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It's Official The Sky Is Falling.


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All this talk about chicken little and how everyone said the sky is falling and such. It really looks like the sky IS falling. We pretty much got BLOWN OUT by the browns. I know Collins is rusty, and I was one of the ones who wanted some slack for him last week, but now were in game 2 and this play is inexcusable. MY predictions for the rest of the year assuming Manning does not come back.

Week 3 - vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, Sun. Sep. 25, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 4 - @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Mon. Oct. 3, 8:30 p.m. L

Week 5 - vs. Kansas City Chiefs, Sun. Oct. 9, 1 p.m. W

Week 6 - @ Cincinnati Bengals, Sun. Oct. 16, 1 p.m. L

Week 7 - @ New Orleans Saints, Sun. Oct. 23, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 8 - @ Tennessee Titans, Sun. Oct. 30, 1 p.m. L

Week 9 - vs. Atlanta Falcons, Sun. Nov. 6, 1 p.m. L

Week 10 - vs. Jacksonville Jaguars, Sun. Nov. 13, 1 p.m. W

Week 11 - BYE

Week 12 - vs. Carolina Panthers, Sun. Nov. 27, 1 p.m. L

Week 13 - @ New England Patriots, Sun. Dec. 4, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 14 - @ Baltimore Ravens, Sun. Dec. 11, 1 p.m. L

Week 15 - vs. Tenneesee Titans, Sun. Dec. 18, 1 p.m. W

Week 16 - vs. Houston Texans, Thu. Dec. 22, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 17 - @ Jacksonville Jaguars, Sun. Jan. 1, 1 p.m. L

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chances are unless things change drastically, we are looking at a 5 win season at best. that being said, any way you swing it, we will have the best pick in the draft that we've had for years, maybe even a top 10. with a draft pick that high it might be a good year to consider drafting manning's eventual replacement. So, lets discuss. What college QB's likely declaring for the draft would be a good heir to Manning that we could draft at the end of this year. Oh and btw, Andrew Luck is not an option. I totally love Luck, but I wanna know about some of the other options.

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It's falling for THIS year. With that said, if Manning comes back next year and we turn our draft picks into good players (we could get two first round quality players with a really high second round pick to to go with our first) to address our needs and a last place schedule we are going to be right back into the Super Bowl talk.

Also a bright spot to be taken out of today was the ground game. It has improved. Also Pollack played well when he came in. Frankly I am all for going with Castonzo, Reitz, Saturday, Pollack and Diem if Diem is healthy. I really like the left side of our line. I think we might have very well found our left tackle and guard for the next 10 years.

We have a lot of holes but there are a few bright spots.

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All this talk about chicken little and how everyone said the sky is falling and such. It really looks like the sky IS falling. We pretty much got BLOWN OUT by the browns. I know Collins is rusty, and I was one of the ones who wanted some slack for him last week, but now were in game 2 and this play is inexcusable. MY predictions for the rest of the year assuming Manning does not come back.

Week 3 - vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, Sun. Sep. 25, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 4 - @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Mon. Oct. 3, 8:30 p.m. L

Week 5 - vs. Kansas City Chiefs, Sun. Oct. 9, 1 p.m. W

Week 6 - @ Cincinnati Bengals, Sun. Oct. 16, 1 p.m. L

Week 7 - @ New Orleans Saints, Sun. Oct. 23, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 8 - @ Tennessee Titans, Sun. Oct. 30, 1 p.m. L

Week 9 - vs. Atlanta Falcons, Sun. Nov. 6, 1 p.m. L

Week 10 - vs. Jacksonville Jaguars, Sun. Nov. 13, 1 p.m. W

Week 11 - BYE

Week 12 - vs. Carolina Panthers, Sun. Nov. 27, 1 p.m. L

Week 13 - @ New England Patriots, Sun. Dec. 4, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 14 - @ Baltimore Ravens, Sun. Dec. 11, 1 p.m. L

Week 15 - vs. Tenneesee Titans, Sun. Dec. 18, 1 p.m. W

Week 16 - vs. Houston Texans, Thu. Dec. 22, 8:20 p.m. L

Week 17 - @ Jacksonville Jaguars, Sun. Jan. 1, 1 p.m. L

Here's is the glass half-full..

If we defeat Cincy..KC Tennesse and Jacksonville and Atlanta at home (IU admit Atlanta will be tough)

..get Manning back in the bye week and win 5 of the last 6...

we're in the post-season...right?

We can still have our piece of the playoff pie.. :pie:

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It's falling for THIS year. With that said, if Manning comes back next year and we turn our draft picks into good players (we could get two first round quality players with a really high second round pick to to go with our first) to address our needs and a last place schedule we are going to be right back into the Super Bowl talk.

Also a bright spot to be taken out of today was the ground game. It has improved. Also Pollack played well when he came in. Frankly I am all for going with Castonzo, Reitz, Saturday, Pollack and Diem if Diem is healthy. I really like the left side of our line. I think we might have very well found our left tackle and guard for the next 10 years.

We have a lot of holes but there are a few bright spots.

I agree with every word. Pollack did have one bad play where he missed a block and that caused Delone Carter to be dropped for a 2 yard loss. Even if Pollack had gotten the block though Carter would have been lucky to get back to the LOS. Other than that one play the only area on the OL I saw consistent issues were with Link at RT. I'm not sure what they're waiting for with Ijalana but it might be time to give him a shot.

As to what you were saying about the draft....I really hope that 5 is the earliest pick we get because otherwise I think they'll pick QB in the first round. I really hope I'm wrong but it's a gut feeling I'm getting. By pick 5, however, the top 3 QB's will likely be off the board and the next best prospects will be in the late 2nd to 3rd round. If we wind up with pick 5-8 then I'd personally like to at least check out the possibility of trading down to pick up additional picks. We should be cheering for the Browns to keep winning. They have 2 picks in the first round (from last year's trade with Atlanta) and the Atlanta pick will likely be in the 20's. If the Browns play well enough to be picking in the 20's as well or even the late teens then they may be willing to package the 2 first round picks in a deal to move up to 5-10 if there's a player they really want. Remember they included a first round pick in a trade with Dallas to move up and select Brady Quinn. They may very well do the same thing if someone they covet (maybe a Michael Floyd or Alshon Jeffrey..the elite WR they need) is on the board. I know there are a lot of iffs on this whole scenario but hey..it could happen. :D

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I agree with every word. Pollack did have one bad play where he missed a block and that caused Delone Carter to be dropped for a 2 yard loss. Even if Pollack had gotten the block though Carter would have been lucky to get back to the LOS. Other than that one play the only area on the OL I saw consistent issues were with Link at RT. I'm not sure what they're waiting for with Ijalana but it might be time to give him a shot.

As to what you were saying about the draft....I really hope that 5 is the earliest pick we get because otherwise I think they'll pick QB in the first round. I really hope I'm wrong but it's a gut feeling I'm getting. By pick 5, however, the top 3 QB's will likely be off the board and the next best prospects will be in the late 2nd to 3rd round. If we wind up with pick 5-8 then I'd personally like to at least check out the possibility of trading down to pick up additional picks. We should be cheering for the Browns to keep winning. They have 2 picks in the first round (from last year's trade with Atlanta) and the Atlanta pick will likely be in the 20's. If the Browns play well enough to be picking in the 20's as well or even the late teens then they may be willing to package the 2 first round picks in a deal to move up to 5-10 if there's a player they really want. Remember they included a first round pick in a trade with Dallas to move up and select Brady Quinn. They may very well do the same thing if someone they covet (maybe a Michael Floyd or Alshon Jeffrey..the elite WR they need) is on the board. I know there are a lot of iffs on this whole scenario but hey..it could happen. :D

Even if we go QB in round one that's not a bad thing because our round two pick is probably only going to be a handful of picks behind where we normally pick so we would get about the same quality of player as we would normally get in round one. Now of course this is assuming Peyton doesn't come back for say the last six games and go 5-1 and turn us into a 7-9 football team or something. If that doesn't happen I do think WR might not be a bad area to target. We need to get the guy who is going to replace Reggie at some point. With that neither a QB or WR is going to address the issues of cornerback, DT, or the fact we are still one lineman short on the o-line and that's with an ageing Saturday and Diem who will probably both be gone at year's end.

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Even if we go QB in round one that's not a bad thing because our round two pick is probably only going to be a handful of picks behind where we normally pick so we would get about the same quality of player as we would normally get in round one. Now of course this is assuming Peyton doesn't come back for say the last six games and go 5-1 and turn us into a 7-9 football team or something. If that doesn't happen I do think WR might not be a bad area to target. We need to get the guy who is going to replace Reggie at some point. With that neither a QB or WR is going to address the issues of cornerback, DT, or the fact we are still one lineman short on the o-line and that's with an ageing Saturday and Diem who will probably both be gone at year's end.

That's definitely true about WR, but one thing I think, or rather hope, might keep us from going WR in the first round is that the WR class is going to be significantly deeper than that of DT (especially considering what we really need is a NT) and CB.

On a side note since you brought up WR..there's a guy named Derek Moye, WR for Penn State. I think in a lot of ways you could compare him to an Austin Collie....only he's 6'4. And for some reason, right now he's projected as a 7th round pick. I fully believe he will move up the board and will wind up being taken much earlier, but we could still probably get him in say the 4th or 5th round.

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Even with Manning coming back in November or December, it won't matter. We'll be like 1-7 or 1-11. Probably worse. Screw Kerry Collins, I say we just put Reggie Wayne in at QB. Heck, anyone would be better at QB than Kerry Collins.

If we don't trust Painter as a QB after 3 years, we should cut him and move on. Try Addai instead ...

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At first, when I saw this title I was like :hide::burnout:.

Then after a few replies it was more like :whew:.

Little further was like this :popcorn: ok, ok, I'm following :yes:.

Get to reply #14 about the Browns :eek:t-h-u-d.

:corner: Aaaand now I'm silently sobbing in the corner. :facepalm:


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If we don't trust Painter as a QB after 3 years, we should cut him and move on. Try Addai instead ...

We did trust him enough to give him a shot threw two pre-season games. After that EVERYONE on here, well other than Smitto, was screaming for us to sign a QB and saying anyone but Painter. Paitner then went out and had one good quarter vs. the Packers (people forget he struggled at the start of that game) and people think he's now the answer. Frankly It would be worth mentioning the Packers have given up over 800 yards threw the air in two games and are ranked 30th in the NFL in pass defense. It could very well be Painter's good quarter might have a little to do with the fact the Packers are not very good in pass defense.

What you are seeing is a team and a fan base that is used to having an all world QB. We don't right now and you are seeing a major drop off in the QB play which frankly I thought was going to happen for years if something ever happened to Manning which is why the Colts didn't bother with a big name back up QB they knew without Manning we were in trouble. I gave Collins a chance to be hopeful because well why not? That's what fans do. Sadly Collins seems to be backing up the theory that this team is built around Manning and you just can't replace him.

As for why we kept Painter? Neither him or Orvlosky were that impressive in the pre-season so the Colts hung with the guy who knew the system better and who can point out things he sees on the sidelines. Frankly if we played Painter I think he would struggle just as much as Collins is right now. Painter doesn't have timing with the starters because he hasn't really played with them we saw that in the pre-season. He melts under a blitz, at least Collins hangs in there and give the team a chance to get a pass off. My biggest issue with Collins right now is that he HAS to hang on to the ball better than he has. Also Collins needs his WRs to help him out and stop dropping passes that hit him in the hands. Clark, Garcon, and Collie all had passes like that today. This isn't like with Manning where if you drop one pass the QB is going to drill you with another picture perfect pass on the next play. You have to catch these when Collins throws them to you. Also the two bad no calls on the PI's didn't help either. Frankly I thought those were the turning point in the game but I am not going to blame the refs for anything because we had other chances to win the game but those killed a drive that had they called them would have put us in a scoring poistion and who knows what would have happened.

Sorry guys this is what teams' fans go threw that don't have a franchise QB, the back up QB is always the most popular guy. It was the case here with Jack Trudeau was the back up to Jeff George and when Don Majkowski was the back up to Jeff George and Jim Harbaugh during his frist season here.

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We did trust him enough to give him a shot threw [sic] - through two pre-season games.

You just made my point for me - he did not play with the starters.

What do we have to lose? How much worse can it get than getting creamed by the Browns at home and going 0-2.

Why not alternate Painter and Collins on alternate possessions / quarters / halfs / games? How can we do worse?

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You just made my point for me - he did not play with the starters.

What do we have to lose? How much worse can it get than getting creamed by the Browns at home and going 0-2.

Why not alternate Painter and Collins on alternate possessions / quarters / halfs / games? How can we do worse?

Um yes he did. He was our starter in three pre-season games and played wih the starters in all of those games. He had the same issues Collins is having minus the fumbling (although he was throwing INTs) which is why we brought Collins in.

You know the old saying if you have two QBs you don't have a QB. Collins is going to get better the longer he is here and the more time he has to get used to the offense. Frankly I think once he gets the timing down with some of the guys he's going to be alright. Not great just alright. The best thing we can do to help him is run the ball like we were doing today and keep our selves out of 3rd and long. That's where our drives stahl when we put ourselves in a third and long. He's not Peyton Manning he can't over come it.

Also Collins is a streaky QB he always has been. He has good stretchs like he did to start the game and then poor stretchs like he had in the second half. Changing QBs every so often is not going to help that.

Frankly the Colts are just trying to make the best of a bad situation. We aren't going to win many games right now when we are asking Collins or Painter to throw the ball 40 times a game. We need to pound the ball and pound it endzone. The redzone offense is an issue right now. They need to get that fixed.

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Um yes he did. He was our starter in three pre-season games and played wih the starters in all of those games. He had the same issues Collins is having minus the fumbling (although he was throwing INTs) which is why we brought Collins in.

You know the old saying if you have two QBs you don't have a QB. Collins is going to get better the longer he is here and the more time he has to get used to the offense. Frankly I think once he gets the timing down with some of the guys he's going to be alright. Not great just alright. The best thing we can do to help him is run the ball like we were doing today and keep our selves out of 3rd and long. That's where our drives stahl when we put ourselves in a third and long. He's not Peyton Manning he can't over come it.

Also Collins is a streaky QB he always has been. He has good stretchs like he did to start the game and then poor stretchs like he had in the second half. Changing QBs every so often is not going to help that.

Frankly the Colts are just trying to make the best of a bad situation. We aren't going to win many games right now when we are asking Collins or Painter to throw the ball 40 times a game. We need to pound the ball and pound it endzone. The redzone offense is an issue right now. They need to get that fixed.

Collins will also get help once we can solidify the RT position. I agree with you that we shouldn't rush along Ijalana. I have always thought that was a big part of the reason Ugoh wound up being a bust. He was forced into the starting lineup before he was ready and he crumbled. I think if he'd have had the year to sit and learn behind Glenn he may have been an entirely different story. No guarantees...but maybe.

I also definitely agree about the red zone offense. Between the 20's the running game was great. The Browns' D clinched up inside the red zone though, much like ours has done in the past (bend but don't break). We need to find ways to overcome that. The one thing Collins has to do a little better is recognize the pressure and get rid of the ball quicker, even if he just throws it away. He was doing a pretty good job of this for quite a while but then all of a sudden he just clinched up and then wound up coughing up the ball again. As for the errant passes, I fully anticipate this to improve the more experience he gets with the playbook and the receivers.

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My question is why are so many of the Colt nation suprised ? First let me tell you I am a die hard Pittsburgh Steeler fan.Grew up in Pittsburgh, moved here 9 yrs ago. I do root for the Colts except when they play Pittsburgh. Having watched Pittsburgh from the early 70's I watched how they built up their team, Defense first then Offense. I know Tony Dungy played for Pittsburgh but I have said all along that his teams were underachivers,with the teams he had the Colts should have had several Super Bowls. To watch him on the side lines on game day he looked like he was window shopping in down town Indy, same with Caldwell. We need to start with a coach that can motivate the troops he has.With Manning gone the short commings of the team are magnified. The defense can't get off the field and we can't move the ball only putting more pressure on a already suspect defense.I believe the defense has gotten better this year but it's hard to tell because of the offense. Don't lose faith Colts fans, I think Mannings days are numbered, and then and only then will the Powers to be be have to build a Team. Maybe this time they won't build it arround one player.If anyone is to blame for this year, start from the top and work your way down, its not the players fault. I figure Isery will be comming to our work site giving away T shirts and tickets just like he did when he was trying to fill the stadium many years ago.

BoB from Pittsburgh.

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I agree with every word. Pollack did have one bad play where he missed a block and that caused Delone Carter to be dropped for a 2 yard loss. Even if Pollack had gotten the block though Carter would have been lucky to get back to the LOS. Other than that one play the only area on the OL I saw consistent issues were with Link at RT. I'm not sure what they're waiting for with Ijalana but it might be time to give him a shot.

As to what you were saying about the draft....I really hope that 5 is the earliest pick we get because otherwise I think they'll pick QB in the first round. I really hope I'm wrong but it's a gut feeling I'm getting. By pick 5, however, the top 3 QB's will likely be off the board and the next best prospects will be in the late 2nd to 3rd round. If we wind up with pick 5-8 then I'd personally like to at least check out the possibility of trading down to pick up additional picks. We should be cheering for the Browns to keep winning. They have 2 picks in the first round (from last year's trade with Atlanta) and the Atlanta pick will likely be in the 20's. If the Browns play well enough to be picking in the 20's as well or even the late teens then they may be willing to package the 2 first round picks in a deal to move up to 5-10 if there's a player they really want. Remember they included a first round pick in a trade with Dallas to move up and select Brady Quinn. They may very well do the same thing if someone they covet (maybe a Michael Floyd or Alshon Jeffrey..the elite WR they need) is on the board. I know there are a lot of iffs on this whole scenario but hey..it could happen. :D



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You're right, I was thinking of a different play. I was thinking of the play where Pollack was 1 on 1 with Phil Taylor and they tried to run Carter between Pollack and Link. Pollack simply got overpowered by Taylor which resulted in a loss. Other than that play I thought Pollack did very well when he came in.

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I agree - the sky is falling. It is sad that a team relies on one player so much that when he's out EVERYTHING falls apart. I do not think Collins is trying - he just doesn't care. I'm thinking start Painter the next game. I love my Colts and will stay true. But we need new coaches and new strategy.

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You just made my point for me - he did not play with the starters.

What do we have to lose? How much worse can it get than getting creamed by the Browns at home and going 0-2.

Why not alternate Painter and Collins on alternate possessions / quarters / halfs / games? How can we do worse?

I like !!

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I agree - the sky is falling. It is sad that a team relies on one player so much that when he's out EVERYTHING falls apart. I do not think Collins is trying - he just doesn't care. I'm thinking start Painter the next game. I love my Colts and will stay true. But we need new coaches and new strategy.

I would say that we barley kept our head above water last season. We played 17 games and lost 7 of them, barely winning others. What's funny to me is that I've been flamed for two years for complaining about our depth at QB and everybody laughed it off, only stating Manning's streak of consecutive starts. Now that he's out, all of the sudden everyone agrees.

Now people are saying to start Painter, stating "He couldn't do any worse". In terms of win/loss, no he couldn't, but I would say statistically, yes, he could do worse and from what I've seen, no, he wouldn't do better.

Putting all our eggs in one basket was foolish. The basket was dropped, now our eggs are all broken. I want to say to all of you that laughed at me when I spoke of Manning's back-up disparity, what say you now? Tell me how much that streak means now that its over and Manning was exposed as being just as human as you or I?

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It would be nice to see Link out. I thought he'd be a better tackle than guard (see last year's SD game) but he's not succeeding at the RT spot. Pollock (RG) and Diem (RT) ---is Diem hurt?

If so, try Ijalana. He can't be any worse than Link, although bookending rookie tackles makes me a bit nervous.

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