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Samson Satele Was Purposely Injured


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A video has surfaced of that punk DT Kevin Vickerson slamming his body on Samson Satele and Satele was in pain after. I'm not going to go into a whole thing about it, but I hope this guy gets a game and a big fine. It's disgusting and it should never happen. He's a piece of crap.




Is this disgusting or what? He better get at least a game for this.

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We already had a thread about this, I think. Also you missed the part where he punches Satele in the back of the knee in that gif.

The media has been rather mum about the whole Broncos game though, mostly brushing over it. I doubt anything happens, as theres no real push for it and the NFL doesnt need to save face.

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I agree Andy, but I will point out that Satele did something similar to Vickerson first. That's what prompted Vickerson getting at least two and possibly three personal fouls late in the game.


Vickerson should be seriously fined, and Satele too assuming that they view that incident. It has no place in the sport. However assuming that Satelle isn't seriously injured, the Colts should thank him - because Vickerson's idiocy had a significant impact on the outcome of the game.

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My apologies about posting this when it was already posted before.

Mods you can merge this.

Its fine really, the other thread was just titled with Sampson's name, I think. Besides, this needs more attention, Broncos #99 was disgusting with his play all night, this was just the worst offense by far.
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A video has surfaced of that punk DT Kevin Vickerson slamming his body on Samson Satele and Satele was in pain after. I'm not going to go into a whole thing about it, but I hope this guy gets a game and a big fine. It's disgusting and it should never happen. He's a piece of crap.




Is this disgusting or what? He better get at least a game for this.

How could a video have 'surfaced' when it was ON THE BROADCAST?

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A video has surfaced of that punk DT Kevin Vickerson slamming his body on Samson Satele and Satele was in pain after. I'm not going to go into a whole thing about it, but I hope this guy gets a game and a big fine. It's disgusting and it should never happen. He's a piece of crap.




Is this disgusting or what? He better get at least a game for this.



andy I like that page your link takes u too , did u note the link on it that has video of Vonta Davis saying we prepared for Brady


During a post-game interview with Michelle Tafoya, Indianapolis Colts cornerback Vontae Davis was asked what the defense did this week to get ready for the game.  During his response, Davis said that the Colts “prepared really hard for Tom Brady.”  


Apparently Vontae Davis is the only person in the United States that wasn’t aware Peyton Manning was coming back to Indianapolis.


Know thats a funny mental slip in post game intensity   and he knew who he was playing against



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I agree Andy, but I will point out that Satele did something similar to Vickerson first. That's what prompted Vickerson getting at least two and possibly three personal fouls late in the game.


Vickerson should be seriously fined, and Satele too assuming that they view that incident. It has no place in the sport. However assuming that Satelle isn't seriously injured, the Colts should thank him - because Vickerson's idiocy had a significant impact on the outcome of the game.



Just curious to your allegiance . Are you a Manning fan , Bronco fan or Colt fan. Not that the first two are bad in any way . Also I never saw anything on what Satele did to warrant a big fine. Do you have a source ?

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Just curious to your allegiance . Are you a Manning fan , Bronco fan or Colt fan. Not that the first two are bad in any way . Also I never saw anything on what Satele did to warrant a big fine. Do you have a source ?

There's a gaping disparity between supproting your team and rejecting dirty play.  I support my team as mush as anyone else does, but let's just assume that MAC is correct and Satele did the same or similar thing to Vickerson, I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world if I was calling for Vickerson's head and complained if Satele gets suspended.  There's no room for intentionally trying to hurt someone unnecessarily.  I get that it's a violent game and you try to knock guys out.  That's fine, as long as its legal in field of play.  This was not legal.  I want my colts to have an edge and flirt with the line between dirty play and pushing the limit.  But I don't want to be known as a team with a bunch of thugs.  Detroit has that rep for a reason, so lets not support that rep spreading to Indy, yah?

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There's a gaping disparity between supproting your team and rejecting dirty play.  I support my team as mush as anyone else does, but let's just assume that MAC is correct and Satele did the same or similar thing to Vickerson, I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world if I was calling for Vickerson's head and complained if Satele gets suspended.  There's no room for intentionally trying to hurt someone unnecessarily.  I get that it's a violent game and you try to knock guys out.  That's fine, as long as its legal in field of play.  This was not legal.  I want my colts to have an edge and flirt with the line between dirty play and pushing the limit.  But I don't want to be known as a team with a bunch of thugs.  Detroit has that rep for a reason, so lets not support that rep spreading to Indy, yah?




I really wasn't doing what you accuse me of and of coarse I totally agree with what you have here. 


First be aware that my first question is independent of my second question.


I had just read of few of Mac's posts and some made me think he could possibly be a Manning fan and have no major allegiance to the Colts. Maybe I should have done research and read a bunch of his posts but it was around 5:30 am in Ca and I was tired. I did add that neither being a Manning or Bronco fan was a bad thing and thought that covered my butt. It was 100% curiosity .. nothing more on that front.


As far as Satale , again just a question. What was the source and was there any film of him doing "similar" things in the game. I'm sure the Bronco fans and or players are saying Satale did something to prompt (is that the right word.. prompt) that hideous action. However because someone says that , it doesn't make it true. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't... just was wondering what the source was. Other words I'm not going to condemn Satale until I at least see the source where the accusation is coming from. If that's being a homer , then I guess I'm guilty as charged.


I guess I really didn't " totally agree with you..."

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I really wasn't doing what you accuse me of and of coarse I totally agree with what you have here. 


First be aware that my first question is independent of my second question.


I had just read of few of Mac's posts and some made me think he could possibly be a Manning fan and have no major allegiance to the Colts. Maybe I should have done research and read a bunch of his posts but it was around 5:30 am in Ca and I was tired. I did add that neither being a Manning or Bronco fan was a bad thing and thought that covered my butt. It was 100% curiosity .. nothing more on that front.


As far as Satale , again just a question. What was the source and was there any film of him doing "similar" things in the game. I'm sure the Bronco fans and or players are saying Satale did something to prompt (is that the right word.. prompt) that hideous action. However because someone says that , it doesn't make it true. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't... just was wondering what the source was. Other words I'm not going to condemn Satale until I at least see the source where the accusation is coming from. If that's being a homer , then I guess I'm guilty as charged.


I guess I really didn't " totally agree with you..."

lol.  Well, and just because Satele did it doesn't mean it was okay for vickerson to retaliate.  I don't know that Satele did anything and I haven't seen any hint of that except in this post, and it is really secondary to the point I was trying to make.


As far as everything else, apologies.  I just saw the conversation in a vacuum without any other point of reference, so I assumed the questions were more than just questions.

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There's a gaping disparity between supproting your team and rejecting dirty play.  I support my team as mush as anyone else does, but let's just assume that MAC is correct and Satele did the same or similar thing to Vickerson, I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world if I was calling for Vickerson's head and complained if Satele gets suspended.  There's no room for intentionally trying to hurt someone unnecessarily.  I get that it's a violent game and you try to knock guys out.  That's fine, as long as its legal in field of play.  This was not legal.  I want my colts to have an edge and flirt with the line between dirty play and pushing the limit.  But I don't want to be known as a team with a bunch of thugs.  Detroit has that rep for a reason, so lets not support that rep spreading to Indy, yah?


I really wasn't doing what you accuse me of and of coarse I totally agree with what you have here. 


As far as Satale , again just a question. What was the source and was there any film of him doing "similar" things in the game. I'm sure the Bronco fans and or players are saying Satale did something to prompt (is that the right word.. prompt) that hideous action. However because someone says that , it doesn't make it true. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't... just was wondering what the source was. Other words I'm not going to condemn Satale until I at least see the source where the accusation is coming from. If that's being a homer , then I guess I'm guilty as charged.

The source was Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth  - probably more the later if memory serves.


In calling Vickerson's first personal foul penalty - I believe it was for removing his helmet and yelling at a Colt - they said that he was angry about Satelle staying on top of him after a play was over and pushing him into the turf. They didn't show any video of it, and I certainly didn't claim that Satelle punched Vickerson. What I said was that apparently Satelle did a little extra curricular activity which led to Vickerson loosing his mind, and I pointed out that the three personal fouls that resulted were of enormous benefit to the Colts.


I could be a Packers fan and say the same thing - all you had to do was watch the game.


I also clearly expressed disgust for what Vickerson did, along with a desire for him to be punished to the full extent of the league rules. One would hope that the league reviews the entire film, and IF Satelle's actions warranted it, punish him as well.


Whether it does or it doesn't, or whether he over-reacted or not, the fact remains that THAT is the reason that he lost his temper. He's not an evil thug, he's a fool who put his personal feelings about the needs of the team - and probably got his head handed to him all the way home as a result.

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The source was Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth  - probably more the later if memory serves.


In calling Vickerson's first personal foul penalty - I believe it was for removing his helmet and yelling at a Colt - they said that he was angry about Satelle staying on top of him after a play was over and pushing him into the turf. They didn't show any video of it, and I certainly didn't claim that Satelle punched Vickerson. What I said was that apparently Satelle did a little extra curricular activity which led to Vickerson loosing his mind, and I pointed out that the three personal fouls that resulted were of enormous benefit to the Colts.


I could be a Packers fan and say the same thing - all you had to do was watch the game.


I also clearly expressed disgust for what Vickerson did, along with a desire for him to be punished to the full extent of the league rules. One would hope that the league reviews the entire film, and IF Satelle's actions warranted it, punish him as well.


Whether it does or it doesn't, or whether he over-reacted or not, the fact remains that THAT is the reason that he lost his temper. He's not an evil thug, he's a fool who put his personal feelings about the needs of the team - and probably got his head handed to him all the way home as a result.




You need to read what I said again please. There is no need to say " could be a Packers fan and say the same thing - all you had to do was watch the game."  Believe me , I was taking no issue what so ever with any of your thoughts or statements. 


Honest *... I just wanted to know if you are a Colt fan first or more of a Manning fan. I usually read your post and it hepls to know what or who you are a fan of.It had nothing to do with how you or I was viewing the Satale incident. You mentioned that Satale could have done "something similar " , that's a little different than "What I said was that apparently Satelle did a little extra curricular activity." Thus I was wondering what the source was that cited what I thought you maybe perceived to be similar acts by Satale. 

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lol.  Well, and just because Satele did it doesn't mean it was okay for vickerson to retaliate.  I don't know that Satele did anything and I haven't seen any hint of that except in this post, and it is really secondary to the point I was trying to make.


As far as everything else, apologies.  I just saw the conversation in a vacuum without any other point of reference, so I assumed the questions were more than just questions.



No doubt I was lazy and I should have qualified what I was asking better. For sure it sounds like I'm saying something like " a real Colt fan wouldn't say that." If true , that would no doubt be ignorant.

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My girlfriend said they showed somebody from the broncos walk up and headbutt Luck, they got an unsportsmanlike penalty. I said it was probably vickerson but I didnt see it happen when I was at the game. Does anyone know who it was, or what happened actually 


Wasn't a headbutt. Vickerson kinda belly bumped Luck after the play and Luck flopped. It didn't look like anything unsportsmanlike, just a gesture of sorts. Luck looked to have pulled his greatest NBA player impersonation and immediately fell and the flag was thrown lol.

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I agree Andy, but I will point out that Satele did something similar to Vickerson first. That's what prompted Vickerson getting at least two and possibly three personal fouls late in the game.

Vickerson should be seriously fined, and Satele too assuming that they view that incident. It has no place in the sport. However assuming that Satelle isn't seriously injured, the Colts should thank him - because Vickerson's idiocy had a significant impact on the outcome of the game.

What did Satele do? I completely missed that.

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My girlfriend said they showed somebody from the broncos walk up and headbutt Luck, they got an unsportsmanlike penalty. I said it was probably vickerson but I didnt see it happen when I was at the game. Does anyone know who it was, or what happened actually 


I thought I saw this too, but it wasn't Luck.

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What did Satele do? I completely missed that.

A clarification of my comments is in post #18 above.



A legal 1v1 chop block. I guess legal hits warrent intentionally trying to aggravate injuries with punches to the knee now.

And now what are YOU referring to? I was talking about what the announcers said, they didn't show a clip. Why are you confident that you know what Satelle did, and that it was legal?

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Wasn't a headbutt. Vickerson kinda belly bumped Luck after the play and Luck flopped. It didn't look like anything unsportsmanlike, just a gesture of sorts. Luck looked to have pulled his greatest NBA player impersonation and immediately fell and the flag was thrown lol.

Wasn't aware Andrew had eyes in the back of his head.

How would he have even known it was a defender?

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Fifty fifty guess?

What would be the point? Do you really think he had the time to process "Should I flop? It might be a defender" in the millisecond he felt contact before falling down? Lol.

Guy had 100 pounds on Luck who wasn't looking. Wouldn't take much to knock him over.

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What would be the point? Do you really think he had the time to process "Should I flop? It might be a defender" in the millisecond he felt contact before falling down? Lol.

Guy had 100 pounds on Luck who wasn't looking. Wouldn't take much to knock him over.


Luck has gotten hit harder than that without looking while actually playing. I'm not saying it's definitely what he did, but it is not out of the realm of possibility.

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Luck has gotten hit harder than that without looking while actually playing. I'm not saying it's definitely what he did, but it is not out of the realm of possibility.

I'm saying it's definitely not what he did lol.

It doesn't make sense. If he was looking at the guy. Maybe. Flopping implies he was intentionally trying to make a minor collision huge. He didn't know there was going to be a collision period. So he couldn't have really premeditated an over the top response.

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I'm saying it's definitely not what he did lol.

It doesn't make sense. If he was looking at the guy. Maybe. Flopping implies he was intentionally trying to make a minor collision huge. He didn't know there was going to be a collision period. So he couldn't have really premeditated an over the top response.


Vickerson knew exactly what he was doing and he had ill intent.  Not as bad as his previous brutality (satele's leg punch) but he knew exactly what he was doing.  Did Luck flail a little? He sure did, and you know what, if it would have been Manning, Brady, Rodgers they would have all done it.  Its called situational awareness.  He knew that Vickerson had already been given a PF and i'm dang sure he knew about Satale being punched in the back of the knee.  It's just as bad as a WR asking for a flag if he gets breathed on too hard.


Vickerson is a punk and got what he deserved.

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I'm saying it's definitely not what he did lol.

It doesn't make sense. If he was looking at the guy. Maybe. Flopping implies he was intentionally trying to make a minor collision huge. He didn't know there was going to be a collision period. So he couldn't have really premeditated an over the top response.


Well while you're at it mind telling me what he had for lunch? There is no telling, but it certainly is plausible. I'd darn sure do it. Even if I looked like an * falling because of a teammate barely tapped me. If I feel something hit my back that isn't a hand I will flop and get that 15 yard penalty.

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Check out this YouTube posting…




I know you’ll will probably say “Hey that happens in the NFL”


But how can the league allow Bronco’s “Scumbag” Vickerson (#99) get away with deliberately throwing a dirty punch on Samson Satele’s leg to knock him out of the game?


Vickerson’s a Bum!

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