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Erik Walden


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Yep Clay Mathews had 45 pressures on 85% of total defensive snaps and Walden was 2nd with 26.5 pressures on 70% of defensive snaps.

That's alright that's why I think he will be fine he is good at stopping the run and he may not have tons of sacks but he can put pressure on the QB

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Yep Clay Mathews had 45 pressures on 85% of total defensive snaps and Walden was 2nd with 26.5 pressures on 70% of defensive snaps.


For more accuracy:


Clay Matthews: 1 Pressure every 7 rushes.


Walden: 1 pressure every 13.5 rushes.

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Really 2nd in pressures to Matthews? That's not bad really

I just also read it was 3 sacks and 16 tackles...true or not.



Green Bay Packers

Walden was signed off the street by the Packers on October 31, 2010. Walden had his best game for the Packers on January 2, 2011 starting against the Chicago Bears. Walden led the team with 3 sacks and 16 tackles and was named NFC Defensive Player of the week. He finished the season with twenty tackles in 9 games (two starts).


As Dustin said.....he cleaned up in one game...but he cleaned up!

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For more accuracy:


Clay Matthews: 1 Pressure every 7 rushes.


Walden: 1 pressure every 13 rushes.

OK...so tell me how this is an assessment of his PITIFUL pass rushing.....maybe he needs some Mathews George of the Jungle Screams.....or blonde locks to trip QBs..... :spit:

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I just also read it was 3 sacks and 16 tackles...true or not.

Green Bay Packers

Walden was signed off the street by the Packers on October 31, 2010. Walden had his best game for the Packers on January 2, 2011 starting against the Chicago Bears. Walden led the team with 3 sacks and 16 tackles and was named NFC Defensive Player of the week. He finished the season with twenty tackles in 9 games (two starts).

As Dustin said.....he cleaned up in one game...but he cleaned up!

Yeah I seem that on Wikipedia but I searched it in google and all the sports sites said it was just 2 but he still won the award just google Erik Walden NFC player of the week that's all I did lol
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OK...so tell me how this is an assessment of his PITIFUL pass rushing.....maybe he needs some Mathews George of the Jungle Screams.....or blonde locks to trip QBs..... :spit:

He puts pressure on the QB once every 14 rushes. That's terrible. Jerry Hughes was better than that by a significant margine.

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He puts pressure on the QB once every 14 rushes. That's terrible. Jerry Hughes was better than that by a significant margine.

1 out of 7 for a good pass rusher...and 1-13 for someone that is pitiful.....but stays at home to contain and play the rn/seal the edge...I am not concerned...


Hughes is still here...so he can come from the cover LB...I feel with disguise Walden will succeed in our 3-4......

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they played the same role at there former teams, both did there fair share of dropping back as well as pass rushing, I dont have an exact number on how much each of them rushed but safe to say it was the majority of snaps on both accounts.



different position, Spencer had 95 tackles playing the role Walden/Hughes will be playing last year


Both of these posts are so wrong. Kruger and Walden didn't play the same role last season. Similar, yes. Same, no.  And Spencer didn't play the same role that Walden will be playing this year.


Simply put, Walden is NOT a pass rusher. If you're looking for him to put up Spencer/Kruger/Suggs numbers, that's your fault. Bad projections, because a) he plays a different position, and b) those players are getting paid like superstars, which we all agree Walden is not.


Have you even bothered to look at Jarrett Johnson? I've mentioned him to you at least three times already. Similar production to Walden, bigger contract, in the Sam backer role for the same defense.

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For more accuracy:


Clay Matthews: 1 Pressure every 7 rushes.


Walden: 1 pressure every 13.5 rushes.


Matthews is a great pass rusher. Walden isn't. That's why Matthews is getting ready to sign for well north of $10m/year (reports suggest $13m/year). So when Walden's contract is in the range of Matthews, then we can compare their pass rushing efficiency. Until then, you're missing the point.

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Matthews is a great pass rusher. Walden isn't. That's why Matthews is getting ready to sign for well north of $10m/year (reports suggest $13m/year). So when Walden's contract is in the range of Matthews, then we can compare their pass rushing efficiency. Until then, you're missing the point.

My point was he isn't a good pass rusher.

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My point was he isn't a good pass rusher.

Dustin, you know I respect your views.  What makes you feel is wrong with an 'edge sealing' Sam not being a fantastic pass rusher?  Being second to Matthews on the Packers is not bad IMO.


I have seen on the rush side OLBs over-run plays and plays go for huge gains...there is give and take here.  I was a contain LB.  Nobody got around me.  I did not have a lot of sacks....the other OLB did....I had to run 30 yards down the field to make plays due to his pass rush only mentality.....?????  TEAM DEFENSE!

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Dustin, you know I respect your views. What makes you feel is wrong with an 'edge sealing' Sam not being a fantastic pass rusher? Being second to Matthews on the Packers is not bad IMO.

I have seen on the rush side OLBs over-run plays and plays go for huge gains...there is give and take here. I was a contain LB. Nobody got around me. I did not have a lot of sacks....the other OLB did....I had to run 30 yards down the field to make plays due to his pass rush only mentality.....????? TEAM DEFENSE!

Nothing is wrong with it. But people said he was a good pass rusher and I was just pointing out their inaccuracies.

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Nothing is wrong with it. But people said he was a good pass rusher and I was just pointing out their inaccuracies.

Maybe I came in on it at the wrong time...trying to make a point on the 3-4.


I know I did say he should be fine in our defense with disguise....I still believe this....stunts and disguise with Redding.....I can see it in my mind developing.

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I am probably the only one here who likes this guy. He's gonna ultimately become a great sign for the Colts. What's important to remember is Walden was picked up cause he is one of the better run stoppers in the league. I say we just play Hughes on mostly long 3rd Downs and some other passing plays and bring Walden in for the short yardage plays. Trust me... Walden will be a great player for the Colts.



I've honestly never seen any of our FA signings play (Except Landry, Toler, Hasselbeck & DHB)

So I'm actually looking forward to seeing how everyone works out

That's exactly right!! Enough said

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Erik Walden SMFH

You should be concerned with Brad Jones #59 and Charles Woodson making false steps and getting out of position more than Walden. Walden closed down and took on the fullback like he is suppose to do(granted he kept his outside shoulder free just lost sight of the ball upon contact with the FB) #59 makes all kinds of false steps therefore he was super late in scraping over the top of walden to be in position to make the play and Woodson makes a false step inside and just got sealed and there is your "alley" and it's off to the races.
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You should be concerned with Brad Jones #59 and Charles Woodson making false steps and getting out of position. Walden closed down and took on the fullback like he is suppose to do(granted he kept his outside shoulder free just lost sight of the ball upon contact with the FB) #59 makes all kinds of false steps therefore he was super late in scraping over the top of walden to be in position to make the play and Woodson makes a false step inside and just got sealed and there is your "alley" and it's off to the races.

That is why they call it TEAM defense.....not 1 on 11......ridiculous to look at one play....

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You know ,some of you think your brilliant,reason your getting paid big bucks for making our personell decisions.If your so smart and think Grigson &Pagano are so incompetent,why don't ya just go find a new team to follow?The reality is he was brought in for run support,not saying he cant rush the passer in this D scheme,that would be narrow minded,not sure that was his assignment in GB,stats don't always tell the whole story

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Interesting point....I was thinking the same thing.....Kruger having ONE good year and Avril switching back to LB after years as a DE....


In this forum.....ya cannot please everyone.  Quite frankly, that is what makes it so much fun :)

Don't get me wrong, I wanted Kruger but not at that price. And Avril would have been like resigning freeney. I think one our front office saw the going price for Kruger and had a change of heart on Avril, I think they wanted to get a player who they knew could come in and do what they asked. They figured the most inexpensive move would be to have Mathis replace freeney and sign a support/run guy opposite of him, which does make since.

Problem is people never heard of the guy and his stats aren't necessarily what you call "productive". But his production does not show up on the stat sheet and if a defensive genius like pags feels he can use him then I'm all for it.

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Don't get me wrong, I wanted Kruger but not at that price. And Avril would have been like resigning freeney. I think one our front office saw the going price for Kruger and had a change of heart on Avril, I think they wanted to get a player who they knew could come in and do what they asked. They figured the most inexpensive move would be to have Mathis replace freeney and sign a support/run guy opposite of him, which does make since.

Problem is people never heard of the guy and his stats aren't necessarily what you call "productive". But his production does not show up on the stat sheet and if a defensive genius like pags feels he can use him then I'm all for it.

Out of likes.....I agree with this ^^^^^


For me I do not need to see one video of someone beaten....we can find that on anybody.  The best defense is TEAM Defense with swarm to the ball gang tackling.....love it!

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Erik Walden SMFH


This a horrible example. Where is the 2nd level? EVERYONE bit on the running back. Walden actually did what he was suppose to do and that was take out the lead blocker. I won't fault the cb that much because he a we to worry about but where is the safety crashing down and wrapping up for an open field tackle.

You expected walden to take on the blocker AND find the ball carrier AND make the tackle?

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Out of likes.....I agree with this ^^^^^


For me I do not need to see one video of someone beaten....we can find that on anybody.  The best defense is TEAM Defense with swarm to the ball gang tackling.....love it!

That video was a horrible example.

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Both of these posts are so wrong. Kruger and Walden didn't play the same role last season. Similar, yes. Same, no.  And Spencer didn't play the same role that Walden will be playing this year.


Simply put, Walden is NOT a pass rusher. If you're looking for him to put up Spencer/Kruger/Suggs numbers, that's your fault. Bad projections, because a) he plays a different position, and b) those players are getting paid like superstars, which we all agree Walden is not.


Have you even bothered to look at Jarrett Johnson? I've mentioned him to you at least three times already. Similar production to Walden, bigger contract, in the Sam backer role for the same defense.

Walden pass rushed his fair share of times as well from LOLB/DE position maybe not as much as Kruger did but they both played that position, Yes I have looked up Johnson, Im watching him now (vs Pitt in 2011) he was playing the LOLB/DE role pass rushing as well as containment responsibilities while dropping back on occasion just like Walden has done, Same as Spencer

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Walden pass rushed his fair share of times as well from LOLB/DE position maybe not as much as Kruger did but they both played that position, Yes I have looked up Johnson, Im watching him now (vs Pitt in 2011) he was playing the LOLB/DE role pass rushing as well as containment responsibilities while dropping back on occasion just like Walden has done, Same as Spencer

I could be mistaken, but I believe almost everyone agrees that Walden was involved in rushing the passer.

I just think there is a difference in an all-out, pin your ears back, it is your primary job, go get the QB kind of pass rush (a la Freeney), vs. a go get some pressure on the QB, but make sure you are setting an edge and containing the run on the way kind of pass rush.

Wasn't it one of the biggest knocks on Freeney that he never bothered to contain the run on the way to the QB? Well now we have a guy who is supposedly better at the run, but not so effective at sacking.

If nothing else, we'll discover which we prefer soon enough.

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Walden pass rushed his fair share of times as well from LOLB/DE position maybe not as much as Kruger did but they both played that position, Yes I have looked up Johnson, Im watching him now (vs Pitt in 2011) he was playing the LOLB/DE role pass rushing as well as containment responsibilities while dropping back on occasion just like Walden has done, Same as Spencer


Have you looked at Johnson's stats or his contract? If you have, I don't understand how you can expect 100 tackles out of Walden, especially in comparison to his contract.


And Spencer, again, it's a different position. Similar, but different. And also, again, Walden isn't getting paid anywhere near what Spencer is/will be.

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Have you looked at Johnson's stats or his contract? If you have, I don't understand how you can expect 100 tackles out of Walden, especially in comparison to his contract.


And Spencer, again, it's a different position. Similar, but different. And also, again, Walden isn't getting paid anywhere near what Spencer is/will be.

Again Im not complaining about Waldens contract simply because of the stipulation about the 5th day of the 2014 league year, Also I have looked at Johnsons contract,19 mill over 4 years with 10 mill guaranteed, Compared to that we got a big break but I think he could have been had for less, Along the line of what Antwan Barnes got for the Jets( who has much more production in only 10 more games played, Im not complaining, Im just saying we could have had better for less IF we did not make a play for Barnes which who knows if they did 

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