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Broncos writer discusses how to get a franchise QB, he says losing purposely to draft a guy like Luck is wise strategy


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chad72, on 09 May 2013 - 3:19 PM, said:snapback.png

Somewhere out there, Bayone, the OP, is slowly crawling under a chair.  :hide:




chad72, on 09 May 2013 - 3:19 PM, said:snapback.png

Somewhere out there, Bayone, the OP, is slowly crawling under a chair.  :hide:




Dustin, on 09 May 2013 - 2:56 PM, said:snapback.png



Having a spirited multi comment conversation with Mac when


CHAD I have always said  I may have to go suddenly and leave forum pendinmg my & moms health issues







True but right now even with mom at assited living still are way to much I have to do to make sure she gets right treatment with her age and variouse serious health issues, few types of tumors / carcinomas  and going to outside specialisats, MRi , CAT scans Etc Etc  and meeting wheelcahir vans an hr before her Dr appointment , one just yeterday etc takes forever like a half day and wipes me oput, even needed an IV at My dr afterwards yesterday as was dead tired and just run down, to many ER  visits and Hospital stays, &  tons of paperwork come in mail I need to do for her like earlier today had to have many affidavits notorized that i still retain power of attorney eetc etc and send to Various NY retirement agencies for her, ok this is yearly but always something comes up in mail, plus all my Drs too & I have more than her


Very little spare time to go have fun , Need to meet a cool dead head ( Grateful Dead )  colt fan one day with just enough hippie and just enough sophistication / that is some intelligence, looks would be nice but not a primary concern , just a bonus





Example of how mom is 24 hr needs --


Last night had to go over to mom as dementia made her forget certain issues and had to talk her anxiety down so can breathe with copd as brain tumor has caused copd by causing  paralyzed vocal cords and cords caused all day salivary & mucus secretion ,she has to constantly spit it out and carries multiple tissues with her always to spit into,  Occasionally gets periods of real excessive secretion and then gets worried and forgets just periods of same & with anxiety COPD gets worse


, Nurse checked her just before leaving as I  called & someone said thought was still there, caught her leaving for day as luckily had paperwork so still there as should of been gone,  after I called  & caught her as whomever my mom spoke to  first  said nurse  gone but still should of called moms night case manager but didnt-- then again with dementia mom may have gotten it all wreoing or explained her problem oall wrong -- .Mom then called me 45 minutes later as waits till real bad as g hates to mbother me ,  I made some suggestions  to nurse and orders were written based on them , Of curse nurse had forgotten certain meds she had and left instructions to monitor mom periodically on a more frequent basis and given certain med PRN to all night med passer & night case manager


still I wanted to check for myself so I went over for awhile


, The head nurse I trust more than the others & she wasnt there so it was one of the other 2 that had checked her out and I spoke with. I never like it when I have to make suggestions on things that nurse should do automaticaly


Things l;ike this happen to much, hard to make plans cant tell u how many concert tickets I gave away as things just come up needing my attention , but what do u expect at 94 & a host of medical issues








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I think Pennington or Gerrard would have given the Colts a punchers chance in most games and had won at least a few before week 14 rolled around.


Does it matter to you that Chad Pennington tore his ACL in April of 2011 and wouldn't have been able to play (and hasn't played since)?





Does it matter to you that David Garrard required back surgery in 2011 and hasn't played since the Jags cut him?




This is why I call you fact resistant. The fact that Pennington and Garrard simply weren't available has been mentioned several times already, and you continue to ignore it.

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Somewhere out there, Bayone, the OP, is slowly crawling under a chair. :hide:





again also Chad 


My comment # 48 & repeated in 118 of this thread is the point i thought the author was making of what he would do to get a Franchise QB , and was his opinion, I did not post this OP  to get back into this debate already done  and tired of  and i just dont have time for 


Now must get ready to leave when really need sleep , may  have had 3 hrs a night  for multiple nights if that much and never more than 2 staright  hrs   and am feeling it


know we all have issues , right now i must care for ones I have


I am not trying to be beligerant and know the chair comment was in good humor just explaining anyway., my OCD getting the better of me 

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again also Chad 


My comment # 48 & repeated in 118 of this thread is the point i thought the author was making of what he would do to get a Franchise QB , and was his opinion, I did not post this OP  to get back into this debate already done  and tired of  and i just dont have time for 


Now must get ready to leave when really need sleep , may  have had 3 hrs a night  for multiple nights if that much and never more than 2 staright  hrs   and am feeling it


know we all have issues , right now i must care for ones I have


I am not trying to be beligerant and know the chair comment was in good humor just explaining anyway., my OCD getting the better of me 


Bayone, relax, it was a joke!!! Just making that clear. I just forgot a smilie.


Just take care of your health, everything else is secondary. :)

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Does it matter to you that Chad Pennington tore his ACL in April of 2011 and wouldn't have been able to play (and hasn't played since)?





Does it matter to you that David Garrard required back surgery in 2011 and hasn't played since the Jags cut him?




This is why I call you fact resistant. The fact that Pennington and Garrard simply weren't available has been mentioned several times already, and you continue to ignore it.


I completely forgot Pennington had an ACL injury.

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Bayone, relax, it was a joke!!! Just making that clear. I just forgot a smilie.


Just take care of your health, everything else is secondary. :)


nice to see first thing in the day, thanks


knew it 


thats why I highlighted in my comment


(((  I am not trying to be beligerant and know the chair comment was in good humor just explaining anyway., my OCD getting the better of me )))


wish could relax Chad its a carousel of 1 event after another, like a cascade of issues, i come here first when get on computer to relax a bit, then get back to reality , not concerned with my health , know can deal with it, mom's is just getting to me between that & all the paperwork & phone calls I do daily for her trying to deal with the NYC retirement system  beurocracy whose building was washed away with hurricane sandy and was bad even before that and affecting her Pension and health riders paid for and due her


I hire help when someone else can do the job but most i have to personally


I long for the days of just having to simply go to med school and do my work, at least then u could pace yourself, now many a phone call and trip to a mailbox is like getting another assignment suddenly thrown in 


Have a good day , 


Yes know was a joke , guess right now so use to prolonged needed replys in life that I tackled it that way too




 PS more concerned with 



health than mine if u have followed his status updates this week but doing better now

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Does it matter to you that Chad Pennington tore his ACL in April of 2011 and wouldn't have been able to play (and hasn't played since)?





Does it matter to you that David Garrard required back surgery in 2011 and hasn't played since the Jags cut him?




This is why I call you fact resistant. The fact that Pennington and Garrard simply weren't available has been mentioned several times already, and you continue to ignore it.

Clam down man. This isn't life or death just a discussion. At least on my end anyways., No, I hadn't seen that on either player as I have not read through all the previous posts. Gerrard is currently with the Jets trying to get the starting job from Sanchez/Smith.

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Clam down man. This isn't life or death just a discussion. At least on my end anyways., No, I hadn't seen that on either player as I have not read through all the previous posts. Gerrard is currently with the Jets trying to get the starting job from Sanchez/Smith.


:: squints ::


I'm plenty calm.


Sidebar about Garrard: He hasn't played in two years. I think he's got less than an outside chance of unseating Sanchez in New York.


Either way, the point is that you keep pointing to all these great veteran quarterbacks that were available for the Colts to sign instead of Kerry Collins, but it continues to be made obvious that the Colts didn't have very many options once they determined they wanted to bring a veteran in. But I'm sure you'll keep using that angle as "proof" that the Colts tanked in 2011. 

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:: squints ::


I'm plenty calm.


Sidebar about Garrard: He hasn't played in two years. I think he's got less than an outside chance of unseating Sanchez in New York.


Either way, the point is that you keep pointing to all these great veteran quarterbacks that were available for the Colts to sign instead of Kerry Collins, but it continues to be made obvious that the Colts didn't have very many options once they determined they wanted to bring a veteran in. But I'm sure you'll keep using that angle as "proof" that the Colts tanked in 2011. 

Yeah, I agree about Gerrard. I think he is back up, maybe even third string. But good for him for still being a viable option at this point in his career.


My point has been that to go with Painter after Collins and stay with him as long as they did is questionable to this tanking debate.

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Yeah, I agree about Gerrard. I think he is back up, maybe even third string. But good for him for still being a viable option at this point in his career.


We'll see if he's a viable option or not. At this point, he's just a guy who hasn't played in two years because he's been rehabbing his damaged back. Even before then, Garrard was nothing special. He's been the Merriam-Webster definition of "mediocre."


My point has been that to go with Painter after Collins and stay with him as long as they did is questionable to this tanking debate.


Not buying.


You've suggested on several occasions, and even flat out stated on others, that the Colts were clearly tanking when they signed Kerry Collins.






You -- and everyone else -- should probably just leave the Kerry Collins signing out of the "tanking" debate from now on. He wasn't any worse of an option than anyone else that was available at that point.


Painter only got four starts. He finished the Steelers game rather decently, driving for the tying score with about two minutes left. The next three games were all close, two were on the road, and he averaged 246 yards a game, threw for five touchdowns and one interception, and had passer ratings of 99, 116 and 79. Then the Saints game happened, which was much more about the defense than it was about Painter. But that's when his performance really started going downhill, and he only got four more starts after that. His last start was actually pretty gutsy, and he nearly got us a tie game at the end against the Panthers, but then he threw the pick. It's the last month that he came back down to earth, and then we closed his book. People are acting like he was just an absolute disaster the entire time, but the first month of Painter was actually better than most of us expected it could be.


Orlovsky is best known as the quarterback who stepped out of the back of the endzone on his way to finishing out an 0-16 season for the Lions in 2008. He hadn't thrown a pass since then. We only signed him back to the roster late in September. Retroactively, people are pumping him up to be some great prospect that we intentionally left sitting on the bench. He had come in and done decently at the end of a couple of blowouts, but there was nothing to Dan Orlovsky at the time. He earned his keep in the second half against the Pats, but even that wasn't all that special, given the circumstances. He was awful against Baltimore, and then finally we got a nice, even performance from all units against the Titans. But the coaching staff also made some tweaks (including firing Coyer), and those adjustments had as much to do with our wins as Orlovsky did (11-17, 82 yards and a touchdown against the Titans; Painter was much better in the loss to KC).


I just think people need to pay attention to who we were and what our options were at the time, rather than judging with the benefit of hindsight. I don't think that sticking with Painter for so long means we were intentionally losing anymore than I believe that the Cardinals sticking with John Skelton for so long means they were intentionally losing. Like the Cardinals, we just really didn't have any better options, and even when did make a change, it wasn't like the new quarterback lit the world on fire.

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We'll see if he's a viable option or not. At this point, he's just a guy who hasn't played in two years because he's been rehabbing his damaged back. Even before then, Garrard was nothing special. He's been the Merriam-Webster definition of "mediocre."



Not buying.


You've suggested on several occasions, and even flat out stated on others, that the Colts were clearly tanking when they signed Kerry Collins.






You -- and everyone else -- should probably just leave the Kerry Collins signing out of the "tanking" debate from now on. He wasn't any worse of an option than anyone else that was available at that point.


Painter only got four starts. He finished the Steelers game rather decently, driving for the tying score with about two minutes left. The next three games were all close, two were on the road, and he averaged 246 yards a game, threw for five touchdowns and one interception, and had passer ratings of 99, 116 and 79. Then the Saints game happened, which was much more about the defense than it was about Painter. But that's when his performance really started going downhill, and he only got four more starts after that. His last start was actually pretty gutsy, and he nearly got us a tie game at the end against the Panthers, but then he threw the pick. It's the last month that he came back down to earth, and then we closed his book. People are acting like he was just an absolute disaster the entire time, but the first month of Painter was actually better than most of us expected it could be.


Orlovsky is best known as the quarterback who stepped out of the back of the endzone on his way to finishing out an 0-16 season for the Lions in 2008. He hadn't thrown a pass since then. We only signed him back to the roster late in September. Retroactively, people are pumping him up to be some great prospect that we intentionally left sitting on the bench. He had come in and done decently at the end of a couple of blowouts, but there was nothing to Dan Orlovsky at the time. He earned his keep in the second half against the Pats, but even that wasn't all that special, given the circumstances. He was awful against Baltimore, and then finally we got a nice, even performance from all units against the Titans. But the coaching staff also made some tweaks (including firing Coyer), and those adjustments had as much to do with our wins as Orlovsky did (11-17, 82 yards and a touchdown against the Titans; Painter was much better in the loss to KC).


I just think people need to pay attention to who we were and what our options were at the time, rather than judging with the benefit of hindsight. I don't think that sticking with Painter for so long means we were intentionally losing anymore than I believe that the Cardinals sticking with John Skelton for so long means they were intentionally losing. Like the Cardinals, we just really didn't have any better options, and even when did make a change, it wasn't like the new quarterback lit the world on fire.

Careful your treading on Yehoodi's territory for longest posts. :yay:


You do realize that I hold the majority opinion?  Reporters from other cities have said the Colts were tanking, opposing players that played them in 2011, Bob Kravitz, and Colts fans right on this thread. I am not saying that the majority is right but please don't act like our or more the point MY position is pulled out of the sky, fabricated, or does not past the smell test. It more than does.

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Careful your treading on Yehoodi's territory for longest posts. :yay:


You do realize that I hold the majority opinion?  Reporters from other cities have said the Colts were tanking, opposing players that played them in 2011, Bob Kravitz, and Colts fans right on this thread. I am not saying that the majority is right but please don't act like our or more the point MY position is pulled out of the sky, fabricated, or does not past the smell test. It more than does.



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Careful your treading on Yehoodi's territory for longest posts. :yay:


You do realize that I hold the majority opinion?  Reporters from other cities have said the Colts were tanking, opposing players that played them in 2011, Bob Kravitz, and Colts fans right on this thread. I am not saying that the majority is right but please don't act like our or more the point MY position is pulled out of the sky, fabricated, or does not past the smell test. It more than does.


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. -- Mark Twain


The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. -- Bertrand Russell


Your accusation does NOT pass the smell test. I'm not saying it's pulled out of the sky, or that it's a fabrication of your own admittedly biased mind. I know that there are a lot of people who promote this idea. That doesn't make it any more formidable in the face of the facts.


The accusation is entirely fabricated. Every single line of reasoning you've offered has been summarily debunked, to the point that you're left pointing to Bob Kravitz of all people as some kind of an authority. And now you're playing the "majority rules" card, as if a majority is all it takes to turn white to black.


And it's like I said before: I'm not engaging in this argument because I think I'm going to change your mind. I already know that you've made your mind up. But hopefully some who are more open to facts and logic will benefit from this debate and stop assuming that the Colts tanked, because either a) a lot of people seem to think they did, or b) it would have been "smart" -- if not completely contrary to competitive sports -- to do so.

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. -- Mark Twain


The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. -- Bertrand Russell


Your accusation does NOT pass the smell test. I'm not saying it's pulled out of the sky, or that it's a fabrication of your own admittedly biased mind. I know that there are a lot of people who promote this idea. That doesn't make it any more formidable in the face of the facts.


The accusation is entirely fabricated. Every single line of reasoning you've offered has been summarily debunked, to the point that you're left pointing to Bob Kravitz of all people as some kind of an authority. And now you're playing the "majority rules" card, as if a majority is all it takes to turn white to black.


And it's like I said before: I'm not engaging in this argument because I think I'm going to change your mind. I already know that you've made your mind up. But hopefully some who are more open to facts and logic will benefit from this debate and stop assuming that the Colts tanked, because either a) a lot of people seem to think they did, or b) it would have been "smart" -- if not completely contrary to competitive sports -- to do so.


Nothing like quoting a literary figure who lost all his money through one bad investment after another but feel free to ascribe to his advice.Perhaps he should have went with the majority more often instead of pausing and reflecting...lol


So my line of thinking is not entirely fabricated just the parts you don't agree with? Are you always this keen at waffling?

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And it's like I said before: I'm not engaging in this argument because I think I'm going to change your mind.

In the words of Dennis "all I ever did was get rebounds" Rodman, "You can't mess with the master." :loco:


And why didn't someone tell me there was a Brady emoticon?!!   :brady:

What gives? We don't have that on any of our Pats sites. You realize this just makes me realize that your obession with the Golden One is at a whole different level than other rival teams. He may just be more adorable than the real Tom. If you look close you can see the dimple in his chin. You guys.

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Re Spygate. I do not think it helped them in any way, shape or form. But it was very naughty, and the punishment was insufficient. I'd have made Kraft sell-up, banned Belicheck for life, and moved the franchise to L.A.


Oh, and make Brady wear a girlie haircut.

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Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. -- Mark Twain


The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. -- Bertrand Russell


Your accusation does NOT pass the smell test. I'm not saying it's pulled out of the sky, or that it's a fabrication of your own admittedly biased mind. I know that there are a lot of people who promote this idea. That doesn't make it any more formidable in the face of the facts.


The accusation is entirely fabricated. Every single line of reasoning you've offered has been summarily debunked, to the point that you're left pointing to Bob Kravitz of all people as some kind of an authority. And now you're playing the "majority rules" card, as if a majority is all it takes to turn white to black.


And it's like I said before: I'm not engaging in this argument because I think I'm going to change your mind. I already know that you've made your mind up. But hopefully some who are more open to facts and logic will benefit from this debate and stop assuming that the Colts tanked, because either a) a lot of people seem to think they did, or b) it would have been "smart" -- if not completely contrary to competitive sports -- to do so.



Well said!


If a 'lot' of people think that the Colts tanked.......it is news to me

Granted, I spend all my time here.........so my assumption is that a lot of 'competitor' fans think this


Our situation re: quarterbacks is extremely fortunate and for those teams waiting for our 'run' to be over...........for them to see us looking good


I'm sure it does not feel great


And so the jealous sniping


From the perspective of the Colts bubble that I live it, what I remember is Colts fans freaking out because we were NOT tanking


really seriously freaking out........oh boy was it crazy here


The Colts are indeed lucky.........evidence supports that for sure


So unbelievably lucky that competitors will snipe

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In the words of Dennis "all I ever did was get rebounds" Rodman, "You can't mess with the master." :loco:


And why didn't someone tell me there was a Brady emoticon?!!   :brady:

What gives? We don't have that on any of our Pats sites. You realize this just makes me realize that your obession with the Golden One is at a whole different level than other rival teams. He may just be more adorable than the real Tom. If you look close you can see the dimple in his chin. You guys.


You must be joking?

We have a brady emoticon as well as a manning emoticon because of the endless circular arguments around these two

:manning: v :brady:

we also have cake and pie..........which is an associated discussion topic. Which is better?

:cake: v :pie:


we also have :deadhorse:


If you do not have these emoticons on your other boards I take this as irrefutable evidence/well known fact/widely agreed upon opinion by those whose opinions are clearheaded that those sites are not as fun as this site


And that the members are not as awesome as ours




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You must be joking?

We have a brady emoticon as well as a manning emoticon because of the endless circular arguments around these two

:manning: v :brady:

we also have cake and pie..........which is an associated discussion topic. Which is better?

:cake: v :pie:


we also have :deadhorse:


If you do not have these emoticons on your other boards I take this as irrefutable evidence/well known fact/widely agreed upon opinion by those whose opinions are clearheaded that those sites are not as fun as this site


And that the members are not as awesome as ours




Yes, that makes perfect sense. Given the debates, you need the emoticons. Might I make a suggestion for improvement? Brady kind of looks like Simon LeBon from Duran Duran. I like the long hair as that distinguishes him but his face needs to be a little thinner and more angular. Manning looks too much Eli, deer in headlights face. Peyton is more serious. Need to add poutier lips and increase the size of the forehead a smidge. Ok maybe a little more than a smidge.


I love :pie: and am excited to know that I now have an emoticon to adequately express my feelings when the moment strikes.


You will get no argument from me on the coolness of this site and its members. In the words of Jimmy Connors at the US Open to a raucous 70's crowd that booed him most of his match that he eventually won in dramatic fashion, "You may not like me, but I sure love you." :kitty:

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:kitty:  :kitty:

Yes, that makes perfect sense. Given the debates, you need the emoticons. Might I make a suggestion for improvement? Brady kind of looks like Simon LeBon from Duran Duran. I like the long hair as that distinguishes him but his face needs to be a little thinner and more angular. Manning looks too much Eli, deer in headlights face. Peyton is more serious. Need to add poutier lips and increase the size of the forehead a smidge. Ok maybe a little more than a smidge.


I love :pie: and am excited to know that I now have an emoticon to adequately express my feelings when the moment strikes.


You will get no argument from me on the coolness of this site and its members. In the words of Jimmy Connors at the US Open to a raucous 70's crowd that booed him most of his match that he eventually won in dramatic fashion, "You may not like me, but I sure love you." :kitty:


player emoticons are hard to find, let me know if you see one

we did an emoticon transfusion last off season

maybe we need some more new ones

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Well said!


If a 'lot' of people think that the Colts tanked.......it is news to me

Granted, I spend all my time here.........so my assumption is that a lot of 'competitor' fans think this


Our situation re: quarterbacks is extremely fortunate and for those teams waiting for our 'run' to be over...........for them to see us looking good


I'm sure it does not feel great


And so the jealous sniping


From the perspective of the Colts bubble that I live it, what I remember is Colts fans freaking out because we were NOT tanking


really seriously freaking out........oh boy was it crazy here


The Colts are indeed lucky.........evidence supports that for sure


So unbelievably lucky that competitors will snipe

I don't understand why Colts fans are sensitive about the tanking discussion. I don't view the Colts less as an org because I believe they tanked. I view them better because of it. Losing games is not against the rules. People may gripe about the integrity of the game, blah, blah. I mean I didn't care when the Colts tanked their last two games of the 2009 season because they did not need to win them. This allowed the team I loathe the most, the Jets to make the playoffs. Still, while people were griping about the Colts and the integrity of the game, I didn't care. The Colts did what was best for them within the rules. It is what it is. Football is about winning and building a competitive team each year. A guy like Luck takes the biggest obstacle, a franchise QB, off the table. You have to go for him. Absolutely foolish not to in a season that was lost as soon as Manning had his neck fused.


I really don't believe people talk about the tanking because they are jealous (even though most everyone thinks Luck is a stud and hope they can transition to a guy like him from a QB like Manning), on the contrary, it is how they really feel the season went down. Despite you and Superman and others believing there is no evidence, there most certainly is and that is what people are pointing to not some alternative agenda.

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I don't understand why Colts fans are sensitive about the tanking discussion. I don't view the Colts less as an org because I believe they tanked. I view them better because of it. Losing games is not against the rules. People may gripe about the integrity of the game, blah, blah. I mean I didn't care when the Colts tanked their last two games of the 2009 season because they did not need to win them. This allowed the team I loathe the most, the Jets to make the playoffs. Still, while people were griping about the Colts and the integrity of the game, I didn't care. The Colts did what was best for them within the rules. It is what it is. Football is about winning and building a competitive team each year. A guy like Luck takes the biggest obstacle, a franchise QB, off the table. You have to go for him. Absolutely foolish not to in a season that was lost as soon as Manning had his neck fused.


I really don't believe people talk about the tanking because they are jealous (even though most everyone thinks Luck is a stud and hope they can transition to a guy like him from a QB like Manning), on the contrary, it is how they really feel the season went down. Despite you and Superman and others believing there is no evidence, there most certainly is and that is what people are pointing to not some alternative agenda.


In case you were not aware there was a massive reaction here to those last two games of 2009

In fact........when people are upset about something else, it invariably reminds them of those games


So, it is very reasonable to expect that people would take offense to the suggestion of tanking.  They don't like it.


I agree that Colts tanked those games, so did the NFL and that is why they shifted divisional games to the end of the season


anyway, Colts fans are still ticked about it.


I'm not upset about the opinion of rival fans that we tanked to get the draft pick. I just know it is incorrect.  You believe I am incorrect and I am sure that will never change. NBD


I also have seen for years a rabid dislike of the colts.  People hate you when you are at the top.


Stands to reason for me that that hate would be fanned by the team NOT becoming a bad team for years......as would be reasonably expected when you release a player like manning


There are even Colts fans who feel that the Colts should be a bad team because of it.


But, at the end of the manning era, I saw the team NOT clicking, the way that they always had.  Something was off, even when they were winning.


And it did not surprise me at all to see them implode without manning.


The scrambling to deal Peyton's absence was just that.


It was a hot mess.  You see it as calculated, I don't


that will never change


The team was in the right place at the right time draftwise for both Peyton and Luck


The odds of that happening...........well, so unlikely that once could reasonably expect people to make accusations


and that is happening now

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You can't tank a season in pro football. You just can't. Not physically or mental.


You have any idea what  the fine would be if you even could?   bye bye #1 pick lol

You mean if someone actually admitted to doing it. I can give you countless teams that have tanked to get a high or higher draft pick.


The whole reason why they now play division games to end the season is to try to prevent what the Colts did in 2009 and just throw games away at the end of the season by resting starters. Pretty sure the Colts were not fined for that. You can't fine heart, will, desire...

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You mean if someone actually admitted to doing it. I can give you countless teams that have tanked to get a high or higher draft pick.


The whole reason why they now play division games to end the season is to try to prevent what the Colts did in 2009 and just throw games away at the end of the season by resting starters. Pretty sure the Colts were not fined for that. You can't fine heart, will, desire...

There's a difference in resting starters with a playoff locked up and nothing to gain than purposely tanking a season. So just the resting of starters drew changes.


To tank you have to:

1) players play at less than full speed which equals massive injuries.

2) player don't lay down. This is not like taking a dive in a fight for money.

3) It would be easy to spot if a team was trying to lose on purpose. Even one game could be obvious.

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There's a difference in resting starters with a playoff locked up and nothing to gain than purposely tanking a season. So just the resting of starters drew changes.


To tank you have to:

1) players play at less than full speed which equals massive injuries.

2) player don't lay down. This is not like taking a dive in a fight for money.

3) It would be easy to spot if a team was trying to lose on purpose. Even one game could be obvious.

Splitting hairs here I think. I have seen plenty of football games where teams have tanked. And tanking can come from the coaching not necessarily the players so it can be done without it being obvious to the spectators.

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Splitting hairs here I think. I have seen plenty of football games where teams have tanked. And tanking can come from the coaching not necessarily the players so it can be done without it being obvious to the spectators.

Can't be done I tell ya   :) ..........and I've watched football a long time.


Sure a coach *could* tell players to lay down. Like with their pride they would.


I watched a number of colts games last year. They looked like their usual pathetic selves on defense and run. Normally they can pass though but without that how many games did you expect them to win?

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Can't be done I tell ya   :) ..........and I've watched football a long time.


Sure a coach *could* tell players to lay down. Like with their pride they would.


I watched a number of colts games last year. They looked like their usual pathetic selves on defense and run. Normally they can pass though but without that how many games did you expect them to win?

A head coach would never tell his players to lay down but he could implement a vanilla game plan that ensures defeat. A perfect example would be the Ravens game where the Colts did not even cover Ray Rice for most of the game. Another example would be the Saints game where Drew Brees basically played as if it was 7 on 7 practice drills – his WRs were wide open all game.


Like most football fans, I expected the 2011 Colts without Manning to win 6-7 games . The team won the division the year before so I figured like most football analysts that they would be just below .500. What I didn’t expect was the following:

  • The team finished the season with a 2-14 record, the worst regular season record by a Colts team since 1991, and failed to make the playoffs for the first time since 2001.
  • The Colts were the first team in NFL history to come off nine straight playoff appearances, and then start the following season 0-13.
  • The Colts were the first team to start 0-13 since the 2008 Detroit Lions; it equalled the worst start in franchise history set in 1986. Their 2-14 record meant that, since the NFL moved to a sixteen game season in 1978, the Colts had suffered the most seasons with three or fewer wins (six in 1981, 1986, 1991, 1997, 1998 and 2011, plus a winless strike-shortened season in 1982) of any NFL franchise.
  • The Colts also had the worst record of any AFC team since the Kansas City Chiefs in 2008.
  • Along with the week seventeen loss which secured the number one overall draft pick for the Colts, the Jaguars were the first division rival to sweep the Colts since the Tennessee Titans did so in 2002. This was the first season ever when the Jaguars swept the Colts as division rivals.
  • In week seven, the New Orleans Saints walloped the Colts 62-7, the most lopsided game of the 2011 NFL season and the first time a team had allowed 60 or more points since January 2000.
  • The Colts set a dubious NFL record on pass defense, by allowing 71.2% completed passes by opposing passers.
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A head coach would never tell his players to lay down but he could implement a vanilla game plan that ensures defeat. A perfect example would be the Ravens game where the Colts did not even cover Ray Rice for most of the game. Another example would be the Saints game where Drew Brees basically played as if it was 7 on 7 practice drills – his WRs were wide open all game.


Like most football fans, I expected the 2011 Colts without Manning to win 6-7 games . The team won the division the year before so I figured like most football analysts that they would be just below .500. What I didn’t expect was the following:

  • The team finished the season with a 2-14 record, the worst regular season record by a Colts team since 1991, and failed to make the playoffs for the first time since 2001.
  • The Colts were the first team in NFL history to come off nine straight playoff appearances, and then start the following season 0-13.
  • The Colts were the first team to start 0-13 since the 2008 Detroit Lions; it equalled the worst start in franchise history set in 1986. Their 2-14 record meant that, since the NFL moved to a sixteen game season in 1978, the Colts had suffered the most seasons with three or fewer wins (six in 1981, 1986, 1991, 1997, 1998 and 2011, plus a winless strike-shortened season in 1982) of any NFL franchise.
  • The Colts also had the worst record of any AFC team since the Kansas City Chiefs in 2008.
  • Along with the week seventeen loss which secured the number one overall draft pick for the Colts, the Jaguars were the first division rival to sweep the Colts since the Tennessee Titans did so in 2002. This was the first season ever when the Jaguars swept the Colts as division rivals.
  • In week seven, the New Orleans Saints walloped the Colts 62-7, the most lopsided game of the 2011 NFL season and the first time a team had allowed 60 or more points since January 2000.
  • The Colts set a dubious NFL record on pass defense, by allowing 71.2% completed passes by opposing passers.


Vanilla game plan when players know they can execute a more exotic game plan would be obvious. A vanilla game plan with Collins is more realistic.

However the colts have always been vanilla so you can throw out that.


to your bullets point

1- yeah so they were 2-14. So weren't the pats one season. That means nothing in of itself.

2- same argument as above. Has no relativity.

3- Again same as above just swapping facts.

4- So. They had a worse record than KC. Who wasn't as bad as 2-14 btw.

5- Jags swept. records are made to be broken. Nice coincidence though. Brownie point.

6- Saints 62-7. What's your point. Whether you lose by 1 or more. A few teams have lost big to the Saints including the Pats who themselves have scored 60+

7-Defense allowed 70% passes?  Yeah well we knew the colts defense was <cough> shut down D.


Lots of points but none them are point to tanking or any different than other past big losing teams. Never mind the coach was never on the sidelines.


Don't forget to hug :brady:     tonight  ;)

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Vanilla game plan when players know they can execute a more exotic game plan would be obvious. A vanilla game plan with Collins is more realistic.

However the colts have always been vanilla so you can throw out that.


to your bullets point

1- yeah so they were 2-14. So weren't the pats one season. That means nothing in of itself.

2- same argument as above. Has no relativity.

3- Again same as above just swapping facts.

4- So. They had a worse record than KC. Who wasn't as bad as 2-14 btw.

5- Jags swept. records are made to be broken. Nice coincidence though. Brownie point.

6- Saints 62-7. What's your point. Whether you lose by 1 or more. A few teams have lost big to the Saints including the Pats who themselves have scored 60+

7-Defense allowed 70% passes?  Yeah well we knew the colts defense was <cough> shut down D.


Lots of points but none them are point to tanking or any different than other past big losing teams. Never mind the coach was never on the sidelines.


Don't forget to hug :brady:     tonight  ;)

When I say vanilla, I don't necessarily mean not complex but not game plan specific to beating the other opponent. At times defensively, the Colts looked like they had no idea what was coming.


I agree that not one point that I made stands on its own but all seven together? Tankerou.


I did hug :brady:  him last night and again this morning. :)

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Sometimes.....you see the herd of lemmings jumping off the cliff.....and you want to stop them. You know? You have to get there, and say something......don't jump! And then you get there, and you realize that they won't listen anyway. So you have this epiphany .....kind of a "The dude abides", moment. You know.... the Dude.....His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing.


Anyway, we lost 14 games on purpose?

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