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Pat Angerer?


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I have heard that Angerer came down with the flu and since they have the division locked and wanting to get McNary more playing time there was no reason to get him on the field.


Regarding Conner, I think it's funny that he did not have one tackle in run game, his tackles in the passing game were after gains of 6 yards, 8 yards, 9 yards and 6 yards respectively and yet somehow he had a great game and looked great out there.


It was nice to see Freeman have another good game, he had not been playing well the last 5 or so weeks.

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Kind of a shame Bethea played a fantastic game and is being run out of town....I know...he plays all of the time...unlike Landry and Toler :)  Great game Antoine!!

You know glad you said this.This crap cant cover ? Lol no he cant play his position and make up for Vaughns  mistakes .These people need to get real,evedintley been watching different games than I have  :hmm:

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You know glad you said this.This crap cant cover ? Lol no he cant play his position and make up for Vaughns  mistakes .These people need to get real,evedintley been watching different games than I have  :hmm:


What did Cassius Vaughn have to do with Antoine Bethea getting beat on a seam route by a third string tight end?

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I have heard that Angerer came down with the flu and since they have the division locked and wanting to get McNary more playing time there was no reason to get him on the field.

Regarding Conner, I think it's funny that he did not have one tackle in run game, his tackles in the passing game were after gains of 6 yards, 8 yards, 9 yards and 6 yards respectively and yet somehow he had a great game and looked great out there.

It was nice to see Freeman have another good game, he had not been playing well the last 5 or so weeks.

Freeman had a amazing game 2-3 weeks ago, against Tennessee at home
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At times it deffinatley has been but we will agree to disagree .


Fair enough. I can rephrase: I don't think Bethea's issues in coverage are ONLY because of Cassius Vaughn. I think the majority of Bethea's issues in coverage can be attributed to him directly, not anyone else.


And that's fine, we can agree to disagree. But I'm not just talking about one play. Bethea has been burned in coverage all year long.

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Fair enough. I can rephrase: I don't think Bethea's issues in coverage are ONLY because of Cassius Vaughn. I think the majority of Bethea's issues in coverage can be attributed to him directly, not anyone else.


And that's fine, we can agree to disagree. But I'm not just talking about one play. Bethea has been burned in coverage all year long.

Not really till Toler was gone .Everyone of our dbs have been burnt at times .Landry cant cover anyone or has yet to prove it to me.Take that back did see him make one real nice pass defense yesterday.Point im making is I don't feel Bethea nearly as bad as some are letting on.IMO Howell was a major loss very promising .

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Not really till Toler was gone .Everyone of our dbs have been burnt at times .Landry cant cover anyone or has yet to prove it to me.Take that back did see him make one real nice pass defense yesterday.Point im making is I don't feel Bethea nearly as bad as some are letting on.


And I don't mean to pile on Bethea, or blame him exclusively for our defensive coverage issues. I'm not that type. But I think he's been a liability for a lot longer than just since Toler was gone. And I think Landry has been better in coverage than Bethea. Like I say, I'm not the guy who just follows along with what everyone says. I say this because I've watched and paid attention and truly believe it to be so. Doesn't make me right and you wrong; I'm just a guy on the Internet. 

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And I don't mean to pile on Bethea, or blame him exclusively for our defensive coverage issues. I'm not that type. But I think he's been a liability for a lot longer than just since Toler was gone. And I think Landry has been better in coverage than Bethea. Like I say, I'm not the guy who just follows along with what everyone says. I say this because I've watched and paid attention and truly believe it to be so. Doesn't make me right and you wrong; I'm just a guy on the Internet. 

Lol as am I ,One point I edited is the loss of Howell thought he showed promise.

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And I don't mean to pile on Bethea, or blame him exclusively for our defensive coverage issues. I'm not that type. But I think he's been a liability for a lot longer than just since Toler was gone. And I think Landry has been better in coverage than Bethea. Like I say, I'm not the guy who just follows along with what everyone says. I say this because I've watched and paid attention and truly believe it to be so. Doesn't make me right and you wrong; I'm just a guy on the Internet. 

Also think you might agree we still have secondary needs in off season.We need depth there and we really have none.Regaurdless our offense affects our defense as well its crucial to have time of possession  so our D doesn't totally wear down.

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Also think you might agree we still have secondary needs in off season.We need depth there and we really have none.Regaurdless our offense affects our defense as well its crucial to have time of possession  so our D doesn't totally wear down.


Agreed on both. I'd rather move on from Bethea, but I'm not sure how we do that. There are a couple free agents to be available, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable shot at a good safety in the draft. And if we can't count on Toler, we need another starting CB. 


Pagano mentioned in his presser yesterday that the poor play by the offense really affects the defense, from play calling to TOP to tackling. I definitely agree. When one unit goes into a slump, it throws everything off. And the offense and defense have kind of been trading slumps since the Denver game.

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Agreed on both. I'd rather move on from Bethea, but I'm not sure how we do that. There are a couple free agents to be available, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable shot at a good safety in the draft. And if we can't count on Toler, we need another starting CB. 


Pagano mentioned in his presser yesterday that the poor play by the offense really affects the defense, from play calling to TOP to tackling. I definitely agree. When one unit goes into a slump, it throws everything off. And the offense and defense have kind of been trading slumps since the Denver game.

Yes was the knock on Toler from the get go,talented ,but often injured.I think we deffinately could use at least a starting caliber CB as well as Safety.Bethea is no spring chicken in football terms and cant stay on the field for 40 min of a game.

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You do realize Bethea is the SS not the FS don't you?

Actually him and Landry swap back forth throughout the game, and that's why they liked Landry because they could disguise who was doing what. Regardless, Bethea's coverage skills have severely lacked these past couple of years, which was my point.

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Actually him and Landry swap back forth throughout the game, and that's why they liked Landry because they could disguise who was doing what. Regardless, Bethea's coverage skills have severely lacked these past couple of years, which was my point.

Oh, I see.  If that were truly the case then why put the modifier in there about his job as a FS? And actually he and Landry do not "swap back forth throughout the game."  But let's not be petty and let facts get in the way.


I don't think Bethea's coverage skills have been any more lacking the last couple of years than they have his entire career.  He has also been okay at coverage, not great.  He can cover most TEs and backs but he has always struggled covering receivers.  When you look at real game analysises (what in the world is the plural for analysis?) not knee jerk reactions of fans based on what the announcers say, he consistently grades in the top 4 on the Colts D and often times in the top 2.  Bottom line, Bethea has been a big part of the Colts D both under Dungy and Pagano, even with his lack of cover skills.

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Not really till Toler was gone .Everyone of our dbs have been burnt at times .Landry cant cover anyone or has yet to prove it to me.Take that back did see him make one real nice pass defense yesterday.Point im making is I don't feel Bethea nearly as bad as some are letting on.IMO Howell was a major loss very promising .

I know that Bethea is not Mr. Gluestick as it comes to covering,,,mano a mano...he has always played extremely hard and has given up his body.


I totally agree he was feeling like a youngster when Toler was healthy  and he could just play his SS position.  When you can just do your job...and not have to help all of the time it makes the position YOU play a lot easier.


My main point earlier was why hit a guy when he just had one hell of a game.  I * having Bethea's on my team.  They are rarely on the sideline. :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:

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Agreed on both. I'd rather move on from Bethea, but I'm not sure how we do that. There are a couple free agents to be available, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable shot at a good safety in the draft. And if we can't count on Toler, we need another starting CB. 


Pagano mentioned in his presser yesterday that the poor play by the offense really affects the defense, from play calling to TOP to tackling. I definitely agree. When one unit goes into a slump, it throws everything off. And the offense and defense have kind of been trading slumps since the Denver game.

I totally agree with Pagano.  Add to this all of the 3 and outs both destroy a defenses morale and wears them out big time with Time of Possession.  The defense not stopping the opposing offense on third and long...doubles this problem!!

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Agreed on both. I'd rather move on from Bethea, but I'm not sure how we do that. There are a couple free agents to be available, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable shot at a good safety in the draft. And if we can't count on Toler, we need another starting CB. 


Pagano mentioned in his presser yesterday that the poor play by the offense really affects the defense, from play calling to TOP to tackling. I definitely agree. When one unit goes into a slump, it throws everything off. And the offense and defense have kind of been trading slumps since the Denver game.



someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this past week only the 2nd time Butler as played the #2 CB role since we signed him?  He played incredibly well I thought.  Granted it was only one game, but if he could continue playing at that level and even continue to improve, does anyone think that he could be the #2 CB next year if Toler is let go?

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someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this past week only the 2nd time Butler as played the #2 CB role since we signed him?  He played incredibly well I thought.  Granted it was only one game, but if he could continue progressing, does anyone think that he could be the #2 CB next year if Toler is let go?


He played corner a couple times last year. 

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Actually him and Landry swap back forth throughout the game, and that's why they liked Landry because they could disguise who was doing what. Regardless, Bethea's coverage skills have severely lacked these past couple of years, which was my point.

This is true, but Bethea's lack of coverage skill is sometimes a mistake by another not holding him blameless, but lack of pass rush & asking safeties, Landrey or Bethea to cover wide-outs fast ones not not normally a great idea. They have asked both Landrey & Bethea to do less of this since the Cardinal debockcal.

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Oh, I see. If that were truly the case then why put the modifier in there about his job as a FS? And actually he and Landry do not "swap back forth throughout the game." But let's not be petty and let facts get in the way.

I don't think Bethea's coverage skills have been any more lacking the last couple of years than they have his entire career. He has also been okay at coverage, not great. He can cover most TEs and backs but he has always struggled covering receivers. When you look at real game analysises (what in the world is the plural for analysis?) not knee jerk reactions of fans based on what the announcers say, he consistently grades in the top 4 on the Colts D and often times in the top 2. Bottom line, Bethea has been a big part of the Colts D both under Dungy and Pagano, even with his lack of cover skills.

Pagano has mentioned I know of two times where they rotate Landry and Bethea at the safety spots, which was specifically mentioned by Pagano during preseason about how they were going to use Landry when they acquired him. He said they didn't want teams to get comfortable with where those two were playing on the field and wanted to interchange them so offenses couldn't dictate who was doing what. The second, was when Landry went down the game before the 49er game and how the flexibility of the safety spot was lessened due to Landry's injury and the insertion of Howell. So, I'm just going by what Pagano has stated and also it's pretty obvious to see the roles/responsibilities vary throughout the game between the two. But hey, what do I know...

Bethea's coverage skills, I thought, were pretty good about 3-4 years ago, to the point that people, including myself, thought we were finally getting a safety who could help against the deep middle of the field. Mike Doss was nice but couldn't cover to save his life either, and Bethea must have shown them something that Mike hadn't. Granted Mike got hurt, but Bethea easily made Mike expendable. Bethea has shown the ability, and to a high level in my opinion, but over the last couple of years, granted the support has been bad, but Bethea hasn't stood out anymore than the cast around him. Sad, because I like Toine', but we need help more on the backend than a safety to come up and make a couple of tackles here and there.

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Oh, I see. If that were truly the case then why put the modifier in there about his job as a FS? And actually he and Landry do not "swap back forth throughout the game." But let's not be petty and let facts get in the way.

I don't think Bethea's coverage skills have been any more lacking the last couple of years than they have his entire career. He has also been okay at coverage, not great. He can cover most TEs and backs but he has always struggled covering receivers. When you look at real game analysises (what in the world is the plural for analysis?) not knee jerk reactions of fans based on what the announcers say, he consistently grades in the top 4 on the Colts D and often times in the top 2. Bottom line, Bethea has been a big part of the Colts D both under Dungy and Pagano, even with his lack of cover skills.

They actually do switch:

“We both know each position,” said Landry. “It’s wherever we wind up, right or left safety. There’s no real set free or strong (safety).”

That is the rub for teams preparing for Indianapolis.

“From a quarterback’s perspective, you’d like to know if it’s going to be one or the other, ‘Okay, the blitz is 30 (Landry),’ ” said Gannon. “If it’s 30 (Landry) and 41 (Bethea), then you get the seed of certainty because you don’t know if it’s coming from either side.

“In the running game, you have run game roles. You may work away from the down safety, ‘In the game this week, we want to run opposite 30.’ Now you have to ask, ‘Is it 30 or 41, is it both, who’s the down player who can kill you?’ They can show you 30 being down and roll 41 down the other side and 30 goes back to the middle.”

A checklist at the line always involves the ‘mike’ linebacker, but noting the safeties is high priority.

“It clouds the judgment of the quarterback, ‘Who’s doing what? What’s happening and when is it happening?’ You want to create a little doubt and slow down the process for the quarterback at the line. That’s what it gives you. A quarterback would rather have one or the other, not both. That fact it’s interchangeable allows you to do a lot of things defensively.”

Bethea said the team had talked before Landry arrived about creating such confusion in the past, and he loves the inability opponents now have in drawing a bead on the defense.

“Bethea can do a lot of things Landry can do, but with a different body type,” said Gannon. “You can press one or both. You can feel good about one being in the middle of the field and being a deep third defender. Both play the halves very well, have good range and play the ball well in the air.

“That’s become a position of strength with those two guys. It’s really going to free up from a scheme standpoint because of their versatility and flexibility back there.” -Colts.com

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They actually do switch:

“We both know each position,” said Landry. “It’s wherever we wind up, right or left safety. There’s no real set free or strong (safety).”

That is the rub for teams preparing for Indianapolis.

“From a quarterback’s perspective, you’d like to know if it’s going to be one or the other, ‘Okay, the blitz is 30 (Landry),’ ” said Gannon. “If it’s 30 (Landry) and 41 (Bethea), then you get the seed of certainty because you don’t know if it’s coming from either side.

“In the running game, you have run game roles. You may work away from the down safety, ‘In the game this week, we want to run opposite 30.’ Now you have to ask, ‘Is it 30 or 41, is it both, who’s the down player who can kill you?’ They can show you 30 being down and roll 41 down the other side and 30 goes back to the middle.”

A checklist at the line always involves the ‘mike’ linebacker, but noting the safeties is high priority.

“It clouds the judgment of the quarterback, ‘Who’s doing what? What’s happening and when is it happening?’ You want to create a little doubt and slow down the process for the quarterback at the line. That’s what it gives you. A quarterback would rather have one or the other, not both. That fact it’s interchangeable allows you to do a lot of things defensively.”

Bethea said the team had talked before Landry arrived about creating such confusion in the past, and he loves the inability opponents now have in drawing a bead on the defense.

“Bethea can do a lot of things Landry can do, but with a different body type,” said Gannon. “You can press one or both. You can feel good about one being in the middle of the field and being a deep third defender. Both play the halves very well, have good range and play the ball well in the air.

“That’s become a position of strength with those two guys. It’s really going to free up from a scheme standpoint because of their versatility and flexibility back there.” -Colts.com

Thank you HTown... I know Pagano was quoted to having said similar things as well.

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someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this past week only the 2nd time Butler as played the #2 CB role since we signed him?  He played incredibly well I thought.  Granted it was only one game, but if he could continue playing at that level and even continue to improve, does anyone think that he could be the #2 CB next year if Toler is let go?


Im sure he could, but I like him at the 3. The 2 corner spots are easier positions to cover from because of the sideline help that you get, but at nickle the slot has the whole route tree open to him, which of course makes it a much harder assignment. Butler has the athleticism to cover the slot and has proven he can do so. I say we keep him at the 3 and bring in a 2. (if we let Toler go)

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Pagano has mentioned I know of two times where they rotate Landry and Bethea at the safety spots, which was specifically mentioned by Pagano during preseason about how they were going to use Landry when they acquired him. He said they didn't want teams to get comfortable with where those two were playing on the field and wanted to interchange them so offenses couldn't dictate who was doing what. The second, was when Landry went down the game before the 49er game and how the flexibility of the safety spot was lessened due to Landry's injury and the insertion of Howell. So, I'm just going by what Pagano has stated and also it's pretty obvious to see the roles/responsibilities vary throughout the game between the two. But hey, what do I know...

Bethea's coverage skills, I thought, were pretty good about 3-4 years ago, to the point that people, including myself, thought we were finally getting a safety who could help against the deep middle of the field. Mike Doss was nice but couldn't cover to save his life either, and Bethea must have shown them something that Mike hadn't. Granted Mike got hurt, but Bethea easily made Mike expendable. Bethea has shown the ability, and to a high level in my opinion, but over the last couple of years, granted the support has been bad, but Bethea hasn't stood out anymore than the cast around him. Sad, because I like Toine', but we need help more on the backend than a safety to come up and make a couple of tackles here and there.



They actually do switch:

“We both know each position,” said Landry. “It’s wherever we wind up, right or left safety. There’s no real set free or strong (safety).”

That is the rub for teams preparing for Indianapolis.

“From a quarterback’s perspective, you’d like to know if it’s going to be one or the other, ‘Okay, the blitz is 30 (Landry),’ ” said Gannon. “If it’s 30 (Landry) and 41 (Bethea), then you get the seed of certainty because you don’t know if it’s coming from either side.

“In the running game, you have run game roles. You may work away from the down safety, ‘In the game this week, we want to run opposite 30.’ Now you have to ask, ‘Is it 30 or 41, is it both, who’s the down player who can kill you?’ They can show you 30 being down and roll 41 down the other side and 30 goes back to the middle.”

A checklist at the line always involves the ‘mike’ linebacker, but noting the safeties is high priority.

“It clouds the judgment of the quarterback, ‘Who’s doing what? What’s happening and when is it happening?’ You want to create a little doubt and slow down the process for the quarterback at the line. That’s what it gives you. A quarterback would rather have one or the other, not both. That fact it’s interchangeable allows you to do a lot of things defensively.”

Bethea said the team had talked before Landry arrived about creating such confusion in the past, and he loves the inability opponents now have in drawing a bead on the defense.

“Bethea can do a lot of things Landry can do, but with a different body type,” said Gannon. “You can press one or both. You can feel good about one being in the middle of the field and being a deep third defender. Both play the halves very well, have good range and play the ball well in the air.

“That’s become a position of strength with those two guys. It’s really going to free up from a scheme standpoint because of their versatility and flexibility back there.” -Colts.com

So to prove the poing htown quotes and announcer?  I totally agree that Landry and Bethea have a lot of similar skills and I agree the two together make the safety position a position of strength for the Colts.  That does not mean they switch responsibilities.  I am not trying to say it's like the old days where the SS has run responsibility and running back and that is it.  But Bethea is the strong safety, his responsibilities are that of a strong safety, Landry is the FS, his responsibilities are that of a FS.  They don't switch... just because both can do both things does not mean they switch. I will say because I don't really think it's worth arguing over, I am probably being too semantical (is that a word) that during the game sometimes both are asked to cover the run, cover WRs, cover TEs.  Although I have not seen Landry on a blitz.


Lastly bleedblu, I agree 3-4 years ago Bethea's coverage was pretty good and it still is pretty good.  He can cover most TEs and RBs but he has never been able to cover WRs well, especially fast WRs.  Comparing his coverage skills with Doss does not really make your case.  Doss, IMO was a good SS and I liked him a lot even though he was from Ohio State, 20 years ago he would have been a great SS but he did not have the speed and agility to cover TEs and RBs of the "modern" NFL.  Bethea has been better than Doss at coverage from day one.  But he has never been on an Ed Reed, Troy P., or even and Eric Weddle level of coverage.

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So to prove the poing htown quotes and announcer? I totally agree that Landry and Bethea have a lot of similar skills and I agree the two together make the safety position a position of strength for the Colts. That does not mean they switch responsibilities. I am not trying to say it's like the old days where the SS has run responsibility and running back and that is it. But Bethea is the strong safety, his responsibilities are that of a strong safety, Landry is the FS, his responsibilities are that of a FS. They don't switch... just because both can do both things does not mean they switch. I will say because I don't really think it's worth arguing over, I am probably being too semantical (is that a word) that during the game sometimes both are asked to cover the run, cover WRs, cover TEs. Although I have not seen Landry on a blitz.

Lastly bleedblu, I agree 3-4 years ago Bethea's coverage was pretty good and it still is pretty good. He can cover most TEs and RBs but he has never been able to cover WRs well, especially fast WRs. Comparing his coverage skills with Doss does not really make your case. Doss, IMO was a good SS and I liked him a lot even though he was from Ohio State, 20 years ago he would have been a great SS but he did not have the speed and agility to cover TEs and RBs of the "modern" NFL. Bethea has been better than Doss at coverage from day one. But he has never been on an Ed Reed, Troy P., or even and Eric Weddle level of coverage.

landry has blitzed
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So to prove the poing htown quotes and announcer?  I totally agree that Landry and Bethea have a lot of similar skills and I agree the two together make the safety position a position of strength for the Colts.  That does not mean they switch responsibilities.  I am not trying to say it's like the old days where the SS has run responsibility and running back and that is it.  But Bethea is the strong safety, his responsibilities are that of a strong safety, Landry is the FS, his responsibilities are that of a FS.  They don't switch... just because both can do both things does not mean they switch. I will say because I don't really think it's worth arguing over, I am probably being too semantical (is that a word) that during the game sometimes both are asked to cover the run, cover WRs, cover TEs.  Although I have not seen Landry on a blitz.


Lastly bleedblu, I agree 3-4 years ago Bethea's coverage was pretty good and it still is pretty good.  He can cover most TEs and RBs but he has never been able to cover WRs well, especially fast WRs.  Comparing his coverage skills with Doss does not really make your case.  Doss, IMO was a good SS and I liked him a lot even though he was from Ohio State, 20 years ago he would have been a great SS but he did not have the speed and agility to cover TEs and RBs of the "modern" NFL.  Bethea has been better than Doss at coverage from day one.  But he has never been on an Ed Reed, Troy P., or even and Eric Weddle level of coverage.


Excellent post. Sums it up quite nicely.


I will say, though, that I've seen Bethea get beat by tight ends more often this year than I am used to. And while he's never been great at covering receivers one on one, this year he's been terrible at tracking the ball in the air and making a play on it, either running himself out of the play or falling down. When you play a safety in the deep half or third of the field, and he can get himself into position, you expect him to affect the play. Bethea hasn't done a good job of that this year.

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