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Evan Silva thinks we highly overpaid for three, almost four of our FA signings.


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Evan is right and wrong about what he said. He has proof to back up his claims. Until these players step on the field and prove him wrong, which I hope they do. He is right to say whatever he needs too

I don't think anyone is advocating censorship

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I think he is right we overpaid  some of our players but we can get out of some of them contracts if need be with little to no harm done but an example is Ricky Jean Francois, He is being paid 22 mill for 4 years for not near the production of his counterpart Redding who is being paid half even if he is older then Francois, The problem I have with it is this...We are paying him double for what he MIGHT do not for what he has done to me thats poor business practice also as much as some want to bring up how our record was last year I dont think it was an indicator of our play (consistently), We beat Houston in Indy, Green Bay in Indy and Detroit in Detroit other then that the games we wont were against subpar to awful teams, Thats not to dismiss what we did last year because at the end of the day 11-5 is still 11-5 and we did play well in stretches but we could have lost 8 of those games because they were VERY close nail biters with all that said we earned every bit of that 11-5 record because we closed those 8 close games out but I think we can al agree we have to play much better and with consistency

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     How much you pay isnt relevant...\


Its how well they play..


....you cant predict injuries and you cant base the future on the past....



Wasnt TY Hilton too small?  Vic Ballard too slow...


Remember how Andrew Luck couldnt throw the deep ball?


Lets see them on the field..

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I think his arguments have some merit...   but not a lot...


Do I think we over-paid for some of our guys?    Yes,   but I don't think we grossly overpaid.


I think Cherilus was going to make more than $6 Mill.    That's what the top Right Tackles make.   So, for 5-years, he was going to make more than $ 30 MIll.    Likely he'd get at least $32.5, which is $6.5M per.   Ultimately, he got $34.5.   So, over the life of the deal,  he got an extra $2 Mill.     Not a big problem.


RJF, got 4-years and $22.5 Mill.    I'd have been happier with 3-years and $15M,  but would've gone to $4/20M.   So,  there's an extra $2.5Mill.    Again,  not a big deal.


Walden is my least favorite contract,  4/16.    I would've preferred 3/10 and would've gone to 3/12.    So, an extra year and an extra $4M....   but,  if he is what Grigson/Pagano/Manusky thinks he is,   then we'll be OK.


Landry got 4/24.     I'd have preferred 3/18,  but the market for top safety's was high.   Goldson got 5/41!!     Suddenly Landry's deal doesn't look so bad!


I'm fine with the Toler deal...  fine with the Thomas deal...   fine with the Hasselbeck deal and the DHB deal...  The Sidbury deal is loose change you find between the couch cushions.    A steal no matter what.    Franklyn is veteran minimum.


I think I maybe missing someone,  but I think all in all,  we're OK....

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So what if people think we overpaid and added 8 new starters and got the players Grigson and staff wanted. That's what free agency is all about, players are looking for the best deal and most players have the leverage because multiple teams are looking for their services.

Exactly right.

In the FA market you can expect to overpay...it is the way it is...a limited resource being bid on by multiple potential buyers.

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I think his arguments have some merit... but not a lot...

Do I think we over-paid for some of our guys? Yes, but I don't think we grossly overpaid.

I think Cherilus was going to make more than $6 Mill. That's what the top Right Tackles make. So, for 5-years, he was going to make more than $ 30 MIll. Likely he'd get at least $32.5, which is $6.5M per. Ultimately, he got $34.5. So, over the life of the deal, he got an extra $2 Mill. Not a big problem.

RJF, got 4-years and $22.5 Mill. I'd have been happier with 3-years and $15M, but would've gone to $4/20M. So, there's an extra $2.5Mill. Again, not a big deal.

Walden is my least favorite contract, 4/16. I would've preferred 3/10 and would've gone to 3/12. So, an extra year and an extra $4M.... but, if he is what Grigson/Pagano/Manusky thinks he is, then we'll be OK.

Landry got 4/24. I'd have preferred 3/18, but the market for top safety's was high. Goldson got 5/41!! Suddenly Landry's deal doesn't look so bad!

I'm fine with the Toler deal... fine with the Thomas deal... fine with the Hasselbeck deal and the DHB deal... The Sidbury deal is loose change you find between the couch cushions. A steal no matter what. Franklyn is veteran minimum.

I think I maybe missing someone, but I think all in all, we're OK....

I'm fine with all the deals. People want to claim the Colts overpaid based on past production, but isn't that the case with just about all younger FAs?

There is no way anyone could claim Wallace's or Kruger's past production merited the contracts they received, but they were the unanimous "sexy" FAs this year. I for one applaud our FO for not buying the hype, and for bringing in the guys THEY felt had value, regardless of what any dissenters may say.

If any flop on the field, I'm sure people will line up to brag about how they knew it would happen.

I'll say it now, tho... Regardless of how it turns out, I absolutely believe we are witnessing the start of Grigson revolutionizing team and cap management. Teams WILL be tripping all over themselves in a few years to figure out and mimic his blueprint.

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Oh, free agency....you are a blessing and a curse.  Pre-FA, you would never hear about how much money a player made and if you did, you were bored by it.  Cap space, league parity, internet, twitter, fantasy football and the soon to be inflicted rule changes will all combine to change the game to an almost unrecognizable form.  Yes, it can be exciting, but I hope I never see kids playing football in the yard talking about contracts instead of a go route. 

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Erik Walden only has 4 million guaranteed. A 1 million dollar signing bonus and his first year's base.  The other 4 million doesn't become guaranteed until the 5th league day of the 2014 season.  So if he sucks this year, we cut him next year before the 5th league day and are only out $750,000


The structure of this contract makes him someone can easily cut at the beginning of next year.




Really in effect he's only got 1 million guaranteed.  Yeah we guaranteed his first year's base, big freaking deal, it's not like we where going to sign him to cut him in camp anyways.  But his contract is worked out so that he's easily dumped after this year is over.  

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