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Landry: How Does He Fit


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Landry is a Pro Bowl level SS. He brings Bob Sanders ability in a bigger body. He will allow Bethea to move back to the FS role he played when he made the Pro Bowl. Landry will help in run defense and in slowing down the passing game. Last year I thought we had the best core of young receivers we had ever brought in together. This year I feel the same about the DB core and Landry tops the group off.

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Michael Huff? A very solid cover man.

Trade Bethea. to SF


Huff is great actually, versatility to play corner as well... doubt we get him all the same.


I think Landry may be given a lot of freedom to anticipate where the ball is coming and be the first or second man there to make the tackle. Bob Sander's DPOY season involved a lot of that.

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Getting rid of Bethea for Huff...


Do you hate the Colts?


 Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.

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Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.

Him and Mathis have been the most reliable guys on our D for the last 5 years.
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 Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.

Agree Betheas replacement needs to happen in draft though not FA.I think its a position to free up money in future with a good draft pick.Bethea dropped off last year but it could of been due to lack of help in secondary also.I think he will have a much better year but I dont think we need to resign him at a large cap hip either.Agree or Disagree just my thoughts.

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 Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.

We should not get rid of Bethea.  I think he is a better FS than SS.  He is very reliable at both, but I think the reason he has so many tackles is because our front 7 hasn't been that great at stopping the run.  Plus, at 28, he still has a few more really good years left in him

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Into doors? I have no idea? My guess is sideways!!

Good post! We've been missing an enforcer in the backfield since the hitman left. I think Landry will be a much bigger hitter than bob was, and that's not easy to say. I fricken loved Bob. Might be because I'm 5'8 also and he represented us short guys awesome!! Lol

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 Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.


I don't think so. I think next offseason our main re-signs will be Bethea & Davis. Other key players (depending on their play) could be: Angerer, Connor, Donald Brown, Moala. We'll let Vinatieri go (or he might retire) and I can't see us re-signing Donald Brown either (unless he has a breakout season or something).

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Hmm...how does Landry fit...I say he fits his shoulder pad right into the middle of a WR coming over the middle and decleats him after a reception, causing a fumble that he or another member of the defensive secondary recovers. That's how I see him fitting. Bob Sanders 2.0 with better health (knock on wood).

Remember, Landry crushed Dallas Clark's wrist, and Dallas never fully recovered mentally, IMO. He alligator-armed balls all of 2011. He was ok in Tampa this past season, but nowhere near what he once was. Good to have this guy on OUR side now.

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Into doors? I have no idea? My guess is sideways!!

Good post! We've been missing an enforcer in the backfield since the hitman left. I think Landry will be a much bigger hitter than bob was, and that's not easy to say. I fricken loved Bob. Might be because I'm 5'8 also and he represented us short guys awesome!! Lol

Remember watching some of Bob's shots and then grabbing my junk, leaning sideways on the couch yelling " ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

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We should not get rid of Bethea.  I think he is a better FS than SS.  He is very reliable at both, but I think the reason he has so many tackles is because our front 7 hasn't been that great at stopping the run.  Plus, at 28, he still has a few more really good years left in him

Yes he has a few servicable years but not for big dollars.I still think he dropped off last year due to lack of supporting secondary help.If he signs for 2 more years and cheap definately but if he demands 6 or 7 million a year noway.

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Yes he has a few servicable years but not for big dollars.I still think he dropped off last year due to lack of supporting secondary help.If he signs for 2 more years and cheap definately but if he demands 6 or 7 million a year noway.

He made pro bowl when he played fs. Played more ss last year because Zbitkowski could not play ss. With Landry at ss I look for Bethea to play more fs at a level like he played when Bob was his partner.

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I am praying SF wants Bethea.


With all his years of experience and a (Pro-Bowler), why can`t Antoine intercept one pass in a season.
 He had the Great Freeney & Mathis scaring QB`s all to.

Oh ya, he did intercept ONE, three seasons ago (2010). LUV him all YOU want. We need a playmaker for the Big $$$ he gets.

Homers luv Moala too!

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I am praying SF wants Bethea.

With all his years of experience and a (Pro-Bowler), why can`t Antoine intercept one pass in a season.

He had the Great Freeney & Mathis scaring QB`s all to.

Oh ya, he did intercept ONE, three seasons ago (2010). LUV him all YOU want. We need a playmaker for the Big $$$ he gets.

Homers luv Moala too!

Let me on this wagon cause I agree. And he was very underwhelming last year. Maybe it was the switch to 3/4?

All those picks they have and a need at safety. I'd trade him sanfran. Then sign Reed

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I am praying SF wants Bethea.


With all his years of experience and a (Pro-Bowler), why can`t Antoine intercept one pass in a season.

 He had the Great Freeney & Mathis scaring QB`s all to.

Oh ya, he did intercept ONE, three seasons ago (2010). LUV him all YOU want. We need a playmaker for the Big $$$ he gets.

Homers luv Moala too!

Iam definately not in love with Bethea lol just saying he would have to come very cheap to keep.I have already said his play has dropped off but i would rather draft his replacement than sign Reed to big dollars.

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Iam definately not in love with Bethea lol just saying he would have to come very cheap to keep.I have already said his play has dropped off but i would rather draft his replacement than sign Reed to big dollars.

I agree with that. I would sign Reed unless we traded Bethea for a pick and eventual replacement to learn under Reed and Landry

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I have read alot of bad articles reguarding Landry. Hardly any have anything positive to say about this guy. Appearently he was rated as one of the worst safties in the leauge. Im not saying I believe all this talk but so far I've read alot of criticism on this guy sayingthat he could be a bust. I really hope he works out!

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I am praying SF wants Bethea.


With all his years of experience and a (Pro-Bowler), why can`t Antoine intercept one pass in a season.

 He had the Great Freeney & Mathis scaring QB`s all to.

Oh ya, he did intercept ONE, three seasons ago (2010). LUV him all YOU want. We need a playmaker for the Big $$$ he gets.

Homers luv Moala too!




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I vote NO for the Bethea trade, He is a solid "football" player.  What I mean by that is he is not a robot back there.. he see's the play coming and anticipates probably better then anyone on our defense.  With all that he is a very solid tackler, a leader, and supports the run really well.


As for Landry I think he is a flat out stud.  I see him drilling CJ2 , MJD, and Foster all year long... can't wait !!

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hahahahah what a loser

Who the hell you calling loser kid? Yeah some of are fan are pathetic, like you. Bethea looked like a % sandwich last year. You upgrade whatever position you can upgrade. If its me, I would trade bethea for a nice pick and sign reed. Then draft a fs. Cause I'm not a blind homer

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Wow !!. Alot of poeple want to get rid of bethea?!?! .....let me ask you guys something. He has had almost no pass rush for 2 or so years. And been working with a safety and cornerback that stink to high heavenalso on top of that he switched defenses this year.......i mean i could see hating on him if he had a great supporting cast ( good pass rush , good coverave guys ETC) ....but he didn't until right now. Please save the judgement till next year. I'll garentee he will suprise you. I mean in any of your guys 7-3:30 or 9-5 jobs if you gotta worrie about a green thumb all day and try to train then on top of making sure there doing things right wouldn't your work production go down ?!?! Mine would

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Wow !!. Alot of poeple want to get rid of bethea?!?! .....let me ask you guys something. He has had almost no pass rush for 2 or so years. And been working with a safety and cornerback that stink to high heavenalso on top of that he switched defenses this year.......i mean i could see hating on him if he had a great supporting cast ( good pass rush , good coverave guys ETC) ....but he didn't until right now. Please save the judgement till next year. I'll garentee he will suprise you. I mean in any of your guys 7-3:30 or 9-5 jobs if you gotta worrie about a green thumb all day and try to train then on top of making sure there doing things right wouldn't your work production go down ?!?! Mine would


I think with the addition of Landry hopefully we see the return of Bethea. Think it's been brought because of trade rumors and zibs getting cut. Everyone besides Luck is trade able if the price is right.

Since you brought up work. I run my own business. Sometimes my guys like to make the cash instead of earn it and I'm not ok with that and I let them know it. If you're not cutting it I will get someone who will. Or your pay will be lowered. We can be friends, we can be cool. But business/work comes first. Period.

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I think with the addition of Landry hopefully we see the return of Bethea. Think it's been brought because of trade rumors and zibs getting cut. Everyone besides Luck is trade able if the price is right.

Since you brought up work. I run my own business. Sometimes my guys like to make the cash instead of earn it and I'm not ok with that and I let them know it. If you're not cutting it I will get someone who will. Or your pay will be lowered. We can be friends, we can be cool. But business/work comes first. Period.

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Hey I completely agree with you 100 % on the bethea getting better with landry. And tohler will help big time to !!. I mean could you imagine how hard it was for bethea to play when cassious vaghn was on the field !!. I mean it was frusterating for me to even watch it on the TV let alone play with the guy.................... As far as the the buisness/work side of things. I believe family comes 1st and for most ....but work is just as important when your there it's not just get in get the job done get out with the money. Its get in OWN the job and then go home to your family with a paycheck you have earned. Thats how i look at it anyway.

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Who the heck you calling loser kid? Yeah some of are fan are pathetic, like you. Bethea looked like a % sandwich last year. You upgrade whatever position you can upgrade. If its me, I would trade bethea for a nice pick and sign reed. Then draft a fs. Cause I'm not a blind homer

in Bethea's defense I think he was very well suited to the 2 deep zone we ran the last 10 years. The change to the 3-4 and a more man coverage probably hurt him a little. I like Bethea. I think for a guy who was drafted in what like round 6?? He's been a heck of a player. I agree he had a rough year last year at times but prior to that I had said that Bethea was the most underrated player on the team. I remember back to the days of Chad Cota and some of the crud that Polian tried to pass off as good safeties when he first came here and I'm glad we have Bethea. Polian's first 5 or 6 seasons was just pathetic for secondary players.

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 Love the Colts. Bethea is more of a SS than a FS. Lots of Tackles. NEVER turns the ball over. Overpaid. I would not expect him to be resigned after this season. We will draft his replacement or find someone better. JMO.


no the colts have just asked him to play SS because our other safeties couldnt tackle my 6 year old niece. you forget bethea when he was playing centerfield made him a pro bowler. with landry, bethea doesnt have to play near the box anymore and that why i think his production has dumped the last couple of years. hes a much better safety when hes playing center field then when hes playing in the box

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