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Would you rather the Colts won a Super Bowl or the Broncos?

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I believe every human being has a right to be wherever they are in their developement - & with that comes a certain level of respect that doesnt need to be earned - it needs to be maintained.


This is not a silly question - this is ridiculous. Let me respect the OP 1st by answering his question.


Imma ride with IND over DEN  whenever or whatever the circumstances may be.


Why? Imma a Colt - on an official Colts fan website - & have never been on ANY other teams official website.  


You are confusing the question by asking us not to choose between IND & DEN - but rather IND & Peyton.


So let me answer that question also.


Peyton ended up choosing DEN out of 3 teams. DEN - SF or TEN. SF would be Super Bowl Champs last year & this year with Peyton - period. Peyton is doing whatever Peyton wants to do - but when he choose to take off that IND jersey - he no longer became a priority of my focus because he can no longer help my TEAM be the best in the world. (legally anyway)


This question makes me think you were not an IND fan before Peyton. Which is OK - alot of the ppl you see here now werent either. I said that to say this - Peyton Manning is the greatest QB of all-time. The fact that he has 1 Ring is evidence that the NFL is a team game. As a IND fan - my focus now is to not see us squander our opportunity with P Manning 2.0.


Andrew Luck will be the best QB drafted (at least) 5 years before & 5 years after 2012. We get an opportunity to do it better with only 1 down year between legacies. Peyton is gone - accept it. He will win plenty more Super Bowls as our QB Coach in a few years.

Just one point in your response is that Peyton didn't choose to take off his jersey he was released and in my book that was a big difference. I can also see why Peyton didn't want to go to SF because I don't really think him and Harbaugh could have co existed at all and I don't think he wanted to be in the same conference as his brother. JMO of course.

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I'm going to say this, and anyone can fire shots as they please...

Not only would I root for the Colts over the Broncos...I actively hope that Peyton doesn't win a Super Bowl in Denver.


It felt almost like the death of a relative when Peyton was let go, and I truly believe there should be a 10-foot bronze statue of him outside of Lucas Oil Stadium.

But, I do not want him winning a Super Bowl with another team.


If we can't win a SB in any given year, why are you rooting against Peyton?    I don't get that.

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If we can't win a SB in any given year, why are you rooting against Peyton? I don't get that.

He just said why lol.

Because he wants Peyton to always be remembered as a Colt. And his legacy to be associated with Indy and not anywhere else.

Right or wrong, I get that reasoning.

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I am so sick of hearing about Peyton in a Colts forum when he plays for Denver now and especially after last years magical season which I am still grinning over.


Jesus people.........this is embarrassing to die hard Colts fans everywhere. :slaphead:




Post Manning Syndrome


Do they make pills for this I can buy at the drug store? Midol-NFL version?



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Fantasy scenario.......


The Colts/Broncos are meeting up in next years divisional playoffs.


A fan walks up to Reggie Wayne before the game and asks for his autograph. Wayne asks if he is a Colts fan. The fan says yes. But, the fan says, "Yes Reggie I am a huge Colts fan. But, sadly I have to root against you and the Colts Sunday since Manning's clock is ticking and he did so much for the Colts. And I so want him to pass Brady! Oh wait......your clock is ticking too isn't it? Oh that sucks, but no worries to me since Luck will have many more chances I imagine even if you are not on the team anymore along with a few other vets!. Oh and yes it is strange to want to see John Fox and John Elway have more pleasure then Pagano and Grigson but whatever makes Manning happy and helps his legacy!".




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I couldn't care less about the Broncos. Count me as the small minority that was kinda glad they lost last year.




I'll have to check with my Colts Church Pastor and Elders on this Heresy thing and get back with you. :heh: :heh:

The Colts Reformed Church!! But in my Colts Bible it's BLASPHEMY!!! To be anything but a COLTS Fans!!!

All Non- Believers are excused...

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I am so sick of hearing about Peyton in a Colts forum when he plays for Denver now and especially after last years magical season which I am still grinning over.


Jesus people.........this is embarrassing to die hard Colts fans everywhere. :slaphead:




Post Manning Syndrome


Do they make pills for this I can buy at the drug store? Midol-NFL version?




I agree, it's bad enough that most of what is posted in the general section is all Bronco's related most of the time, but now it seem's to be spreading to the actual Colts section. I get that the general section is for any team, but a lot of the people I see constantly posting in the Bronco's related news, rarely post in the Colts section. I don't get why those that always want Bronco's news, just don't sign up for an account on their fan forum. 


As for the answer to the silly question, Colts, no doubt what so ever. Manning is gone and quite honestly, I couldn't care less about the Bronco's at all. Won't bother me a bit if they never win another game, let alone a super bowl.

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I'll have to check with my Colts Church Pastor and Elders on this Heresy thing and get back with you. :heh: :heh:

The Colts Reformed Church!! But in my Colts Bible it's BLASPHEMY!!! To be anything but a COLTS Fans!!!

All Non- Believers are excused...

haha I was just joking. A lot of people are of the Colts and Broncos Church, which isn't impossible lol.

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I agree, it's bad enough that most of what is posted in the general section is all Bronco's related most of the time, but now it seem's to be spreading to the actual Colts section. I get that the general section is for any team, but a lot of the people I see constantly posting in the Bronco's related news, rarely post in the Colts section. I don't get why those that always want Bronco's news, just don't sign up for an account on their fan forum. 


As for the answer to the silly question, Colts, no doubt what so ever. Manning is gone and quite honestly, I couldn't care less about the Bronco's at all. Won't bother me a bit if they never win another game, let alone a super bowl.


Yep, but don't forget Balzer, those are die hard Colts fans! They just focus on Manning 24/7 when they are here but they are alllll about the Colts. :banana: And WE are the bad guys here even though we never start these threads. :banana:


It's shoved in our faces too much with the constant thread starting. I swear some just want to get a rise out of us so they have an excuse to get mad at "Peyton haterz" and how "ungrateful" we are from time to time.



Personally with all the nitpicking against the Pats and Brady over the years I would hope more would want us to try and win a title EARLY in Luck's years instead of later. IMO there is no wait your turn in the NFL....you grab it if you can. Manning and Brady are aging and both looked like they would have rather been sitting in hot tubs with a glass of wine during their playoff games then out there. Heck I am not even sure if both care as much as some of their die hard fans do to be honest. They are collecting their millions and getting butt kissed no matter what they do.

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Yep, but don't forget Balzer, those are die hard Colts fans! They just focus on Manning 24/7 when they are here but they are alllll about the Colts. :banana: And WE are the bad guys here even though we never start these threads. :banana:


It's shoved in our faces too much with the constant thread starting. I swear some just want to get a rise out of us so they have an excuse to get mad at "Peyton haterz" and how "ungrateful" we are from time to time.



Personally with all the nitpicking against the Pats and Brady over the years I would hope more would want us to try and win a title EARLY in Luck's years instead of later. IMO there is no wait your turn in the NFL....you grab it if you can. Manning and Brady are aging and both looked like they would have rather been sitting in hot tubs with a glass of wine during their playoff games then out there. Heck I am not even sure if both care as much as some of their die hard fans do to be honest. They are collecting their millions and getting butt kissed no matter what they do.



Yeah, I don't get it at all, those that say they are Colts fans but would actually want the Bronco's to beat the Colts simply because of 1 player. IMO you can't be a Colts fan if you ever want another team to beat them in the playoffs, fandom just doesn't work that way IMO.


I go to the general section to see if I missed something about a signing or a trade made around the league, but most of the stuff I see is what is happening with Manning or what the Bronco's are doing in general. Whats even worse, is those that post in those topics, rarely post anything in the Colts section.


Some act as if it's an obligation to still worship everything Peyton. I do not have an obligation to still follow every little story that comes out about him and I pretty much do not care. I swear, I think some would get enjoyment if they wrote an article everytime Peyton farted on the practice field. He was here for a long time, but now he's not. Players come and players go, it's the nature of the business.

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Yeah, I don't get it at all, those that say they are Colts fans but would actually want the Bronco's to beat the Colts simply because of 1 player. IMO you can't be a Colts fan if you ever want another team to beat them in the playoffs, fandom just doesn't work that way IMO.


I go to the general section to see if I missed something about a signing or a trade made around the league, but most of the stuff I see is what is happening with Manning or what the Bronco's are doing in general. Whats even worse, is those that post in those topics, rarely post anything in the Colts section.


Some act as if it's an obligation to still worship everything Peyton. I do not have an obligation to still follow every little story that comes out about him and I pretty much do not care. I swear, I think some would get enjoyment if they wrote an article everytime Peyton farted on the practice field. He was here for a long time, but now he's not. Players come and players go, it's the nature of the business.

Kinda ludicrous Brother im a big PM fan I wish him well,but not at the cost of our Colts,that much loyalty was gone when he left,although I wasn't happy about it,I also understand the business side and its looking better and better everyday :coltslogo:  :lombardi:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo: we couldn't build the Monster if he stayed

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I am so sick of hearing about Peyton in a Colts forum when he plays for Denver now and especially after last years magical season which I am still grinning over.


Jesus people.........this is embarrassing to die hard Colts fans everywhere. :slaphead:




Post Manning Syndrome


Do they make pills for this I can buy at the drug store? Midol-NFL version?



Just a suggestion PM the poster that started this thread. :)  It was that person that posted it in the wrong section according to your reply.

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I won't care about Peyton again until he retires and his name goes up on the ring of honor. 

You don't care ~  stop caring ~   then care again.  

You either care  or you don't.   And btw... It's okay to care about Peyton, yet still be true to the Colts.


My answer to this question is  I'd be thrilled for either to win a Super Bowl.   I'm always for the Colts,  but if they can't get there this year, I'd be happy for Peyton to win another.

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If a year going 11-5 is not enough to help Peyton die hards move on to Andrew Luck, it is not even worth my time answering the OP's question.


If I am a Colts fan, it is a slam dunk, isn't it? Colts all the way to the SB!!!


For this very reason, I truly hope Brady and Peyton are out of the league in 2 or 3 years :) so we can focus on Luck and purely Luck, and maybe RG3 for sides and RW for dessert. :)

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If a year going 11-5 is not enough to help Peyton die hards move on to Andrew Luck, it is not even worth my time answering the OP's question.


If I am a Colts fan, it is a slam dunk, isn't it? Colts all the way to the SB!!!


For this very reason, I truly hope Brady and Peyton are out of the league in 2 or 3 years :) so we can focus on Luck and purely Luck, and maybe RG3 for sides and RW for dessert. :)

Simple enough just quit answering OP's questions. :)

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Erm. I'm a Colts fan, not a Broncos fan, so Colts. Why is this even a question? 

A question like this on a COLTS forum? I'm a fan of Peyton, powers, garcon, tamme, freeney, and Sanders.

But I would never wish success for the Broncos, cardinals, redskins, and chargers before the colts.

Team first.

Team second.

Individuals third.

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You don't care ~  stop caring ~   then care again.  

You either care  or you don't.   And btw... It's okay to care about Peyton, yet still be true to the Colts.


My answer to this question is  I'd be thrilled for either to win a Super Bowl.   I'm always for the Colts,  but if they can't get there this year, I'd be happy for Peyton to win another.



Nope.  I couldn't care less about any former Colts player playing for another team.  I only care about the Colts winning a Super Bowl.  I cared when he was with the Colts.  He left so I don't care if he wins a Super Bowl.  I will care again when he is goes into the HOF as a Colt. 

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I can't speak for Hoosier, but i feel the same way, it's sorta like I don't want 18 to be remembered more as a Bronco than a Colt...

Are you saying that if he were to win a SB with the Broncos he would retire and Bronco and go into the HOF as a Bronco?


I still think he'll retire a Colt and enter the HOF as a Colt   .....  :dunno:  

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Are you saying that if he were to win a SB with the Broncos he would retire and Bronco and go into the HOF as a Bronco?

I still think he'll retire a Colt and enter the HOF as a Colt ..... :dunno:

Well think if he were to win 2 SB with the Broncos. Likely his most success would be remembered there and not here in the long run.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 15, 2013 - talking about another member
Hidden by Nadine, April 15, 2013 - talking about another member

It's a disgrace that this is a post on a COLTS fan forum... :explode:

It's a disgrace that this ridiculous question was posted in the COLTS section and not in ...  GENERAL FOOTBALL.



sigh....    how many accounts does FJC have?  hehe

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