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REPORT: Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse...

Sports Central1

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When people defend this mans actions.....after they have seen the photos of what happened to a little 4 year old....I am ashamed of our species. Abuse can begin with a single person, and it can end with a single person. But far more often...it is carried from person to person, because it is enabled by thoughts like:


"It happened to me and I turned out alright"

"Spare the rod, spoil the child"

"I wont tell you how to raise your kids, and you don't tell me how to raise mine"


And to any of you who were whipped at 4 years old, or any other abusive experience you had to face at such a young age....I am truly sorry, because whoever did that to you was wrong. They were just wrong.

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When people defend this mans actions.....after they have seen the photos of what happened to a little 4 year old....I am ashamed of our species. Abuse can begin with a single person, and it can end with a single person. But far more often...it is carried from person to person, because it is enabled by thoughts like:


"It happened to me and I turned out alright"

"Spare the rod, spoil the child"

"I wont tell you how to raise your kids, and you don't tell me how to raise mine"


And to any of you who were whipped at 4 years old, or any other abusive experience you had to face at such a young age....I am truly sorry, because whoever did that to you was wrong. They were just wrong.


I think people take offense at the implication that they or their parents did the wrong thing.


That's not what I mean to do.  Heck, I swatted my own on the rear end a few times, just to get their attention.


what I mean is that what AP did here did not sound at all like parenting.  So I guess that's what the courts will decide.


just fyi, if anyone wants to read about the arguments for and against corporal punishment of children


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So many uncomfortable thoughts here..

Adrian obviously is a child of the rural south where your mama or your daddy 'took a switch to you' if you did something wrong...

..a lot of people think that's right 'spare the rod, spoil the child'

....Nobody can tell a man how to raise his son......that's a rough road to go down

But Adrian is so big and a 4-year old is so small..

...and getting whipped with a stick in the south also smacks of slavery days

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No two kids are the same. One form of punishment doesn't fit all children. Some kids respond better than others to timeouts and such than others. My mother raised four boys, we are all different. She was able to reason with two of my brothers. However me and my other brother needed butt whoopins. I deserved everyone i ever got. I have two kids now. I have never had to spank either one

You are exactly right about each person being different.  But with regard to punishment, differences in people just means that the purpose behind our behavior is different.  Time-out for one child might be ineffective because he enjoys being alone (maybe he gets to go to his room with all of his books etc).  If you find out what motivates a child to engage in a behavior then withhold that motivator during challenging behavior you are more likely to punish effectively.  The second ingredient is teaching the child the correct way to access what they want.


I guess my point is the effectiveness of a punishment isn't so much related to the form of punishment (physical, verbal, time-out) as much as it is to understanding what the child wants and teaching him/her that they do not access good things through bad behavior but instead are more likely to get what they want when they behave appropriately.


Physical punishment seems to be a cure-all for some "difficult" kids because pain is a near universal aversive stimulus. Almost no one likes it.  This doesn't mean that a gentler form of teaching couldn't have worked if you understood the child better.  Also, I'm not trying to degrade anyones parenting or that of their own parents.  My parents spanked and I don't feel they were bad parents. They didn't know any better.  I'm just trying to explain methods that are often much better.

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There's no comparison to getting a spank on the bottom to being whipped and thrashed that create open wounds that require medical attention where the doctor reports it as child abuse.  And those are open wounds on AP's child that can get infected.  He's a 4 year old and those wounds look like he ran through a pricker thorn bush field.  There wasn't a couple of wounds, there was over 15 to 20 lashings all over his legs.  And the reports say AP stuffed his son's mouth with leaves so no one could hear him scream while being thrashed.  I guess those leaves were newly sprouted with no dirt on them in pristine condition too eh?  The child also said AP has a "beating room."


I hope the police get a search warrant and search his home.


We're suppose to give the benefit of the doubt to a guy who has at least 5 to 8 kids with multiple women who's other son died last year over his 4 year old son?  Now what could a little 4 year do that was so bad that required getting whipped with open wounds?




To everyone saying things like: "Well when I was a kid I got whooped."  Well yeah and years past we made children work in factories and claimed that gave them discipline but as society and science progresses we move forward and progress forward to be more civilized.


If their is nothing wrong, then why did AP need to post bond?
If its not a big deal, why is AP facing prosecution?
If its OK with you to beat your children this way, then I guess when you're sitting in your jail cell, you and you alone, can justify why it is not a problem.


lol @ the logic of: "when I was a child I got whoopings all the time and I turned out ok."

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You are exactly right about each person being different.  But with regard to punishment, differences in people just means that the purpose behind our behavior is different.  Time-out for one child might be ineffective because he enjoys being alone (maybe he gets to go to his room with all of his books etc).  If you find out what motivates a child to engage in a behavior then withhold that motivator during challenging behavior you are more likely to punish effectively.  The second ingredient is teaching the child the correct way to access what they want.


I guess my point is the effectiveness of a punishment isn't so much related to the form of punishment (physical, verbal, time-out) as much as it is to understanding what the child wants and teaching him/her that they do not access good things through bad behavior but instead are more likely to get what they want when they behave appropriately.


Physical punishment seems to be a cure-all for some "difficult" kids because pain is a near universal aversive stimulus. Almost no one likes it.  This doesn't mean that a gentler form of teaching couldn't have worked if you understood the child better.  Also, I'm not trying to degrade anyones parenting or that of their own parents.  My parents spanked and I don't feel they were bad parents. They didn't know any better.  I'm just trying to explain methods that are often much better.



Because your parents were ignorant and didn't know any better is no excuse for using physical punishment on a child.  Ignorance is no excuse for treating a child like an animal.


Criminals use that excuse all the time and play dumb: "Ahhh well I didn't know."


Children that come from a loving affectionate environment are less likely to act out and less likely to show disrespect to a parent.

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She's actually absolutely correct. I wouldn't use the word "fear" but corporal punishment creates a scenario where a child stops engaging in a behavior in order to avoid something painful. It is much more effective to teach a child that good behavior results in good outcomes rather than hold painful outcomes over their heads. Punishment has its time and place but physical punishment is just not necessary (except for in extreme cases).

She's not absolutely correct. It is only her opinion. If this was true and a scientific fact they would make it illegal completely. It's conjecture, her opinion based on her own ideas and theories on how to raise children. she has that right and I won't completely disagree with it. But I wont let someone try to get away with pushing their ideas as facts with no evidence behind it and claiming all other ideas and opinions as false. I said in the post it is dependant on the child.

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Not conjecture, fact.

Punishment in general is the least effective means of behavior modification. Just because you were not afraid of your parents does not change that fact.

I studied Behavior in college and I can tell you unequivocally that this is a fact.

Further, people should not use the fact that they turned out ok as justification for hitting children. Instead, they should learn more effective means for dealing with undesirable behavior in children. All of them are more effective.

Think about it, if it was effective we would all just hit each other to make the other person change.

By the fact that I wasnt afraid and punishment did work for me completely disproves your opinion. I also have a sister that refused to punish her kids growing up when they misbehaved and ascribed to your theory and they are now some of the most irresponsible and disrespectful people I know. Just cause you studied it does not mean it's a fact. All you read and learned were theories and opinions passed as fact by self righteous professors. I've looked into this myself and I've seen some of the illogical thinking of these so called PC left leaning behavioral experts. There are tons of people, millions even that day that punishment worked for them. But because it doesn't fit in your little bubble of what you think is right, got disregard it. Got cannot apply a single belief and theory to the human condition and expect it to fit perfectly for everyone. It is dependant on the child. I have one child that no amount of explaining calmly and then giving her a cookie would work, nor does timeout, nor does spanking or grounding. But making her do some exercises like jumping jacks or iron chair for a little bit does wonders.

Push your liberal ideas, because that's what it is, all you want but it doesn't make you right. And being narrow minded and self righteous like only your opinion matters just makes people not want to debate with you and just ignore anything you have to say further.

No spanking isn't right for everyone, but it is not ineffective.

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By the fact that I wasnt afraid and punishment did work for me completely disproves your opinion. I also have a sister that refused to punish her kids growing up when they misbehaved and ascribed to your theory and they are now some of the most irresponsible and disrespectful people I know. Just cause you studied it does not mean it's a fact. All you read and learned were theories and opinions passed as fact by self righteous professors. I've looked into this myself and I've seen some of the illogical thinking of these so called PC left leaning behavioral experts. There are tons of people, millions even that day that punishment worked for them. But because it doesn't fit in your little bubble of what you think is right, got disregard it. Got cannot apply a single belief and theory to the human condition and expect it to fit perfectly for everyone. It is dependant on the child. I have one child that no amount of explaining calmly and then giving her a cookie would work, nor does timeout, nor does spanking or grounding. But making her do some exercises like jumping jacks or iron chair for a little bit does wonders.

Push your liberal ideas, because that's what it is, all you want but it doesn't make you right. And being narrow minded and self righteous like only your opinion matters just makes people not want to debate with you and just ignore anything you have to say further.

No spanking isn't right for everyone, but it is not ineffective.


"By the fact that I wasnt afraid and punishment did work for me completely disproves your opinion."


That can be subjective and based on the type of punishment you were threatened with if you did misbehave.


"I also have a sister that refused to punish her kids growing up when they misbehaved and ascribed to your theory and they are now some of the most irresponsible and disrespectful people I know."


You're not giving specifics on their upbringing and how your sister raised them.  We're they raised with lots of love and affection and taught the virtues and values of respect and honesty?  Or were they just spoiled with superficial materialistic gifts?  There are some families who make up for their lack of love and affection for each other with just buying presents.  They think the more clothes and toys they buy their kids the better they'll behave.

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But can I tell you how to treat your child?..especially if you treat him the way your dad treated you.??

Who can do that?

My children were very fortunate, that I did indeed treat them the way my father treated me.   What a wonderful man and father he was.


btw.... I get what you're saying.  However, someone needs to advocate for the child if he's mistreated.  In this case, it was the child's mother, who I believe does have a right to say how someone treats her child, even if it is the father.

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But can I tell you how to treat your child?..especially if you treat him the way your dad treated you.??

Who can do that?


Your logic is flawed.  It's as if you're saying a parent is above the law and has certain powers in society that can't be judged.  Being a parent doesn't make them above the law or above criticism.


If someone sees or hears about child abuse they have a right to judge the parent who abused their child.  They also have a right to report it to the authorities.


Society doesn't have to turn a blind eye and look away when they see abuse.


We have a 4 year old child who was abused with open cuts and people on here want to defend Adrian Peterson with some sort of passive aggressive logic trying to tie their childhood experiences to being spanked to it.


The child is the victim, not AP.


The U.S. and all civilized democratized societies with proper criminal justice systems have Child Protective Services for a reason.


I see a common trend online, people tend to want to sympathize or side with the criminal out of hate and spite because they don't like the media's coverage of it.  Reading the juvenile comments of people defending Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson shows how some in society lack compassion for victims.

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"By the fact that I wasnt afraid and punishment did work for me completely disproves your opinion."

That can be subjective and based on the type of punishment you were threatened with if you did misbehave.

"I also have a sister that refused to punish her kids growing up when they misbehaved and ascribed to your theory and they are now some of the most irresponsible and disrespectful people I know."

You're not giving specifics on their upbringing and how your sister raised them. We're they raised with lots of love and affection and taught the virtues and values of respect and honesty? Or were they just spoiled with superficial materialistic gifts? There are some families who make up for their lack of love and affection for each other with just buying presents. They think the more clothes and toys they buy their kids the better they'll behave.

That's completely fair. My punishments included spanking and grounding. To include having to pick my own switch at times lol. Plus my mom had earned a really nice paddle from her teacher in a contest on who could take the most his with it over the the course of a month. it was a wood working class so mostly makes.

My sister is the most loving and forgiving person I've met. To a fault. Hey children use that against her. But she does have an angry side if you mess with her babies, even now when they are grown adults. They know right from wrong but they just don't seem to give a care.

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My parents never spanked me and I love them to death.


Now same can't be said for a strict British school. Also I went to and a Military School. Lets see- 25 demerits- do I want 25 hard licks or 25 hours bull ring or some proportion thereof. No one could take 25 licks in a row. 10 was the tops because it was a hard paddle and Major Steele. (approiate name lol)

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By the fact that I wasnt afraid and punishment did work for me completely disproves your opinion. I also have a sister that refused to punish her kids growing up when they misbehaved and ascribed to your theory and they are now some of the most irresponsible and disrespectful people I know. Just cause you studied it does not mean it's a fact. All you read and learned were theories and opinions passed as fact by self righteous professors. I've looked into this myself and I've seen some of the illogical thinking of these so called PC left leaning behavioral experts. There are tons of people, millions even that day that punishment worked for them. But because it doesn't fit in your little bubble of what you think is right, got disregard it. Got cannot apply a single belief and theory to the human condition and expect it to fit perfectly for everyone. It is dependant on the child. I have one child that no amount of explaining calmly and then giving her a cookie would work, nor does timeout, nor does spanking or grounding. But making her do some exercises like jumping jacks or iron chair for a little bit does wonders.

Push your liberal ideas, because that's what it is, all you want but it doesn't make you right. And being narrow minded and self righteous like only your opinion matters just makes people not want to debate with you and just ignore anything you have to say further.

No spanking isn't right for everyone, but it is not ineffective.

Bit. Of an overstatement on your part. I could turn everything you said around and direct it at you in a fit of rage but what would be the point?

You seem angered to the point of trying to stereotype me and ascribe to me all the things you dislike, I'm sure your mind is made up and further discussion with you will just elicit more of the same.

I'll just say this.

I've known kids from all kinds of backgrounds turn out great and otherwise. There's a lot of variables

I'm not pushing an agenda but I think you might be

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I cannot wrap my head around how any rational person can think this is an acceptable punishment for a child. I try not to judge people and how they punish their children as I do not have kinds and only have nieces and nephews, but whipping a four year old child is a failure at all levels of parenting.

It is one thing to spank and then talk to your child. It is an entirely different thing to whip your child. Abuse plain and simple.

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You seem angered to the point of trying to stereotype me and ascribe to me all the things you dislike, I'm sure your mind is made up and further discussion with you will just elicit more of the same.

I'll just say this.

I've known kids from all kinds of backgrounds turn out great and otherwise. There's a lot of variables

I'm not pushing an agenda but I think you might be

Want trying to stereotype, but I've run into quote a few people who say the same things you did, and I always here the same arguments from them so you just painted yourself into a corner from my perspective of what I'm use to.

My agenda was just that you could not apply one simplistic idea to everyone and expect it to be successful for everyone. It just doesn't work like that to me. But you said it well, lots of variables. I apologize.

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yeah I saw the pictures I think people are blowing this way out of proportion just based on the info that is known at this time, The kid was whipped...Many kids have been whipped/switched before...Not a big deal,,,and no being whipped as a kid does not make a person do bad or stupid things as an adult nor does it equal abuse,,,,Now doing it for no reason......Then I'd say ya have cause to cry abuse, There all kinds of people in this world who have been whipped as a kid...with a ruler/stick...even a paddle or board and they grew up just fine......Fact is society has gotten weak as a whole on certain issues and now you have to be guarded against so many things because of it...Cant even leave your kid or pet in the car no more hardly for fear of being charged with something. Maybe there is more to this particular story but  regardless the damage is already done, Media is already all over this before all facts are out there imploring people(without meaning to necessarily) to form there own opinions...

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Yes to me it's the opposite, nothing to do with this case just my view is that lack of discipline makes people more violent. Some of the most horrific stories I've heard in recent memory, are from people who had sheltered lives. Grew up in a good family, ect. You hear about stories like this on the news all the time.

Or all the gangshootings that happen hourly were the gang member was raised in a broken Home and not "sheltered" whatsoever.

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yeah I saw the pictures I think people are blowing this way out of proportion just based on the info that is known at this time, The kid was whipped...Many kids have been whipped/switched before...Not a big deal,,,and no being whipped as a kid does not make a person do bad or stupid things as an adult nor does it equal abuse,,,,Now doing it for no reason......Then I'd say ya have cause to cry abuse, There all kinds of people in this world who have been whipped as a kid...with a ruler/stick...even a paddle or board and they grew up just fine......Fact is society has gotten weak as a whole on certain issues and now you have to be guarded against so many things because of it...Cant even leave your kid or pet in the car no more hardly for fear of being charged with something. Maybe there is more to this particular story but  regardless the damage is already done, Media is already all over this before all facts are out there imploring people(without meaning to necessarily) to form there own opinions...

You seem to be defending him though without knowing all the info. either. One report said the beating occurred because his son interrupted play between him and another one of his kids. A beating of that nature for that reason seems ridiculously extreme to me. I think we need to tread lightly here and try not to use this case as a reason for everything that is wrong in PC America. A child was beaten to the point of having to go to the hospital. 

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I cannot wrap my head around how any rational person can think this is an acceptable punishment for a child. I try not to judge people and how they punish their children as I do not have kinds and only have nieces and nephews, but whipping a four year old child is a failure at all levels of parenting.

It is one thing to spank and then talk to your child. It is an entirely different thing to whip your child. Abuse plain and simple.


I agree.  I think too many people hit their children to vent their own anger.  They're not trying to help the child.  But they wrap themselves in the justification that they are effective discipinarians.


I also agree that there is a shift these days is children respecting adults, including their parents.  I would say that this comes from a lack of consistent boundaries and effective discipline.  And by discipline I don't mean beating.


Children need structure and need to learn self control and need to learn how to behave.  That should be what parents focus on, not whether or not their are justified in using corporal punishment.


I grew up with expectations and responsibilities, so did my kids.  I think people try to make this political when they claim that 'liberals' or "PC" is responsible for bad behavior.  Politics has nothing to do with it.  Good parenting has everything to do with it.


And parenting fails occur across income levels and political affilation.


Beating a 4 year old, I've never heard of anything that can justify this.


I recently watched a program in which these two parents had a child with a mental health issue.  He was very violent and he scared them to the point where the parents had to live in two separate residences in order to protect their daughter.


They dedicated their lives to helping him.......and it paid off.  He learned how to control himself.  They never hit him in order to do this but it did take most of their time, energy, and money in order to help him.


It disturbs me that so many people are so emotional about their right to hit their children.  To me, this is more about their needs than the childs.

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You seem to be defending him though without knowing all the info. either. One report said the beating occurred because his son interrupted play between him and another one of his kids. A beating of that nature for that reason seems ridiculously extreme to me. I think we need to tread lightly here and try not to use this case as a reason for everything that is wrong in PC America. A child was beaten to the point of having to go to the hospital. 

Nah Im not intentionally defending him and I think Peterson went a bit extreme if the pictures of the marks on the kids arms are true, Switching your kid on the butt is one thing but on his thighs, arms and hands is a bit much, I just think some are quick to see punishment to be handed out without letting things play out, Im not sure what Peterson was thinking while he was doing that but I don't think some should be calling for his head on a stick yet either...At least at this point

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I cannot wrap my head around how any rational person can think this is an acceptable punishment for a child. I try not to judge people and how they punish their children as I do not have kinds and only have nieces and nephews, but whipping a four year old child is a failure at all levels of parenting.

It is one thing to spank and then talk to your child. It is an entirely different thing to whip your child. Abuse plain and simple.

Agreed 100%...an openhanded swat on the butt, and a talk, for a lesson that "willful disobedience has consequences" is reasonable.

Peterson went way beyond that.

What stunned me the most was that this took place after he lost a 2 year old son...and this 4 year old's half-brother...in a violent and abusive manner.

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I agree.  I think too many people hit their children to vent their own anger.  They're not trying to help the child.  But they wrap themselves in the justification that they are effective discipinarians.


I also agree that there is a shift these days is children respecting adults, including their parents.  I would say that this comes from a lack of consistent boundaries and effective discipline.  And by discipline I don't mean beating.


Children need structure and need to learn self control and need to learn how to behave.  That should be what parents focus on, not whether or not their are justified in using corporal punishment.


I grew up with expectations and responsibilities, so did my kids.  I think people try to make this political when they claim that 'liberals' or "PC" is responsible for bad behavior.  Politics has nothing to do with it.  Good parenting has everything to do with it.


And parenting fails occur across income levels and political affilation.


Beating a 4 year old, I've never heard of anything that can justify this.


I recently watched a program in which these two parents had a child with a mental health issue.  He was very violent and he scared them to the point where the parents had to live in two separate residences in order to protect their daughter.


They dedicated their lives to helping him.......and it paid off.  He learned how to control himself.  They never hit him in order to do this but it did take most of their time, energy, and money in order to help him.


It disturbs me that so many people are so emotional about their right to hit their children.  To me, this is more about their needs than the childs.

Good post. I would also add that two parent working households has contributed to the bad or absentee parenting in this nation. Not to mention the divorce rate which skyrocketed in the 80's with the advent of day care centers. You have to be home to parent.

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Good post. I would also add that two parent working households has contributed to the bad or absentee parenting in this nation. Not to mention the divorce rate which skyrocketed in the 80's with the advent of day care centers. You have to be home to parent.


I think you can be a stay at home parent and still absentee. And you can be a single parent and still do a great job.



Some kids spend far too much time with electronics and TV.  In terms of bad odds of a good outcome, I'd say substance abuse is the worst.

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yeah I saw the pictures I think people are blowing this way out of proportion just based on the info that is known at this time, The kid was whipped...Many kids have been whipped/switched before...Not a big deal,,,and no being whipped as a kid does not make a person do bad or stupid things as an adult nor does it equal abuse,,,,Now doing it for no reason......Then I'd say ya have cause to cry abuse, There all kinds of people in this world who have been whipped as a kid...with a ruler/stick...even a paddle or board and they grew up just fine......Fact is society has gotten weak as a whole on certain issues and now you have to be guarded against so many things because of it...Cant even leave your kid or pet in the car no more hardly for fear of being charged with something. Maybe there is more to this particular story but  regardless the damage is already done, Media is already all over this before all facts are out there imploring people(without meaning to necessarily) to form there own opinions...


Were you raised in a rough tough inner city environment?  You might be thinking that since you could be desensitized to violence and think aggressive violent behavior is normal and acceptable.


I saw the photos.  There were multiple thrashings with open wounds on his body that required medical treatment.  That's not disciplining his kid, that's physical abuse and torture.  Would you feel the same way if the cops did that to someone?


I hope all you know that under international law by the Geneva Convention if anyone was a prisoner of war and suffered those wounds by their captors that is torture.  If that happened to any prisoner at Guantanamo Bay it would have sparked outrage by the international community and everyone would be going nuts and calling the U.S. an inhuman country.


Some people think parents should be allowed to treat their children worse than governments can treat terrorists and cops can treat thugs.



"Cant even leave your kid or pet in the car no more hardly for fear of being charged with something."


You leave out the fact that the parents locked their kids and pets in the car in the middle of a parking lot in 90 degree heat with the windows up where inside the car it gets to over 110 degrees.  That's deadly and people have died from that.


I think you should stay out of Europe, Canada and Australia.  Places that have the highest survival rates on earth and lowest homicide rates where it's more civilized where people are more "weak."


The problem with the U.S. is we're too ghetto and too trailer parkish.  It's a Walmart nation.

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She's not absolutely correct. It is only her opinion. If this was true and a scientific fact they would make it illegal completely. It's conjecture, her opinion based on her own ideas and theories on how to raise children. she has that right and I won't completely disagree with it. But I wont let someone try to get away with pushing their ideas as facts with no evidence behind it and claiming all other ideas and opinions as false. I said in the post it is dependant on the child.

Sorry but you are incorrect. There is a great deal of scientific evidence about many subjects (smoking, global warming, correctional institution practices) that does not result in practices being outlawed or changed. When considering what is legal, you have to remember that politics often plays a big role in the decision making process. Often times, the decision isn't based on what is correct as much as its based on what is beneficial politically.

With regard to scientific research on behavior, there is a body of research dating back to the middle of the twentieth century that provides insight into why people do the things they do and how to create positive changes in behavior patterns. You are free to ignore this information if you choose but to call it 'opinion' is wrong.

Just wanted to add: if you are interested, search 'applied behavior analysis'. This might help to explain the scientific approach to behavior and provide some examples of behavioral principles and research articles on behavior change. I hope you check it out. It can be incredibly interesting.

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Because your parents were ignorant and didn't know any better is no excuse for using physical punishment on a child.  Ignorance is no excuse for treating a child like an animal.


Criminals use that excuse all the time and play dumb: "Ahhh well I didn't know."


Children that come from a loving affectionate environment are less likely to act out and less likely to show disrespect to a parent.

From your reply, I don't know if you read more than the one sentence of my post that you highlighted. I don't appreciate you taking a very small portion of what I said and misrepresenting it. I also don't appreciate your tone. I'm not going to discuss this with you further. I don't get the impression that you are here to share information. It feels like your mission here is to be abrasive. Tone it down a touch.

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I think that people who think they should be free to leave kids and pets alone in a car should spend some time in a hot car with no ability to get out


Personally, I never left my kids alone in a car just because I didn't want anyone to nab them.  when you are a mom your protective instincts pretty much lead you in this direction.


I have left the dog in the car but only on a nice day and with the windows open and only for a little bit.... she enjoys running errands with me.  Likes to sit in the passenger seat and people watch.  Likes going to the pet store for dog candy after my errands. For her it's an adventure I think.


I wouldn't want anyone to nab her either, she's pretty cute and attracts a lot of attention


And you never know what kind of weirdos are out and about

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There is a difference between discipline and child abuse.  Experts can figure that out....as can courts.  While I have my personal opinion of what Petersen did, its not my place to be judge and jury.


I hope that Goodell, the NFL...or any employer....would not try to decide what is appropriate.  They are no better at it than internet judges

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There is a difference between discipline and child abuse.  Experts can figure that out....as can courts.  While I have my personal opinion of what Petersen did, its not my place to be judge and jury.


I hope that Goodell, the NFL...or any employer....would not try to decide what is appropriate.  They are no better at it than internet judges


but at Goodells salary maybe he has super human abilities and can bring us world peace or something

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Sorry but you are incorrect. There is a great deal of scientific evidence about many subjects (smoking, global warming, correctional institution practices) that does not result in practices being outlawed or changed. When considering what is legal, you have to remember that politics often plays a big role in the decision making process. Often times, the decision isn't based on what is correct as much as its based on what is beneficial politically.

With regard to scientific research on behavior, there is a body of research dating back to the middle of the twentieth century that provides insight into why people do the things they do and how to create positive changes in behavior patterns. You are free to ignore this information if you choose but to call it 'opinion' is wrong.

Just wanted to add: if you are interested, search 'applied behavior analysis'. This might help to explain the scientific approach to behavior and provide some examples of behavioral principles and research articles on behavior change. I hope you check it out. It can be incredibly interesting.


It tends to be the most educated and least religious people who are least likely to mistreat others with regards to women and gays.


I would bet you the people most defending Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson are the most "traditional values" types and religious in society.

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There is a difference between discipline and child abuse.  Experts can figure that out....as can courts.  While I have my personal opinion of what Petersen did, its not my place to be judge and jury.


I hope that Goodell, the NFL...or any employer....would not try to decide what is appropriate.  They are no better at it than internet judges


The employer has a right to set in place work place standards and rules.  You can not sexually harass female or male employees.  You can't smoke in most restaurants now.  Many businesses require a dress code.


A business has a right to fire an employee if they believe employee is a big enough distraction to the company.  It happens every day in the U.S.


In North Carolina the court has been lenient on Greg Hardy.  Greg Hardy was convicted of beating his girlfriend and threatening to kill her and body slamming her on a bed full of weapons.  What he did might have been worse physically and more dangerous than what Rice or Peterson did by body slamming his wife on a bed full of guns.  They're lucky none of those guns went off.


I really don't want to rely on courts and judges for everything in life.

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