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Tony Romo has two fractures in back, but could play Sunday


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I admire Romo's heart, but management and the team doctors need to step in and do the right damn thing for the guy's long term health. I'm not a doctor, but it seems pretty straight forward when your back is royally screwed up you shouldn't jump right back in to the thick of things. You don't need 8 years of college to know that, just common sense.


This isn't a stubbed toe or a broken thumb/hand. This is your ability for a great chunk of your body to properly function. Give it time to at least heal a LITTLE bit. I question any doctor's priorities/ethics who would clear someone to play such a violent sport like that. Sweet Moses they're not even giving the guy a week?

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Jerry Jones is so possessed with Romo he will risk anything to make himself look right. It really has not been the same since Jimmy Johnson left. Johnson wouldn't let Jones run the show so he left. Now Johnson is ocean fishing laughing at Jones and the whole Cowboy organization. What are the Cowboys going to do after they run Murray into the ground?

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Romo is gonna have a painful retirement

Trying to be a Hero, not thinking about the future

I foresee a lot of Pain Killers & Doctor Bills in his future

Yep. Not thinking about the future instead of just the here and now is why we see so many former players in constant pain and seeking lawsuits.
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Compared to injuriy of the lamina, pedicle, or vetebral body, transverse process fractures are relatively minor.  Most of the time, they don't even perform surgery to correct.  If he plays, he'll have a belt/brace and armor of some type.  This type injury typically doesn't create spinal instability, deformity, or neurologic (nerve) problems. With such a stable fracture, the spine can still carry and distribute your weight pretty well, just not as well as if there weren't a fracture at all.  It will be painful, especially when twisting around, and will limit his motion.  Dude is tough. He played with fractured ribs and punctured lung a few years ago too. Here's a radiograph of something Tony might have -4




Here's a 3D model of one vetrabra, looking from behind (like looking at a persons back) -



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Probably the right thing to do.  They are 6-2, and Weeden  might jumble up opponents game plan in short term.  Let Tony rest a little and bring him back when really needed.  No question, he will have this to deal with the rest of the year. But as long as he doesn't do a lot of snap twisting or lateral bending, and, of course, minimal direct shots in the back, he should do OK and play fairly well, until December that is  {snort}  j/k...

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Two back fractures? No problem coach, put me on the field!

These athletes baffle me.

That's what I was thinking when my buddy told me this.... How is he not out for the season, the guy has a flipping partially broken back. I mean if be gets bent oddly, or hits the ground really hard isn't the likelihood of his back being broken even further a much higher possibility???

Baffles me as well bud..

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Medical info

Good post, and very informative.


Even if it's less likely to cause issues than other back injuries, it's still a back injury. Anything involving your back (or brain/neck/) should be an instant red flag for game day IMO. Give it at least a week or two to properly assess how extensive the damage is, and let it start to heal before throwing the player in to a firing squad.


I see that Romo is out today - I'm glad Dallas did the right thing.

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Good post, and very informative.


Even if it's less likely to cause issues than other back injuries, it's still a back injury. Anything involving your back (or brain/neck/) should be an instant red flag for game day IMO. Give it at least a week or two to properly assess how extensive the damage is, and let it start to heal before throwing the player in to a firing squad.


I see that Romo is out today - I'm glad Dallas did the right thing.

I agree 100% Moose....You cant play with a back injury..

You get hit in your back...

They need to sit Tony until he's 100%..they have a decent backup QB...anything else makes no sense

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Good post, and very informative.


Even if it's less likely to cause issues than other back injuries, it's still a back injury. Anything involving your back (or brain/neck/) should be an instant red flag for game day IMO. Give it at least a week or two to properly assess how extensive the damage is, and let it start to heal before throwing the player in to a firing squad.


I see that Romo is out today - I'm glad Dallas did the right thing.


Yeah, I think it was wise to wait at least one week.  The amount of force to cause that injury can also cause injury to soft tissue (organs, muscles etc...)  So it's good to get a feel for all of those items while the pain subsides. 


I agree 100% Moose....You cant play with a back injury..

You get hit in your back...

They need to sit Tony until he's 100%..they have a decent backup QB...anything else makes no sense


Well, Cowboys are 6-3.  You think the want to wait another full 4-6 weeks (likely closer to 6) for Tony to be an absolute100% (whatever that is for Tony)?  What do you think will happen to their season?  They were 6-1 until the game of injury.  How do you think Weeden will do?  I believe It is typically thought an athlete doesn't have to wait the full 4-6 weeks for this to heal.  If Romo's OK besides the just the transverse process fractures (no organ/soft tissue issues), he'll be out there before long.  Therapy is to begin walking quickly once pain begins to subside.  Sitting actually is worse that standing/walking.  When the symptoms pretty much subside and his range of motion has pretty much returned, they'll outfit him with brace/flak jacket and maybe even some analgesics of some sort.and get him out there soon enough, I am fairly sure.  But let's see what he really has and what his medical team says, first.  Time will tell soon enough.

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Jerry Jones is so possessed with Romo he will risk anything to make himself look right. It really has not been the same since Jimmy Johnson left. Johnson wouldn't let Jones run the show so he left. Now Johnson is ocean fishing laughing at Jones and the whole Cowboy organization. What are the Cowboys going to do after they run Murray into the ground?

Exactly CC1, Dallas pushing Romo to play so quickly is a disaster & if Murray goes down. The Cowboys are so scr**ed. 


Tony is tough though & a fighter. I will give him that though. 

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If there is nothing besides the transverse process fractures for Romo, I'm all on board with getting Romo back out there.  He's being paid to deliver wins, andthis injury can be played through.  Likewise, run Murray.  He's you golden goose.   The time for them to win is now.  No guarantees they'll even be in as good a spot if they let off the gas and wait for next year, or beyond.

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