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National Media Perception Of How Painter Played


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It seems to me that people are saying it is clear that Painter is not going to be the starter for this team coming up in the next week based on how he performed against the Steelers on Sunday. I actually think that he played pretty well. He missed an easy pass but you could simply see that he put too much on it and you can chalk that up to being too excited. Easy mistake and I don't fault him for that at all. He has been waiting for this opportunity for awhile so when he got it he was amped. He made the right read on the play and just overthrew it a bit.

What I also saw from him on the quick out to Garcon was more Manning like than Collins like. He threw the ball before Pierre broke his route and the ball was right there when he turned around. The announcers commented on the same type of throw early from Kerry to Reggie that Reggie stated it was one of the biggest differences in dealing with Kerry over Peyton. Kerry is more of a visual thrower (The man has to be open for him to want to throw it) as opposed to a predictive thrower (Sees that the man will be open and throws to the spot even is he is covered now). Not a knock on Kerry it is just the type of QB he is.

I do not think that Painter is going to be the savior of this season but I think, at least from what I saw in the Pitt game, that he gives us more of the norm than Kerry does. In the post game video on Colts.com Pierre even talks about Painter knowing the offense and the ease at which he audibles within the playbook.

I think the national media did not watch the same game I did with Curtis because coming out of that game I had hope as where they are all doom n gloom.

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The only person that I have seen in the media that actually support Painter is Jim Mora Jr. from NFL network. He said last night that he thinks Painter should be the starter in Tampa Bay. I hope he does get his chance. Did they not see the 80 yard TD drive he lead? It was almost Peyton like. In Painter I trust.

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The overthrown pass and the sack fumble is the only thing the national media sees. They convieniently forget his 80 touchdown drive.

Good Call. The Sack fumble wasnt even his fault. Costanzo was beaten quickly on that play and Polamalu was in the right spot at the right time as usual. The overthrow was his fault, but unless mistaken I think it was his first or second pass of the season, and three games in Kerry continues to overthrow recievers and show little or no touch on the short stuff....I never thought I would be happy to have Painter as a backup until now.

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It is funny how everyone was ready to cut Painter in ther preseason and start of the season and then how they all knew Collins would be the one to manage this team. Funny how a few bad games make the back up the sexy pick to lead the team. lol, I am one of those who certainly thought that Collins could handle this team way better than he has. I am quite disappointed that he has locked onto his targets, can't utilize the backs and TE's at all and his deep ball, has he even conected? The season isn't what we hoped for so far so lets just see what the make up of this kid is and play him for the season. Either he shows he can hang or is hung out to dry but at least we will know what live bullets will do for him. Worst is he is what we have seen in preseason games with the scrubs, the upside is, he shines and possibly trade material ala Cassel.

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I know that on ESPN fantasy news, they are saying that he will likely start even if Kerry is determined healthy. About the overthrown pass: at least it was overthrown. It could have been under thrown and intercepted. I will take an overthrow over an interception any day.

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I know that on ESPN fantasy news, they are saying that he will likely start even if Kerry is determined healthy. About the overthrown pass: at least it was overthrown. It could have been under thrown and intercepted. I will take an overthrow over an interception any day.

IMO the overthrown pass was due to recieving so few snaps in practice and it being one of, if not the first, pass in this years regular season. I can't tell with absolute clarity since I had had a few at that point in the game.

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

i hope you dont believe any of that jibberish you just spilled out there........collins has done nothing in three games but stare down his receivers and keep colts fans praying heck complete at least one pass. the guy makes the wrong reads and only completes passes when theres a breakdown . painter went out there and showed command of the offense, calling audibles, looking confident, and getting the ball to the right guys. collins barely got hit on the "concussion" play you saw it. you also saw him throw a pass to a blanketed reciever in the flat on 3rd and 7 (i think that had more to do with his benching...oops sorry....his injury, than anything)

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

I agree with most of this but the sack/funble was not Painter's fault. He was getting ready to throw it but Troy P. jumped about 4 feet in the air. Too bad he didn't do more of a throwing motion because then he would have received a tuck rule call. He needs to learn in that situation to cover the ball but not throwing the ball was a good decision and yes some of it falls on AC because he barely slowed down Harrison on that play.

The rest of it, no real excuse for missing a wide open Garcon. A few of his passes were really bad. But still would Collins have driven the Colts 80 yards in 3 minutes to tie the game? His Colts history would suggest, no.

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

This just goes to show that this man is mad... he just neglected the fact that costanzo was playing against james harrison and blamed the sack on painter??? lol

That same pass that painter threw? collins missed it as well in the texans game... one of the hardest passes to throw much less for a guy that just came in...... It'd be nice to see what your gonna say if painter starts next week and has a good game.

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

I follow your logic here, and I suppose if one just looks at statistics (or "objective" evidence), then you are correct. However, I don't see how anyone who has watched the first 11 quarters under Collins, and then watched the fourth quarter of the Steeler's game with Painter behind center, could actually believe this. The offense looked so much more in sync with Painter behind center (I can't believe I just wrote that) then it ever has with Collins. I chalk up the over and under throws and fumble to a lack of practice/game time more than a lack of ability (as if Collins hasn't made as bad or worse throws/turnovers). Point is, I don't see how Painter can be worse, and watching the offense with him directing it actually gave me hope that I will be able to stomach watching this team for the next 13 games. Painter has never been given an opportunity to shine (play with the starters) and has turned into the fans whipping boy. The one time he has played with the starters besides Sunday night was against GB in the preseason, and he again showed promise. Why shouldn't the Colts see what he can do? I think it's pretty clear what Collins brings to the table at this point.

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The only person that I have seen in the media that actually support Painter is Jim Mora Jr. from NFL network. He said last night that he thinks Painter should be the starter in Tampa Bay. I hope he does get his chance. Did they not see the 80 yard TD drive he lead? It was almost Peyton like. In Painter I trust.

Why the starter for Tampa Bay? I'd take Josh Freeman over Painter anyday. Freeman led several last minute scoring drives last season, and Freeman can be a tough guy to bring down and very mobile to boot.

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Painter did more wrong than he did right, however. He got a touchdown in hurry up mode, but failed on the rest of his drives.

The sack fumble had a little to do with Castonzo, and more to do with holding the ball for far too long in the face of a blitz. Garcon was wide open in front of him at the first down marker, but Painter just looked at him, feigned he was going to throw, and then coughed up a touchdown.

The out route was all on Painter. He hopped it 3.5 feet short. It's just laughable that people are saying Pierre should have come back to that. Seeing as how the ball was on it's way when he turned around, the laws of physics pretty much prevent that from ever happening. Oh, and we wouldn't have gotten the first down were it even possible for him to make such an adjustment.

The missed walk-in touchdown was also his fault. He overthrew Garcon by a mile. Excited or not, 31 other back up QB's in this league would have completed that pass.

The last play of the game? Game over or not, that throw was terrible.

Collins lead two scoring drives to Painter's one. 6 points to 7. Curtis gets his negated because he gave 7 points directly to the Steelers.

While Collins wasn't a good answer, Painter isn't any better. We are in the same boat, only drives while end quicker because Painter has a quicker release.

I hope he does well as the season goes on, but most QB's do mature that way. If he gets good enough, we will be able to hold off wasting a high pick on a QB. Or better yet, get a decent pick for him. :-)

You are one of my top three favorite posters, 'cause you actually think before you start writing, not a lot of guys like that here. This is a great post. I think Painter missed on 14 points for us, and gave up 7, that's awful, but yeah, I also agree Collins isn't much better.

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Painter lovers... Ignorance? or Ignorance...

The Steelers didn't gameplan to play against Painter, they gameplanned to kill Collins, I guaratee you people, if Painter starts with a whole week of knowledge from our rival that he is to start, he'll get killed...

And what exactly do you think the difference would have been between game planning for Collins and Painter? I can't imagine that the Steelers would have had that different of a plan regardless if Collins or Painter was starting. The plan was pretty clear: blitzing/pressure in passing situations to get to an immobile Collins or an inexperience Painter, coupled with a focus on stopping the run. Painter having an entire week to prepare as the starter would have a much bigger impact on the quality of his play than the opponents gameplan. I'm not some huge Painter fan, but I think the Colts should give him a shot next week and moving forward.

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let's face reality, we just don't have any options. no matter who we put back there, there is going to be a sack/fumble because are qb's are awful. would people just realize this and move on? we can root for whomever they put in vs. TB and just hope against all odds that there will not be a sack/fumble/turnover but c'mon !!!!! ???? really?

GO COLTS !!!!!

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The only person that I have seen in the media that actually support Painter is Jim Mora Jr. from NFL network. He said last night that he thinks Painter should be the starter in Tampa Bay. I hope he does get his chance. Did they not see the 80 yard TD drive he lead? It was almost Peyton like. In Painter I trust.

if the organization doesn't believe in painter why would the media. he was the only healthy qb on the roster at one time and Polian came out and said he wouldnt start

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And what exactly do you think the difference would have been between game planning for Collins and Painter? I can't imagine that the Steelers would have had that different of a plan regardless if Collins or Painter was starting. The plan was pretty clear: blitzing/pressure in passing situations to get to an immobile Collins or an inexperience Painter, coupled with a focus on stopping the run. Painter having an entire week to prepare as the starter would have a much bigger impact on the quality of his play than the opponents gameplan. I'm not some huge Painter fan, but I think the Colts should give him a shot next week and moving forward.

So you're basically saying, it's the same thing, wether Collins or Painter play, they both have the same weakness and teams will just blitz the heck out of them, I'd rather have the experienced guy, honestly Collins has taken us to the red zone too, he's sustained some efficient drives, the famous TD drive on sunday night was two inches away from being a fumble and TD for the steelers had Polamalu gone for Addai instead of the ball...

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So you're basically saying, it's the same thing, wether Collins or Painter play, they both have the same weakness and teams will just blitz the heck out of them, I'd rather have the experienced guy, honestly Collins has taken us to the red zone too, he's sustained some efficient drives, the famous TD drive on sunday night was two inches away from being a fumble and TD for the steelers had Polamalu gone for Addai instead of the ball...

I think they have different weaknesses (e.g., Collins is immobile and Painter is inexperienced) that can be exploited in the same way (e.g., creating pressure with the blitz). I was honestly asking what you thought the Steelers would have done/Bucs would do different to prepare for Painter than they would to prepare for Collins. Although I'm not super familiar with the Bucs current defensive scheme, I wouldn't think they would do a whole lot of different game planning...they have hardly any tape to prepare for Painter with so I'd assume they'd go a lot off of our tendencies in the first three weeks. I'm not jumping for joy over Painter, just saying he looked much more in sync with the receivers, which is what the Colts offensive scheme is based on. I faced the fact week 1 that we are picking between two scrubs in a QB-driven league. I guess to me Painter has more upside/interest/intrigue than Collins.

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Against a blitz painter has a far bigger upside than collins, painters drop back is more fluid and he doesnt turn his back to the field on 5 step drops and his release is far quicker allowing short throws to beat the blitz.

Against zone looks or man spy collin's experience give him a higher upside.

With saying that it doesnt matter what qb was holding the ball when painter was hit from his blind side on the sack fumble return for td, 90% of qbs will lay an egg when the are hit from behind by an unblocked defender.

I think the bucs will play soft against painter and try to make him beat them throwing much like we tried to do last sunday against steelers, and I think if manning is in the box again you will see the offense make far more adjustments and the play calling maybe a bit suprising. just my two cents

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It is funny how everyone was ready to cut Painter in ther preseason and start of the season and then how they all knew Collins would be the one to manage this team.

Speak for yourself. Many of us have been staunch defenders of Painter. I thought Collins was a logical choice and hoped he would perform better, but based on his entire body of work his performance so far is hardly a surprise.

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The overthrown pass and the sack fumble is the only thing the national media sees. They convieniently forget his 80 touchdown drive.

The sack fumble wasn't his fault either. He didn't miss the block on Harrison and no QB is going to hold on to the ball getting drilled like that by the other teams best pass rusher on his blindside.

What I saw was the TD drive by him and it was the first time all year I've seen our offense look in rythem. I think if Collins can't go (and by us signing a QB it seems to suggest that's the case) Painter is the guy for MNF and we'll see how he does.

We are going to have plays where he over throws a guy or under throws a guy, that's why he's a back up in the NFL. However, you just hope he can give you a drive or two game like the TD drive and if he does that and the defense keeps playing like they did on Sunday that's all we need.

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Speak for yourself. Many of us have been staunch defenders of Painter. I thought Collins was a logical choice and hoped he would perform better, but based on his entire body of work his performance so far is hardly a surprise.

Really where were you about a month ago because then the only person that was defending Painter was Smitto. Everyone else was calling for Painter to be cut and saying anyone but Painter and saying things like he couldn't be a high team's QB. Painter became the flavor of the month after Collins struggled and I fully expect Orvlosky to become the flavor of the month if Painter struggles and people will bounce back to the Painter hating ways.

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if the organization doesn't believe in painter why would the media. he was the only healthy qb on the roster at one time and Polian came out and said he wouldnt start

When did Polian say Painter wouldn't start? I listend to his show Monday and he pretty much said they were going to see where things are it with Collins injury. To the Colts Collins is the starter so that makes sense. Polian never said if Collins can't go that Painter wouldn't be the guy. I don't see them starting Orlovsky, a guy they cut in the pre-season when they kept Painter over Painter. If they liked Orlovsky that much they would have kept him and cut Painter after the pre-season.

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When did Polian say Painter wouldn't start? I listend to his show Monday and he pretty much said they were going to see where things are it with Collins injury. To the Colts Collins is the starter so that makes sense. Polian never said if Collins can't go that Painter wouldn't be the guy. I don't see them starting Orlovsky, a guy they cut in the pre-season when they kept Painter over Painter. If they liked Orlovsky that much they would have kept him and cut Painter after the pre-season.

I think he meant that Polian said Painter wouldn't start not long after Collins was signed.

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okay fair enough, I was just confused because he said Painter is the only healthy QB on the roster before that so I thought meant Polian said it this week.

I guess we'll have to see what he meant when he reads the thread and sees your question.

He may just have his thoughts mixed a tad. Polian did say Painter wouldn't start over Collins but I don't recall him (Polian) saying anything about him (CP) being the only healthy QB on the roster at the time.

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Really where were you about a month ago because then the only person that was defending Painter was Smitto. Everyone else was calling for Painter to be cut and saying anyone but Painter and saying things like he couldn't be a high team's QB. Painter became the flavor of the month after Collins struggled and I fully expect Orvlosky to become the flavor of the month if Painter struggles and people will bounce back to the Painter hating ways.

Really? "Everyone?". That's an unusual generality to be thrown out by someone who is usually one of the voices of reason in this forum. Because of your rationality, fairness and obvious football knowledge I tend to treat you with kid gloves in my direct responses - despite your cuttingly direct comments and lack of evident humor. I'll make an exception in this case. While your loyalty to Smitto is admirable, your above response is ill informed and the insinuation extremely insulting. I DON'T LIE............. PERIOD. Point of personal pride. Do me a favor and watch your mouth next time.


A) I didn't join until August 21st. I would have defended Painter prior to this as well.

B) In the following posts I edited out the quotes I was responding to as well as any "non-Painter" items in the interest of space.

C) The first four are BEFORE the Green Bay game, the next two the day after (one of which you responded to - amusingly enough)

D) There have been many more posts defending Painter since this time period that I haven't listed. The last two below I just happen to like.

Football > Colts Football > Signing Of Collins = Bye Bye Painter #19728 Posted 24 August 2011 - 07:54 PM

I am one of those who thinks Painter is worth hanging onto. He demonstrates plenty of skills, it's just that the game moves too fast for him. I assume that the Colts think that he can get past this problem. The second he does he becomes a considerably more valuable backup than an utterly immobile 38 year old with a career QB rating of 73.9.

It is amusing to hear people crucifying Painter and calling for Sorgi to be brought back. I seem to recall him being detested just as vehemently back in the day.

Football > Colts Football > Why Would The Colts Sign Kerry Collins For 2 Years? #20293 Posted 25 August 2011 - 09:17 PM

I'd just as soon give Painter a shot. The kid has some skills - if his head ever comes around to join the rest of his body he might surprise a lot of people.

By the way, you would think that this signing would make Painter a bit angry. Instead of being Peyton's endless understudy, suddenly he's fighting for his career after getting a massive vote of "no confidence". I know what happens to me when I get angry. Maybe tomorrow instead of being hesitant and careless, he just goes :argh: and just starts making plays. "What the heck, got nothing to lose". Could be interesting.

Football > Colts Football > Why Would The Colts Sign Kerry Collins For 2 Years? #20357 Posted 26 August 2011 - 12:52 AM

Painter has been through all the preliminary work that you mention and is still on the team. They obviously see something, and expect more. He can already make throws that Collins can't and is infinitely more mobile - his career could turn tomorrow, you have no idea. In the scenario that I suggested - which wouldn't be pretty regardless - I'd rather give Painter a chance. Even if it failed, I'd rather go 4-12 with Painter and get a nice shiny new toy for Peyton to play with in his final four years, then go 8-8 with Collins.

Football > Colts Football > Why Would The Colts Sign Kerry Collins For 2 Years? #20362 Posted 26 August 2011 - 01:20 AM

I'm suddenly turning into a "Painter apologist" for some reason. Certainly not my goal in life.

Actually I've seen Painter do something good that made me sit up and take notice in just about every game he's played - even in that ridiculous Jets game in which he was thrown to the lions - and I've read repeatedly that he's an ace in practice. By all rights he could have committed Hari Kari on the 50 yard line of the Jets game after that first series, but he went out on the second series and made a brilliant throw pretty deep to the left sideline as if he wasn't phased by anything that had happened. A couple of other good throws as well. And afterward not a single media outlet showed it. They just endlessly repeated the embarrassing stuff. Maybe he wouldn't be such a head case now if not for that circus. I see the talent, apparently so do his team-mates and the Colts management. It gets frustrating watching him make bad decisions and heave easy passes at his receivers feet, but there is something there. A heck of a lot more ability than Sorgi for one thing. Sorgi just aspired to be a game manager but couldn't quite do it. Painter is more like Cutler as far as physical skills. He just needs for the game to slow down in his head. That may come with time.

Football > Colts Football > Curtis Painter? #21064 Posted 27 August 2011 - 05:15 AM

And lets not forget the "non-call" when Garcon got mugged, and the fact that many of his misses were early on. At one point the Packers were dominating completely, then it reversed for the rest of the first half. And Painter led the way - actually making good things happen. It was exiting to watch, and something that Sorgi (for one) never came close to doing. For a several minute stretch he looked completely like an NFL QB. Under the circumstances that is huge.

If you watched that half and are still writing "I hate Painter", "Painter _____", than you are probably more interested in defending your preconceived notions than you are in honestly appraising the Colts QB situation.

I say drop both Orlovsky and Hartline in the first round of cuts. I see no point in wasting a roster spot there when there are so many other close battles going on.

Football > Colts Football > Curtis Painter? #21298 Posted 27 August 2011 - 01:20 PM

Are you twisting his improvement on the field into being the result of a personality flaw? Give the guy a break.

I'd hope that the more confidence he gets (and more experience he gets) the better he will play. Some people make it sound like he normally plays bad because he's lazy, and yesterday he reluctantly played better, but as soon as he get's his job assured he's going to go back to reading comic books and playing with his hair on the sidelines. I think that human's are a little more complicated than that. If you had any doubt about the significance of his second quarter play all you had to do was look at the video of Peyton. Never seen him like that before.

Football > Colts Football > Who Wants Painter In The Second Half? #30585 Posted 12 September 2011 - 12:17 AM

Don't quite understand the extreme viewpoint. Painter has shown a significant amount of talent, what drives everyone nuts is the mistakes. It's reasonable to believe that the more he plays, the better he will become.

Peyton had a ridiculous number of interceptions his first year - and it's not like there was no talent (Faulk, Harrison, Glenn come to mind). QBs don't pop out of the womb fully formed.

Note to anyone about to make a silly assumption: I'm not for a second suggesting that Painter compares in any way to Manning, but if you think he has no talent I'm inclined to assume that you're just jumping on the pile for fun, and haven't bothered to pay much attention when he was on the field.

Football > Colts Football > Who Wants Painter In The Second Half? #30845 Posted 12 September 2011 - 02:37 PM

Painter was thrown into an absolute lions den in the Jets game. The Colts starters were pulled out, and Painter walked into a game cold with a oline that was more concerned with working the bench splinters out of their rears then they were stopping the incredibly fired up - 40 minutes warm - DESPERATE to break our unbeaten streak and prove themselves - Jets starters waiting to eat Painter alive. He never had a chance. To view that and feel anything but sympathy is just mean spirited.

He could have peed his pants and crawled back to the locker room. Instead he came out on ensuing drives and made a couple of pretty passes - still playing with scrubs against arguably the best defense in football - that SHOULD have had people saying "wow, look at this kid under pressure. Instead of being rattled he came back looking like Joe freaking Montana. Maybe there's something there we can work with". Instead, not a single media outlet replayed anything other than the turnovers, and the so-called fans joined in with an ignorant chorus of irrational hatred that they continue to this day. I wonder if people even bother watching him play with the interests of the team in mind, or if they are just having too much fun dumping on him. It seems to be "the thing to do".

Every single time I have watched Painter he has done SOMETHING to grab my attention and give me hope that he can develop into a decent QB. In the GB game he had MANY such moments and - finally having a game plan and starters beside him - he absolutely was consistent. He actually relentlessly dominated the second quarter. What game were you watching? He still stared down his receiver too much, and still threw 2-3 passes into his receivers feet, but a rational person would expect him to be able to improve upon that with additional playing time. He is mobile, has a really good arm, can make any throw you want, and (despite the silly mistakes) appears to be incredible cool under pressure. I'm confident that he has significantly more upside than Collins. Collins isn't in there because Painter has no talent. Collins is in there because the management didn't want to hand a perpetual playoff contender to a rookie and spend half the season watching him take baby steps. I assure you that if the Colts lose several more games in a row and Peyton is put on IR, Painter will be in there - because at least his getting a chance to play would help the team down the road. Collins has one foot out the door and has no future.

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I dont know if painter is a better qb but one thing for sure is that he doesnt need translation if peyton see sth and call a play from headset. He can be peytons robot and the only problem is the execution. Stop making stupid mistakes and improve the execution in practice he should give us a better chance towin than collins. Had tje coaches let him play instead of collins from day one we could have won the browns game and might win the steelers one and be talking about playoffs at this point condidering AFC south is not a very good dovision.

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The only person that I have seen in the media that actually support Painter is Jim Mora Jr. from NFL network. He said last night that he thinks Painter should be the starter in Tampa Bay. I hope he does get his chance. Did they not see the 80 yard TD drive he lead? It was almost Peyton like. In Painter I trust.

believe phill wilson of star said it too, \not 100% sure

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Really? "Everyone?". That's an unusual generality to be thrown out by someone who is usually one of the voices of reason in this forum. Because of your rationality, fairness and obvious football knowledge I tend to treat you with kid gloves in my direct responses - despite your cuttingly direct comments and lack of evident humor. I'll make an exception in this case. While your loyalty to Smitto is admirable, your above response is ill informed and the insinuation extremely insulting. I DON'T LIE............. PERIOD. Point of personal pride. Do me a favor and watch your mouth next time.


Okay first of all wow just wow that you went to that much trouble to respond to a message on a forum.

From there, you answered my question to where you were a month ago, just joining the forum. Okay I can get with that.

What are you getting so worked up over? The fact I said Everyone...okay when most people say everyone, especially when describing a mood of something like a football forum they don't really mean everyone. They mean the vast majority. Which was the case. The vast majority of Colts fans here did not like Painter. I think if you go back and read those threads you posted you are going to quickly see for every nice thing said about Painter there are a lot more mean things said about him. That's the point I was getting at. The only person who happened to catch my attention in terms of always defending Painter was Smitto that's why I gave him credit for it. It has nothing to do with me being so loyal to him. If I was loyal to him I wouldn't disagree with him as much as I do at times. With that said he has stuck by Painter since day one and I gave him credit for it which seems to be what you are now wanting credit for.

Now the whole first paragraph why the need to try to take a person shot? I didn't take one at you other than ask where you were a month ago when people were killing Painter. It was not an attempt at humor people WERE killing Painter on here. You answered my question by saying you didn't join till August 21st. Which is fine, the simple answer to where you were a month ago was just joining the forum.

Fast Forward to now and this is what wears at my nerv, people attack Polian for signing Kerry Collins and act like they feel Painter should have been the starter all along and we didn't have to go get Collins in the first place. Maybe you aren't in that group, if so then it doesn't apply to you. The truth is MOST fans here were screaming for the Colts to get anyone but Painter, especialy right after the Redskins game which is when we went and got Collins. So most fans would have done exactly what Polian did yet now they attack him for doing exactly what they were calling for. So when I see someone say "Many of us have been staunch defenders of Painter" that's simply not true because up till the Packers game the only person posting on here with a regular basis that had Painter's back was Smitto. If you came along a month ago after that so be it but you weren't here defending him pre-Packers game which is when the bash on Painter was at it's peek, which again is the point I was getting at. There were very few people saying Painter should have been the starter then.

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GoColts, I will admit I was one of the guys not liking Painter. Once he settled down on Sunday he played decent. I'm anxious to see how he does on MNF if he starts, and based on the signing of Orlovsky I believe he will. I'm not hanging my hopes that he will lead us to the playoffs, but right now he is our best option. Lets see how he does on Monday after a week of getting most the snaps.

Go Colts.

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