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Favourite Addition To The Colts So Far

Favourite Colts Addition  

188 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite Colts Addition so far in Free Agency

    • Arthur Jones
    • Dqwell Jackson
    • Hakeem Nicks
    • Phil Costa

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+ Arthur Jones (my favourite signing)

+ Hakeem Nicks (huge upgrade over DHB and good value for the money we pay him)


-  Phil Costa (even if he is just for depth I don't like him, if he competes with Holmes for the starting position it would be a huge gamble)

- D'Qwell Jackson (an aging MLB who struggles in run support, imo the money we spend on him could have been used better)

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Well, we got Nicks.  Six or seven dropped passes, no touchdowns.  Like the fact that is only a one year contract.  I am thinking he may be another Chris Johnson, only plays well in a contract year, or when trying to get the big contract.  Not as bad a deal as the Richardson deal, or the Bradshaw deal.  Richardson may go down as the biggest bust in NFL history.  Top five pick one year, and another first round pick from the Colts.


You realize Hakeem Nicks was in a contract year last year, right? He certainly doesn't "only play well in a contract year". He was statistically much better in 10' and 11' (non-contract years).

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Well, we got Nicks. Six or seven dropped passes, no touchdowns. Like the fact that is only a one year contract. I am thinking he may be another Chris Johnson, only plays well in a contract year, or when trying to get the big contract. Not as bad a deal as the Richardson deal, or the Bradshaw deal. Richardson may go down as the biggest bust in NFL history. Top five pick one year, and another first round pick from the Colts.

Nicks had arguably his worst season last year. It was a contract year but he was injured. I expect him to be much more productive this year if he stays healthy.

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I think that DQwell Jackson is a bigger pick up than most of us are giving credit for. You can't understate the value of a competent MLB. He's the quarterback of your defense.

Now as soon as we sign Alex Mack, I will change my choice


Oh I"m not discounting the importance of ILB at all.  I've been wanting an upgrade at ILB for a while now.  I just think that as far as quality goes, Jones is a better DE than Jackson is an ILB.  Plus with Jackson's age he's not going to be a long-term solution.  Personally I hope we grab Shayne Skov in the draft.  I've really liked all the video I've watched on him so far.  Jackson could be a stop-gap while Skov, Muamba and McNary (Sheppard too to a lesser extent...he may already be close to his ceiling) develop.  

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Oh I"m not discounting the importance of ILB at all.  I've been wanting an upgrade at ILB for a while now.  I just think that as far as quality goes, Jones is a better DE than Jackson is an ILB.  Plus with Jackson's age he's not going to be a long-term solution.  Personally I hope we grab Shayne Skov in the draft.  I've really liked all the video I've watched on him so far.  Jackson could be a stop-gap while Skov, Muamba and McNary (Sheppard too to a lesser extent...he may already be close to his ceiling) develop.  

Cant really say I am sold on Skov, Inconsistent shedding blocks and seems to lack strength, drags down ball carriers to much, But times his blitzes well often, I see him struggling in coverage in the NFL though  he can be moved around...a bit of a Joker in that respect, can play OLB/ILB, Haven't dismissed him off my list but I think we can do better in later rounds rather then drafting him early http://draftbreakdown.com/video/shayne-skov-vs-notre-dame-2013/

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I think Nicks could be a beast if he is healthy

Nicks staying healthy is the key.  I think he's such a great pick up overall for the organization as whole.  For one a superbowl champion and being able to bring that into the lockeroom is huge.  To also be able to bring that to our young receiving core is gonna pay off BIG TIME.  Andy will have another "go to" guy along with Reggie (if he returns healthy) and Nicks will up the game to everyone around him. It also shows how Andy is on of the "elite" QBz in the game with Nicks deciding to go with us versus Newton in Carolina.  Super Stoked for Nicks and all the off-season pick ups... Let's go Colts! ColtsNAtion

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Cant really say I am sold on Skov, Inconsistent shedding blocks and seems to lack strength, drags down ball carriers to much, But times his blitzes well often, I see him struggling in coverage in the NFL though  he can be moved around...a bit of a Joker in that respect, can play OLB/ILB, Haven't dismissed him off my list but I think we can do better in later rounds rather then drafting him early http://draftbreakdown.com/video/shayne-skov-vs-notre-dame-2013/

To pick up Skov would be huge.  He was a beast at Stanford his entire college career.  Skov could line up along side J. Freeman and would tear up opposing Offensive.  ColtsNAtion!  Aloha

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Cant really say I am sold on Skov, Inconsistent shedding blocks and seems to lack strength, drags down ball carriers to much, But times his blitzes well often, I see him struggling in coverage in the NFL though  he can be moved around...a bit of a Joker in that respect, can play OLB/ILB, Haven't dismissed him off my list but I think we can do better in later rounds rather then drafting him early http://draftbreakdown.com/video/shayne-skov-vs-notre-dame-2013/


I have watched several of his draftbreakdown videos and I definitely didn't see the lack of strength, inconsistency in shedding blocks nor the dragging down of ball carriers.  What I saw was him standing up most RB's and taking them down immediately with one or two exceptions.  I also thought he did a good job of disengaging from blockers most of the time.  There were a couple of instances where he had trouble getting off of an OG (he didn't seem to be getting much help from the DL) but for the most part I thought he did a good job of it.

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I really hope Costa comes in and blows everybody away with his dominant play. Then we'll see all the haters posting about how they liked the signing when it happened and they knew all along that he would be good. There will literally be about 5 people that have balls enough to admit that they were wrong.


I hope he blows it up too! 



I will gladly admit that I hate the signing right now, and if he blows it up I'll enjoy my serving of crow. 

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Cant really say I am sold on Skov, Inconsistent shedding blocks and seems to lack strength, drags down ball carriers to much, But times his blitzes well often, I see him struggling in coverage in the NFL though  he can be moved around...a bit of a Joker in that respect, can play OLB/ILB, Haven't dismissed him off my list but I think we can do better in later rounds rather then drafting him early http://draftbreakdown.com/video/shayne-skov-vs-notre-dame-2013/


which late round guys are you looking at?  I'm just starting looking at some of the later round guys.  I will say I like what I saw of Max Bullough.  I'd have no problem getting him in a later round.  Not totally polished but great size and instincts.  A little work on his technique and put on about another 10-15 lbs and he could potentially be something special at ILB.

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Well, we got Nicks. Six or seven dropped passes, no touchdowns. Like the fact that is only a one year contract. I am thinking he may be another Chris Johnson, only plays well in a contract year, or when trying to get the big contract. Not as bad a deal as the Richardson deal, or the Bradshaw deal. Richardson may go down as the biggest bust in NFL history. Top five pick one year, and another first round pick from the Colts.

last year was a contract year
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It is very close with Nicks and Jones.


I have to ask myself, what absolutely ticked me off the most last season. I am used to the Colts having issues stopping the run. Implementing a new defensive scheme can take years. Jones should Help in stopping the run; however, I do not see him as the sole reason we will see a 180 degree improvement. 


I was more annoyed and ticked off last season with dropped passes than I have been in 20 years. DHB dropping layup after layup; just did not sit well with me. I am usually a very cool and laid back customer, yet there was a point in the season when I wanted DHB cut from the team, just so I would not have to witness it anymore. It was brutal to watch DHB get open, time and time again, to drop what seemed like every pass that went his way. Big play after big play, where DHB killed drives. 


We brought in a proven receiver in Nicks and he has excellent hands. 


Although, I am very excited about the Jones signing; Nicks wins this one for me, based on the comfort-ability factor with watching football basics such as pass and catch.

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which late round guys are you looking at?  I'm just starting looking at some of the later round guys.  I will say I like what I saw of Max Bullough.  I'd have no problem getting him in a later round.  Not totally polished but great size and instincts.  A little work on his technique and put on about another 10-15 lbs and he could potentially be something special at ILB.

Several of the guys your looking at:


Max Bullough

Preston Brown


A few of my own:

Shawn Jackson

Brock Coyle

Nate Dreiling

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I'll go Arthur Jones, although I'm pretty sure the best FA signing is still to come.  Can 2014 be the first year we have a run-stuffing defense?

We have a run stuffing o-line. Maybe just move our defense and offense up front to the other side of the ball respectively and we will be unstoppable.


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Jones is my favorite.


I like Costa, even if a lot of people don't just because his name doesn't start with Alex and end with Mack


I am neutral on Costa. I want to see his play with a Shoe on the helmet.  Then I'll weigh in.  The fact Satele is gone is a beginning to a better line in and of itself.

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We have a run stuffing o-line. Maybe just move our defense and offense up front to the other side of the ball respectively and we will be unstoppable.


I had to laugh out loud at this post--hilarious and I agree. Well, after thinking about it, the O line didn't do a bad job of half of their job--run blocking, unless TRich was carrying the ball. But yes, overall, they were not good--as evidenced by the old eye-test.

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