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DC Council may push Washington Redskins into 'Washington Redtails'


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Vincent Gray?  Another paragon of upstanding citizenry and social justice right there. :bored:

The point was in a city diverse as DC, I kinda doubt it's strictly a white liberal agenda. Although as a whole they do seem to be behind most eye rolling political correctness.

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How surprising that a black mayor would act overly PC.

Indians call themselves Indians.


Any person born in America is...in fact, a Native American. 


Again, this issue is muddied by the PC leftists whom bleed from the heart over a group they aren't a part of. Interjecting their own opinions as the voice of the minority in which they think they're protecting. 


"Indian" is the term used in federal lawIt is also the official term used by major U.S. Indian agencies and organizations, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, National Congress of the American Indians, National Indian Education Association, and National Museum of the American Indian."



That is not accurate at all.  


na·tive a·mer·i·can  

A member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.


Again I didn't see Native American Caucasian as an option on my job application. My Irish American wife isn't a Native American. Of course I skimmed by the Native American African Aericans, and the Native American Asian Americans section.


"Again, this issue is muddied by the PC leftists whom bleed from the heart over a group they aren't a part of"


Go back and read some more of my posts before you jump to conclusions.

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Maybe, but I'm not a liberal and far from a bleeding heart....I honestly just though it was a derogatory term. Although, I still find the "honor" thru sports nicknames ironic and strange.

I'll be 100% honest in saying that the term "redskin" is toeing the line of correctness. 


However, the inherent issue at play here isn't the term "redskin". It's the fact that the redskins are aiming at ditching their Indian persona altogether. 


Here's some interesting stuff. I kinda like the Pigskins name, actually not bad at all IMO. 


I feel the best way forward would be to have a vote by the various leaders of AI tribal leaders. If they give a majority vote to strike down any Indian symbolism/mascots in sports, than so be it. I would respect that. 

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That is not accurate at all.  


na·tive a·mer·i·can  

A member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.


Again I didn't see Native American Caucasian as an option on my job application. My Irish American wife isn't a Native American. Of course I skimmed by the Native American African Aericans, and the Native American Asian Americans section.


"Again, this issue is muddied by the PC leftists whom bleed from the heart over a group they aren't a part of"


Go back and read some more of my posts before you jump to conclusions.


You're using a flawed terminology, it's being manipulated here. "Native-American" being applied to American Indians is as silly as calling a dwarf a "Vertically Challenged individual". 


Native; Place of origin. Belonging to a certain region. 


American; Citizens; Or Natives; of North America. 


"Native American" is a politically correct term in and of itself. It is an advent of the PC crowd. 


My comments about the PC left wasn't aimed at you or anyone else here. I was applying that toward those whom crafted such terms as Native American. Similar to African-American, the term is a misnomer. 


African-Americans ......nope. American-Africans if anything. Most black Americans have no idea about Africa. They've never been there. Their only attachment to the continent is buried underneath so many generations that it's laughable to use this hyphenated term. 


These terms do nothing but separate. 

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the name redskins reminds everyone of who the american indians were. if you take it out of sports, then many future generations may never understand who they were

That's what they want,to hide history,Im a pretty fair portion Cherokee,and proud of my Native American history.In no way does the name Redskins offend me,the reason they use it is because theres a source of pride and honor to it.These do gooders need to get off of it,mind theyre own business,and heres an idea,take care of the political stuff  they have managed to make a mockery!

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I'm probably overdue to mention that the genesis of the team name was to have a name that was in step with the Red Sox (who the Skins shared a field with in Boston) that also paid tribute to the team's head coach (the half-Sioux, half-German William Lone Star Dietz).  It's really not the most offensive origin story out there, the presence of George Marshall aside.


It's definitely not like the Cleveland Indians, whose name was chosen seemingly arbitrarily by early 20th century Cleveland media and possess the most ridiculous logo of any team that alludes to Native Americans.

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You're using a flawed terminology, it's being manipulated here. "Native-American" being applied to American Indians is as silly as calling a dwarf a "Vertically Challenged individual". 


Native; Place of origin. Belonging to a certain region. 


American; Citizens; Or Natives; of North America. 


"Native American" is a politically correct term in and of itself. It is an advent of the PC crowd. 


My comments about the PC left wasn't aimed at you or anyone else here. I was applying that toward those whom crafted such terms as Native American. Similar to African-American, the term is a misnomer. 


African-Americans ......nope. American-Africans if anything. Most black Americans have no idea about Africa. They've never been there. Their only attachment to the continent is buried underneath so many generations that it's laughable to use this hyphenated term. 


These terms do nothing but separate. 


Af·ri·can–Amer·i·cannoun \ˌa-fri-kə-nə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈme-rə- also ˌä-\
: an American of African and especially of black African descent



The only reason you and I are in America is because someone in our family hopped on a boat, or an Airplane and moved here. I'm a native of Virginia by birth, but someone way back when immigrated from England, Germany, and Russia and moved here. Oh and one of them married an actual Native American (American Indian if you will, although they didn't come from India) and many moons later here I am. According to my birth certificate a Caucasian (or White) Male. You also must have missed the OR. I believe you and I would fall under the Citizens category.

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Af·ri·can–Amer·i·can noun \ˌa-fri-kə-nə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈme-rə- also ˌä-\
: an American of African and especially of black African descent



The only reason you and I are in America is because someone in our family hopped on a boat, or an Airplane and moved here. I'm a native of Virginia by birth, but someone way back when immigrated from England, Germany, and Russia and moved here. Oh and one of them married an actual Native American (American Indian if you will, although they didn't come from India) and many moons later here I am. According to my birth certificate a Caucasian (or White) Male. You also must have missed the OR. I believe you and I would fall under the Citizens category.


Many simply prefer to be called black because African-American seems to imply that an individual came to America from Africa. And then of course there are the blacks who have mixed ancestry rather than just African ancestry, so they might as well be called Irish-British-African American if the government wants to refer to ancestry when categorizing people.

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Many simply prefer to be called black because African-American seems to imply that an individual came to America from Africa. And then of course there are the blacks who have mixed ancestry rather than just African ancestry, so they might as well be called Irish-British-African American if the government wants to refer to ancestry when categorizing people.

Would a Russian check White or Asian?

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where are the religious leaders claiming the new Orleans saints name is offensive. clearly there isn't anything holy about that origanazation

They're too busy getting upset at everything else lol.

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Many simply prefer to be called black because African-American seems to imply that an individual came to America from Africa. And then of course there are the blacks who have mixed ancestry rather than just African ancestry, so they might as well be called Irish-British-African American if the government wants to refer to ancestry when categorizing people.

Exactly what I mean. 


These hyphenated titles are misnomers to the tee. We don't call White's "European-Americans" unless they immigrated directly from Europe and have become naturalized citizens.  


The same should hold true for black Americans. Placing "African" before "American" is akin to raising a flag above the American flag IMO. 




Would a Russian check White or Asian?

Russia is a nation, not a race.


They would, in most cases, be termed as Caucasians due to their proximity to the Caucasus. 







Af·ri·can–Amer·i·can noun \ˌa-fri-kə-nə-ˈmer-ə-kən, -ˈme-rə- also ˌä-\
: an American of African and especially of black African descent



The only reason you and I are in America is because someone in our family hopped on a boat, or an Airplane and moved here. I'm a native of Virginia by birth, but someone way back when immigrated from England, Germany, and Russia and moved here. Oh and one of them married an actual Native American (American Indian if you will, although they didn't come from India) and many moons later here I am. According to my birth certificate a Caucasian (or White) Male. You also must have missed the OR. I believe you and I would fall under the Citizens category.


Again, you're using PC born terminology. i.e. nonsense meant to heal wounds or some similarly silly idea. It wasn't "invented" until the late 1970's for cripes sake, when many blacks felt that being called "black" was disparaging. 


It's bullocks, Corgi  ;)


I cannot wrap my head around the double standard. Nobody bats an eye at calling Caucasians "white".


Whites...heck I've never even heard of a white person taking exception to the remark. Nobody has a problem saying it. But why, I must ask, does this standard change when we refer to "minorities" in America? 


Can't call Indians "Reds". We can, sometimes, depending on the company you keep, say "blacks"....but sometimes not. You can always say "white" though........


I ignore all that jazz and I calls 'em likes I sees 'em. 

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Exactly what I mean. 


These hyphenated titles are misnomers to the tee. We don't call White's "European-Americans" unless they immigrated directly from Europe and have become naturalized citizens.  


The same should hold true for black Americans. Placing "African" before "American" is akin to raising a flag above the American flag IMO. 




Russia is a nation, not a race.


They would, in most cases, be termed as Caucasians due to their proximity to the Caucasus. 





I know Russia is a country, but it's in Asia. But are all the people of Asia, Chinese, Japanese, Korean the same race? Doesn't seem fair that they leave the Russians out and throw them into the White pile....And what about a Black Russian?

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I know Russia is a country, but it's in Asia. But are all the people of Asia, Chinese, Japanese, Korean the same race? Doesn't seem fair that they leave the Russians out and throw them into the White pile....And what about a Black Russian?

i prefer my black Russians made with grey goose and kahlua .. delicious....

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I know Russia is a country, but it's in Asia. But are all the people of Asia, Chinese, Japanese, Korean the same race? Doesn't seem fair that they leave the Russians out and throw them into the White pile....And what about a Black Russian?

Actually it's both Europe and Asia. But your point stands as noted. I suppose we should just take those sneaky commies on a case by case basis. 


Black Russian?







BTW Corgi, please take all my posts here as friendly debate. I respect you greatly and you are, IMO, one of the funniest and more entertaining members of our fine forum  :cheer2:

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Actually it's both Europe and Asia. But your point stands as noted. I suppose we should just take those sneaky commies on a case by case basis. 


Black Russian?







BTW Corgi, please take all my posts here as friendly debate. I respect you greatly and you are, IMO, one of the funniest and more entertaining members of our fine forum  :cheer2:

It's all good ruksak :thmup: I enjoy a good debate. I will admit I prefer comic and geek culture debates to political debates. I appreciate your opinions (and thanks for the compliment), and your posts too, and the respect is mutual. Being a big (too many bigs)  Big Lebowski fan I prefer White Russians.

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It's all good ruksak :thmup: I enjoy a good debate. I will admit I prefer comic and geek culture debates to political debates. I appreciate your opinions (and thanks for the compliment), and your posts too, and the respect is mutual. Being a big (too many bigs)  Big Lebowski fan I prefer White Russians.

We shall now call you The Dude.

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Exactly what I mean. 


These hyphenated titles are misnomers to the tee. We don't call White's "European-Americans" unless they immigrated directly from Europe and have become naturalized citizens.  


The same should hold true for black Americans. Placing "African" before "American" is akin to raising a flag above the American flag IMO. 




Russia is a nation, not a race.


They would, in most cases, be termed as Caucasians due to their proximity to the Caucasus. 







lol I was just about ready to correct you Caucasian has nothing to do with the Caucasus region/mountains. Good thing I looked it up first. A shocker.



 The word 'Caucasian' comes from 'Kavkas', who is believed, according to ancient legends, to be the forefather of the Vainakh-speaking people (the Chechens, Ingush and Georgian Kist people), all of whom trace their ethnic origins to the Caucasus mountains, mainly along the North and South Caucasus regions. In essence, it means that either 'Kavkas' could have come from 'Caucasus' or vice versa.

Read more at Buzzle:

There's only 4 races.
Native Americans are of the Mongoloid ( I do remember that from school)
There are two black races or of similar origin
Negroid and Australoid. (never heard of the latter)
Perhaps I won't pick a history fight with you in the future unless I'm sure;)








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I believe that's Aborigine.


Perhaps I won't pick a history fight with you in the future unless I'm sure;)



I wouldn't go that far. Typically in a battle of wits, I come armed with a nerf bat and some cool ranch potato chips. 

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I'm not joking its true why go from a racial slur to a stereotype name makes no sense

I agree. 


If they used American Indian imagery and adopted the name 'Savages'.....even I would get in line to protest that mess. 

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I agree. 


If they used American Indian imagery and adopted the name 'Savages'.....even I would get in line to protest that mess. 

Google either the lyrics to Savages from Pocahonts, or youtube it. I agree savages would be a massive downgrade.

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That's one theory behind its origins, but another was that it was derogatory slang, depends on where your interpretation of its history comes from I suppose.

General rule of thumb is if I wouldnt be willing to say a possibly cultural sensitive word to that persons face, it's likely offensive lol.


Irregardless of theory of origin, it is a racial descriptor and it has become pejorative over time. At least when referring to the Washington football team, I doubt it is used in that fashion, yet just hearing it could indeed stir up negative memories in some, and for that reason alone a name change needs to come sooner rather than later.  And now I have to destroy all my Westerns.


I just hope those of Asian descent don't take offense to the term Yellow Belly, as I would then have to destroy all my Back to the Future DVD's too...

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Irregardless of theory of origin, it is a racial descriptor and it has become pejorative over time. At least when referring to the Washington football team, I doubt it is used in that fashion, yet just hearing it could indeed stir up negative memories in some, and for that reason alone a name change needs to come sooner rather than later. And now I have to destroy all my Westerns.

I just hope those of Asian descent don't take offense to the term Yellow Belly, as I would then have to destroy all my Back to the Future DVD's too...

What are you.......chicken McFly?

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Irregardless of theory of origin, it is a racial descriptor and it has become pejorative over time. At least when referring to the Washington football team, I doubt it is used in that fashion, yet just hearing it could indeed stir up negative memories in some, and for that reason alone a name change needs to come sooner rather than later. And now I have to destroy all my Westerns.

I just hope those of Asian descent don't take offense to the term Yellow Belly, as I would then have to destroy all my Back to the Future DVD's too...

yellow belly isn't in reference to Asians

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