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Who would you want if you are the new owner

Shane Bond

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You are starting a new franchise and the first owner. Who would you want from the below to build the organization.


1. Tom Brady


2. Peyton Manning


3. Bill Belichick


4.Adrian Peterson


5. Others ( Pick your own if you dont like any in this list )



For me, its Belichick. I will give him full control and sit back and watch the game from the royal suite. He has demonstrated drafting,training, coaching, making trades, mentoring, leading, hiring coaches all with great success.


For overall success, to me he is the best.

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BB too. Hard for me not to say PFM since I wouldnt mind winning 3 SBs with him before he would likely retire, but as we all know, having the best QB doesnt mean you'll win the SB that year. Long term, I think having a man like BB who can essentially do all of the responsbilties involved in building an organization quite well would pay off with more SBs than by picking any other person involved in the NFL. I do detest BB for cheating, but that does not mean the man isn't a genius.

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I think this is a tough question . . . a coach will outlast the players . . . so I am going to skew your question and say a 40 year old BB . . .so then I would have him for 20 or so years . . .


BB will get you in contention, but to win a SB you really need a top 10 QB to win it nowadays . . . with some much offense out there, you need a good QB to keep pace . . .


A great QB will help a lot but unless you have a good team around him it will be tough for him to win a QB . . .


and still with the great Coach you really need a HOF level QB to win more than one SB . . . I think Joe Gibbs is the only coach with multiple rings and without HOFs for each win . . .


when we look at all the great teams in history, there is always a HOF coach/QB connection, so you really need both, but I would have to lean toward the coach if I had to choose between the two . ..

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BB. He'll have more longevity than any of them .


Manning has 4 years tops.

Brady 6 years maybe?

AP is a beast, but as a running back they peak young and often decline quickly and high risk of injury. I'd give him 4-5 seasons at his current level of play, if that.



If you're talking any of them as they are now, for 15 years, PM.  If you consider them all in their prime even moreso, because physically his arm is weaker than it was while Brady still has a cannon and AP is, well, still AP. BB's physical condition is moot.

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BB. He'll have more longevity than any of them .


Manning has 4 years tops.

Brady 6 years maybe?

AP is a beast, but as a running back they peak young and often decline quickly and high risk of injury. I'd give him 4-5 seasons at his current level of play, if that.



If you're talking any of them as they are now, for 15 years, PM.  If you consider them all in their prime even moreso, because physically his arm is weaker than it was while Brady still has a cannon and AP is, well, still AP. BB's physical condition is moot.

Yep, just for the discussion, assume we have 15 yrs of everyone.

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I first thought about taking Drew Brees but he seems to perform at his best indoors or in warmer weather.


Right now I'd take Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers, flip a coin and I'd set up the team being a defensive team first.  The 2002 Bucs, Ravens, Giants, Steelers are able to win Super Bowls this last decade by having a decent QB who's mediocre often and just good enough to get it done and complimented by a dominant defense.  You don't need a super star QB to win Super Bowls.  But imagine if the 2000 Ravens or 2002 Bucs had Peyton or Brady or Rodgers?

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I would take Luck simply based on age.  He is young and very good.  Belichick is a great coach, but he's 61 already.  Luck would be with the franchise for 15+ years, but it's hard to see Belichick staying as a coach past his 70s

Assume, we have 15 yrs left on all the selection, still same answer?.

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Assume, we have 15 yrs left on all the selection, still same answer?.

Yeah, I would still pick the same answer.  I think great players can make up for average or below average coaching.  Jim Caldwell had a 14-2 season under his belt thanks to Peyton Manning.  Peyton is also making John Fox seem like a legitimate head coach too.  This is one of the reasons why I think Drew Brees is somewhat overrated.  He's great when he has Sean Payton there to direct his offense, but when Sean wasn't there last year, they didn't do well.  That's not to say Brees is a bad player, but he isn't on the same level as guys like Brady or Peyton. 


The relationship can go either way; a good coach can make an average player seem great, a bad coach can make a good player seem average (see: Romo and Jason Garrett), a good player can make an average coach seem good, a bad player can make a good coach seem bad.  But when you have a guy like Luck at the helm, I think he will only make others around him better.

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Luck because the other guys are old.  Peterson has maybe 3 good seasons left in the tank.  He's approaching 30, about the age in which RB's are usually done.  He's a star so maybe he can make it to 32.  But age is gonna catch up with him real quick.


Manning and Brady are probably both in the last 5 years of their career.  You don't start a franchise with a guy who's currently working on the early drafts of their hall of fame induction speech and deciding if they want to be a broadcaster, a coach, a GM, or go live in the mountains in their money fortress after they retire.


I think Belicheck is overrated.  Guy lucked himself into Tom Brady.  He admitted that Brady falling into their hands was luck too.  As he said "If we would have known what Tom Brady would become we would have taken him a lot earlier then the 6th round."  So it's not like it was some masterful skill of his to pick Brady in the 6th round. 


Luck's probably got 15 years of playing ahead of him if he doesn't get killed by bad o-lines.

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Yep, lets just assume whoever we pick has 15 to 20 years left.

Peyton Manning...obviously


BB's only been god in one place...Peyton has been dominant in two.


You know what ever you put around him (Blair White, Bubba Caldwell) , he'll excel.


He's made the playoffs every year he hasn't been a rookie or been out ALL 16 games


The first goal of an NFL franchise is to make the playoffs every single year and go from there.

No matter who gets hurt or who leaves the team.


Manning has always gotten that done.

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Luke Kuechly. I am going old school and decided that my team would be the number 1 defense for the next decade. All the other people choosing quarterbacks because of high octane offense these days. Sure I like offense but I believe Defense win championships. My defense would destroy all your quarterbacks. 

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