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Patriots Panthers Great Ending


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Guest TeamLoloJones

actually not . . . BB did not go over the official this time and actually stated that he did not as the last time he did it (the balt game you referenced) he was fined, so he did not go over to the official this time . . . and even in the Baltimore game all that he wanted to do was get an explanation . .. and rational minds should realized that there is nothing wrong with trying to seek an explanation from an official, and frankly should be award one . .. BB was in the middle of the field going over to coach Harbaugh to shake his hand (you see him do it in the video you referenced btw) and a jogging ref runs by him (I believe the one that made the call for good FG) and BB instinctively reached out to get his attention, the ref did not stopped but continued to jog off the field . .. BB did not chase him but turned around and shook coaches hand . . .


given the fact that there is nothing wrong with seeking an explanation and the fact that the ref was running by him I don't see what the big deal is . . . I understand there is a no touch rule and fine, okay, but one you look at it with an unbais mind, it is not as bad as you made it out . . .

There is zero excuse for touching a ref, or berating them the way Brady did.  No excuse whatsoever.

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There is zero excuse for touching a ref, or berating them the way Brady did.  No excuse whatsoever.

I see nothing wrong and either does the league. Why the need for an excuse?

Does the classy,sensitive and dignified bit work for you with the ladies? You must be a blast at parties.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I see nothing wrong and either does the league. Why the need for an excuse?

Does the classy,sensitive and dignified bit work for you with the ladies?

I'm not saying Brady should be fined or anything, just saying that the childish attitude doesn't look good on him.  (albeit better than his sweaters)


And yes the classy,sensitive, and dignified bit does work well with the ladies...or at least with my wife it does.

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looks like someone missed the Denver-SD game in which Manning was yelling at the refs about TOs after he got hit low . . .


Moose, sorry to burst your bubble, but ALL players great or otherwise give the refs earfuls from time to time, especially when they do not even give an explanation as to why they made a decision, in this case why they picked up the flag . . .


May be you didn't watch it closely. Manning was arguing about the timeout not the hit. We could even hear it.

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I'm not saying Brady should be fined or anything, just saying that the childish attitude doesn't look good on him.  (albeit better than his sweaters)


I didn't see anything childish or undignified about Brady wanting an explanation of the call.  If you don't like him just say it and stop being dramatic in trying to justify your feelings.






And yes the classy,sensitive, and dignified bit does work well with the ladies...or at least with my wife it does.


She's all that matters.


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Guest TeamLoloJones


I'm not saying Brady should be fined or anything, just saying that the childish attitude doesn't look good on him.  (albeit better than his sweaters)


I didn't see anything childish or undignified about Brady wanting an explanation of the call.  If you don't like him just say it and stop being dramatic in trying to justify your feelings.






And yes the classy,sensitive, and dignified bit does work well with the ladies...or at least with my wife it does.


She's all that matters.



Believe it or not I actually love Brady...even though I'm an Iowa Hawkeye fan, which means I hate Michigan, and I'm a Colt's fan, so I hate New England.  My love for Brady is well known among my group of friends, so even though I was happy the Pats lost last night (for playoff seeding), I was getting made fun of for Brady's spat.  You have any idea what it's like to be made fun of by Vikings' fans?  Man...it hurts.   haha

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Believe it or not I actually love Brady...even though I'm an Iowa Hawkeye fan, which means I hate Michigan, and I'm a Colt's fan, so I hate New England.  My love for Brady is well known among my group of friends, so even though I was happy the Pats lost last night (for playoff seeding), I was getting made fun of for Brady's spat.  You have any idea what it's like to be made fun of by Vikings' fans?  Man...it hurts.   haha

It shouldn't be very difficult to ward off Viking fans.


Two friends and HS team mates played for Hayden Fry in the 80's. I'm a BC guy.


But I truly have no problem with what Brady did last night. If you  want to get a good laugh watch BB's presser after the game. I love that guy. 

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May be you didn't watch it closely. Manning was arguing about the timeout not the hit. We could even hear it.


I know that but the point that I was making was pointing out that all great players get after the officials . . .


Indeed the issue was not that much different . . . an event happened (called PI and called TD by SD) . . . then the refs got together and changed the circumstances (picked up the flag and gave back SD's TO and charged Denver) both within there discretion and both to the ire of two teams both of which had a HOF QB yell at the official . . . bottom line you can say what you want you can try to twist things how every you want, but both teams had a refs make a discretionary change on the field which went against the team and their QB got after the ref . . . plain and simple . . .

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There is zero excuse for touching a ref, or berating them the way Brady did.  No excuse whatsoever.


it was a reflex action by BB and you know it and just don't want to admit it . . . I see you made no mention of the fact that BB was on his way to give his post game hand shake of the other coach . . .


And like I said in my prior post 173, what brady did and manning did was the same . . . both had a call go against them that was originally in their favor but the refs, with their discretion, change the call and it went against the teams and both QBs got after it with the ref . .. you apparently are incapable of seeing the similarity which is sad, I am sorry  . . .

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Guest TeamLoloJones

it was a reflex action by BB and you know it and just don't want to admit it . . . I see you made no mention of the fact that BB was on his way to give his post game hand shake of the other coach . . .


And like I said in my prior post 173, what brady did and manning did was the same . . . both had a call go against them that was originally in their favor but the refs, with their discretion, change the call and it went against the teams and both QBs got after it with the ref . .. you apparently are incapable of seeing the similarity which is sad, I am sorry  . . .

Chasing someone up the tunnel is not the same...you apparently are incapable of seeing the difference which is sad, I am sorry...

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This is how you know it was a bad call: even the national media is talking about how bad it was...even Steve Young was talking about how bad it was...even Colts fans are talking about how bad it was.


Everyone I just mentioned HATES the Patriots and would never make the case that the Patriots were wronged unless it was so obvious and egregious that they had no choice. Literally the only one who tried to defend the call was Gerry Austin, and every analyst after hearing his explanation thought he was delusional.



I have less issue with the 'no call' as I do with the fact that they DID call it but then picked up the flag. If it was never thrown in the first place, it would be a 'oh looks like he got held, nonsense no call' and we'd all move on eventually like we always do with a questionable call. But the official didnt even hesitate to throw the flag...he saw the play and threw it immediately...there was no question in his mind and it took some sack to throw it in that situation. Then he was overruled and they all sprinted off like cowards with no explanation.


What gets me the most upset is how the penalty WOULD have been called if it was at any other point in the game. We have spent the last month talking about the fallout after the Jets loss and how yeah, it was a terrible time to call the pushing penalty on the field goal but at least the officials were not swayed by situation and called it as they should have. That was the popular sentiment around the country and the officials and the NFL kept saying that the game should be no called no differently whether its in the 1st quarter or the 4th. Now we are here with a similar situation and it WAS called differently because of the situation, and that hypocrisy and inconsistency is what really tarnished what was up to that point a pretty fantastic football game and unfortunately took the focus off of the great game that Carolina played and has us all once again questioning the legitimacy of a result.

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I never said Peyton was immune to it. I said every player does once in a while. (Not in that post) Regardless, there's a difference between guys like Peyton who do it on occasion and Brady's near weekly tantrums.


If you want to dissect Manning's recent incident, he wasn't even complaining about (yet another) late cheap shot on his ankles. He was * over the timeout. Brady would be jumping in the air pointing at the ground looking for a flag like a ballerina.


If you want to compare the two, Google Manning outburst/angry/*/etc and then do the same with Brady.You'll probably find one for Manning with the O-line from, what, six seasons ago and a laundry list of results for Brady. Manning's timeout incident might not have had enough time to gel on the net, but it might find its way to immortality.


Any way you slice it, Peyton's faults don't omit Brady's.


I am not sure if I have responded to this as it has been a busy day . . . but my only point was that it happens to all players and although brady can get excited not so sure the difference is as large are you may think . . . but everyone is different . .. after the GB-Seattle last year Rogers when out publicly and denounced the officials . . .which is more of a premeditated act . . .


getting back to the two reactions we mentioned, the two reactions were the results of something not that much different, as I mentioned in recent post 173 . . . both players had calls go in there favor and then against them via ref discretion and both got into with the refs . . . at least manning got a explanation . . . in a heated game at the end of the game I am not going to hold it against a QB who wants to get fired up about a call . . .


Brady is a firery guy and wears his heart on his sleeve on the field and if he gets excited a few more times so be it in my book . .. I was not found of his actions game one this season but he might of had underlying reasons for doing this . . . and I know on time he got in it with Galloway, but that guy was not doing his job . . . it happens and I don't get too worried about it . . .

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Chasing someone up the tunnel is not the same...you apparently are incapable of seeing the difference which is sad, I am sorry...


the tunnel was near the endzone where the ref was, unlike manning where the ref was still on the field, the game was over and the ref was walking away from Brady, maybe if the ref stopped and explain the situation brady would not of had to follow him to get his point across . . . sorry but I can not except a ref changing a call then with no explanation walk off the field . . .I think most reasonable minds would except the fact than an explanation is in order, he did not give one and brady was looking for one . . .it is not brady fault the guy was walking away from him ,. . .

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Manning complained because they gave San Diego their timeout back. You can't give a team their timeout back.

San Diego called timeout, and they were charged. So Manning thought he had time to rest, and this is the ONLY reason he sat back down. They seen Manning sit so awarded San Diego their timeout back, and forces Denver to call one instead. That's not how it works.


I am not so sure about this . . . if manning is injured and thereby requiring Denver to take a to so he can stay on the field, this would of stopped the clock, and as such, in is in the discretion of the ref to then give back the TO to SD who only called it to stop the clock ,. . . in another words the NFL is not going to required SD to burn a TO when it does not have too . . . it is not like SD called to get a personal change or soemthing

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the tunnel was near the endzone where the ref was, unlike manning where the ref was still on the field, the game was over and the ref was walking away from Brady, maybe if the ref stopped and explain the situation brady would not of had to follow him to get his point across . . . sorry but I can not except a ref changing a call then with no explanation walk off the field . . .I think most reasonable minds would except the fact than an explanation is in order, he did not give one and brady was looking for one . . .it is not brady fault the guy was walking away from him ,. . .


We had a guy at work that that did some questionable things and refused to explain when pressed...we fired him.

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I find it interesting that no less than half a dozen Pats fans gather on a Colts message board to argue/heated debate things that don't involve the horseshoe...


Tough loss last night, enjoyed watching the Smith-Talib battles...

Panthers are getting hot, it will be interesting to see if they are legit against the Saints...

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I find it interesting that no less than half a dozen Pats fans gather on a Colts message board to argue/heated debate things that don't involve the horseshoe...


Tough loss last night, enjoyed watching the Smith-Talib battles...

Panthers are getting hot, it will be interesting to see if they are legit against the Saints...


I would find it interesting too....IF this conversation wasn't in the NFL General section. You know...the one for discussions that, well...don't involve the horseshoe ;)

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I would find it interesting too....IF this conversation wasn't in the NFL General section. You know...the one for discussions that, well...don't involve the horseshoe ;)

Crazy right!?!?

because it always crosses my mind to go to a patriots message board to discuss the foosball...


Although I do find myself agreeing with as many Pats fans on here as I do Colts fans, some of the times...

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Crazy right!?!?

because it always crosses my mind to go to a patriots message board to discuss the foosball...


Although I do find myself agreeing with as many Pats fans on here as I do Colts fans, some of the times...


See? All you have to do is let us in the door, and we'll promise to play nice :)

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Crazy right!?!?

because it always crosses my mind to go to a patriots message board to discuss the foosball...


Although I do find myself agreeing with as many Pats fans on here as I do Colts fans, some of the times...

We know you love us. :)    Besides, what fun would this General section be without Pats fans? Wait ... don't answer that.

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This is how you know it was a bad call: even the national media is talking about how bad it was...even Steve Young was talking about how bad it was...even Colts fans are talking about how bad it was.

Everyone I just mentioned HATES the Patriots and would never make the case that the Patriots were wronged unless it was so obvious and egregious that they had no choice. Literally the only one who tried to defend the call was Gerry Austin, and every analyst after hearing his explanation thought he was delusional.

I have less issue with the 'no call' as I do with the fact that they DID call it but then picked up the flag. If it was never thrown in the first place, it would be a 'oh looks like he got held, nonsense no call' and we'd all move on eventually like we always do with a questionable call. But the official didnt even hesitate to throw the flag...he saw the play and threw it immediately...there was no question in his mind and it took some sack to throw it in that situation. Then he was overruled and they all sprinted off like cowards with no explanation.

What gets me the most upset is how the penalty WOULD have been called if it was at any other point in the game. We have spent the last month talking about the fallout after the Jets loss and how yeah, it was a terrible time to call the pushing penalty on the field goal but at least the officials were not swayed by situation and called it as they should have. That was the popular sentiment around the country and the officials and the NFL kept saying that the game should be no called no differently whether its in the 1st quarter or the 4th. Now we are here with a similar situation and it WAS called differently because of the situation, and that hypocrisy and inconsistency is what really tarnished what was up to that point a pretty fantastic football game and unfortunately took the focus off of the great game that Carolina played and has us all once again questioning the legitimacy of a result.

It turns out most people, including talking heads, don't have a very good grasp of the rules. And Steve Young claimed it should have been holding on Kuechly...not even realizing that can't be called when the ball is in the air.

Would anybody been happy if they called PI on a pass that there was a 99% chance Gronk wasn't going to catch? Watching Brady sneak it in from the 1 would have been a horrible and incorrect ending to that game. And I'm sure the talking heads would be talking how the refs screwed the panthers.

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I know that but the point that I was making was pointing out that all great players get after the officials . . .


Indeed the issue was not that much different . . . an event happened (called PI and called TD by SD) . . . then the refs got together and changed the circumstances (picked up the flag and gave back SD's TO and charged Denver) both within there discretion and both to the ire of two teams both of which had a HOF QB yell at the official . . . bottom line you can say what you want you can try to twist things how every you want, but both teams had a refs make a discretionary change on the field which went against the team and their QB got after the ref . . . plain and simple . . .


Please dont compare to what Manning did to Brady's last at Panthers.


Manning never called a timeout and it was imposed on Denver. Brady during the post game said he didnt even see the play. Fact that he was arguing with the referee without seeing the play??. And he was cursing at them.

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It turns out most people, including talking heads, don't have a very good grasp of the rules. An Steve Young claimed it should have been holding on Kuechly...not even realizing that can't be called when the ball is in the air.

Would anybody been happy if they called PI on a pass that there was a 99% chance Gronk wasn't going to catch. Watching Brady sneak it in from the 1 would have been a horrible and incorrect ending to that game. And I'm sure the talking heads would be talking how the refs screwed the panthers.


So you're saying that just because it was the end of the game and no one wants see it 'end' like that, the play should be called differently than it is during the other 59 minutes and 56 seconds of the game?


Again, if there was no flag initially, I would have less of a problem with how it turned out...but watching the other refs swoop in and overturn it and then just disappear without explanation really struck a nerve. I just refuse to accept this idea that it was automatically assumed that Gronk wouldnt be able to make a play on it. How many times have we seen weird plays where a ball gets tipped or batted down or up or something when multiple players are going for the ball? You can see that Gronk tried to plant and change direction to come towards the ball but was pushed to the back of the endzone...he most likely wouldn't have been able to make a clean catch, but the refs are basically saying he wouldnt have even been involved in the play...not even there to possibly tip it or alter the play in any way and thats total nonsense. If you hadnt seen the play, the way they justified the call and explained it would make you think the ball was 15 yards under thrown and Gronk was nowhere near it.


Could he have caught it? Maybe...probably not...but for the officials to assume that he couldnt even make a play on it is just bad, and they way they tucked their tail between their legs and ran off the field just seemed very disingenuous. 

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I am not so sure about this . . . if manning is injured and thereby requiring Denver to take a to so he can stay on the field, this would of stopped the clock, and as such, in is in the discretion of the ref to then give back the TO to SD who only called it to stop the clock ,. . . in another words the NFL is not going to required SD to burn a TO when it does not have too . . . it is not like SD called to get a personal change or soemthing


What are you not so sure?. Fx Stry explained as well as anyone could. 


Manning was sitting down coz SD took a timeout and refs messed up by "assuming" Manning needed one.

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The O-line incident? I mentioned that earlier. As far as tantrums go Patriot fans like to bring up Peyton and cling to that as if it excuses Brady. Until arguably the timeout incident (which wasn't that bad) Peyton hasn't thrown a fit like that since.


Peyton's whopping two tantrums/fits don't excuse or even relate to Brady's, what, 20+ during that time span? I can post up a wall of images and videos but I don't want to fill the whole page.


Take this instead:


Well said, Moose.


Brady is acting like a 14 yr old and its increasing in the last few yrs which is interesting. Yelling at players is one thing but this guy has started doing with coaches too. Screaming at your Offensive Co ordinator last year. I mean thats just disrespectful. Do it inside the locker room. I have never seen Manning scream or yell at any of his coaches.


I want him to do it with Belichick. He will be watching the game from the sidelines. Belichick drafted Brady when no one gave him a chance and he can/will end him if he shows his soap opera to him.

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So you're saying that just because it was the end of the game and no one wants see it 'end' like that, the play should be called differently than it is during the other 59 minutes and 56 seconds of the game?

Again, if there was no flag initially, I would have less of a problem with how it turned out...but watching the other refs swoop in and overturn it and then just disappear without explanation really struck a nerve. I just refuse to accept this idea that it was automatically assumed that Gronk wouldnt be able to make a play on it. How many times have we seen weird plays where a ball gets tipped or batted down or up or something when multiple players are going for the ball? You can see that Gronk tried to plant and change direction to come towards the ball but was pushed to the back of the endzone...he most likely wouldn't have been able to make a clean catch, but the refs are basically saying he wouldnt have even been involved in the play...not even there to possibly tip it or alter the play in any way and thats total nonsense. If you hadnt seen the play, the way they justified the call and explained it would make you think the ball was 15 yards under thrown and Gronk was nowhere near it.

Could he have caught it? Maybe...probably not...but for the officials to assume that he couldnt even make a play on it is just bad, and they way they tucked their tail between their legs and ran off the field just seemed very disingenuous.

No, I'm saying it was the correct call. Gronk would have had to somehow dive thru Lester to make the catch...and it didn't even look like made that great of an effort to get the ball it was so under thrown. Gronk is a great athlete, but I don't think at his size he is going to plant his foot and get there to meet Lester for the ball. I guess he could have made a super human effort, but it would have felt more like a bail out call than anything else.
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Yep, I can't let bias blind me either. They should be investigated for this even though nothing will come of it, they're thick as thieves.

Yep...if they were replacements the league would be all over it but alas, this is all we have to cope with.

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