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Peyton comes out Gay for Football


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Onion headlines can be laugh out loud funny, but this one just makes me scratch my head. Forced, meaningless, and utterly devoid of their usual sterling irony. The concept is fine - "Peyton is married to football" - but trying to shoehorn the word "gay" in there simply because of the rumors of someone outing themselves just doesn't work. Maybe they couldn't think of an angle that wouldn't get them sued.

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sorry not funny . . . I have enjoyed the Onion's stuff before, although at times have gone against them too, but for political or religous reason . . . but we do that with any comic . . .


however given issues around the gay issues we have had to deal with in the past handful of years and the sensitive topic recently brought up to the attention in the NFL that something might break soon regarding the same . . . it is not the time to try to be funny . . . sorry not for me . . .  

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Onion headlines can be laugh out loud funny, but this one just makes me scratch my head. Forced, meaningless, and utterly devoid of their usual sterling irony. The concept is fine - "Peyton is married to football" - but trying to shoehorn the word "gay" in there simply because of the rumors of someone outing themselves just doesn't work. Maybe they couldn't think of an angle that wouldn't get them sued.


it works with the recent stories of gays in sports and the pending supreme court's ruling on gay marriage. it's not their best work, but any peyton fan should appreciate it

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ITT: People take the Onion too seriously.


I think the issue has more to do with taste in the comedy and/or timing of the comedy . . . for instance, how funny would it be if they had an article of say one of the wild and crazy X-Game althetes that came out of the closet and joking said. "gotta love my Red Bull, snow mobile, video games, and my fantasy dreams of living out a fantasy of one of video games shooting and spraying a small town, killing men, women and little kids" ? . . . . Mike Smith, top snow mobiler comes clean with his fantasies, Second Amendment live on . . .   not sure how funny that would be . . .



as some claim the article timing has to do with the recent gay issues in the government, well we have the governent dealing with the same struggle with it trying to limit the Second Amendment, but that being the case I would not tind it funny if someone try to make light of the deaths of kids recently . . . even if one is trying to make a point in an indirect way . . . use another vehicle . . .




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How did I know people couldn't just let this be the funny story it was meant to be...

I wasn't taking issue with the topic (don't actually care) or with the use of Peyton (I welcome it). I see the potential, I was just pointing out that I didn't think it was funny in the slightest. That's a cardinal sin when humor is the entire reason for your existence. When an entity like the Onion falls so flat I just find it an irritating waste of time. "Don't you have editors?"


I just went back to their website trying to remember previous Peyton articles. For instance the headline "Peyton hurts neck again saying no to the Titans" is freaking hilarious. The currently article just didn't register with me at all. Thanks for posting it though. Always ready to read up on all things Peyton.

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It may be that it is early for me(2nd shifter) but, I didn't find this to be funny. It has nothing to do with the content or the message but, with the lack of creativity. Take away the few references to football and this is nothing more than a satire coming out party... I expected more, I guess.

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I wasn't taking issue with the topic (don't actually care) or with the use of Peyton (I welcome it). I see the potential, I was just pointing out that I didn't think it was funny in the slightest. That's a cardinal sin when humor is the entire reason for your existence. When an entity like the Onion falls so flat I just find it an irritating waste of time. "Don't you have editors?"


I just went back to their website trying to remember previous Peyton articles. For instance the headline "Peyton hurts neck again saying no to the Titans" is freaking hilarious. The currently article just didn't register with me at all. Thanks for posting it though. Always ready to read up on all things Peyton.


I agree with you...I have no problem with the subject, just didn't think the article was funny. 

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I wasn't taking issue with the topic (don't actually care) or with the use of Peyton (I welcome it). I see the potential, I was just pointing out that I didn't think it was funny in the slightest. That's a cardinal sin when humor is the entire reason for your existence. When an entity like the Onion falls so flat I just find it an irritating waste of time. "Don't you have editors?"


I just went back to their website trying to remember previous Peyton articles. For instance the headline "Peyton hurts neck again saying no to the Titans" is freaking hilarious. The currently article just didn't register with me at all. Thanks for posting it though. Always ready to read up on all things Peyton.

MAC that wasn't so much directed at you.  You more or less just said you didn't find it funny and pretty much left it at that which is fine.  What is funny to me might not be funny to you and vice versa. 

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