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Richardson Was Cheap


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What would the price be for Richardson if Cleveland had waited a bit longer ? Word was the deal was actually initiated by the Browns . If they had called after Bradshaw was on the shelf and played their cards right , I'm sure additional picks would have been involved. I loved the deal from the start , so I was already in the camp that thought a No 1 was a steal. Point I'm trying to make is all the leverage would have gone to Cleveland and they probably would have fleeced us. Really unlucky Bradshaw might be seriously hurt but equally lucky Cleveland came calling with a great deal ... just in time.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Yep. Now we just need the Lions front office to go out & get major hangovers and deal us Megatron for a 5th round pick ;)



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Guest TeamLoloJones

What would the price be for Richardson if Cleveland had waited a bit longer ? Word was the deal was actually initiated by the Browns . If they had called after Bradshaw was on the shelf and played their cards right , I'm sure additional picks would have been involved. I loved the deal from the start , so I was already in the camp that thought a No 1 was a steal. Point I'm trying to make is all the leverage would have gone to Cleveland and they probably would have fleeced us. Really unlucky Bradshaw might be seriously hurt but equally lucky Cleveland came calling with a great deal ... just in time.

Plus with both Indy and Cleveland winning the last two weeks...they might not have traded him at all. Ā They probably thought Indy would have kept losing.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Glad he was cheap, He should be at this stage in his career. He needs to learn to run away from contact instead of trying to runĀ through it and to run behind his pads

I'm not worried about Trich at all...the kid is 22 and he has in no way reached his ceiling. Ā Just like Luck.

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Glad he was cheap, He should be at this stage in his career. He needs to learn to run away from contact instead of trying to runĀ through it and needsĀ to run behind his pads



I think if he gets just a little more running room , he will be fine. But hey.. that's what makes the world go round.

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Well, that depends on how he ends up panning out and where we would be drafting from.Ā  If it's anything after the 20th pick, I'd say this trade is probably worth it - but I reserve judgment at this point.Ā  The funny thing about the OPs remark, aside from it being spot on, is that it makes you wonder why Browns were such in a rush to trade.Ā  I mean, what's teh harm in waiting a week or two.Ā  You know that players are going to go down as the season goes on and the demand for an RB will be greater later in the season.Ā  You're 0-2 at that point so it's not like you're having a hard time losing.Ā  What's the bigĀ rush?

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Well, that depends on how he ends up panning out and where we would be drafting from.Ā  If it's anything after the 20th pick, I'd say this trade is probably worth it - but I reserve judgment at this point.Ā  The funny thing about the OPs remark, aside from it being spot on, is that it makes you wonder why Browns were such in a rush to trade.Ā  I mean, what's teh harm in waiting a week or two.Ā  You know that players are going to go down as the season goes on and the demand for an RB will be greater later in the season.Ā  You're 0-2 at that point so it's not like you're having a hard time losing.Ā  What's the bigĀ rush?




When it comes to trades and contracts , I think leverage is the key word. Ā You saw Baltimore , who btw has a fabulous front office pay a boatload for JF because he managed to get all the leverage. While I agree with how you will in the end rate this trade , it can't be questioned that Cleveland did a horrible job from a leverage standpoint . As you say , they should have found a good team that was desperate for a RB and chances are it would have happened if they waited a bit. Plus when you call just shopping a guy it's different from calling and saying something like "for the right price , maybe we can help you out." Ā BTW... when you do your "final" on this deal , don't forget that Cleveland paid half of his salary for 2013 , 2015 and 2015.Ā 


I would say bottom line Grigson made a deal that will range from good to great depending on how right he was rating Richardson's talent. We would be in a world of hurt right now without the deal.Ā 

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this stage in his career? he has only played 20 games.

That excuse dont fly for a running back in my opinion, not something like a Corner or QB or DE whos jobs are much harder mentally at the end of the day, A running backĀ has to pick up blocking assignments I know and learn the playbook(just like every football player)Ā but at the end of the day there job is to find the hole and hit the hole, Now I think he will get better, Im not trying to label him as some bust of course but I dont get all the excitement. Im taking a wait and see approach like most everyone else however. But in my opinion he has far from lived up to the hype.

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When it comes to trades and contracts , I think leverage is the key word. Ā You saw Baltimore , who btw has a fabulous front office pay a boatload for JF because he managed to get all the leverage. While I agree with how you will in the end rate this trade , it can't be questioned that Cleveland did a horrible job from a leverage standpoint . As you say , they should have found a good team that was desperate for a RB and chances are it would have happened if they waited a bit. Plus when you call just shopping a guy it's different from calling and saying something like "for the right price , maybe we can help you out." Ā BTW... when you do your "final" on this deal , don't forget that Cleveland paid half of his salary for 2013 , 2015 and 2015.Ā 


I would say bottom line Grigson made a deal that will range from good to great depending on how right he was rating Richardson's talent. We would be in a world of hurt right now without the deal.Ā 

Oh yeah, I agree with you on the leverage bit.Ā  And the thing is, you're probably right in that it will be good to great.Ā  I liked it from the get go.Ā  But lets just say he sucks for the rest of the contract and we end up releasing him, highly unlikely, but just play along.Ā  Would we want to have that first rounder back?Ā  Of course.Ā  But the flip side is, you can say that about who we would have drafted in the first round.Ā  Anyone can be a bust, even 1st rounders and it's unfair to look back in hindsight and say "So-and-so was available and we could have taken him and been better off instead of trading that pick for Trent."


So ultimately, we can never know with absolute certainty, which is why I liked this trade from the get-go.Ā  Even if he's never a league leader in rushing, he's a guy that I'm fairly confident can get the job done.Ā  And if he does that this year, I'm praising this trade.

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I'm not worried about Trich at all...the kid is 22 and he has in no way reached his ceiling. Ā Just like Luck.



In all fairness to Gavin , a RB usually doesn't "develop" a whole lot of his running skills. Much of it is vision and natural ability. Pass protection and receiving skills are more of a developmental issue. I think when you look a his YPC , you can be on Gavin's side or the other side . I'm on the other side ...which thinks it's more of an issue that he ran against stacked defenses in Cleveland and hasn't had a lot of running room in the couple games here. I can remember other great to very backs that started slowly diue to similar issues.

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Glad he was cheap, He should be at this stage in his career. He needs to learn to run away from contact instead of trying to runĀ through it and needsĀ to run behind his pads


How does a power back that more often than not is running between the tackles supposed to run away from contact? Ā And is "pads" a code word for the FB? :P

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I'm not worried about Trich at all...the kid is 22 and he has in no way reached his ceiling. Ā Just like Luck.

I agree, But I dont like how he looks for contact, Im not labeling him a bust of course but I just dont get the hype and did not out of Bama. He did run behind what was in college standardsĀ an elite O Line

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That excuse dont fly for a running back in my opinion, not something like a Corner or QB or DE whos jobs are much harder mentally at the end of the day, A running has to pick up blocking assignments I know and learn the playbook(just like every football player)Ā but at the end of the day there job is to find the hole and hit the hole, Now I think he will get better, Im not trying to label him as some bust of course but I dont get all the excitement. Im taking a wait and see approach like most everyone else however. But in my opinion he has far from lived up to the hype.

I gotta disagree wtih you here.Ā  It's not just learning a playbook.Ā  It's learning their new OL's player tendencies, learning how to make new reads within a different offensive system.Ā  It doesn't sound like a lot, but in a game where 1/10 of a secondĀ can beĀ the difference between a loss and a gain, you gotta cut the guy a little slack when he's played two games, not to mention the fact that it the trade occurred mid-season.Ā  Yeah, there's a hype around the guy, and maybe he is overhyped, but he'll learn and get better.Ā  We'll see, but its' just too soon to tell.

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Oh yeah, I agree with you on the leverage bit.Ā  And the thing is, you're probably right in that it will be good to great.Ā  I liked it from the get go.Ā  But lets just say he sucks for the rest of the contract and we end up releasing him, highly unlikely, but just play along.Ā  Would we want to have that first rounder back?Ā  Of course.Ā  But the flip side is, you can say that about who we would have drafted in the first round.Ā  Anyone can be a bust, even 1st rounders and it's unfair to look back in hindsight and say "So-and-so was available and we could have taken him and been better off instead of trading that pick for Trent."


So ultimately, we can never know with absolute certainty, which is why I liked this trade from the get-go.Ā  Even if he's never a league leader in rushing, he's a guy that I'm fairly confident can get the job done.Ā  And if he does that this year, I'm praising this trade.



Spot on....Ā 


Also if he stays healthy , he's super important at this point in time. He's the only RB on our roster that can carry a big work load. He's also the only RB on our roster that can hand in there and stone a blitzing LB. No doubt we'd be in a world of het right now ... unless Bradshaw comes back next week.

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How does a power back that more often than not is running between the tackles supposed to run away from contact? Ā And is "pads" a code word for the FB? :P

There is running througha hole and getting contacted and running through the tackle attempt and then there is trying to run through Linebackers and DT's...He does the latter to much, sometimes you have to I understand that but from what I saw on Sunday not in this case, Pads is lowering the pads and running behind them

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I agree, But I dont like how he looks for contact, Im not labeling him a bust of course but I just dont get the hype and did not out of Bama. He did run behind what was in college standardsĀ an elite O Line

Looking for contact may negatively affect his YPC...but it wears down a defense and makes the offense easier for everyone else later in the game. Ā The 4th quarter is when a guy like Richardson shows his true value. Ā He's also the kind of running back that will always be more effective in the latter part of the season when teams are beat up down the stretch.

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Though to be honest the oline is not doing their job if he's ever running into DTs. Ā 


There is running througha hole and getting contacted and running through the tackle attempt and then there is trying to run through Linebackers and DT's...He does the latter to much, sometimes you have to I understand that but from what I saw on Sunday not in this case, Pads is lowering the pads and running behind them

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That excuse dont fly for a running back in my opinion, not something like a Corner or QB or DE whos jobs are much harder mentally at the end of the day, A running back has to pick up blocking assignments I know and learn the playbook(just like every football player) but at the end of the day there job is to find the hole and hit the hole, Now I think he will get better, Im not trying to label him as some bust of course but I dont get all the excitement. Im taking a wait and see approach like most everyone else however. But in my opinion he has far from lived up to the hype.

you are very critical. what position did you play?

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There is running througha hole and getting contacted and running through the tackle attempt and then there is trying to run through Linebackers and DT's...He does the latter to much, sometimes you have to I understand that but from what I saw on Sunday not in this case, Pads is lowering the pads and running behind them

You, my friend, watch football in detail and are exactly right. There is a hole or sliver that theĀ RB has to run through and not "bunch up" behind the Olinemen. The difference can be seen clearly by watching Bradshaw (yes he is more mature than TRich at this point) vs. TRich. Bradshaw will blast through the seem while TRich bunches up and runs with or into traffic. Here's hoping he will quickly start getting the gashes we all expect. (He won't ever get many homeruns-a few maybe) but he needs to get the 5-15 yard gashes still. I'm hoping he will.

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I gotta disagree wtih you here.Ā  It's not just learning a playbook.Ā  It's learning their new OL's player tendencies, learning how to make new reads within a different offensive system.Ā  It doesn't sound like a lot, but in a game where 1/10 of a secondĀ can beĀ the difference between a loss and a gain, you gotta cut the guy a little slack when he's played two games, not to mention the fact that it the trade occurred mid-season.Ā  Yeah, there's a hype around the guy, and maybe he is overhyped, but he'll learn and get better.Ā  We'll see, but its' just too soon to tell.

your probably right its to soon to tell and he will likely get better as he gets more carries. MyĀ opinion about learningĀ knew O Lines tendencies and making knew reads is this...Bradshaw did not get any OTA's or TC but we all saw how he did, Im cuttin the guy some slack, I know its been 2 games, I believe he will get better, I just think he needs to think slow to the hole and fast through the hole more instead of trying to be the bulldozer. Instead learn to read pads and helmets better, I dont know that he had to do alot of that though at Bama with that O Line as good as it was

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Glad he was cheap, He should be at this stage in his career. He needs to learn to run away from contact instead of trying to runĀ through it and needsĀ to run behind his pads



have you ever played a down of football in your life?? Ā you sound like you actually think that Trent Richardson would be a better runner if you could work with him at practice. Ā 

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You, my friend, watch football in detail and are exactly right. There is a hole or sliver that theĀ RB has to run through and not "bunch up" behind the Olinemen. The difference can be seen clearly by watching Bradshaw (yes he is more mature than TRich at this point) vs. TRich. Bradshaw will blast through the seem while TRich bunches up and runs with or into traffic. Here's hoping he will quickly start getting the gashes we all expect. (He won't ever get many homeruns-a few maybe) but he needs to get the 5-15 yard gashes still. I'm hoping he will.

I think he can give you an occasional homerun run but its not his strong suit, 5-15 obviously is

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Bradshaw did not get any OTA's or TC but we all saw how he did,Ā 


you realize Bradshaw's great game against SF was the first game he played with TRich also on the team right?


do you really not realize how bad it can suck having to tackle a guy as strong as Trich? Ā when he gets 3 yards it tires out the D way more than when bradshaw gets 3 yards. Ā Having TRich wear down the defense can help our other backs immensely.

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have you ever played a down of football in your life?? Ā you sound like you actually think that Trent Richardson would be a better runner if you could work with him at practice. Ā 

why is it that because someone actually has an opinion based on studying multiple sites made by coaches and listening to past running backs and watching the All 22Ā and gives an opinion based on all that that person automatically thinks they are smarter then coaches, I guess you like reading over and over "Donald Brown Stinks..."Cut Vinatieri".....I could go on

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your probably right its to soon to tell and he will likely get better as he gets more carries. MyĀ opinion about learningĀ knew O Lines tendencies and making knew reads is this...Bradshaw did not get any OTA's or TC but we all saw how he did, Im cuttin the guy some slack, I know its been 2 games, I believe he will get better, I just think he needs to think slow to the hole and fast through the hole more instead of trying to be the bulldozer. Instead learn to read pads and helmets better, I dont know that he had to do alot of that though at Bama with that O Line as good as it was

I swear, the south east must grow their children differently.Ā  Although, it doesn't hurt being in the middle of Texas and and Florida either.Ā  Two of the best states to recruit.Ā  Speaking of which, did you know that Indianapolis, according to MaxPreps, Indianapolis is the 4th best city/metropolitan area for high school football recruits?Ā  Would have never guessed it would stack up that well against cities like Dallas and Houston.


Link if you were curious - http://www.maxpreps.com/news/vmkiX4mi4EOQjwh8t6uAZA/top-10-high-school-football-cities-and-metro-areas.htm

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you realize Bradshaw's great game against SF was the first game he played with TRich also on the team right?


do you really not realize how bad it can suck having to tackle a guy as strong as Trich? Ā when he gets 3 yards it tires out the D way more than when bradshaw gets 3 yards. Ā Having TRich wear down the defense can help our other backs immensely.

What does him playing with Richardson for the first time have to do with anything, Heh played with Ballard whos a hard runner and Bradshaw had a good game or 2 on his limited carries

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There is running througha hole and getting contacted and running through the tackle attempt and then there is trying to run through Linebackers and DT's...He does the latter to much, sometimes you have to I understand that but from what I saw on Sunday not in this case, Pads is lowering the pads and running behind them


just gonna be completely honest...sometimes I think you try too hard ;)

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just gonna be completely honest...sometimes I think you try too hard ;)

sure I do sometimes, I know that. Sometimes Im spot on though, But its a forum so I give my opinion, sometimes more detailed then others, sometimes way off. In my opinion I dont understand why some are not ready to fry Richardson for having a 3.5 ypc for career but were so quick to jump all on the Jerry Hughes hate train for being a backup rotational DE his first couple years and then when he gets his chance to produce he does but its still Hate on Jerry, It dont make sense considering Richardson has had 15 starts prior to coming to Indy

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sure I do sometimes, I know that. Sometimes Im spot on though, But its a forum so I give my opinion, sometimes more detailed then others, sometimes way off. In my opinion I dont understand why some are not ready to fry Richardson for having a 3.5 ypc for career but were so quick to jump all on the Jerry Hughes hate train for being a backup rotational DE his first couple years and then when he gets his chance to produce he does but its still Hate on Jerry, It dont make sense considering Richardson has had 15 starts prior to coming to Indy

Are you Jerry Hughes agent? Or did you marry into his family?
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