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Scouting Peyton's Replacement


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If Polian is high on Luck that automatically makes me nervous considering Polian's draft record lately.

while he has been missing in the first round hes done real well in the later rounds

powers-3rd round

connor-6th round

angerer-2nd round

kevin thomas whos play pretty well for young corner-3rd round

nevis-3rd round

garcon-6th round

collie-4th round

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If Polian is high on Luck that automatically makes me nervous considering Polian's draft record lately.

BP will not be the one making the decisions, just like he wasnt the one making the decisions in the last draft.. i wonder what ppl are gonna say if the colts skip luck and go for someone else

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BP will not be the one making the decisions, just like he wasnt the one making the decisions in the last draft.. i wonder what ppl are gonna say if the colts skip luck and go for someone else

IMO the Colts won't skip on him. I think they would attempt to make a ridiculous trade or just keep him. We knows though still to much time to tell. I do guarantee you if Peyton doesn't heal they will definitely get Luck. However right now it's very difficult to tell what the Colts will do.

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IMO the Colts won't skip on him. I think they would attempt to make a ridiculous trade or just keep him. We knows though still to much time to tell. I do guarantee you if Peyton doesn't heal they will definitely get Luck. However right now it's very difficult to tell what the Colts will do.

Its always difficult to predict what the colts will do, me personally would love to see whatever pick they get be traded down to get more players... luck may see more nfl ready but that dont mean nothing if he doesnt have a supporting cast... with that being said ill be excied to see whoever the colts get... as long as its no an Olineman.... or a kicker lol

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Its always difficult to predict what the colts will do, me personally would love to see whatever pick they get be traded down to get more players... luck may see more nfl ready but that dont mean nothing if he doesnt have a supporting cast... with that being said ill be excied to see whoever the colts get... as long as its no an Olineman.... or a kicker lol

I'm torn. If we knew Manning had 3 or so more years, I'd lean toward taking the picks and trading the pick if we got enough.

But I'm not convinced Manning will be back and I don't expect he'll be ready to play when we have to make the decision(Feb?).

This year has shown us what a TOP QB can do for a team. I just can't get by the fact that EVERYONE considers Luck far above the rest and consider him a 1 in 10 yr type QB. (except Phil Simms and that coach) If you really feel (and thats all you can go by) he'll be that good, you gotta take him. Look at the teams around the league that are successful. They ALL have "good" QBs. Look at the Lions, Atlanta and other teams that turn it around immediately with a "good" QB. And this QB is considered by almost everyone to be considerably better than those.

If we do get the #1 overall, it will be interesting to see what offers might be made or what the team will do.

First, tho, I feel a decision must be made on Manning. We can't assume he'll be back, IMO. Unless we wanna see more years like this one.

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I'm torn. If we knew Manning had 3 or so more years, I'd lean toward taking the picks and trading the pick if we got enough.

But I'm not convinced Manning will be back and I don't expect he'll be ready to play when we have to make the decision(Feb?).

This year has shown us what a TOP QB can do for a team. I just can't get by the fact that EVERYONE considers Luck far above the rest and consider him a 1 in 10 yr type QB. (except Phil Simms and that coach) If you really feel (and thats all you can go by) he'll be that good, you gotta take him. Look at the teams around the league that are successful. They ALL have "good" QBs. Look at the Lions, Atlanta and other teams that turn it around immediately with a "good" QB. And this QB is considered by almost everyone to be considerably better than those.

If we do get the #1 overall, it will be interesting to see what offers might be made or what the team will do.

First, tho, I feel a decision must be made on Manning. We can't assume he'll be back, IMO. Unless we wanna see more years like this one.

At last we agree on something! I think most of us want Manning back, full and healthy, and wait a few more years to take a 1st round QB, or a punt on a 2nd rounder. It may well come down to another coin flip at the end of the day, If Manning's health is not defined just prior to the draft. Could we take Luck, and if Manning heals really well as the season approaches, could we trade him then?

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At last we agree on something! I think most of us want Manning back, full and healthy, and wait a few more years to take a 1st round QB, or a punt on a 2nd rounder. It may well come down to another coin flip at the end of the day, If Manning's health is not defined just prior to the draft. Could we take Luck, and if Manning heals really well as the season approaches, could we trade him then?

I thought of that. Trading Luck later or even manning may bring more options and teams into the mix.

In my gut, I just don't see manning coming back and playing another 3 years or more. I have a bad feeling about him even playing next year. Just a gut feeling, no proof of any kind of course.

If management agrees with the rest of the football world and think Luck is that good I just can't see passing on him, perhaps even if manning is healthy. I'd love a great CB or WR or fill another team need but how do you not try to lock up the QB spot for the next 10 years? All other positions are easier to fill i think. Many teams in the league never had a QB of Manning's caliber, let alone back-to-back QBs of that "caliber".

There is a BIG difference in quality of most players who go in the first 5 or ten picks than there is mid first and later. I'm just glad i don't have to make the choice.

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I saw some chinks in Luck's armor last night which show that the kid is human. Nevertheless, he handled himself well in adversity, rallying his Cardinal to several scores in response to Oregon touchdowns. He showed that he can comfortably exercise two minute drills in a clutch like manner. He also showed leadership and maturity in defeat. His team mates dropped a lot of catchable passes and the last pick 6 was totally on the receiver as the ball hit him in the hands. Still Luck did not chew out these guys, finger point or brood sour-faced on the sidelines. In fact he went to the guy who botched the pick 6 pass, a freshman and patted his helmet. I was more impressed by his poise and demeanor in adversity last night than anything he did on the field so that is what I will take away from this game.

Luck kind of elevates that Stanford team similar to how Peyton elevates the Colts. Stanford has a strong running game but average to mediocre receivers. Their defense is just ok. Luck makes them better than the sum of their parts. After last night, I see that Luck will definitely have to take his lumps in the NFL as he will see more pressure along the lines of what the Ducks brought. He'll have to go through that period of growth and adjustment until the game eventually slows down for him. Luck is used to having a strong run game to fall back on so it will be interesting to see how he would function on a team without one. I am also interested to see how much more effective he could be on a team with better receivers.

Right now I don't know that he is going to be the second coming of Manning, but he seems to have the tools to become a good franchise quarterback in his own right.

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I saw some chinks in Luck's armor last night which show that the kid is human. Nevertheless, he handled himself well in adversity, rallying his Cardinal to several scores in response to Oregon touchdowns. He showed that he can comfortably exercise two minute drills in a clutch like manner. He also showed leadership and maturity in defeat. His team mates dropped a lot of catchable passes and the last pick 6 was totally on the receiver as the ball hit him in the hands. Still Luck did not chew out these guys, finger point or brood sour-faced on the sidelines. In fact he went to the guy who botched the pick 6 pass, a freshman and patted his helmet. I was more impressed by his poise and demeanor in adversity last night than anything he did on the field so that is what I will take away from this game.

I absolutely agree with every part of this (though Luck did stare down the receiver who dropped the pass. The LB read Luck and that's the only reason the LB was in position to make the INT...still though, the pass should have been caught). That said however, I could point you to half a dozen other QBs who do the same thing week in and week out. Luck is a great college QB but he is not as head and shoulders above the other top QB prospects anymore. Last year...he was that much better but several others have caught up with him.

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BP will not be the one making the decisions, just like he wasnt the one making the decisions in the last draft.. i wonder what ppl are gonna say if the colts skip luck and go for someone else

Yeah, but he'll have input forever, Just like Dungy has input with Caldwell, "rest your starters"....ring a bell?????

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
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