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I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot


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  I just believe the team felt he was becoming a distraction as a political activist .  His views on same sex marriage & the Pope  were not shared by his employers who it would seem just wanted a punter ,

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Good read. I really like Kluwe and hope he manages to get back in to the league, but like he said in the article he's most likely finished which is a shame. 


Don't think he was just fired because of his views but like he said he was performing quite well. Makes you wonder really.

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I think by him throwing a fit because somebody else disagree's with his views on gay rights makes him every bit as much of a bigot as the man he's accusing. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and those who support gay rights that get angry at those who don't are no more righteous than anybody else. If (and IMO thats a big IF) the coach expressed his opinions like Kluwe's claims he did, then the languade he used isn't politically correct and shouldn't be brought into the work place, but neither should Kluwe's opinions.



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I will leave you with this thought and be done with this thread. Not sure if you saw the Reggie White football life show but Reggie had a ministry within the poor neighborhoods of Philly. He would go and give food to the poor and preach given he was a Christian. No doubt he saw all sorts of injustices on the streets. A local Philly reporter had asked him one day if he could go with him into the neighborhoods to witness his minstry. White say sure on one condition though that the reporter NOT write a story. Pretty powerful. Those that are truly trying to enact change do so in a way that does not draw attention themselves and often have the most effect in causing real change and certainly do not need to name call even when they are mistreated. They understand the world is flawed and seek more productive ways to make it better.


Kluew says he chose now to publish this story so not to disrupt the Vikings season yet Frazier was just fired. It must be great for him to have lost his job AND get to read this story. Timing really is eveyrthing in life and while Kluew thinks he was somehow doing a noble thing by "sharing" his story, really he did just the opposite. A pity.


Very good post.

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I think by him throwing a fit because somebody else disagree's with his views on gay rights makes him every bit as much of a bigot as the man he's accusing. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and those who support gay rights that get angry at those who don't are no more righteous than anybody else. If (and IMO thats a big IF) the coach expressed his opinions like Kluwe's claims he did, then the languade he used isn't politically correct and shouldn't be brought into the work place, but neither should Kluwe's opinions.


What is it about that article that makes you think he's throwing a fit? It seems like people are forgetting the when the guy was released and when this article came out. If he was throwing a fit, why do it now instead of the day you got released? If anything he took time to actually think about the entire situation and not write this out of anger by releasing this months after his release. When is taking a stand against someone throwing homophobic remarks against you throwing a fit?



Kluew hasn't a clue.

haha what is this even supposed to mean? 
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What is it about that article that makes you think he's throwing a fit? It seems like people are forgetting the when the guy was released and when this article came out. If he was throwing a fit, why do it now instead of the day you got released? If anything he took time to actually think about the entire situation and not write this out of anger by releasing this months after his release. When is taking a stand against someone throwing homophobic remarks against you throwing a fit?



haha what is this even supposed to mean? 





This isn't a new story. This article is but not the story. He has been whining about this since he was let go and now he decides to call people cowards and bigots. If you choose to believe every word he says and not believe that he has a personal agenda or vendetta for writing this story, then by all means...you have the right. I myself do not believe him and I believe that he's trying to gain something from this. Maybe Kluew himself is gay(always what I believed to begin with) and he takes personal offense to anybody that disagree's with him.

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This isn't a new story. This article is but not the story. He has been whining about this since he was let go and now he decides to call people cowards and bigots. If you choose to believe every word he says and not believe that he has a personal agenda or vendetta for writing this story, then by all means...you have the right. I myself do not believe him and I believe that he's trying to gain something from this. Maybe Kluew himself is gay(always what I believed to begin with) and he takes personal offense to anybody that disagree's with him.


And maybe everything he said about Priefer is true and Kluwe is just trying to raise awareness to try to make sure others don't have to put up with the same kind of crap he did. 

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And maybe everything he said about Priefer is true and Kluwe is just trying to raise awareness to try to make sure others don't have to put up with the same kind of crap he did.

Yes, thats possible but as of right now I don't completely buy it. I always have reservations about stories like this. Until proven otherwise, I'll take everything Kluwe has said with a huge grain of salt.

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This isn't a new story. This article is but not the story. He has been whining about this since he was let go and now he decides to call people cowards and bigots. If you choose to believe every word he says and not believe that he has a personal agenda or vendetta for writing this story, then by all means...you have the right. I myself do not believe him and I believe that he's trying to gain something from this. Maybe Kluew himself is gay(always what I believed to begin with) and he takes personal offense to anybody that disagree's with him.

Pretty sure he is married and has 2 kids.

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Pretty sure he is married and has 2 kids.




I worked with a guy that was married for 27 yrs. and had 2 grown children and then he left his wife for his boyfriend. Said he always knew he was gay but hid it from his family for his whole life. Being married really don't prove anything.

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I worked with a guy that was married for 27 yrs. and had 2 grown children and then he left his wife for his boyfriend. Said he always knew he was gay but hid it from his family for his whole life. Being married really don't prove anything.


You would assume a guy who is a large gay-marriage activist to the point of calling out his former coaches on a national platform wouldn't be the kind of guy to hide that he was gay. I would assume quiet the opposite as a matter of fact.

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I find it interesting that someone that calls his former coach and GM cowards, or at least condones it, waits for a year after he is released before he comes out with these comments.  Would it not have been less "cowardly" to have come out with this information while he was still employed?

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You would assume a guy who is a large gay-marriage activist to the point of calling out his former coaches on a national platform wouldn't be the kind of guy to hide that he was gay. I would assume quiet the opposite as a matter of fact.

All im saying is ya just never know people as well as ya might think. Maybe he's not gay but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he is. IMO he has something bigger in mind than him just making others aware that there are homophobic people in the NFL community. Im pretty sure everybody is quite aware of that already.

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I find it interesting that someone that calls his former coach and GM cowards, or at least condones it, waits for a year after he is released before he comes out with these comments.  Would it not have been less "cowardly" to have come out with this information while he was still employed?


He would have lost his job for sure. At the time, he still had some level of job security. If he says it after they cut him, he would've been unable to land another stint (Raiders). He probably kept quiet for a while so he could land another opportunity (which he did but was later cut). 

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He would have lost his job for sure. At the time, he still had some level of job security. If he says it after they cut him, he would've been unable to land another stint (Raiders). He probably kept quiet for a while so he could land another opportunity (which he did but was later cut). 


I agree.  I just find it somewhat hypocritical to call two people cowardly, when they probably were just worried that his views would be a distraction/unpopular, but he was unwilling to risk his job or possible future job by speaking out.

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I agree.  I just find it somewhat hypocritical to call two people cowardly, when they probably were just worried that his views would be a distraction/unpopular, but he was unwilling to risk his job or possible future job by speaking out.

And that's one of the many fine lines he is trying to walk on. 

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I find it interesting that someone that calls his former coach and GM cowards, or at least condones it, waits for a year after he is released before he comes out with these comments.  Would it not have been less "cowardly" to have come out with this information while he was still employed?


He addresses that in the article. He says he didn't want to create a further distraction for the players and other coaches on the team by publishing his story during the season. Take it for what it's worth...

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This isn't a new story. This article is but not the story. He has been whining about this since he was let go and now he decides to call people cowards and bigots. If you choose to believe every word he says and not believe that he has a personal agenda or vendetta for writing this story, then by all means...you have the right. I myself do not believe him and I believe that he's trying to gain something from this. Maybe Kluew himself is gay(always what I believed to begin with) and he takes personal offense to anybody that disagree's with him.

Of course he has an agenda. Nobody does anything publicly without having an agenda. Does having an agenda make what he says false? If he truly felt offended and discriminated against, then he has every right and maybe even a duty to make those things known. If it is true, then ST coach Priefer should never hold a position of authority.

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He addresses that in the article. He says he didn't want to create a further distraction for the players and other coaches on the team by publishing his story during the season. Take it for what it's worth...


Not much, given what I have read from him.  He said he has witnesses in another article I read, so we will see.  

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He addresses that in the article. He says he didn't want to create a further distraction for the players and other coaches on the team by publishing his story during the season. Take it for what it's worth...

He was let go in May? Why not raise it when it happened? Something is clearly not right with any of this. I'm not saying he was wrong about what happened, but the timing etc, just seems odd. There is a hidden agenda in my opinion, and it will probably come out in the fullness of time.

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So a mediocre punter can't find a job, can't be because he just isnt that good, has to be because he supports gay marriage

Even if that was true then why couldnt he catch on anywhere else ? Was he at these tryouts running his mouth saying that the Vikes let him go because he supported gay marriage ? That would make teams shy away because obviously the guy runs his mouth.

I mean if a guy walks in, a guy who is mediocre at best, and starts trash talking his old employer and going on and on about he was fired for his controversial views on a sensitive subject, are you really gonna hire him ?

Did his support of gay marriage help the cause ? No, nobody was moved by the words of support from an NFL punter.

Why was gay people such a hot topic in the Vikings locker room ? Was he bringing it up over and over trying to use it to draw attention to himself ?

Do you actually think the vikings called other teams and said not to hire this punter or do you think it was his own lack of skills or perhaps something he himself said during the tryouts that made teams decline his services ?

I can't see any team taking the time to black list a punter. I think the guy is an *. Do you guys go to your jobs and tell your boss your views on gay marriage ?

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There is a hidden agenda in my opinion, and it will probably come out in the fullness of time.


IMO his agenda is that he saw the possibility of ST coach Priefer moving up in the ranks of coaching or being rehired by the new coach there, and he's got a beef with that.

Now if that beef is legitimate or not is to be seen. 

I think he took the shots at the others because he saw them as enabling the attitude and behavior of the guy he is at odds with.

That would explain the timing, Is his story true? We shall see.

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The 2 most important things in life are:





Make no mistake about it. That is what EVERYONE wants more of. The new guy is 24, making $495k. The decent, not great 32yr old is making $1.4million......That tells about 90% of the story.


Were his public opinions, views, and stance taken into account when they fired him? I believe they were. And although they were a factor, and did have SOMETHING to do with his realease, I believe it to be a small amount. Its like saying the guy who drove his car off the cliff going 120mph was killed because he didn't have his seat belt on...


That being said, it bothers me that this is the point of topic ("Well, why DID he get fired?") rather than these amazingly obscene and controversial statements were made in front of dozens of company employees by someone in a position of power. IF these statements were true, and it is something in fact he said, WHY is this not as important as the Incognito/Martin scandal? Or the Mati Teo saga? These incidents seem insignificant, when compared to a coach condoning mass genocide on an entire group of people. THAT is the story here, and that is what should be getting debate going. Not Kluwe or anyone elses opinion on a hot button topic. 

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So a mediocre punter can't find a job, can't be because he just isnt that good, has to be because he supports gay marriage

Even if that was true then why couldnt he catch on anywhere else ? Was he at these tryouts running his mouth saying that the Vikes let him go because he supported gay marriage ? That would make teams shy away because obviously the guy runs his mouth.

I mean if a guy walks in, a guy who is mediocre at best, and starts trash talking his old employer and going on and on about he was fired for his controversial views on a sensitive subject, are you really gonna hire him ?

Did his support of gay marriage help the cause ? No, nobody was moved by the words of support from an NFL punter.

Why was gay people such a hot topic in the Vikings locker room ? Was he bringing it up over and over trying to use it to draw attention to himself ?

Do you actually think the vikings called other teams and said not to hire this punter or do you think it was his own lack of skills or perhaps something he himself said during the tryouts that made teams decline his services ?

I can't see any team taking the time to black list a punter. I think the guy is an *. Do you guys go to your jobs and tell your boss your views on gay marriage ?


Oh the ignorance  :facepalm:


He was let go in May? Why not raise it when it happened? Something is clearly not right with any of this. I'm not saying he was wrong about what happened, but the timing etc, just seems odd. There is a hidden agenda in my opinion, and it will probably come out in the fullness of time.

This might sound crazy, but maybe just maybe he wanted to possibly keep punting and get another chance to get paid? He was doing tryouts, so it's pretty obvious he wanted to at least try to get back in the NFL. Why put out an article immediately after being released when you know by doing so you effectively end your career? What he's saying is something you just don't put out a day after you were released. You better have your facts straight and get your side of the story as clear as possible before you post this. If anything him taking time to post this was the best thing possible. 

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And that's one of the many fine lines he is trying to walk on. 


I do not think that he was trying to walk any fine line at all, it is pretty clear imo which side of the line he was on.  He was on the side that he wanted another punting job and was not going to make any statements/distractions that might keep him from getting one.  Not exactly a "brave" thing to do when you are willing to call two others cowards for not wanting the distractions that his comments were bringing at the time.

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The more I learn about this controversy the clearer it becomes.

He was cut because he just wasn't the best man for the job. However, like many people, he refused to be honest about his own ability and so decided it must have been because of some bias against him because of his unpopular personal opinions. The man who cut him may or may not have said some inflammatory things at some point but Kluwe at least believed that he did, or possibly convinced himself that he did as result of being cut.

Kluwe kept his anger at being cut in his back pocket and let it fester until the timing was most advantageous to get a little revenge on his own personal villain. He waited until Frazier was fired (a pretty safe thing to hope for since he has been constantly on the bubble) which would mean the entire staff would face being released by the new head coach and need other jobs elsewhere.

When Frazier was finally fired Kluwe dropped the hammer and made accusations against the coach which, true or not, would make it almost impossible to get another coaching job at any level much above high school for fear of backlash from angry activists. The truth of the accusations is not important. The doubt in the minds of future prospective employers is all it takes for them to move on to other candidates.

I believe that if Kluwe were still the punter for the Vikings that he would not be saying anything against the punting coach to anyone at all because he would not be on some personal vendetta against he man.

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Oh the ignorance  :facepalm:


This might sound crazy, but maybe just maybe he wanted to possibly keep punting and get another chance to get paid? He was doing tryouts, so it's pretty obvious he wanted to at least try to get back in the NFL. Why put out an article immediately after being released when you know by doing so you effectively end your career? What he's saying is something you just don't put out a day after you were released. You better have your facts straight and get your side of the story as clear as possible before you post this. If anything him taking time to post this was the best thing possible. 

Surely, if he is THAT disgusted with what the coaches said and did, why would he even want to stay there? Reeks of double standards. Shout anti-gay things at me all you want, as long as you pay me.....

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Surely, if he is THAT disgusted with what the coaches said and did, why would he even want to stay there? Reeks of double standards. Shout anti-gay things at me all you want, as long as you pay me.....

Because he gets paid. I'm not saying it's right, but the guy was getting paid. If getting paid the amount he was paid means he has to deal with 1-2 ignorant people in an organization with hundreds of employees then it might be something you can ignore. 

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Because he gets paid. I'm not saying it's right, but the guy was getting paid. If getting paid the amount he was paid means he has to deal with 1-2 ignorant people in an organization with hundreds of employees then it might be something you can ignore. 


Because he gets paid. I'm not saying it's right, but the guy was getting paid. If getting paid the amount he was paid means he has to deal with 1-2 ignorant people in an organization with hundreds of employees then it might be something you can ignore. 

So he put his financial gain above his beliefs / standards. Poor show Mr Kluwe, poor show indeed.

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So he put his financial gain above his beliefs / standards. Poor show Mr Kluwe, poor show indeed.

Then explain why you would put out the article immediately after being released? When you're feeling the emotions of being fired from your career tell me why put out an article that would end any chance of you continuing your career? Especially when you're making the accusations you're making you don't post them immediately after being fired. If he really put his financial gain above his belief he wouldn't have said a word, he would have stopped talking when the Vikings asked him to stop and this article would never have seen the light of day. If he's going to cut off his biggest income that could be used to feed and take care of his family it better be for a good reason, because you don't do that for no good reason. 

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I think some of you are missing the point. It doesn't matter if other teams didn't want him. That has no bearing on the situation. If he was indeed the victim of discrimination, then his civil rights were violated. It doesn't matter what his beliefs are. A person's beliefs, religion, race, or sexual orientation cannot be taken into account when considering termination, not can that person be harassed directly or indirectly. My only problem with this is that he didn't bring a harassment lawsuit against Priefer if he felt that he was the target of discrimination rather than writing an article.

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He was let go in May? Why not raise it when it happened? Something is clearly not right with any of this. I'm not saying he was wrong about what happened, but the timing etc, just seems odd. There is a hidden agenda in my opinion, and it will probably come out in the fullness of time.

Probably also had something to do woth him looking for a job and not wanting to make himself toxic. If his allegations are true than everything he's said is justified. If not, well, he's probably done in the NFL either way.

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Then explain why you would put out the article immediately after being released? When you're feeling the emotions of being fired from your career tell me why put out an article that would end any chance of you continuing your career? Especially when you're making the accusations you're making you don't post them immediately after being fired. If he really put his financial gain above his belief he wouldn't have said a word, he would have stopped talking when the Vikings asked him to stop and this article would never have seen the light of day. If he's going to cut off his biggest income that could be used to feed and take care of his family it better be for a good reason, because you don't do that for no good reason. 

Thus the hidden agenda. You clearly think he's been wronged, and acted properly. I disagree.

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Thus the hidden agenda. You clearly think he's been wronged, and acted properly. I disagree.

I think if what he's saying is true he's been wronged. I still have a lot of questions in this, because I'd like to hear from other ST players in those meetings. If what he is saying is true and these remarks were said then it brings up a huge question about acceptance of a gay, bisexual and transgender athlete is sports. Most would say it's on the players to accept, but it's obvious it's on the organization as a whole to accept not just the players. He probably does have an agenda Priefer (And if what Kluwe said is in fact true then it's hard to blame him), but I don't think he really has one against Frazier or Spielman. He easily could have posted that article mid season and be a bigger distraction to his former teammates and coaches. 

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I think some of you are missing the point. It doesn't matter if other teams didn't want him. That has no bearing on the situation. If he was indeed the victim of discrimination, then his civil rights were violated. It doesn't matter what his beliefs are. A person's beliefs, religion, race, or sexual orientation cannot be taken into account when considering termination, not can that person be harassed directly or indirectly. My only problem with this is that he didn't bring a harassment lawsuit against Priefer if he felt that he was the target of discrimination rather than writing an article.

I don't see any indication that his civil rights were violated. He's a public figure who used his platform to stand up for other peoples rights - in a manner that was apparently pretty darned obnoxious, and caused considerable aggravation for his employers. He was fired because he wasn't a good enough football player to be worth the aggravation. I think that the fact that his supervisor is a :censored: is a red herring.


This isn't the same as if he was a clerk at Walmart who was fired because HE wanted to marry someone of the same gender.

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Kluwe lost his job because he was both a PITA and expendable.  You can be one but not both in the NFL.


I applaud his courage for speaking out on his beliefs but he had to know the potential consequences. Tom Brady could lead the Boston Gay Pride parade wearing a thong and a feathered boa and still keep his job.  A league average punter on a veteran's payscale constantly opining on controversial issues...not so much.


Similarly, the difference between Kluwe and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty (besides their polar opposite views) is that Robertson had tons of leverage and Kluwe had none when they were fired.   A punter can be easily replaced...a cable show with 14 million viewers cannot. 


The bottom line is that freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from consequences for speech and many people are confused about this.  As long as the government isn't involved there is little protection against negative consequences for speaking out on controversial subjects. 

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I don't see any indication that his civil rights were violated. He's a public figure who used his platform to stand up for other peoples rights - in a manner that was apparently pretty darned obnoxious, and caused considerable aggravation for his employers. He was fired because he wasn't a good enough football player to be worth the aggravation. I think that the fact that his supervisor is a :censored: is a red herring.

This isn't the same as if he was a clerk at Walmart who was fired because HE wanted to marry someone of the same gender.

Just to be clear here, I am playing devil's advocate. I have no dog in this fight. I actually believe in traditional marriage, but I also believe in democracy and if the majority of the populace wants it and it is not unconstitutional, then so be it.

We don't know that his termination was because of his performance or his activism. We're both speculating. They say one thing, he says something else. Neither entity is credible to a fault.

What I am saying is that IF he felt that his immediate supervisor was discriminating against him because of stance on same sex marriage, then his rights were indeed being violated. And you need to educate yourself on sexual harassment. You don't have to be approached for sexual favors to be harassed. If you are subjected to anything sexual in nature that offends you, then you have been sexually harassed. If he felt offended by the homosexual slurs, whether he is gay or not, that could fall under the umbrella of harassment because of his beliefs and association with the same sex marriage movement.

What I am really getting at is that it was wrong of Priefer to ever make any derogatory comments and that should have been reported by Kluwe. Second, if the decision to dismiss him was at all based on his association with and promotion of same sex marriage, then his dismissal was wrong and he could have a case for a lawsuit. I don't know what the truth is and am not likely to ever know, but I don't like anyone's rights stepped on. And I don't like how so many people on this forum are so quick to pass judgement without any evidence. Would you want people to take a complaint by one of you loved one's seriously? Would you want to be in the same situation as Kluwe and not at least have people listen to the evidence in an unbiased way?

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Of course he has an agenda. Nobody does anything publicly without having an agenda. Does having an agenda make what he says false? If he truly felt offended and discriminated against, then he has every right and maybe even a duty to make those things known. If it is true, then ST coach Priefer should never hold a position of authority.




If that was the case he should have opened his mouth way before he did. Sorry, but I do not think if Priefer said the things Kluwe has accused him of and if it was sooooo offensive to him, then he would have said something long before now. I personally think the guy is full of crap and can't stand the fact that he got released because he sucked, instead I think he finds it more appropriate to make up accusations and stain another mans reputation. 

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