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What's Worse Than 8-4?

John Waylon

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Hey hey. It's that time.

What's worse than 8-4?

Fleener's wide open drop today. He made up for it, but boy that one he dropped should haunt him for some time.

What's worse than 8-4?

The Browns. Seriously, who is that team? Are they good, do they suck, what is it with them? Do they even know.

What's worse than 8-4?

Certainly not the new trailer for Jurassic World. I nearly soiled my pants upon seeing it. It was watched on Facebook alone over 20 million times in 24 hours. A quarter of that was me, watching it over and over. Can't wait till June.

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Nah. The raiders and their fans are used to it. It's just another day at the park for them.

The correct answer involving Oakland is:

Having Tony Sparano as your coach.

Yeah, I always think of Tony Soprano when they mention his name. If Gruden wants to go back to Oakland he is truly a madman.

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Watching as the Texans pathetically do everything they can to get JJ Watt the MVP award. Its sad to watch. All they do is give the media more reason to be all over Watt.

To be fair, he is their best player and he deserves to get chances on offense since he's their best "tight end" also.

I'd use him as much as I could too.

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????    he is their BEST football player.     USE HIM.   


Where is the "wonder" J CLOWNEY?  sitting iwth a boo boo on his where ever.   JJ Watt is a STUD.


I would give up 3 first rounders for dat dude today.   


Watching as the Texans pathetically do everything they can to get JJ Watt the MVP award. Its sad to watch. All they do is give the media more reason to be all over Watt.

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Knowing the Colts could be 9-3 if the rush Defense would have showed up late in the Philly game.  Is it me or is the Defense winded by the 4th.  Heaven help this Defense when they play a good quarterback and offense in the playoffs.  Oh wait, we have seen that picture with New England and Pittsburgh. 

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????    he is their BEST football player.     USE HIM.   


Where is the "wonder" J CLOWNEY?  sitting iwth a boo boo on his where ever.   JJ Watt is a STUD.


I would give up 3 first rounders for dat dude today.   


Yes he is, but they're just pushing it now. I think it's just trying to get him the MVP. What other reason do you have for lining him up for passes? Other teams do it too, but you're talking like once in a blue moon. This isn't the first time a teams has done this with a player though.

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