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Some of you guys call yourselves Colts fans? You call yourselves FOOTBALL fans?! If some of you think you can do a better job scouting, drafting, coaching, by all means walk into the Indianapolis Colts facilities and personally tell our GM Ryan Grigson and coach Pagano that you can do a better job than them. To those of you who do nothing but complain ask yourself, why are you sitting at home on a Colts forum and not in a football organizations front office? It's one thing to have an opinion, its another thing to completely disrespect the people working to build a great football team. I'm out. GO COLTS.

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thank you, some people here think they know who will be a great player and who will be a bad player, while in reality they have no clue, lets wait to actually let our draft picks play! Before we say who is a good and bad pick Agree

Agree except we can have opinion to disagree just not to disrepect like stated.I myself do not like our Khaled pick It is my concern for him being pushed back off the ball into QB that worries me maybe we have plans to use him as backup G and emergency C.

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I agree with the sentiment.  The Colts (and every team in the NFL for that matter) have people who do this for a living.  They literally spend their days watching film and scouting players.  However, that doesn't mean we have to love every decision the team makes.  Some people don't like some draft picks.  We are all Colts fans and football fans, but we are still allowed to have opinions.  We can disagree with some decisions made by the front office people.  For example, I disagreed with the decision made by Polian to not draft Saffold and Laurinaitis.  I'm still a Colts fan and still think Polian is a great talent evaluator.  But I disagreed with those decisions.  Just because we are football fans, doesn't mean we have to like everything the team does.

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thank you, some people here think they know who will be a great player and who will be a bad player, while in reality they have no clue, lets wait to actually let our draft picks play! Before we say who is a good and bad pick smh

I think its fair to assess the picks, put forward opinions on them and predict whether or not they'll become good pros. I agree with the OP, however, that insulting Grigson and Pagano and insinuating that they don't know what they're doing is pretty ludicrous.

I'm not crazy about our picks thus far, I think we could have drafted better this year but, like so many have said, Grigson and Pagan are paid good money to do this and they've been efficient and clinical with their picks. This suggests that they've got their man every time, and that reassures me about this year's rookies.

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Whats really pathetic is people who think fans should follow along with what the GM does with no concerns or questions

that's because they are professionals. its laughable how many armchair Gm's there are out there. you think you could make better moves because you watch some YouTube videos... its hilarious too me. keep it up... it entertains me

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that's because they are professionals. its laughable how many armchair Gm's there are out there. you think you could make better moves because you watch some YouTube videos... its hilarious too me. keep it up... it entertains me

1.My statement was not directed towards any 1 individual, It was my opinion which actually is alot closer to fact, Having concerns about a pick is alright, it does not mean your not a fan IT DOES mean your not following the GM blindly, 


2.Professionals are not above and beyond reproach or mistakes, your darn right there are arm chair GM's out there, its called caring about the team, There are different ways to care about the team 


Quite the contrary, Opinions like yours in regards to this are far more amusing

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Whats really pathetic is people who think fans should follow along with what the GM does with no concerns or questions[/

if you were our GM, we would have grabbed Okafor or Barrett Jones in the 1st, who went so deep into the draft I forgot they even existed.

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I dont have an issue with people disagreeing with the picks. I do have an issue with statements like this that are bolded, with exclamation marks, and perhaps are followed by declarations that the front office has just ruined the franchise. Thats not disagreeing, IMO, thats trolling, no matter what color jersey you wear.



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Blindly following the GM is one thing, believing that Grigs (reigning ex of th year)and Pagano know more than anybody posting on this forum is another...

Grigs drafted lights out his first go around, then he addressed almost every major area of need in FA with contracts that should be cap friendly so to stay out of cap space problems, and now he just finished his second draft addressing the teams remaining areas of concern...

This time last year people were hot & cold on the draft, but T.Y & Ballard look like draft gold now so I'm gonna support the Colts GM since he's basically crushed it since he got he job....

that's not blindly following a GM, that's recognizing job performance...

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Can we stop all this period? We're all entitled to our opinions but we need to stop making new threads to bash the FO's decisions. You don't like the pick? Well that sucks but there is a reason we were all watching the draft and Grigson and Co. were making the picks. You can't always get what you want.

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Some of you guys call yourselves Colts fans? You call yourselves FOOTBALL fans?! If some of you think you can do a better job scouting, drafting, coaching, by all means walk into the Indianapolis Colts facilities and personally tell our GM Ryan Grigson and coach Pagano that you can do a better job than them. To those of you who do nothing but complain ask yourself, why are you sitting at home on a Colts forum and not in a football organizations front office? It's one thing to have an opinion, its another thing to completely disrespect the people working to build a great football team. I'm out. GO COLTS.

Please, we can disagree most certtainly, and state your opinion in the process, But please don disrespect others opinions either. All opnions have (at least some) merit until proven otherwsie. Yes, I agree those being paid in the NFL have more credentials and credibility. But that does not guarantee no failures. Plus, most folks here are fans We (by and large collectively) tend to vote with our heart and not with our head. That generally doesn't line up with astute business player analysis. But it is all good, because those being paid will be monitored (and cheered in the positive) for effectiveness, or called out later on for reasons why it didn't work out?
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Please, we can disagree most certtainly, and state your opinion in the process, But please don disrespect others opinions either. All opnions have (at least some) merit until proven otherwsie. Yes, I agree those being paid in the NFL have more credentials and credibility. But that does not guarantee no failures. Plus, most folks here are fans We (by and large collectively) tend to vote with our heart and not with our head. That generally doesn't line up with astute business player analysis. But it is all good, because those being paid will be monitored (and cheered in the positive) for effectiveness, or called out later on for reasons why it didn't work out?

Do you like our picks or not. There are more double negatives in your post than a shipment of batteries made by blind people.

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i havent look at how we finished in the drat. Really I have spent my time to see if my good friend from Mount Union, Nick Driskill got drafted today, but to put my thoughts in accrding to the this topic, there is a lot of people out there who think they know what it takes to run a team, let them post there thoughts and know that us, the true COLTS knw we have the staff to run this team to success....

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thank you, some people here think they know who will be a great player and who will be a bad player, while in reality they have no clue, lets wait to actually let our draft picks play! Before we say who is a good and bad pick smh

Well said !! and to quote Jim Mora..."You think you know, but you don't know"
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Some of you guys call yourselves Colts fans? You call yourselves FOOTBALL fans?! If some of you think you can do a better job scouting, drafting, coaching, by all means walk into the Indianapolis Colts facilities and personally tell our GM Ryan Grigson and coach Pagano that you can do a better job than them. To those of you who do nothing but complain ask yourself, why are you sitting at home on a Colts forum and not in a football organizations front office? It's one thing to have an opinion, its another thing to completely disrespect the people working to build a great football team. I'm out. GO COLTS.



Well said IMO .. :rock:


:thmup:  there is a rush to judgement  & many self proclaimed football gods have been known to bring the hate when there words of wisdom posted on a message board are ignored .

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