not remember that the Pats have already been caught for cheating before? They act like the rest of the league thinking they are lying and cheating is so crazy and off the wall. That is the better of the Pats fans comments too don't even get me started on how many I have read that said so what we cheated get over it and the Pats were just so awesome. It is just sickening if some of the fans really feel this way and don't care how their team wins. Surely not all Pats fans are like this and this is just social media bringing out all of the NFL teams "best" fans?

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Here's a good article from this morning's Boston Globe.


A pretty accurate summary of the whole situation thus far...




I didn't find it objective.  "Everybody cheats and everybody knows it" (paraphrase)


The author is a fan and is dismissing this as something really unfair to the patriots

Edited by Nadine
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Listening to Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe on SC this morning is actually hilarious. "If this was ANY other team no one would care! It would be the backpage of Tuesday's news and a slap on the wrist! I think this will fire them up even more I feel bad for the Seahawks!" the hypocrisy and deflection's are actually getting really annoying.

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Sure and there is no history between the Pats and Colts to make Brady believe it was sour grapes. /sarcasm

How is it sour grapes? They alerted the officials at halftime. What were the Colts supposed to do? Just ignore it?

For a guy that likes to tell other teams to study the rule book....maybe he should take his own advice.

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How is it sour grapes? They alerted the officials at halftime. What were the Colts supposed to do? Just ignore it?

For a guy that likes to tell other teams to study the rule book....maybe he should take his own advice.

I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.


Or maybe a fake injury in a game? Don't forget that one.

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.

He cared so much? He made a phone call about something that is illegal. Even if it is something relatively minor you think he should just say "aw shucks, those guys are sneaky" and let it go? Seriously?

I don't think this is a big deal, but if you are going to break the rules, don't * and moan when you get caught.

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He cared so much? He made a phone call about something that is illegal. Even if it is something relatively minor you think he should just say "aw shucks, those guys are sneaky" and let it go? Seriously?

I don't think this is a big deal, but if you are going to break the rules, don't * and moan when you get caught.

From the reports out there, this was something the Colts were planning since the game in Nov. And I have no issue with the Colts blowing the whistle but as I said to you, this is the title game. Your first one since what 2009? And first one with Luck and Pagano. I would want my team ready to go and not thinking about air pressure that is almost impossible to prove as we are learning. Wouldn't your rather have your team focused and win than being concerned about ball pressure? If I was a fan of the team, I would be.

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.


Do you have a fever ? The field issue was probably 10 years ago as was your DB's mugging Wr's. TR pretty much said the week before he would never be a healthy scratch again. He obviously knew he wouldn't be active and rebelled. Nixon , who wasn't going to be active had his car break down. Deactivated our "two number one picks on defense" .. what the neck does that mean ? Werner who had been playing horrible was deactivated. This was done because we need an extra CB due to the fact that both Davis and Tolar were injured.  To say the above was disarray is more ridiculous nonsense from you. Then you infer that it's because Grigson spent his time and energy worrying about the Pats cheating. Are you just trolling or are you really serious ?

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From the reports out there, this was something the Colts were planning since the game in Nov. And I have no issue with the Colts blowing the whistle but as I said to you, this is the title game. Your first one since what 2009? And first one with Luck and Pagano. I would want my team ready to go and not thinking about air pressure that is almost impossible to prove as we are learning. Wouldn't your rather have your team focused and win than being concerned about ball pressure? If I was a fan of the team, I would be.

I doubt the players cared what Grigson was up to. I'm sure they can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I don't think it's hard to prove....unless 11 of their balls all had identical slow leaks that magically repaired themselves at halftime. Brady tried to get an edge in bad weather and got caught. Not the first time a player has bent the rules to gain an edge.

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From the reports out there, this was something the Colts were planning since the game in Nov. And I have no issue with the Colts blowing the whistle but as I said to you, this is the title game. Your first one since what 2009? And first one with Luck and Pagano. I would want my team ready to go and not thinking about air pressure that is almost impossible to prove as we are learning. Wouldn't your rather have your team focused and win than being concerned about ball pressure? If I was a fan of the team, I would be.

I see what you're doing here, and yea I don't really like it. Your condescending attitude "your first one since what? 2009?" trying to rub it in our faces that you've been in every one since 2011. Coupled with the fact that you somehow think that front office dealing with the ball issue affected the preparation of the team. Your arrogance amazes me. Somehow, to you, the Colts team was more focused on proving the Patriots as cheaters rather than trying to get to the biggest game of their careers.


My god, it amazes me how arrogant your fan base is. I truly do feel sorry for you. You had a great run, 15 years of it, now in the public opinion of everyone (not just Colts fans) outside of New England you are the butt of a joke. Everybody from Joe Shmoe to Super Bowl winners and Hall of Famers are disgusted at your team and fanbase's arrogance.


Do you really think the end of the BB/Brady era will never come? We were 2-14 three years ago, we are on the doorstep of a Superbowl. You can keep throwing cheat shots on the colts forum all you want, but your team and your fanbase will get theirs soon enough. While you and other Patriot fans like you raise your kids to accept cheating as you have shown in the mega thread and will cling on to the "legend" of BB and Brady while everyone else in America knows that they are two people with questionable ethics and have been caught violating the integrity of the game twice.


This whole "us vs. them" mentality works out great for you guys, but is not unwarranted, it's almost tragic. I truly do feel sorry for you. Your idols looked you straight in the eye yesterday and lied to you and your loved ones. I would be CRUSHED, I wouldn't even know how to explain it to my children if I had any. The greatests in the game being implicated in two cheating scandals. They are no different than Lance Armstrong, Alex Rodriguez, or Manny Ramirez. I'm just so thankful I'm not one of you.

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Do you have a fever ? The field issue was probably 10 years ago as was your DB's mugging Wr's. TR pretty much said the week before he would never be a healthy scratch again. He obviously knew he wouldn't be active and rebelled. Nixon , who wasn't going to be active had his car break down. Deactivated our "two number one picks on defense" .. what the neck does that mean ? Werner who had been playing horrible was deactivated. This was done because we need an extra CB due to the fact that both Davis and Tolar were injured.  To say the above was disarray is more ridiculous nonsense from you. Then you infer that it's because Grigson spent his time and energy worrying about the Pats cheating. Are you just trolling or are you really serious ?

I do have a fever today :( .


What are your thoughts on the investigation at this point? I think something breaks either today or this weekend. No way Roger goes into media week with this. Have to think Carroll wants this over to as his team is getting shafted big time.

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I do have a fever today :( .


What are your thoughts on the investigation at this point? I think something breaks either today or this weekend. No way Roger goes into media week with this. Have to think Carroll wants this over to as his team is getting shafted big time.

You think Carroll honestly thinks his team is getting shafted because the focus is on your team and their new cheating scandal? Get real

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I doubt the players cared what Grigson was up to. I'm sure they can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I don't think it's hard to prove....unless 11 of their balls all had identical slow leaks that magically repaired themselves at halftime. Brady tried to get an edge in bad weather and got caught. Not the first time a player has bent the rules to gain an edge.

I don't know. A few of your players seem disgusted by it and are distancing themselves and even Pagano said he was not aware of any deflated balls.


You have to be able to prove the deflation though. I highly doubt some ball boy was on the sideline deflating 12 balls in the first half. I think they were submitted that way and the refs either missed it or let them go.

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I don't know. A few of your players seem disgusted by it and are distancing themselves and even Pagano said he was not aware of any deflated balls.


You have to be able to prove the deflation though. I highly doubt some ball boy was on the sideline deflating 12 balls in the first half. I think they were submitted that way and the refs either missed it or let them go.

Back to this again. The refs did their due diligence and checked both balls. Both sets were fine. By halftime the Patriot balls were deflated and the Colts were not. By the end of the game the Patriot balls were back to pregame specs and the Colts remained the same yet again. There goes your crackpot theory of weather or refs messing up.

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Back to this again. The refs did their due diligence and checked both balls. Both sets were fine. By halftime the Patriot balls were deflated and the Colts were not. By the end of the game the Patriot balls were back to pregame specs and the Colts remained the same yet again. There goes your crackpot theory of weather or refs messing up.

There are reports now that the Pats were playing with Colts balls in the first half ...


Best to wait for the investigation with all the conflicting reports on every detail.

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There are reports now that the Pats were playing with Colts balls in the first half ...


Best to wait for the investigation with all the conflicting reports on every detail.

Does not matter one bit if they had a play or a drive with the Colts balls. The patriot balls they submitted were tampered with. Keep making excuses please I need more laughter today. I feel sorry for you.

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I don't know. A few of your players seem disgusted by it and are distancing themselves and even Pagano said he was not aware of any deflated balls.


You have to be able to prove the deflation though. I highly doubt some ball boy was on the sideline deflating 12 balls in the first half. I think they were submitted that way and the refs either missed it or let them go.

Nobody has acted disgusted. They just don't care because they know they got whipped and the balls didn't matter.

Sorry, but I can't take your second point seriously. Jay Glazer has reported that the nfl had already decided to check the balls at halftime based on prior complaints....so I can't imagine the refs missed it or just let it go.

Come on AM, it's ok to admit Touchdown Tommy got caught trying to bend the rules.

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Stated that he thought that the Colts had "Sour Grapes" at his press conference when responding to the question about the radio interview on Monday.  He obviously laughed it off on Monday and it's too late to back-pedal.  He looked bad with his constant smirking today and you could tell he blames the Colts for all of this.  Dquell Jackson and other Colts are now the bad guys.  Give me a break.  Can't the Patriots just tell the truth and admit they deflated the footballs so we can get on with things?  Geez....... :facepalm:

Its like Groundhog Day all over again... the words Patriots and scandal are synonomous

Just put another asterick * next to their 2014 season

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Nobody has acted disgusted. They just don't care because they know they got whipped and the balls didn't matter.

Sorry, but I can't take your second point seriously. Jay Glazer has reported that the nfl had already decided to check the balls at halftime based on prior complaints....so I can't imagine the refs missed it or just let it go.

Come on AM, it's ok to admit Touchdown Tommy got caught trying to bend the rules.

If Brady submitted under inflated balls then he is just as guilty as if he let the air out of them IMO. I am just saying I find that more plausible given they were all almost the same under weight if the report is true vs some ball kid in the pouring rain sticking a needle in all of them to get them exactly 2 psi under without a soul seeing him.

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If Brady submitted under inflated balls then he is just as guilty as if he let the air out of them IMO. I am just saying I find that more plausible given they were all almost the same under weight if the report is true vs some ball kid in the pouring rain sticking a needle in all of them to get them exactly 2 psi under without a soul seeing him.

The patriots submitted perfect balls. Then someone let the air out of them. Obviously not Brady himself, he's not that stupid. A rogue ball boy would not think to do this alone and face the consequences if he and his team is caught or if it in fact hindered his team because Brady wasn't used to the ball. Something happened, we don't know what, but it is obvious the order came from the untouchables in your mind. You keep pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining and I suggest you stop.

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If Brady submitted under inflated balls then he is just as guilty as if he let the air out of them IMO. I am just saying I find that more plausible given they were all almost the same under weight if the report is true vs some ball kid in the pouring rain sticking a needle in all of them to get them exactly 2 psi under without a soul seeing him.

I believe the refs give the balls back to the team a couple hrs before the game. Why they do this I have no idea. But either way, I doubt anyone would notice a ball boy causally handling a football on the sidelines. That's what he does.

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I didn't find it objective.  "Everybody cheats and everybody knows it" (paraphrase)


The author is a fan and is dismissing this as something really unfair to the patriots


You do realize in just the last 45 days we have had three occurrences of teams violating the same rules the pats have alleged to have violated and nothing was done other than a warning to two of those teams.   And those have been forgotten about, and I bet you that before Sunday you could not even tell me who those three teams are as the stories went under the radar.  If the violation of the said rules is such an nationwide issue and such an integrity issue, then those three teams would have been well know prior to Sunday and we would of had threads in the General Forum discussing it.   


But we don't and that is the frustrating part for we pats fans.  Some teams violate the rules and it goes under the radar, but once the pats do it, it is a national crisis.  That is the part that is frustrating, the double standard. 

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I believe the refs give the balls back to the team a couple hrs before the game. Why they do this I have no idea. But either way, I doubt anyone would notice a ball boy causally handling a football on the sidelines. That's what he does.

Yeah the whole process is asinine. Another black eye for the league IMO. How can you let the teams have the balls for 2 hours and before and NOT recheck them? Of course the NFL can't find any evidence because it was probably done right after the inspection. Also, I don't think the refs check every ball for psi either. Just one ball. So the Pats could have submitted one at proper weight and the other 11 were under. This is another royal mess for the league in a year of royal messes.

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Yeah the whole process is asinine. Another black eye for the league IMO. How can you let the teams have the balls for 2 hours and before and NOT recheck them? Of course the NFL can't find any evidence because it was probably done right after the inspection. Also, I don't think the refs check every ball for psi either. Just one ball. So the Pats could have submitted one at proper weight and the other 11 were under. This is another royal mess for the league in a year of royal messes.

To bold one: The league shouldn't have to worry about teams violating the rules. It's another black eye for your team. It's a fair process, they inspect, you get them back and can start throwing around and warming up but your team took it too far and tampered with the air in it.


To bold two: Well folks....momma's wrong again....There is absolutely NO reason in the universe to test ONE ball. Do you realize how insane that sounds? They were already tipped off as it is! You are correct when it is a royal mess for the league but it was brought on yet again by your team. The league is having a nightmare because of your team. You put them in this position and if Goodell were to do the right thing he would act before the Superbowl but we know the Patriots are going to get off and then it will make the NFL look bad for not protecting the integrity of the game and sending the wrong message that cheaters can prosper in it. This was brought on by YOUR TEAM.

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I do have a fever today :( .


What are your thoughts on the investigation at this point? I think something breaks either today or this weekend. No way Roger goes into media week with this. Have to think Carroll wants this over to as his team is getting shafted big time.



I thought Brady looked silly and I expect Goodall not to do much at all. Maybe a 3rd rounder ... 2nd at the most. Unless someone comes up with scientific evidence (as to be reasonably possible) that weather conditions could have caused the deflation.... then nothing.  Otherwise they just penalize the team rather than one individual. When they put it to sleep... no idea. The talking heads seem to think they'll wait to post SB. Anyway... I'm kind of sick of it and am looking forward to FA period and the draft. SB should be a good game. 

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Yeah the whole process is asinine. Another black eye for the league IMO. How can you let the teams have the balls for 2 hours and before and NOT recheck them? Of course the NFL can't find any evidence because it was probably done right after the inspection. Also, I don't think the refs check every ball for psi either. Just one ball. So the Pats could have submitted one at proper weight and the other 11 were under. This is another royal mess for the league in a year of royal messes.


Naa easy to fix. They just give ALL the balls to an independent person sent by the league.

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.



You post here as though you are trying to build a portfolio for a Patriots PR position.  And you get lots of practice bobbing and weaving and misdirecting and shifting and spinning.


But honestly, this blame the whistle blower thing is ridiculous and an argument for someone who has no other defense.


Your team, has arrogantly boasted about knowing the rules so well......so much better than everyone else, that they are able to shift things to their advantage.


In this case they broke the rule.  So, I'm not buying into your effort to turn this into something about the Colts


This is about the Patriots.


Now if you are going to go with "You can't prove anything" (another argument for someone who has no defense) fine


You can now proceed with conjuring unlikely scenerios in which nobody in the Patriots knew anything about this and are complete victims.

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