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The Colts Will Not Change!


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How many times has the ravens offense thrown the ball on first down just to get it to a 2nd and 1.... the colts REFUSE to let go of the zone coverage. So many times you see the QB move the defense with his eyes cause they are playing the ball not the receiver.

Larry Coyer mentioned that he actually wanted to blitz and man up more but the FO didnt want to, now he's gone and youve seen the colts going back to zone more...

In the upcoming offseason the colts will have the number 1 overall draft pick and chances are the colts are gonna take Luck while they still have manning, now if that happen well chances are this defense will stay the same and with a lot more UFA's cause you cant pay everyone.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

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How many times has the ravens offense thrown the ball on first down just to get it to a 2nd and 1.... the colts REFUSE to let go of the zone coverage. So many times you see the QB move the defense with his eyes cause they are playing the ball not the receiver.

Larry Coyer mentioned that he actually wanted to blitz and man up more but the FO didnt want to, now he's gone and youve seen the colts going back to zone more...

In the upcoming offseason the colts will have the number 1 overall draft pick and chances are the colts are gonna take Luck while they still have manning, now if that happen well chances are this defense will stay the same and with a lot more UFA's cause you cant pay everyone.

I thought Coyer was the problem and wanted him gone. However, apparently it is looking like this is the front office's doing.

The front office is basically mandating that we play prevent-style defense the entire game because they know it is impossible to win that way with who we have at the quarterback position. It is all about insuring that they procure the 1st pick. The players are playing their hearts out in a flawed defensive scheme (at least the way we run it) and are doomed to failure. This is deliberate and wouldn't be the first time that Colts management has been known to essentially "throw" games (see 2009). If it serves our long-term interests (whether in the post-season or off-season), our management has shown a willingness to openly not try to win games...period. They won't admit to it publicly but I really see no other explanation based on the decisions they have made this year.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

Even with bullit who was caught out of position many times like caldwell, and brackett the colts were still getting gashed. I use to say its the players who have to take the blame for most of what happens on the field.. but more and more the colts look like this stubborn FO who wants to force a scheme to be good. Jim Irsay really needs to push BP out of the door because he has too much say in what happens right now.

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I thought Coyer was the problem and wanted him gone. However, apparently it is looking like this is the front office's doing.

The front office is basically mandating that we play prevent-style defense the entire game because they know it is impossible to win that way with who we have at the quarterback position. It is all about insuring that they procure the 1st pick. The players are playing their hearts out in a flawed defensive scheme (at least the way we run it) and are doomed to failure. This is deliberate and wouldn't be the first time that Colts management has been known to essentially "throw" games (see 2009). If it serves our long-term interests (whether in the post-season or off-season), our management has shown a willingness to openly not try to win games...period. They won't admit to it publicly but I really see no other explanation based on the decisions they have made this year.

I totally agree with this, football is not what it use to be 30yrs ago... the FO has too much power when it comes to how the team goes into a game.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

The defense is the same as it has always been even before those players went on IR.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

Good corners don't matter if they are 10 yards off the receiver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!system must change, my lord.
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Even with bullit who was caught out of position many times like caldwell, and brackett the colts were still getting gashed. I use to say its the players who have to take the blame for most of what happens on the field.. but more and more the colts look like this stubborn FO who wants to force a scheme to be good. Jim Irsay really needs to push BP out of the door because he has too much say in what happens right now.

I'm going to pose an alternate theory, and I'm not saying that I'm right but just throwing this out there....what if it's Caldwell who's mandating the defense and not Polian. Neither Buffalo nor Carolina, under Polian, ran this type of prevent style defense and it's been said that it was Irsay who went after Dungy and not Polian. Now we have Caldwell, who is essentially Dungy-lite, and both Dungy and Caldwell are very conservative in their approach. Plus, as far as I know, Caldwell's entire NFL coaching career has been with Dungy so it would make since that, after being around Dungy (the defensive "mastermind") for as long as he has that he might have bought into Dungy's style of defense and therefore want to stick with that scheme. Also, remember earlier in the season when Coyer was asked why certain DB's were and weren't starting and he said to ask the head coach.

I guess the most important factor in this is whether or not you believe that Caldwell is the Polian-controlled puppet that many consider him to be. Personally, I've never bought into that. I don't think Dungy was controlled by Polian nor do I think that Marv Levy was. I honestly don't remember who the coach was in Carolina when Polian was there and don't feel like looking it up. lol

I know that Coyer said, after being fired, that the tampa/cover 2 defense was an organizational philosophy, but it could just as easily have been mandated from Caldwell and not Polian. This could just be wishful thinking on my part. I say that because if it is Polian that is controlling things, then no matter what happens in the off-season regarding the coaching staff, the defensive philosophy likely wouldn't change. However if it's Caldwell, then if he gets fired at least I can believe whoever comes in will be able to run the defense their way and not Polian's way.

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Good corners don't matter if they are 10 yards off the receiver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!system must change, my lord.

I agree with this. I have said it a million times, I don't care if we drafted the best 2 corners in the draft, it will make no difference what so ever as long as we play this God awful scheme.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

Three knee injuries in three years will do that to a guy... TIll he got hurt Jackson was a very good corner for us. So to make it sound like he just didn't have the talent to play in the NFL is a bit miss leading.

People forget just a few years ago the Colts set the NFL record for giving up the fewest passing TDs in a season. Since then Jackson got hurt and Hayden regressed after signing his contract thanks in large part due to injuries and Powers has been injury prone as well. So they have gone from a 1st rounder and 2nd rounder at corner and a steal in Powers at corner to late round picks and undrafted free agents That's the drop off that is killing them. Add to that a 2nd rounder in Jennings and a 4thr rounder in Hughes who just didn't work out here. That's what happens when you have misses.

You also bring up a point I've been saying about Brackett since he got hurt. He's a pass stopping MLB which is why he worked so well here. He's good for a cover-2 defense but he does have a weakness in run stopping. Now with him hurt we have gone to Angerer who is very good at run stopping but his pass coverage skills are subpar for the type of defense we are using right now. That could very well change at years end which could very well lead to the end of Brackett in Indy.

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I'm going to pose an alternate theory, and I'm not saying that I'm right but just throwing this out there....what if it's Caldwell who's mandating the defense and not Polian. Neither Buffalo nor Carolina, under Polian, ran this type of prevent style defense and it's been said that it was Irsay who went after Dungy and not Polian. Now we have Caldwell, who is essentially Dungy-lite, who we all know is ultra conservative. Also, remember earlier in the season when Coyer was asked why certain DB's were and weren't starting and he said to ask the head coach.

I guess the most important factor in this is whether or not you believe that Caldwell is the Polian-controlled puppet that many consider him to be. Personally, I've never bought into that. I don't think Dungy was controlled by Polian nor do I think that Marv Levy was. I honestly don't remember who the coach was in Carolina when Polian was there and don't feel like looking it up. lol

I know that Coyer said, after being fired, that the tampa/cover 2 defense was an organizational philosophy, but it could just as easily have been mandated from Caldwell and not Polian. This could just be wishful thinking on my part. I say that because if it is Polian that is controlling things, then no matter what happens in the off-season regarding the coaching staff, the defensive philosophy likely wouldn't change. However if it's Caldwell, then if he gets fired at least I can believe whoever comes in will be able to run the defense their way and not Polian's way.

Polian absolutely wanted Dungy. He wanted a defense that could be filed with cheaper players (as we've discussed in the past) - I doubt very much that it all was Irsay's master plan. Fortunately he doesn't interfere much. That being said, I don't believe for a second that Caldwell is a puppet. The time to discuss philosophy is during the job interview. Caldwell is here partially because he is on the same page with the front office. No strings are required, and all the muttering by fans about who's ego is ruining what is just silly.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with the defense that can't be fixed by a handful of personnel changes, a lot of experience, and a functional offense.

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Unfortunately, I don't see a change either. The Offense (and defense) will rest on Manning's or Luck's shoulders as it has with Manning for the past decade. Caldwell will get a free pass due to Manning being out and will return and talk about fundamentals and playing harder. No changes there. Murphy and Christiansen will be back as well.

There will be almost no free agency (with the exception of UDFA's and a bargain basement veteran that no one has heard of).

Someone called me Charlie Brown complaining about the sky falling. Nope, just been a Colts fan long enough to see how Polian does it.

The team needs significant changes. new D scheme, perhaps even a new blocking scheme for the O-Line. I'd like to see what Denver did during their SB wins. They used to be able to make any running back look great. We need some DB's. Perhaps a good FA safety or CB. We need help, as always, on the DT position. I think our linebacking corps is much better than it used to be.

Most of all, there needs to be a coaching change. They need someone, not only who can make those changes, but who can inspire the team to win. Dungy, although soft-spoken with the players, could motivate them to do well for him. Caldwell, although a seemingly nice fellow, doesn't have that gift. Maybe he'd be a great QB coach or, I'm stepping out on a limb here, a good OC.

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How many times has the ravens offense thrown the ball on first down just to get it to a 2nd and 1.... the colts REFUSE to let go of the zone coverage. So many times you see the QB move the defense with his eyes cause they are playing the ball not the receiver.

Larry Coyer mentioned that he actually wanted to blitz and man up more but the FO didnt want to, now he's gone and youve seen the colts going back to zone more...

In the upcoming offseason the colts will have the number 1 overall draft pick and chances are the colts are gonna take Luck while they still have manning, now if that happen well chances are this defense will stay the same and with a lot more UFA's cause you cant pay everyone.

I thought we played closer on the corners today but we still have Angerer running full speed away from ray Rice who has the ball..

...with that said...Our 'D did well to gold them to 24

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Coyer's defense when he first came here in 09, played much different schematically, whether you talk about smaller cushions, or more aggressiveness with the blitz. It seemed when 93 went down in the Super Bowl everything changed, and hasn't been the same since.

Part of the problem with Coyer and post-Coyer is that we are running a hybrid Tampa 2 without a Tampa 2 coach running it, which in my opinion makes it much harder for adjustments to be made on the fly and at halftime.

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The defense is the same as it has always been even before those players went on IR.

How so? Our defense from the past years was much better than this years defense. How quickly people forget this scheme at times worked and the Colts were among the best defenses. Poor drafting, injuries, and no Manning has impacted the defense as well.

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I'm going to pose an alternate theory, and I'm not saying that I'm right but just throwing this out there....what if it's Caldwell who's mandating the defense and not Polian. Neither Buffalo nor Carolina, under Polian, ran this type of prevent style defense and it's been said that it was Irsay who went after Dungy and not Polian. Now we have Caldwell, who is essentially Dungy-lite, and both Dungy and Caldwell are very conservative in their approach. Plus, as far as I know, Caldwell's entire NFL coaching career has been with Dungy so it would make since that, after being around Dungy (the defensive "mastermind") for as long as he has that he might have bought into Dungy's style of defense and therefore want to stick with that scheme. Also, remember earlier in the season when Coyer was asked why certain DB's were and weren't starting and he said to ask the head coach.

I guess the most important factor in this is whether or not you believe that Caldwell is the Polian-controlled puppet that many consider him to be. Personally, I've never bought into that. I don't think Dungy was controlled by Polian nor do I think that Marv Levy was. I honestly don't remember who the coach was in Carolina when Polian was there and don't feel like looking it up. lol

I know that Coyer said, after being fired, that the tampa/cover 2 defense was an organizational philosophy, but it could just as easily have been mandated from Caldwell and not Polian. This could just be wishful thinking on my part. I say that because if it is Polian that is controlling things, then no matter what happens in the off-season regarding the coaching staff, the defensive philosophy likely wouldn't change. However if it's Caldwell, then if he gets fired at least I can believe whoever comes in will be able to run the defense their way and not Polian's way.

That very well could be true and for all of us colts fans i hope it is because like you said with caldwell's firing the colts would most likely change scheme.. but with the success that the colts have had the colts dont seem like the type of team that would welcome change easily and that goes especially for polian... with his quote from the polian corner about letting the offense get quick yards and hope they make a mistake in the redzone doesnt sound like its only caldwell who's pulling the strings on the tampa 2.

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I thought we played closer on the corners today but we still have Angerer running full speed away from ray Rice who has the ball..

...with that said...Our 'D did well to gold them to 24

The problem with the colts defense is that they cannot get off the field on 3rd downs because they give up soo much yards on the quick passes, you can tell mike murphey is a really bad DC...

3 times! the colts sent kavell conner on a blitz to the outside on running downs and all three times rice went for a really good gain. when conner blitz's on the same side with freeney rice just took to the inside while running behind vonte.. doesnt make sense to blitz your LB on the outside when you know freeney is gonna take an outside angle to the QB which in turn will leave a big hole to run through between the LT and Guard.

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This is deliberate and wouldn't be the first time that Colts management has been known to essentially "throw" games (see 2009). If it serves our long-term interests (whether in the post-season or off-season), our management has shown a willingness to openly not try to win games...period. They won't admit to it publicly but I really see no other explanation based on the decisions they have made this year.

Occam's Razor...

This post is the easiest answer to this season, & it disgusts me a little bit...


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How so? Our defense from the past years was much better than this years defense. How quickly people forget this scheme at times worked and the Colts were among the best defenses. Poor drafting, injuries, and no Manning has impacted the defense as well.

Our run defense has been the laughing stock of the league for awhile...

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As NO, GB and Pats are showing, it really doesn't matter what defense you have when you have an incredible offense, which is what the Colts game plan is when Manning was running the show. If Manning comes back and the offense is back to what it was, it won't matter what the defense does, we just out score people.

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How many times has the ravens offense thrown the ball on first down just to get it to a 2nd and 1.... the colts REFUSE to let go of the zone coverage. So many times you see the QB move the defense with his eyes cause they are playing the ball not the receiver.

Larry Coyer mentioned that he actually wanted to blitz and man up more but the FO didnt want to, now he's gone and youve seen the colts going back to zone more...

In the upcoming offseason the colts will have the number 1 overall draft pick and chances are the colts are gonna take Luck while they still have manning, now if that happen well chances are this defense will stay the same and with a lot more UFA's cause you cant pay everyone.

Mike Murphy was moved into that poistion to get us threw the season. I don't think he's going to be our long term answer to the DC situation. People looking for him to make major changes just aren't going to see it. He's been in the Colts cover-2 system forever and that's the type of players they have right now and he's not going to put in a whole new system he doesn't run in the middle of the season.

Now this off-season all bets are off. I would look for SOME new players and a new coach and a new system for the defense. Here's the thing say we move to a 3-4 (I am not saying we will because I am not sure we have anything close to the front line of a 3-4 defense) it might work better for the Colts to do something like let Mathis walk and let Hughes be a 3-4 linebacker. Just a thought.

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Mike Murphy was moved into that poistion to get us threw the season. I don't think he's going to be our long term answer to the DC situation. People looking for him to make major changes just aren't going to see it. He's been in the Colts cover-2 system forever and that's the type of players they have right now and he's not going to put in a whole new system he doesn't run in the middle of the season.

Now this off-season all bets are off. I would look for SOME new players and a new coach and a new system for the defense. Here's the thing say we move to a 3-4 (I am not saying we will because I am not sure we have anything close to the front line of a 3-4 defense) it might work better for the Colts to do something like let Mathis walk and let Hughes be a 3-4 linebacker. Just a thought.

Yea i dont expect a overhaul during the season but just some basic man under plays just regular basic 4-3 stuff, as for the 3-4 it would be great if the colts went to that but i would see some major overhauls happening there... doubt coaches like mike murphy would still be around.

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Powers is still a good corner but is on IR and you can always find good corners later in the draft. Colts took Marlin Jackson in the 1st round and he couldn't make the Eagles squad this year. Plus pass defense has been one of the Colts strengths over the past seasons. It just breaks down on 3rd down. Remember Bullitt is also on IR as well as Brackett its hard to judge this defense with all the injuries.

When guys like Claiborne, Kirkpatrick, Minnifield, and Jenkins are hanging around the first round, however, you can't pass up such a treasure when the team has needed it for years. Those guys are not only capable of both man and zone coverage schemes, but they are bigger (and faster) than we are used to having, while also being good in the return game. That's another area of major weakness. Andrew Luck will only fill two roles because they aren't important: looking, and holding a clipboard.

Marlin Jackson? A guy who made one play for us in 2006 is not an example of a late round "gem." Consider that most of our other late picks have been pretty awful at corner. We've had decent Safeties later on (Bethea, Bullitt, Lefeged), but not corners.

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Yea i dont expect a overhaul during the season but just some basic man under plays just regular basic 4-3 stuff, as for the 3-4 it would be great if the colts went to that but i would see some major overhauls happening there... doubt coaches like mike murphy would still be around.

I don't see what's so great about the 3-4. To me, it's just another defense. There are good 3-4 defenses and there are bad ones, just like there are good and bad 4-3 defenses. A lot of people like it because it seems more aggressive, or because it has an element of surprise that keeps the quarterback on his toes a little bit, but none of that is exclusive to the 3-4. Gregg Williams runs a 4-3, but he throws a lot of zone-blitzing and aggressive gameplanning at offenses, and it works well.

I think it's a little harder to run a good 3-4, for two reasons. You need a really good nose tackle, and those don't exactly grow on trees. And your average 1-tech nose tackle might be a liability in a 3-4 defense. The other thing that can make the 3-4 difficult is that there are a lot more moving parts, which means more room for error. If one person blows an assignment or doesn't play at the proper depth, you can give up a big play. In that respect, I can appreciate simplicity on defense. It allows you to diagnose the problem a little easier, and determine whether the problem is with the scheme (coaching) or with the execution of the scheme (players).

This is to say nothing of the difficulty of transitioning from one scheme to the other, which you touch on. Not just the coordinator, but the assistants as well (linebackers coach, line coach, quality control assistants, etc.) Then you need different players at tackle and end, you need different pass rushers, you need different interior linemen. We'd essentially have to recreate our entire defensive front. We probably have three or four players in our typical front seven that would be ideal for a 3-4 defense, and we'd be neutralizing two of our best defensive players (Freeney and Angerer).

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I don't see what's so great about the 3-4. To me, it's just another defense. There are good 3-4 defenses and there are bad ones, just like there are good and bad 4-3 defenses. A lot of people like it because it seems more aggressive, or because it has an element of surprise that keeps the quarterback on his toes a little bit, but none of that is exclusive to the 3-4. Gregg Williams runs a 4-3, but he throws a lot of zone-blitzing and aggressive gameplanning at offenses, and it works well.

I think it's a little harder to run a good 3-4, for two reasons. You need a really good nose tackle, and those don't exactly grow on trees. And your average 1-tech nose tackle might be a liability in a 3-4 defense. The other thing that can make the 3-4 difficult is that there are a lot more moving parts, which means more room for error. If one person blows an assignment or doesn't play at the proper depth, you can give up a big play. In that respect, I can appreciate simplicity on defense. It allows you to diagnose the problem a little easier, and determine whether the problem is with the scheme (coaching) or with the execution of the scheme (players).

This is to say nothing of the difficulty of transitioning from one scheme to the other, which you touch on. Not just the coordinator, but the assistants as well (linebackers coach, line coach, quality control assistants, etc.) Then you need different players at tackle and end, you need different pass rushers, you need different interior linemen. We'd essentially have to recreate our entire defensive front. We probably have three or four players in our typical front seven that would be ideal for a 3-4 defense, and we'd be neutralizing two of our best defensive players (Freeney and Angerer).

Well the part about moving parts pretty much goes with any scheme, if one player is out of position he could really make the rest of the defense pay, as for finding the right NT that would probably be the biggest trouble because the 3-4 is basically the best defense when it comes to defending the run... i really dont think the colts need to convert to a 3-4 any scheme that doesnt include tons of zone coverage's is good for the colts.

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A 3-4 isn't necessarily the answer, although I would love to have a D with a reputation like some of the teams that have them. Freeney and Mathis would be linebackers in that system and would be wasting their talent.

Cincy runs a 4-3 with similar personnel sizes.

Jacksonville ran one and had a pretty tough one at that a few years ago and I think Tenn did also. Indy could do it, too.

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Well the part about moving parts pretty much goes with any scheme, if one player is out of position he could really make the rest of the defense pay, as for finding the right NT that would probably be the biggest trouble because the 3-4 is basically the best defense when it comes to defending the run... i really dont think the colts need to convert to a 3-4 any scheme that doesnt include tons of zone coverage's is good for the colts.

What I mean is that when your defense has a lot of zone blitzes and disguised coverages, and there's a lot of presnap movement, you're more likely to blow an assignment. That's not exclusive to 3-4 defenses, but the hybrid nature of the defense is what attracts a lot of people to it, and that lends itself to more risk.

I don't necessarily agree that 3-4 defense is better against the run. A good 3-4 is better than a mediocre 4-3, but a great 4-3 can be better than a good 3-4. That's what I'm saying. A lot of people look and see that this team is good defensively, and they run a 3-4, so that must mean that the 3-4 is better. But when you look at the nose tackle, and the really good linebackers, and the versatile 1- and 3-tech tackles that populate the front, it's much more about personnel than it is scheme. When you have good players, you're good against the run.

Another thing, most 3-4 defenses include tons of zone coverage. They just disguise the pass rush in front of the zone. The Steelers probably run more Cover 3 than anyone else in the league. The coverage behind the front is largely independent of the front itself. That's why I say 3-4 is just another defense.

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When guys like Claiborne, Kirkpatrick, Minnifield, and Jenkins are hanging around the first round, however, you can't pass up such a treasure when the team has needed it for years. Those guys are not only capable of both man and zone coverage schemes, but they are bigger (and faster) than we are used to having, while also being good in the return game. That's another area of major weakness. Andrew Luck will only fill two roles because they aren't important: looking, and holding a clipboard.

Marlin Jackson? A guy who made one play for us in 2006 is not an example of a late round "gem." Consider that most of our other late picks have been pretty awful at corner. We've had decent Safeties later on (Bethea, Bullitt, Lefeged), but not corners.

I didnt say anything about Marlin Jackson being a late round gem

he was taken in the first round and never lived up to expectations

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I didnt say anything about Marlin Jackson being a late round gem

he was taken in the first round and never lived up to expectations

Well I beg to differ. Injuries hurt his career, but he had 11 picks in his first 3 years as a Colts and 200+ tackles. He produced great numbers and you can;'t argue against production. If he stayed healthy he could have been a good starting corner for many years, and I personally think we should have given him one more year. He lived up to expectation early in his career, too bad his career didn't last too long.

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What I mean is that when your defense has a lot of zone blitzes and disguised coverages, and there's a lot of presnap movement, you're more likely to blow an assignment. That's not exclusive to 3-4 defenses, but the hybrid nature of the defense is what attracts a lot of people to it, and that lends itself to more risk.

I don't necessarily agree that 3-4 defense is better against the run. A good 3-4 is better than a mediocre 4-3, but a great 4-3 can be better than a good 3-4. That's what I'm saying. A lot of people look and see that this team is good defensively, and they run a 3-4, so that must mean that the 3-4 is better. But when you look at the nose tackle, and the really good linebackers, and the versatile 1- and 3-tech tackles that populate the front, it's much more about personnel than it is scheme. When you have good players, you're good against the run.

Another thing, most 3-4 defenses include tons of zone coverage. They just disguise the pass rush in front of the zone. The Steelers probably run more Cover 3 than anyone else in the league. The coverage behind the front is largely independent of the front itself. That's why I say 3-4 is just another defense.

I agree with all of this, tbh i would much rather see the colts run a defense similar to a 46... with the colts defense when they play zone EVERYONE is playing it, no one is in man or blitzing, the colts have become so predictable its becoming sick to watch.. on 3rd down they always fake a blitz with their LB's and either its a catch on the outside or right infront of the LB's... the colts need to run a more complex scheme both offense and defensively.

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    • What I’m reading on him the Pacers did get good value. Looks like he will need time to develop but he is in the right situation to do that. The pacers are stacking some quality young players that will prove to be more outstanding depth or assets if they choose to make a trade. Very exciting time for the team right now.  
    • I’m not a religious person, but since you’re an educator I think you’re doing Gods work!   In these crazy insane times we’re all living in you’re doing one of the toughest jobs on earth.  And you’re teaching perhaps the most difficult generation to deal with.     From a distance it feels like you’re being very unfair to you.  I’m hoping in time you’ll see yourself in a completely different light.    Someone highly thought of.  A leader in the community.  A protector of young minds.   I couldn’t admire a teacher more.  
    • You are too self-deprecating. You are one of the most respected and bright members here. You should never feel that you are failing. I'm sure your wife and children don't feel that way.  Indiana does not pay teachers what they deserve. But money is overrated. Having good morals and good character should be valued a lot more. JMO.
    • They make a heck of a lot more money than I do. Even those on the practice squad are making life changing money.    To be completely honest, as an educator I feel more like trash nowadays. One of those moments where I feel like I’m failing as a man, a husband, a father and a teacher. I would absolutely never consider an honest working NFL player as trash. 
    • Food for thought… Once again, you continue to be your own worst enemy.     The Colts overall TE room is loaded with young players most of whom have had very little playing time for a variety of reasons.   So if you want to say the room might not be ranked high, that’s fair.    But you don’t say that.  You call them “trash”.  Why you feel that’s appropriate is a mystery.   Whenever you try the internet tough guy approach it typically blows up on you.     No one is trash.     You ignore the last three years and the QB and HC carousel the Colts have dealt with.  All of which has impacted the Colts weapons, especially the TE’s.   Ballard has publicly talked about how promising he thinks his TE room might be.   Woods, Granson, Ogletree, Mallory and MAC.    Only MAC is questionable and that’s because the salary hasn’t matched expectations.  But the first four?   All are promising.   They’re just young and looking for opportunity.  But they are NOT trash.     There’s a difference.     
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