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Prediction On The Final Record


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I'm very optimistic. We can't do any worse than 0 - 16, which is exactly what I think our final record will be. If Peyton makes it back next year and nothing else changes (meaning we have no Luck but still have the Polians, Croyer and Caldwell), I see us at 2 - 14. That is based on the assumption that Peyton wants to come back, which makes no sense. He would probably want to play for a team that has some chance of winning without getting all beaten up.

Edited by CoachLite
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Unfortunately I see the colts going 0-16. Painful but true.

That's impossible, won't happen. Can't happen. Too many things go wrong for other teams for that to happen. A pig finds an acorn every now and again. I will guarantee that we WONT go winless. It took the Detroit Lions to finally do it and that was just a few years back.

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i think there win2 games , i like mr luck but right am wacting him againt oregon state & there giving him heck 17 to 13 there more just qb that wins games draft big big big & some defense players , now i agree on coaches i dont ryan of the jets & his mouth but player

love playing for he firedup gut just 49ers coach that what we coaches that get in face ,kick butt if they have to ,players today are spoli rich kids that need to be work hard for there money

Could you please repeat that?

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1-15 or 2-14 at best, I hate saying it but even that is hopeful thinking. We are playing the worst football I have ever seen an NFL team play. We are beat physically and mentally, we have given up and it's flat out embarrassing. Somehow I still wake up on Monday mornings loving the Colts and putting a jersey/colts shirt on and represent, even though we are 0-9... :cuss: this is bad.

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Unfortunately I see the colts going 0-16. Painful but true.

I agree. Just can't see us beating anyone at this point. Painter is regressing and has the offense struggling to score and Coyer's defense is good for giving up at least 24 pts a game no matter who the opponent is. Hard to find wins like that.

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Coming off their bye week, the Jaguars have had 2 weeks to "prepare" for us.

Prepare for what?.....I don't know....but they've had a bye week.

I thought this week might be "our time"....I highly doubt it now, after another buttwhippin' yesterday.

0-16 is starting to look like a cold reality.

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Trying to add it to the site? I hope it has good malware filters. That reminds me, are any of the old custom emoticons going to be added back? I miss a couple of them (although they are rapidly fading from my pathetic memory). :o

They should be there, click the emoticon icon in the editor and you get the ribbon of icons below the edit window, click the 'show all' link and you get to see every emoticon available - there are **lots**. I think PG brought back pretty much all of them from the old and old-old forums...

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Through 9 games this is the worst team of the Super Bowl era by a fairly wide margin.

However, this is a winnable ball game and is probably their best shot at a win.

If they lose this one I'm afraid that Caldwell will completely lose the team and the bottom will really fall out with 6 weeks of the kind of effort seen after halftime in New Orleans.

Edited by Blue Horseshoe
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They should be there, click the emoticon icon in the editor and you get the ribbon of icons below the edit window, click the 'show all' link and you get to see every emoticon available - there are **lots**. I think PG brought back pretty much all of them from the old and old-old forums...

Oh, I'm familiar with how to get the full list. I'm not complaining about the choices - they are many and varied - just that the three that I used to use the vast majority of the time weren't brought forward. I'm sure that they were considered to be too similar to new ones, and nothing all that exiting. I just happened to prefer them.

I PMed her with the old file names, but haven't heard back. Not a big deal regardless.

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JIM HARBAUGH BELONGS A COLT. GIVE THEM A DRAFT PICK AND SOME CASH for him to be our new head coach. He may earn two bids for the ring of honor.

Caldwell and polian earned two birds from me yesterday. Bring Jim H. for sure Edited by LUVTHESHOE
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Coming off their bye week, the Jaguars have had 2 weeks to "prepare" for us.

Prepare for what?.....I don't know....but they've had a bye week.

I thought this week might be "our time"....I highly doubt it now, after another buttwhippin' yesterday.

0-16 is starting to look like a cold reality.

Is almost hard to believe the Colt's even have a gameplan the incompetence they show.
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Oh, I'm familiar with how to get the full list. I'm not complaining about the choices - they are many and varied - just that the three that I used to use the vast majority of the time weren't brought forward. I'm sure that they were considered to be too similar to new ones, and nothing all that exiting. I just happened to prefer them.

I PMed her with the old file names, but haven't heard back. Not a big deal regardless.

She'll get back to you, I am certain of that.

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I predicted 2-14 before game 1 when news of Manning's not-playing status hit. At that time I saw four "winnable" games on our schedule.

Cin didn't happen.

KC didn't happen.

2X Jax = ?

I'll be overly optimistic and say we still "can" beat Jax twice. Then logic kicks in and tells me MJD will run down our throats all day long.


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I think we go 1-15 defeating the Jaguars. We get the #1 pick (Draft Luck Obviously) and we hire new head coach, defensive coordinator, and a new special teams coach.

Post your prediction below, curious to see what you guys think.

When we're 0-14 and trailing in the home finale...

Caldwell pulls Curtis Painter and inserts Peyton Manning who rallies us to win the final 2 games..

Ironic, isnt it??

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Seems like you're taking a shot at me.

But, yes, I'm not a sunshine and bunnies guy. Unfortunately, sarcasm doesn't come across well on the internet. :smile:

Well I love sunshine AND bunnies, so what can I tell you. To each his own. :wink: You're right, conveying tone of voice is very hard on-line.

There is nothing I love more than laughter, but your earlier reply in this thread ran a bit closer to cruel if memory serves. The fact that it was deleted by a moderator should perhaps tell you something. If I hadn't read that first I likely wouldn't have interpreted your response to me the way that I did. I recognized it as sarcasm, but it sounded like you were laughing at me, not with me. If you meant it to be friendly, than I apologize. But I wasn't trying to take a "shot" at you, I was simply noting that I didn't appreciate the tone of your posts with some mild sarcasm of my own. Personal arguments are an emotionally draining waste of time, and they damage the forum. That's not why I'm here.

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